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Help With Game - Please

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Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
It's times like this that I wish I had been paying attention to all the post
requesting help with 'The Game'. But......I'm stuck at the warehouse and
can't leave. I've collected all four pieces of evidence, sent it off to the
crime lab, completed my interviewing, and nevertheless appear to be doomed
to purgatory (warehouse hell). Obviously, there's something I'm missing,
haven't seen, haven't done, or suppose to do. Or does one have to collect
evidence in a particular order? Any *help or assistance* is REALLY

Thanks in advance for helping.............Spygirl (who doesn't feel worthy
of her name)


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
I'm stuck at the warehouse and
can't leave. I've collected all four pieces of evidence, sent it off to the
crime lab, completed my interviewing, and nevertheless appear to be doomed
to purgatory (warehouse hell). Obviously, there's something I'm missing,
haven't seen, haven't done, or suppose to do. Or does one have to collect
evidence in a particular order? Any *help or assistance* is REALLY

You need to talk to Wong, hes the fisherman behind the warehouse...Hope this
helps! If you have any more questions, let me know...I got pretty far, but
havent saved it yet and I know how aggravating it is when you run into a dead

Donna Love

Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
turn on your "artificial intelligence" in options. if you get stuck it will
help you and even take you to your destination if you are really in a pinch.

hope this helps!


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Thank you so much for writing back. Yes, I interviewed Wong (thoroughly),
but was really stuck leaving the warehouse. After hours and hours (damn, I
can be so tenacious), I finally succeeded!! The part I didn't say in my
post, as it was far too embarrassing, is that I made it to Disc 3, got my
self killed, and instead of answering the prompt: "Would You Like To Try
Again" with a Yes, I accidentally hit "No". My heart sank to my feet and
then fell through to the basement. As I didn't save the game, I was
returned to the very beginning. I was *so* beside myself with frustration,
I had to give it up for a couple days. When I eventually returned, I forgot
what I did to leave. I know now to take notes.

The good news since I first sent this post, is that I completed the game
today and WON!!! I received a link today from some kind soul on tips and
hints for the game, but really resisted. It was worth it. I did, however,
save the link. I'm happy to pass it on to you if you'd like.

One thing I also discovered is that the game varies slightly between the
computer version and the Play Station version. I have the Play Station
game. Either way, it was an excellent, exciting and fun (mostly) time and I
look forward (or hope) for 1013 to make Game 2. And I know now to SAVE,
SAVE, SAVE in more than one spot.

Thanks again for all your help. It's really, really appreciated.


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