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evangelists appropriating my publication of fundamental Hindu thought rlating to satyam shivam sundaram

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Arindam Banerjee

Feb 22, 2024, 12:28:35 AMFeb 22
"On the contrary, art should reflect truth, goodness, and beauty: three timeless values that reveal the nature of God. Art cannot have beauty without truth. Art cannot have truth without goodness... A statue honoring child sacrifice has no place in Texas."

A google search should show where and when I wrote the above (minus the arty stuff). And if anyone before had translated satyam shivam sundaram as I have - that is, there has to be a strict sequence of truth, goodness and beauty - NOT the other way around, as is the case in the West.

So long as this most important thought is internalized, by the barbarian_allsorts everywhere.

Arindam Banerjee
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