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Charles James Hall of Millennial Hospitality, Anyone Commenting?

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Jimmy Wilhelmssohn

Jul 1, 2021, 1:37:13 PM7/1/21
Is this character for real? I watched a couple hours of his talks on tubi.

Hard to believe.

Jimmy Wilhelmssohn

Sep 30, 2021, 1:12:13 PM9/30/21
On Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 1:37:13 PM UTC-4, Jimmy Wilhelmssohn wrote:
> Is this character for real? I watched a couple hours of his talks on tubi.
> Hard to believe.

OTOH, I don't disbelieve him. I suspect that there were, and still are, tall light-complexioned extraterrestrials and their space ships at Nellis.

But I demand more proof. And without buying Hall's books.

Jimmy Wilhelmssohn

Dec 29, 2021, 4:40:45 PM12/29/21
Hall says of the tall whites that some of their space ships are manufactured from terrestrial materials at Nellis. He says they are stuffed with miles and miles of fiberoptic cables, apparently as particle accelerators. I have a hard time believing that but then again, I don't disbelieve it. I used to think that Bob Lazar's explanation for the gravity generators on the flying disc he worked on at Area 51's Papoose Lake was a lot of hooey. I'm now inclined to believe Lazar is truthful and that Element 115 provided fuel for the craft's three gravity wave powerplants. There again, apparently Hall (who is also a physicist) and Lazar (a physicist) both agree that particle acceleration is a component of the massive generation of power for these super-fast vehicles.

Jimmy Wilhelmssohn

Jul 20, 2023, 10:19:14 PM7/20/23
To "particle acceleration," add "anti-matter." Anti-matter is apparently capable of monstrous sums of quiet, clean energy.
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