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Bonfire of the Amazons Part 1, rated PG

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Lilah Morgan

Apr 26, 2007, 7:50:28 PM4/26/07
A story I started along time ago, only planning for it to be a few pages.
I'm up to page 13 and am not even close to halfway done. It just started
writing itself.

She watched them, standing safely out of sight, the flames from the funeral
pyre illuminating their sorrow, so evident on their faces, more noticeable
on the younger blonde.

Amarice started to walk by, apparently not seeing her, until she reached and
touched the young Amazon, who jumped. “Oh, it’s you…I don’t know if I’m
going to get used to seeing you, considering…why aren’t you talking to
Xena…and Gabrielle?” Amarice asked, the latter’s name spoken with something
close to disgust, unlike the respect and awe evident when she spoke the name
of the Warrior Princess. “Did you find Xenan and tell him?”

She looked at Amarice with a stern gaze. “If it wasn’t for Gabrielle, the
Amazons would have been killed in a war with Tyldus and his centaurs. You
would do well to remember that when your respect for the true Queen of the
Amazons is in a sorry state. Did not Ephiny teach you anything?”

Amarice lowered her head and started examining her boots in response to the
rebuke. “You know what I mean…you should be the Queen…you should have spoken
up. It’s what she would have wanted.” she muttered.

“I am full aware of what Ephiny wanted, as you well know. She was an Amazon
to the end. She wanted the Nation to go on, and she knew Gabrielle would
pick the right one to bring that about. Why do you think I sent you to go
find her? Besides, I feel my place is no longer here…and it seems you feel
the same way. And yes, Xenan knows. He will be here soon to get his mother’s

“Tell you what, you protest the mask being given to someone else, and I’ll
stay here.” Amarice offers, not wanting to have to put up with Gabrielle,
even though it would mean giving up a chance to travel and learn with the
most famous warrior of the Amazon Nation, even though Xena technically wasn’
t an Amazon.

She turned away from Amarice, but not before telling her to start packing if
she was gonna to leave with Gabrielle and Xena. When Amarice’s attempts to
get her to say something else failed, she did finally go to pack some
things. The woman stayed there, watching the Warrior and Amazon
Princess/Queen watch the flames die out. She didn’t know how long she stood
there until the new Queen came to her side. Chilapa seemed a bit
uncomfortable, and she had a sneaking suspicion why.

“Don’t worry Chilapa, I don’t want to be Queen. You’ll make a great one.
Just remember what Gabrielle said about doing what Ephiny would have done.
She’s right. But if you still feel you need to make it up to me somehow,
invite Xena and Gabrielle to stay tonight…we need a feast.” I’ll talk to
them then…there was much that needed to be said, she thought before
continuing. “Ephiny would not have wanted us to mourn her death. And with
morale still down from the recent war, a celebration is just what we need to
get things on the right track again. It can be for your coronation. Oh and
Xenan will be here soon to get his mother’s things.” she said, then went to
the Queen’s hut, to gather Ephiny’s belongings.

She stopped at the doorway, hit by a sudden wave of grief…she hadn’t really
let herself grieve, since there was so much to do since the patrol had
returned with Ephiny’s body, still slightly warm to the touch. First she had
Amarice go get Gabrielle and Xena, then they had to turn back Pompey’s men
during another attack, then Xena and Gabrielle arrived, so she could go tell
Xenan and the centaur community the news about his mother. Now she didn’t
have any thing to do to keep her mind off recent events.

It was not fair! After everything that happened over the years, to have
things basically back where they started…she shrugged the despairing
thoughts off, instead looking around and deciding what Xenan would want. The
rest would be buried with Ephiny, per the ancient custom. All of it would
have been burned with Ephiny on the pyre, but she interceded, knowing that
Xenan might want some of his mother’s things, and the others deferred to her
opinion, allowing a slight change. The things Xenan didn’t want would be
burned separately, then buried with their Queen. There had been so many
Queens and changes over the years, she hardly recognized anything. But all
the changes were for the better, thanks to Ephiny.

She sighed, hearing some cheering and such outside. She was surprised to see
that the feast was already in progress. She must have been in the Queen’s
hut longer than she thought. She spotted Xena and Gabrielle almost right
away, thanks to the respectful space the sisters had given them, not
encroaching at all, though Amarice was edging on it. Gabrielle was trying to
enjoy the impromptu celebration, but there was still a shadow of sorrow in
her face. Xena looked a bit out of her element, but was focusing her
attention on her companion, the concern on her face, and the tender way she
put her hand on the bard’s so….so…touching beyond words, considering it was
the Warrior Princess. But love had amazing powers, as she well knew.

She started to head in their direction, but smelled the aromas of the food
cooking, and realized she hadn’t eaten anything yet, so she went to get some
meat and drink first, then approached the silent pair. She went in front of
them and sat down. Shock registered on both their faces, and they
immediately stood up. Then confusion and hope shone almost tangibly on
Gabrielle’s face, due to the courtesy of the bonfire, while suspicion and
something else a bit darker appeared on the Warrior Princess’s.

She smiled gently. “Sit down, it’s alright, I get that reaction a lot. No, I
’m not Ephiny, I’m her twin sister. My name is Corana.”

Gabrielle sat down with a thud, understandably stunned. Xena stayed
standing, a bit of the suspicion leaving her face.

“Pretty unbelievable, huh?” Amarice said, enjoying Gabrielle’s reaction.
“Don’t worry, the shock takes a while to wear off. Though real Amazons would
barely even be surprised. It’s part of our training.”

“Oh so when you nearly jumped to the moon earlier today, that was just
acting?” Corana responded. Then she sighed… hopefully traveling with
Gabrielle and Xena would be teach Amarice a few things.

“She never mentioned having a blood sister, let alone a twin one.”
Gabrielle managed to get out.

Corana smiled again. “I’m not surprised. It’s a long story, which I’ll get
to soon enough. For now, let’s just leave it at Ephiny not knowing if she
still had a sister. Right now I want to eat this food. I’m so very hungry.”

With that, she started on her plate, while Xena and Gabrielle stayed where
they are, not moving a muscle, except to look at each other, trying to cope
with the unexpected news. Amarice stood there watching them. When all Corana
had left was her drink, she was amused at the statues in front of her.

“It’s getting a bit chilly out here.” she remarked, noticing the huge
bonfire was going out. “Let’s go to the Queen’s hut. It seems like an
appropriate place, and protected.” Standing up, she made a bee-line for the
hut and beckoned the others to follow her. Judging from the expressions on
their faces, the others felt the same way as Corana did about being in what
would always be Ephiny’s hut to them.

“Sit down, make yourselves comfortable, it’s gonna be a long story. Once
everyone had situated themselves, and she was next to the fireplace to keep
warm, she started her narrative.

“Our mother was Melora. When we asked about our father, we were told he was
a simple farmer. Our mother never wanted to talk about the past. All we
knew about her history was that she wasn’t born an Amazon. She had run away
from somewhere, and. the Amazons found her unconscious in their territory,
half-starved and apparently beaten recently. The tribe was in a sorry state.
Lorna, the Queen then, had just been killed in a battle, and her daughter
Dora, who was pregnant at the time, now had to be Queen. She took Melora in.
The healer who tended my mother discovered she was also pregnant. Dora and
our mother became partners. Melora was the name she took when she was fully
initiated into the tribe. It stood for Me Love Dora. They gave birth on the
same day, the Summer Solstice. Dora’s first daughter was named a variation
of our mother’s name, Melosa. The S stood for Soulmates. Our mother told
Ephiny and as babies, if we weren’t right next to each other, we would cry
until we were reunited. Melosa and Terreis were the same way.”

“Our childhood was that of typical Amazon children, lessons and training.
Ephiny was the stronger of us, and was very protective of me. That’s not say
we got along perfectly…I was always jealous of her getting the curls of the
family and me getting stuck with straight hair. Anyways, knowing that we
didn’t have a Amazon bloodline, Ephiny always had a need to prove herself a
true Amazon. I was the social one, she always preferred being alone. Unless
the company was me, that is. Well, with the exception of Melosa and Terreis.
The four of us spent a lot of time together, courtesy of our mothers.”
Corana paused briefly at the memories, and examined her audience. Amarice
was trying not to look interested, but she obviously was. Gabrielle had
found a scroll and was writing down notes. Xena was glancing outside, and
Corana noticed how late it was. She stood up.

“It’s late, you guys can get some sleep, and I’ll finish my story in the
morning. Amarice will show you where the guest hut is.” she said, then
proceeded to gather some blankets and prepare the cot. They left, Amarice
protesting, resulting in Xena and Gabrielle basically man-handling her out
the door. As she lay on the cot, Corana was again hit by a wave of grief,
realizing that her sister was now forever sleeping. But it was not time to
think of such things. It was time to sleep. She closed her eyes and willed
herself to sleep.

She dreamed of her past that night, scenes from the accumulated years of her
life coming back to her. Intercut with them were images of Ephiny in her
youth, smiling with her hand outstretched. After the eighth time, Corana
went to try and reach out her hand to grasp her sister’s, but just as she
saw her hand reach Ephiny’s, she woke up. It took her a moment to get her
bearings. For a moment, she thought she was back in…well, she wasn’t. She
needed to wash up and get some breakfast. Then find the new trio of Xena,
Gabrielle, and Amarice. Wherever Xena and Gabrielle were, Amarice was bound
to be there too. Corana cleaned herself up, went to get some food, and found
Gabrielle and Amarice at the mess hall. The bard invited her to their table.
As soon as Corana sat down, Gabrielle plied her with questions about the
past. Corana held up her hand and asked where Xena was.

“She’s out hunting.” Amarice answered first, in a sulky tone. Corana nodded,
guessing that Amarice was told to stay put.

“Well, I should probably start where I left off. Where was I? Oh yes…well,
if Ephiny and I weren’t together, we usually were with Melosa and Terreis.
We always associated with the one who was most like our twin. I with Melosa,
Ephiny with Terreis. Melosa and I used to spend time talking to each other
when we were out foraging for food, as Ephiny and Terreis did. Rather
Terreis and I did most of the talking. Melosa was often troubled about
having to be Queen someday. Our mothers had high expectations for her.
Ephiny was a bit jealous of the attention Melosa got, and Melosa was jealous
of the freedom Ephiny had. There was always some friction between them.
Quite a few times, Terreis and I were hard put to keep the peace. What you’
ve done for Xena is remarkable, Gabrielle.” Corana nodded to her, and patted
her hand. “The Amazon nation owes you much.”

Gabrielle blushed at the compliments. “I didn’t do anything anyone else
couldn’t have done.” Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the gratitude in
Corana’s gaze, the bard focused on her food, only to have her concentration
broken by her awareness of her partner’s presence. She looked up and saw
Xena approaching the table. She had a couple rabbits in her hands, and her
bow was slung over her shoulder, with the arrows on her back. Xena
immediately picked up the tension and the slight color on Gabrielle’s face.
Corana’s hand was near her bard’s. Amarice was bored as usual and picking at
her food.

“Everything ok?” the Warrior Princess asked Gabrielle. She smiled up at

“Of course. Corana was just telling us more of her story. Looks like you had
a good time.” Gabrielle nodded at the rabbits.

“Well, would have been better if that buck hadn't gotten scared off. Where
should I take these, Corana?” Xena asked.

Before she could answer, Amarice did. “I’ll show you, Xena. Follow me.” She
jumped up and did some man-handling of her own, showing Xena the way.

Corana smiled. “Amarice reminds me a bit of Ephiny in her youth. Always
ready to help the best warriors of our tribe, in the hopes of learning from
them. I’m sure you remember my sister’s need to prove herself.”

Gabrielle nodded. “Tell me more about growing up here. And what about Solari
and Eponin…did you know them too?”

“Oh yes. They were found as babies by a scout team, two seasons’s
ironic…Solari’s Amazon life began how it ended.” Corana shook her head, not
wanting to think of that. “As part of their Royal training, Melosa and
Terreis were given the job of helping them out. And that meant Ephiny and I
helped them out quite a bit as well. Ephiny didn’t mind. I think she felt a
kinship with them, since they too were adopted by the tribe. All of us had
lessons and training at the same time. Terreis and I excelled at the
lessons, but at the weapons training, the others excelled. Oh, Terreis and I
could hold our own, but that was about it. Then came that day…” she was
about to finish, but Xena and Amarice returned. Gabrielle beckoned for them
to sit down.

“Corana was just going to tell me about some big event.” the bard explained,
and gestured for her to continue.

“As I was saying,” she started out, after everyone was situated. “One day…
Ephiny and I were about 14 years old at the time. There was a bad storm in
the works. Everyone was securing supplies and personal items. Then the
village was attacked. The children were sent to the caves for protection. It
was hard to find the way there, with the wind and rain going full blast.”

“On the way, one of a couple of men attacked us. We divided our efforts.
Melosa and Ephiny took the bigger of them, and Terreis and I took the other
one, to give Eponin and Solari time to lead the other children to the safety
of the caves. Terreis and I subdued our opponent, and waited for Melosa and
Ephiny to hurry up and finish theirs. Somehow, he had gotten Melosa in a
chokehold, and she was struggling for air. Ephiny tried to get him to let
go, but he just kicked her into a tree. Next thing I knew, Terreis had taken
out her boot dagger and thrown it into his back. We all stood there
motionless as he turned to face Terreis. She looked stunned. He lunged for
her, but then fell down and laid still. Ephiny went up to him and kicked him
to be sure he was dead. He groaned and tried to move his head up, but he
only got it up for a second to look a final time at Terreis, who had still
not moved. Then his head went down and that was it. The other one was gone,
having regained consciousness and run away, apparently.”

“Melosa shook Terreis, calling her name. It wasn’t until a bolt of
lightning knocked off a branch that landed a few feet away from her that she
regained her senses, and then she lost it. First kills are never easy.”
Corana turned a compassionate and understanding gaze on Gabrielle and Xena.
“Ephiny always spoke very highly of both of you.”

“Oh come on, a kill’s a kill. What could Gabrielle have killed anyway? Lemme
guess, a couple of bugs?” Amarice asked.

A pained look crossed Gabrielle’s face and she excused herself from the
table, almost running out the door.

“Way to go, Amarice.” Xena said, shooting a dark look at Amarice before
going after the bard.

“What did I say?” Amarice asked.

Corana sighed. “Ephiny never told you?”

“Told me what?”

Corana sighed again. “When Xena helped Boadicea against Caesar in Brittania,
Gabrielle was tricked by Dahak’s followers into her first kill.”

“Dahak? You mean…” Amarice says.

“Yes, that Dahak. And not only did Gabrielle shed her first blood, but it
allowed her to be impregnated with his child, whom she named Hope. She was
so out of balance, she needed something to believe in. So she put all her
faith in Hope’s goodness, but Xena was not so sure. To save her daughter’s
life, Gabrielle sent her in a basket down the river.”

“Then Hope freed Callisto from the lava pit she and Velasca were trapped in,
and they came to the centaur colony where peace negotiations were going on.
Ephiny had brought Xenan there, as part of his education. Xena and Gabrielle
were there too…it became quite a reunion. Not a pleasant one though. Hope
first killed Kaliepus, the centaur Xena chose to raise her son, Solan. Then
Hope tricked Gabrielle into taking her to where Solan was hidden. Xena found
his body, and Gabrielle was shattered. She knew the truth, and knew the only
way out of it. She poisoned her own daughter, and Xena took care of

“Gabrielle poisoned her own daughter?” Amarice was speechless...somewhat.

”Yes, and she wanted to take her own life as well, to end the pain. But her
code wouldn’t let her, or as I was told Xena once called it, the ‘core of
her goodness’. There was now a chasm between Xena and Gabrielle. Ares
convinced Xena to take revenge on Gabrielle, and she started to, coming here
to get Gabrielle. She fought the Amazons, breaking Ephiny’s arm and taking
Gabrielle courtesy of a horse drag. But Xena and Gabrielle worked through
it, and mended the rift between them. That wasn’t the end of Hope though.
She was yet to cause more trouble between them, and Callisto too.”

“Wait, if Xena did all those things to the tribe, why is she still welcomed

“Because we understood her pain, and knew that it wasn’t really her doing
those things, it was her maddening grief and Ares’ manipulation. Thanks to t
he recent losses of many of our tribe, all the sisters now know the same
devastation that Xena, and Gabrielle, went through. Don’t you still want
revenge on Brutus for killing Ephiny? Would you blame Xena for, in her grief
and despair, wanting revenge on the only other one left that was involved in
it, and who Ares manipulated her into blaming? The Amazon Nation can not
afford to hold grudges. It serves no purpose, except to weaken us.”

“Come, we must find Xena and Gabrielle.” Corana stood up, gesturing for
Amarice to do the same. “You need to apologize to her.”

“Apologize?” Amarice exclaimed. “But…”

Corana didn’t give her a chance to finish. “You reminded her of the darkest
moments of her life, and you did it while taunting her. Hope is not
something Gabrielle likes to reminded of. It reminds her of her failure, not
only as someone who fought for justice and peace, but also as a mother. But
for Xena’s intercession, Joxer, Gabrielle’s family, not to mention every
person alive, would have been Hope’s victims.” Corana walked out of the mess
hall, Amarice following her.

“Joxer? Who’s he?”

“A friend of theirs. He has helped them many times. He’s gone up against
Callisto, Hope, and many others, for Xena and Gabrielle. No one is more
loyal to them, save Argo.” Corana surveyed the village, for a sign of where
they went. She saw Peta, one of the oldest Amazons in the tribe, sitting in
a chair, mending some clothes. She had been around since before Dora’s
birth, and had served Lorna. “Peta, did you see Gabrielle or Xena come by?”
Corana asked.

Peta looked surprised. “Huh? Why do you want to know about Xena? She’s
trouble. Not to be trusted. Heard about her. Bloodthirsty. Killed some of
the Northern Amazons. Don’t need her sort around here. Newcomers cause

Corana sighed. Peta often had trouble living in the present. “Peta, did you
see Gabrielle come by? A short blonde in a gold outfit?”

“That one followed by the dark-haired woman? Went to the stables. Haven’t
seen them around here before. What is this tribe coming to?”

“Thank you Peta.” Corana said.

Peta just kept on rambling. ”Never should have let that Melora in. I warned
Dora, I did. I was right, I was. But did she thank me? No. I’ve got half a
mind to leave. If I knew Dora didn’t need me so much, I would. Promised her
mother I’d take care of her.”

Corana ignored her comments and started walking to the stables, Amarice
right behind her.

“What was Peta talking about? Why didn’t she think your mother should be
admitted into the tribe?” the young Amazon asked.

“I’ll explain it later, Amarice. Right now, we’ve got to find Xena and
Gabrielle.” Corana reached the stables and almost ran into Xena who came out
abruptly. “Is Gabrielle alright?” she asked the Warrior Princess. At Xena’s
curt nod, she turned to Amarice. “Now go in and apologize.”

Amarice started to protest, but Xena’s look and Corana’s push encouraged
her. Corana then turned to the Warrior Princess. “I didn’t want to do this
when Gabrielle was around.” she said, then took Xena’s arm and led her a few
paces away from the stable, and brought out a toy. It was the toy lamb that
Senticles had made, the one Xena gave to Gabrielle as a Solstice gift, and
which Gabrielle gave to Hope. Xena’s reaction was instantaneous….she brought
out her sword and oriented it on Corana.

“Where did you get that?” the Warrior Princess, *demanded* to

Corana didn’t even blink. “Ephiny found this a few weeks ago, and wanted to
get your decision on what to do with it. She told me the whole story, and
she figured you would probably want it burned, but she wanted to be sure.”

“She’s right, burn it.” Xena said, and puts her sword away as Gabrielle and
Amarice come out. Gabrielle noticed the lamb right away and another flash of
pain, this time mixed with regret and shock, passed over her face.

“Is that…” the bard couldn’t finish her sentence. Corana nodded. Gabrielle
looked between Corana and Xena, and she noticed that something about Ephiny’
s sister reminded her of Xena, but also of the girl she herself had once
been, the girl she hoped her daughter would have been. Xena looked upset
that she had seen the lamb. She briefly smiled. Xena still had protecting
her as the top priority. “I want to keep it.” As Xena opened her mouth to
protest, Gabrielle put her hand on her companion’s arm. “It was my Solstice
gift from you. That alone makes it worth everything to me.” Xena relaxes at
that sentence, and gives a shrug suggesting that her bard is just being
herself, but the way Xena briefly squeezes Gabrielle’s hand before as she
takes it off her arm says otherwise.

“Why are you guys getting all kooky over a stupid la…” The looks from Corana
and Xena stop Amarice from finishing her sentence. The young Amazon looks
down at her boots and starts kicking the ground.

Corana hands Gabrielle the lamb. “Why don’t we go bathe in the lake? I think
we could all use a good cleaning.”

“Will you explain what Peta was talking about if we do?” Amarice asks.

Xena perks up at the name. “Peta’s still alive?”

Gabrielle looks up at Xena. “Who’s Peta? Do you know her?”

Amarice stares in disbelief at Gabrielle and opens her mouth, then she looks
at Xena and Corana and closes it. “Will you explain what Peta was talking
about?” she asks Corana.

Xena looks down at Gabrielle. “Peta’s the oldest living Amazon. She was….”

“A healer who delivered most of the Amazons in this tribe, as well as Dora
herself.” Corana smoothly finished. She knew Xena was about to mention Peta
being Cyane’s mother, but she wasn’t about to allow Xena to guilt-trip
herself if she could help it. “Her own daughter went to a different tribe
after a fight with Dora many years ago, and Peta stayed here.”

“Oh…” Gabrielle remarked. Corana could tell the bard knew something else
was going on but had decided to let it go for now.

“So about that dip in the lake?” Corana asks once again.

“That might be a good idea.” Gabrielle says, looking at her partner, for
confirmation/permission, as well as an inquiry as to what Peta means to the
Warrior Princess.

“Up to you, I got my bath earlier.” Xena responds.

Gabrielle sighs in exasperation. “Xena, a couple days ago is way past
earlier. Now I am sick of having to smell you. You’re gonna clean up and you
’re gonna do it now, you hear me?!” The bard proceeds to encourage the
Warrior Princess down the path to the lake.

Corana laughs while watching the retreating figures, then gestures to
Amarice. “Come on, let’s go follow that pair and get stink-free ourselves.”

“You are gonna tell me what Peta was talking about, right?” the young
Amazon persists as they walk to the lake.

“That depends. You gonna tell me more about your tribe?” Corana responds.
With that, she and Amarice continue in silence.

By the time they get there, Xena and Gabrielle are engaged in a waterfight,
with Xena clearly the winner, judging from how dry her hair was compared to

“There you guys are!” Gabrielle exclaimed, spying them. “What took you so

“Just enjoying the walk and remembering all the times I’ve been down this
path.” Corana responds while Amarice starts taking her outfit off.

Xena turned her head to look at Amarice and Corana on the shore, and as
soon as she did, Gabrielle hit her with a decent splash. “Alright that’s it,
you’re gonna get it now…” the Warrior Princess exclaims with a growl as the
bard yelps and tries to find a place to hide, but she can’t swim fast
enough. The Warrior Princess dunks Gabrielle while Amarice and Corana enter
the lake and proceed to have a four person waterfight.

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