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nav model maproom preview

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Feb 20, 2024, 10:19:28 PMFeb 20
I'm setting up a basic display from my "nav model" simulations.


Basically, assuming "things" move around sets of asteroids, comets
and planets and sometimes come to earth when said asteroids get
close enough to make the trip reasonably fast we can robustly predict
into the future when certain events will happen. When UFO sightings
or certain specific type of UFO sightings will happen -- day by day.
When someone will see Nessie. Or a shadow person. A small humanoid.
Or see something fly across the room for no reason. And a few other things.
It seems many things we may take for granted as being "random"
or "accidents" or "a result of crazy" may be better explained by other things.

The maps in the display show which kinds of asteroids/comets/etc
best explain given phenomena. In certain cases we can see some
things are "80%" explained as if they were things arriving on earth
from some other part of the solar system, staying a while to work or play,
then going off again on their tour of their other hang-out asteroids.

Each of the models is multiply-validated. There should be no chance
the predictions are mostly correct just because of luck.
We make sure each model predicts results "statistically close" to
the given pehnomenon we are trying to predict.
We also use "validation" methods to make sure they are predictions
rather than just remembering the data they were given and spitting
it back again. We train the simulation on 1/2 the data and then use
it to predict the other 1/2 it has never seem before.
If all the stats passes correctly *and* the model correctly predicts
the 1/2 of the data it never saw during training we have to accept
the simulation is capturing something real. It is predicting something

To even more ensure there is no self-deluding going on I included a couple
of "control" cases. I tried to get the simulations to predict a given
set of made-up "random" numbers. And I tried to get them to predict
sunspot numbers on random dates of the 21st cent.
The random numbers were not predicted well. But in a big surprise
the nav model could predict sunspot numbers on random dates very

It turns out it has been recently discovered the position of Jupiter --
and probably a lot of Jupiter-influenced asteroids -- strongly determine
sunspot numbers. Who knew? Apparently my program discovered this last week
but someone published the finding about 12m back. At least the AI's
are only 1y behind current publications! :)

At some time the display will be fleshed out with some more words
to explain exactly what is going on.

Until then each plot shows distance from the sun along the X axis
in AU (earth to sun == 1 AU) and the Y axis shows inclination
about the earth's orbital plane (the ecliptic). Inclinations over 90 deg
are retrograde orbits.

For some phenomena we find the model has picked out a particular region
of the A/IN map to show as yellow -- highest liklihood.
In some maps a given region is yellow and others the same region is black
meaning "the people that come from there" are involved in some things
but not others. :)

In some maps the AI's can not yet determine accurately where the best
matches are. Sometimes "all" the asteroids that run retrograde (IN>90)
show as bright orange and the rest of the map is blue.

But sometimes a small region lights up as "involved" and the rest of the
map is relatively dark and uncorrelated.

See where the Shadow People seem to come from. The Lights In The Sky.
The Non-Lights. Nessie. People that Screw With the US Electrical Grid.
Mass Bird Killers. And various other things. The list of kinds of
things we'll be tracking is currently expanding much faster than the
computers can run the simulations and draw the maps.


Welcome to the very first official UFO hearing in American history
It's a historic day for everybody who has always wondered if we are alone in
the universe. Although there have already been multiple hearings on UFOs or
UAPs, this is the first hearing in which credible witnesses will testify
under oath in front of Congress. All representatives already offered their
initial remarks and gave all 3 witnesses the chance to make their oath
before the hearing starts. These witnesses are former Commander David Fravor,
former fighter jet operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official
David Grusch.
--, Wed Jul 26 10:48:24 EDT 2023

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