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AARO/UU publish "UFO study"

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Dec 17, 2023, 3:58:01 PM12/17/23

University of Utah and Recent AARO Director Publish Study of NUFORC Data

* Post published:Dec 15, 2023
* Post comments:1 Comment

In a study published today on, researchers at the University
of Utah collaborated with Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the recent director of
the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), to analyze 98,000
reports from the National UFO Reporting Center Data Bank. Their
article, "An Environmental Analysis of Public UAP Sightings and Sky
View Potential," offers an interesting perspective on UAP sightings.

Key Findings from the study include:
1. Geographical Factors: The study leverages Bayesian regression to
explore how local environmental factors like light pollution, cloud
cover, and nearby aircraft or military installations impact UAP
2. UAP Hotspots: The study found that the Western US and Northeast
have reported higher numbers of UAP sightings, possibly influenced
by physical geography and cultural factors.
3. Data Reliability: The study acknowledges the challenge of verifying
UFO reports but finds value in the spatial patterns observed.


We all ack it's a good thing that "legitimate science" is finally
starting to publish UFO studies. Great.

But you can extract information from anything. Even the meta data
of a UFO study. :)

Like the graph we prev examined from the Space Force, we can imagine --
if we have an imagination -- that some people hope to be able to
give the appearance of cooperating but really are only paying lip service
to legal requirements. Everything they say is still disinformation.
Maybe they hope to publish a few graphs and tables that no-one will
get anything real out of. If they are trying to keep a secret then that
might be the way they hope to continue to do so.

But as pointed out a few times in the past, there are mathematical
theorems that show a secret can't be kept indefinitely.
Information leaks out from almost all attempts to prevent it.
A system that *can* keep a secret is so unweildy to use
(e.g. having to provide newly-obtained and verified DNA id for each keystroke)
that such protocols dont normally get set up in practice.

The fact disclosure laws were apparently shot down by politicians
with big funding from denense contractors in itself tells you something.

And a graph of the growing number of objects (the total apparemtly
growing very much faster than the number of rocket launches)
the Space Force has discovered in cislunar orbit can be linked back
to various e.g. asteroids and planets that may be providing "leakage"
for the observed accumulation. Maybe that was not intended. :)

And a study of attributes of UFO sightings officially "seen" by
the US military in the past decade might seem totally mundane.
Data scientists might observe that it's "funny" to be publishing
simple descriptive statistics after what would seem to be "at least"
80 years of observation. But what else can they say about it?
It should be totally safe to publish.

However we can look at the meta data and note that everything that
is published seems to have a common theme. There is nothing related
to space. It looks at political factors that might influence the observers.
But it doesn't look at whether e.g. the phases of the moon
might be relevant to UFO sightings. Nothing from about 100m above sea
level seems to be included in the study.

If we were really doing science here it would involve making testable
predictions. Can anyone on a military or defense payroll come up
with an algorithm that can e.g. predict the number or location
of daily UFO sightings?

You would imagine this would be of critical importance to
people trying to police comings and goings from high security zones.

We suspect someone in the relevant sector can and has done this job.
But it seems we can't even *hint* that this might be a possibility. :)
So keep everything earth-side. Try to cancel any other ideas out.

If the military or anyone else was serious there are ways and
means to do public science pretty safe and real quick. There
are whole constellations of people that will churn thought numbers
and spot patterns for you.

I've been involved with kaggle (now owned by google I understand)
for a "couple" years. One of the things it does is facilitate
high level data analysis. Usually this is done in the form of a
competition. Some company wants data analyzed. It offers some
prize -- sometimes money, sometimes just a showbag of stuff -- for
anyone that can write a program to predict how often something will
happen in some dataset.

E.g. one thing I was involved with was a comp setup by GE maybe 10
years back. They provided hospital and patient data for a large
cohort of people. They wanted to know if some genius could
predict from the data how likely it would be a given patient
would need to goto hospital in the next year. Obviously, useful for
someone in the US medical insurance or hospital biz.

All the data was anonimized. The patients were known by random code number.
As were the drugs, the hospitals, the doctors and the medical
procedures. It would have been hard to figure out which hospital
was in which state from the data given.

But that didnt matter to GE. It just wanted the algorithm.
It offered up to $4 mn for someone to come up with an algorithm
that achieved a certain level of performance.
And the data it set up couldnt be used for anything much else
but the comp. And no deep dark secrets about hospital performance
or state statistics on psychiatric drugs or anything else could
leak out because of the comp.

The Pentagon could have done this anytime in the past 20 years.
Or the past 10. Or the last 2. AFAIK it didnt.

Maybe it already knows all the answers. Maybe it doesnt want to
know the answers. You have to wonder.

Science is facts; just as houses are made of stones, so is science made
of facts; but a pile of stones is not a house and a collection of facts
is not necessarily science.
-- Henri Poincare

Climate crimes must be brought to justice
UNESCO 26 June 2023
Climate denial has increased the risk of catastrophic global change. Should
international criminal law be used against those who promote ...

[Nuttin Two Hyde!]
US Congress passes stripped-down measure to release UFO records
The Guardian, 15 Dec 2023 17:51Z
National Archives directed to collect reports but measure gives govt
departments broad authority to keep them secret ...

A New Law Forces the US Government to Collect UFO Sightings--But Not
Release Them to the Public
Popular Mechanics, 14 Dec 2023 23:56Z
You'll have to wait 25 years to see the fruits of the UAP Disclosure Act,
and even then, the president can keep the data ...

Secrets of Area 51: Metallic egg-shaped UFO kept at Air Force base,
whistleblower claims...
Daily Mail, 11 Dec 2023 19:02Z
His story has now been documented by the Pentagon's UFO investigation office
AARO, after Taber was interviewed by staff in May. A memo of his account,
along with other reports and witness statements, ...

Latest COVID wave will increase risk and severity of long COVID but clinics
rapidly closing
ABC News, 11 Dec 2023 19:54Z
Internationally, countries such as the US are scaling up efforts to
address long COVID but Australia continues to close its specialist
clinics. Medical professionals in Australia and overseas say it is a
move that needs an urgent rethink.
[Numbers published in AUS suddenly took a turn for the worse a week
ago. Up until then COVID deaths were listed in each state on Fri and
officially had been in single digits for a month. Victoria even "took
back" 65 deaths supposedly wrongly attributed to COVID. But last Fri
100s of deaths suddenly appeared in the data with no explanation, many
of them back dated months. So for 5 weeks the national toll has been
over 50 and we didn't know it.
2 wks ago last Fri
2023.792 32 48
2023.811 16 34
2023.831 41 41
2023.850 2 56
2023.869 -68 61
2023.888 35 53
2023.907 6 76
2023.926 - 74

Schumer Warns UFO Disclosure Legislation Is About To Get Rejected
State Of The Union on MSN, 07 Dec 2023 01:40Z
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is facing opposition to the
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of ...
[Suggestions it's at the behest of defense contractors].

UFOs: how astronomers are searching the sky for alien probes near Earth
Big News, 06 Dec 2023 20:25Z
There has been increased interest in unidentified flying objects UFOs ever
since the Pentagons 2021 report revealed what ...

Australia developing 'top secret' intelligence cloud computing system
ABC News, 06 Dec 2023 19:24Z
The program is expected to work with US and UK spy networks to help
national security agencies better detect threats.

Lawmakers face pushback on UFO disclosure effort
NewsNation, 30 Nov 2023 20:59Z
Interest in UFOs surged after whistleblower David Grusch said the
Pentagon is operating a secret UFO retrieval program that even
Congress doesn' ...
[A growing list of mainstream media is pointing out a small group of
Republicans are trying to block efforts to disclose what the US knows
about UFO's. While Hanks at The Debrief admits it isn't clear why one
group of Rep's are pushing FOR disclosure and another growing group is
trying to block the relevant Bill(s), he points out key members of
the "block" group have received large amounts of campaign funding from
aerospace companies that might be in possession of "materials". They are
also based close to USAF bases that have historically been linked with
reverse-engineering recovered machinery and "guesting" purported crews].

UFO transparency bill is poorly drafted : Rep. Turner
YouTube, 30 Nov 2023 14:05Z
says no one from the "pro-alien caucus" has talked to him about the pushback
... UFO disclosure amendment facing pushback | Vargas Reports.

'We're done with the cover-up': UFO claims to get their day in Congress
The Guardian, 21 July 2023
Tim Burchett, the Republican congressman from Tennessee who is co-leading
the UFO investigation, declared in early July that alien craft possess ...

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