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a series of remarkable coincidences

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R Kym Horsell

Dec 1, 2023, 1:46:02 AM12/1/23
OK. You know me. Just can't let anything go.

The Daily Mail published something in the past 24 hrs on the Space Force's
latest report on the objects they are tracking for various reasons in the
space between the earth and the moon (and elsewhere). I spotted a neat plot
in the newspaper article that I digitised and fed into my AI programs, as
you do. And a few alarm bells went off.

The first curve it looked at was the "total number of objects" in the
Fig 3 plot of the report at

The first question it asked itself (having experience with this kind
of thing over the past 3-4 years) was -- are there any planets or
asteroids that pass by earth that may somehow "be responsible for"
the accumulation of "space junk" the US Space Force is seeing.

If you look at the Figure (the red line) you see there are several
gentle rises, but also some quite sudden jerks upward. We might suspect
some of the jerks are related to co-ordinated space missions for
something-or-other (certainly putting up coms sats happens in bursts)
but some of them may be related to rocks or whatever that are riding along
with some comet, asteroid or maybe even planet that are somehow finding
their way over to our part of the solar system every time the relevant
asteroid (or whatever) comes close enough to earth.

So asteroids and comets get mighty mighty close.

So the AI's have a few 100 objects in their database and they can
compare the distance between those objects and the earth day by dat
from 1950 to the present, if needs be. And then compare that curve
with the curve of new satellites going up there into the big sat
graveyard in the sky.

Looking only at the top 10 "most likely" objects it spat out:

Object Lag R2 Beta stderr
90003120 1 0.62257322 3.72639 0.631225
347098 10 0.10329962 -141.788 99.0099
51359 10 0.09839207 -140.988 101.152
248996 10 0.09602214 -184.969 134.511
572368 10 0.09470745 -181.462 132.969
37519 10 0.09338293 -1.13981 0.841731
382255 10 0.09295965 -157.603 116.68
301007 10 0.08901023 -174.445 132.27
16428 10 0.08786504 -176.214 134.563
jupiter 10 0.08760213 -843.691 645.331
(Plots of these things will be at <> at some point).

The "object" column is the catalog number from the Horizons database.
There is also jupiter.

The cat number as it turns out is not a unique ID. I was warned about
this when I first started using the database. The manual tells you to
use the "full designation" for each object. But I assumed the "record
number", that is often spat out when you do queries about asteroid
parameters, was "fairly" constant. Otherwise the queries (you would
thing) would always give designations (usually a series of letters and
digits) and not cat numbers. But even in the 2-3-4 years I've been
using it I have recently noticed cat numbers I used in the past have
been "recycled" and now point to totally different objects in the
database. So take this warning on board.

But in this case I assume the first cab off the rank that somehow
explains (the R2 statistic) 62% of the pattern of object growth noted
in the plot is the object I think it is when I downloaded its position
data a couple years ago.

If so. It is a sun-grazer comet. The leading "9" in 8-digit Horizons
cat numbers usually means a comet. But there is a lil sommin sommin
about *this* comet. It was one of the first to be discovered by the
SOHO satellite. As I said it is a sungrazer. It got .001 AU from the
sun. When you ask? When it was discovered it was coming into
perihelion. 2004. The year ring any bells with anyone? Yes. Something
about a carrier group off SoCal running into a bunch of migrating
UFO's or something over a period of several days.

So even more interestingly. The Beta on the association is
+ve. Meaning more "junk" appeared in cislunar orbit the FURTHER AWAY
the comet got from earth. Practically in lock-step.

A kind of mental model we can think about is this. Something odd came
in from the dark and approached the sun. Like oftentimes the thing
just suddenly appeared because it was so unremarkable it wasn't bright
enough for anyone to spot it until it was right on top of us headed
for perihelion. It zipped around the sun in 2004. But, for some
reason, as it went on its merry way back out into the outer solar
system either large numbers of rocks it had been bringing with it
somehow found their way to cislunar orbit, *or* various groups on
Earth suddenly found this object so g*ddamn interesting they all
launched 100s of satellites to watch it as it went on out to the big
dark at the edge of the solar system.

The other objects in the top10 list (above) are also interesting.
They all have -ve Betas. Meaning as those objects have orbited around
the sun for the past 80 years every time they come close more and more
things appear in cislunar space. They may be rocks. They may be
satellites launched by various nations to watch those asteroids. Or
they maybe something totally different. In each case the number of new
"whatever" that appear in the Space Force's watch list goes up in lock
step with the approach distance beyond chance a statistical fluke. As
usual, my stats programs make sure all patterns match up
statistically close by 2 tests -- a T-test on the Beta and a Rank
test on the ordering of the distances from the relevant objects to
earth against the change in number of cislunar "rocks". Both must be
beyond 90% confidence NOT just due to chance.

And now we come to Jupiter. This is really the only object on the list
we might have expected beforehand. We notice the Beta is much larger
(albeit -ve) than the others. It is responsible for "more objects"
accumulating in earth and cislunar orbit than the other things. Makes
sense. Jupiter shoves asteroids around and can dislodge them from one
or other asteroid belts (there are a few of them :) and send those
objects in slightly or totally new directions. It is pretty much
expected that Jupiter SHOULD have something to do with many of the
rocks we see coming toward earth. Unusually it seems to also have
something to do with rocks that head toward earth then settle down
into nearby orbits.

Oh well. If you read the report and look carefully at the spaces
between the lines you get the impression they are all over this so
there is nothing to worry about.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

"The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown
origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena."
- Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, Nov 2023

But what is true and I'm actually being serious here, is there are, there's
footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what
they are, We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not
have an easily explainable pattern.
-- Pres Barack Obama, "The Late Show", 2021

"I think some of the phenomena we're going to be seeing continues to be
unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the
result of something that we don't yet understand."
--Ex-CIA Director John Brennan

"[F]or the few cases in all domains--space, air, and sea--that do
demonstrate potentially anomalous characteristics, AARO exists to help the
DOD, IC, and interagency resolve those anomalous cases. In doing so, AARO is
approaching these cases with the highest level of objectivity and analytic
rigor. This includes physically testing and employing modeling and
simulation to validate our analyses and underlying theories, and
peer-reviewing those results within the US govt, industry partners,
and appropriately cleared academic institutions before reaching any
-- Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, Senate Hearings on UFOs, 19 Apr 2023.

Lawmakers face pushback on UFO disclosure effort
NewsNation, 30 Nov 2023 20:59Z
Interest in UFOs surged after whistleblower David Grusch said the
Pentagon is operating a secret UFO retrieval program that even
Congress doesn' ...
[A growing list of mainstream media is pointing out a small group of
Republicans are trying to block efforts to disclose what the US knows
about UFO's. While Hanks at The Debrief admits it isn't clear why one
group of Rep's are pushing FOR disclosure and another growing group is
trying to block the relevant Bill(s), they point out key members of
the "block" group have received large amounts of campaign funding from
aerospace companies that might be in possession of "materials". They
are also based closed to suspected USAF bases that have historically
been linked with reverse-engineering recovered machinery and
"guesting" their purported crews].

UFO transparency bill is poorly drafted : Rep. Turner
YouTube, 30 Nov 2023 14:05Z
says no one from the "pro-alien caucus" has talked to him about the pushback
... UFO disclosure amendment facing pushback | Vargas Reports.

'We're done with the cover-up': UFO claims to get their day in Congress
The Guardian, 21 July 2023
Tim Burchett, the Republican congressman from Tennessee who is co-leading
the UFO investigation, declared in early July that alien craft possess ...


Dec 1, 2023, 3:47:57 AM12/1/23
R Kym Horsell wrote on 1/12/23 5:45 pm:
> OK. You know me. Just can't let anything go.
> The Daily Mail published something in the past 24 hrs on the Space Force's
> latest report on the objects they are tracking for various reasons in the
> space between the earth and the moon (and elsewhere). I spotted a neat plot
> in the newspaper article that I digitised and fed into my AI programs, as
> you do. And a few alarm bells went off.
> The first curve it looked at was the "total number of objects" in the
> Fig 3 plot of the report at
> <>.

Clicking that link gets me a "Page not found" type message! Might be all
the '%20', '29' type things causing problems.

R Kym Horsell

Dec 17, 2023, 1:57:42 PM12/17/23
It seems it's the Nov shouldbe November.

Can we slow or even reverse global warming?
NOAA, 12 Oct 2022
If all human emissions of heat-trapping gases were to stop today, Earth's
temperature would continue to rise for a few decades as ocean currents bring
excess heat stored in the deep ocean back to the surface.

R Kym Horsell

Dec 17, 2023, 2:02:34 PM12/17/23
In alt.astronomy Tyrone <no...@none.none> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2023 at 1:45:50???AM EST, "R Kym Horsell" <>
> wrote:
[totally elided ;)]
> Got it.

Social media patrol is back?

Defenses are ultimately something we do to protect ourselves from pain. While
we all use them when troubled, we generally [mature] to a point when we face
our problems and don't have to rely so heavily on our defenses to protect us.
Defenses become unhealthy when we refuse to face our true experiences,
thoughts, and feelings. Several problems develop.


Dec 17, 2023, 3:01:31 PM12/17/23
On 12/17/23 09:12, Tyrone wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2023 at 1:45:50 AM EST, "R Kym Horsell" <>
> wrote:
>> OK. You know me. Just can't let anything go.
> VERY long story short: There are things in space that we can't yet explain.
> Got it.

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