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Fantasy Poll Time!

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Feb 1, 2001, 3:28:56 AM2/1/01
You know you missed it!

<audience screams with delight>

1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
rest of Season 8. Would you go?

4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
like. What is the entree and dessert?

5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
Would you go? What would you wear?

7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to

Thanks for polling! ;)
Doggett: Well that's just *wrong*. : Badlaa
AIM: Jewlzx ICQ# 102718730
Samurai SMUTster #007! :::: Bring it on
WotF #7!, *I*, WNS Recruitment Officer

Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 1, 2001, 12:56:24 AM2/1/01
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Jewlz! wrote:

> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Baby = Sex * (Mulder+Scully)

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Look both ways before I crossed the street

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Heck no. I could easily deal with not coming back, but not getting to see
the rest of season 8 after having stuck it out this long? No way.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Body shots and body shots

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

1. Give him a personal history (we know he worked with the NYPD already!)
2. Give him an interesting dynamic with Scully. Not romantic, but let us
have *some* kind of feeling about what he thinks of her, and for that
matter, what he thinks about his current place in life.
3. Give him a friggin' sense of humor!

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

Hmmm...let's think about that one....YES! We'd coordinate so that we
weren't wearing matching dresses, bit they would look good together. I'd
straighten my hair and wear a slinky, tight, light blue number with a long
slit up the side. Oh my gosh, now I really want to go just so I can have
someone make me that dress!

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

1013. But I don't think it means anything.

> Thanks for polling! ;)

No, thank you for thinking up such fun stuff for us to do!

*MulderWhore #1* *WNS Member*
*SCOG Noromo #3*
*Archie's long-lost sister*
*Funmortal's Clone*


Feb 1, 2001, 1:18:09 AM2/1/01
"Jewlz!" wrote:

> You know you missed it!


> <audience screams with delight>

Yay!!!! again.

> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

That there would be no Season 9

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

I wouldn't want to be invisible. I'm too much of an exhibitionist ;-)

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

David's the entree and Tea's dessert.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

I would tell him that he's done a disservice to a pretty good actor. Give him
an interesting backstory and write him some sizzling lines.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go?

Hell yes!

> What would you wear?

I would splurge on a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Nothing else I'd wear would

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

I haven't done the math, but I'm going to guess 1013.

> Thanks for polling! ;)

No, thank *you* :-)

(likes shoes)


Feb 2, 2001, 1:39:03 AM2/2/01

> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Doggett Dies

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would


> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

No way.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

I would want pizza and cookies (I'm in college)

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

He sucks. There is not one appealing characteristic about him.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

Hell yes. Wait is George Clooney nominated? Yeah I'd go anyway. I'd wear a
sock on my arm.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

1013 means that I have spent way too much of my life on a TV show.


Feb 1, 2001, 2:02:13 AM2/1/01

"Jewlz!" <> wrote in message

> <audience screams with delight>

Archie screams a girly scream!

> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

That Doggett turned out the way he did. I admit I wasn't one of those
people who was hung up on the cast change. I got so used to it watching
other shows (primarily "ER" and "L&O") that it didn't really faze me. But
I've been happy with Doggett and Robert Patrick.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

I would go and spy on old high school friends while they're nekkid... just
because I'm still curious....

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Hell no. Not unless they've got Seasons 9 and 10 already taped and on DVD's
on their planet.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Chicken. And jello.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

That he's totally hot.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

Yes, I would go. A nice dignified tux.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

My number is 29. And it doesn't mean anything to me. :-D

a 19th Century Hysteric diagnosed by Alan
WNS Prez, A Vicarious Liver, Trashily Kinky, XF Slut,
Brie's long-lost bro, Proud BBTB Member, atxf #45

"Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer


Feb 1, 2001, 2:10:46 AM2/1/01
"Jewlz!" wrote:
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Become a gazillionaire.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Sneak into the writer's bullpen and rewrite every ep before it is

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?


> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

I don't think I would go, to tell you the truth. I've done my
time in households with screaming babies.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

Great idea. Lousy execution.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go?


What would you wear?


> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

I only do math if I'm gettting paid for it.
> Thanks for polling! ;)
You're so welcome.\


laura capozzola

Feb 1, 2001, 2:43:19 AM2/1/01
"Jewlz!" wrote:
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>

> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Scully would have peeked under the covers before she woke up Doggett
in Via Negativa...and smiled.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Throw away my bras.

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Yeah, a celebration, right. I'm not getting into any chair naked just
so I can be drilled by some alien.

Wait a minute, I'm invisible and braless. This is for one of those
sweeps eps, right?

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Not what he had for his wedding dinner, that's for sure. I still
quake when I think about it.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

Can I type while I'm invisible?

CC e-mails me? Me? Aw, I would never believe it was really CC. I'd
come on ATXF and ask who was pulling my leg.

Okay, I would say, I will only tell you after you re-up for Season 9
and uh, I would prefer to tell you in person...with Robert Patrick
present...and it's going to be long. And then after writing 10 pages
worth of reasons as to why I love John Doggett I would get there, see
the two men and totally freeze, and be unable to say anything even
semi-intelligent. <sigh>

Doesn't it really stink when even your imaginary scenarios turn out
like cr*p?

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.

So CC e-mails me but GA calls me? What is wrong with this picture?

> Would you go? What would you wear?

What would it matter what I wear? I'm invisible. I could go and
pinch all the cute guys' butts. I'm starting to see the potential of
this invisible thing.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

Nothing. But being invisible ain't half bad. ;-D

Visit: "All Things Chris Carter" updated 12/07/2000
Visit: "The Many Roles of Robert Patrick" updated 01/26/2001


Feb 1, 2001, 2:39:36 AM2/1/01

"Jewlz!" <> wrote in message
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

For starters, that Roadrunners was actually a bad cable movie starring
someone who looked like GA, but certainly not an episide of the X-Files.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Paint the soles of my feet purple, go to a public place, and run down the
hallways to see how people would react.

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Of course!!! They would have all of that Naked!Mulder video footage that
Fox wouldn't show us.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Hmmm... I would let him decide, but he would have to cook it himself.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

He isn't intense enough. He is 2-dimensional. He just kind of exists - not
passionate about anything, not overtly flawed.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

Would it matter what I wore if GA were next to me? I think not.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

59.5 - how much my Canadian dollar is worth in the U.S??? Doesn't mean
much to me.


Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 1, 2001, 2:38:50 AM2/1/01
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, trajan wrote:
> >
> > 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> > Would you go?
> No.

What kind of sicko are you?

Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 1, 2001, 2:41:55 AM2/1/01
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, laura capozzola wrote:

> "Jewlz!" wrote:
> > 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> > him?
> Can I type while I'm invisible?
> CC e-mails me? Me? Aw, I would never believe it was really CC. I'd
> come on ATXF and ask who was pulling my leg.

But would you at least CC CC?


Feb 1, 2001, 3:03:06 AM2/1/01

"Jewlz!" <> wrote in message
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

that the writing doesn't fizzle - its been great!

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

get close to that someone that I haven't the nerve to get close to

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

no way!!

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

food who needs food??

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

I never thought anyone could replace DD. Great choice. He adds new life
back into the show!

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

sure I'd go. Some strapless sexy number.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

58?! absolutely nothing

Crazy Chick

Feb 1, 2001, 3:06:30 AM2/1/01
Jewlz wrote:
>You know you missed it!
><audience screams with delight>
>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Mulder returns. Doggett is dissolved in a puddle of slime. There is much

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Hmm. First of all, avoid oncoming vehicles, then probably engage in some good
old fashioned spying on naked people. What else does one do when invisible?

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

That depends if their celebrations are as entertaining as WNS emergency

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

No clue. I don't really have a favourite food.

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

He's annoying and should be fucked right in the goat ass. Give him more depth
beyond the I'm a Cop thing, and a really good reason for working on the X-Files
and developing an interest in them. Or fuck him in the goat ass.

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
>Would you go? What would you wear?

I'd go, and I'd probably wear some sort of fancy leather corset with a long
black velvet skirt, and some fuckin' sweet boots. Probably not really good for
the SAG's, but that's what I would want to wear to my prom if I were going.

Crazy Chick
D!S!DB, Samurai SMUTster
XFW#42; WotF Mistress-, *I*, WNS Bitch
"We ought to make the pie higher." -Shrub at SC R-Debate 15.02.00

Brian Manning

Feb 1, 2001, 3:31:31 AM2/1/01

Anna wrote:
> > 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> > for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> > rest of Season 8. Would you go?
> No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.

It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)

Brian Manning
Detroit, MI
(who has no similarly bold claim about the Red Wings)


Feb 1, 2001, 3:40:49 AM2/1/01
Gabrielle Downey Boutin wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, trajan wrote:
> > >
> > > 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> > > Would you go?
> >
> > No.
> What kind of sicko are you?
I've been to the Emmys. I've been to the Grammys. I've been to
the MTV Music Awards. And the Addys. And the Clios. I've been
to Jingle Ball. Yawn. I sat through the cabaret show of a mutual
friend with Jerry and Elaine Orbach. It was a bit more
interesting, but only marginally.

Now if you're talking NBA playoffs, that's another story. I'd go
to those handcuffed to a dead gorilla.

(You can call me sick, you can call me twisted, but just don't
call me late for dinner.)



Feb 1, 2001, 3:46:38 AM2/1/01

> > 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?
> That there would be no Season 9

I'm reading this entire thread just to see how many people
answer this
question this way.

"...which confirmed what I've long suspected--algebra is not
needed for the abundant life, only fast trains and good whiskey."

Sean Carroll

Feb 1, 2001, 4:05:03 AM2/1/01
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:28:56 -0800, "Jewlz!" <> wrote:

>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

For there to be no more reasons to worry that the show might not be as
good as it used to be!

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Why, try to see some nekkid girls by sneaking in somewhere I shouldn't
be, of course. What else would one do?

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Somehow, I think that the revelations that would come from an entirely
new race of sentient beings would make any TV show seem unimportant in
comparison -- maybe even TXF. ;P

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

Pizza and chocolate cake. My tastes are simple.

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

Dude, hiring Robert Patrick was the best thing you've done since 1993.
Try to write more eps to show off RP's acting. We'd all love to know
Doggett as well as we used to know Mulder!

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
>Would you go?

Hell yes!

>What would you wear?

Probably one of the only two suit coats I own and a sufficiently
loudly designed necktie ...

>7. Pick a number from 1-10.


>Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
>Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number?

66,64550265 and then the calculator stops.

> What does it mean to

Not much, but to you it means that you're probably not going to get
too many whole-number answers to division by a crazy figure like 189.


Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 1, 2001, 4:00:58 AM2/1/01

Wow. How connected are you. Hypothetically, if I could get you playoff
tickets, could you get me Oscar/SAG tickets?

*MulderWhore #1* *WNS Member*
*SCOG Noromo #3*
*Archie's long-lost sister*
*Funmortal's Clone*

"Gillian has beautiful eyes," Duchovny says. "Her eyes anchor me to the scene.
They're big and they're blue and they're wet. And the top of her nose goes
up and down when she talks. Her nose is a good actor."


Feb 1, 2001, 4:05:08 AM2/1/01

"laura capozzola" <> wrote in message

> > > 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what
would you
> > like. What is the entree and dessert?
> Not what he had for his wedding dinner, that's for sure. I still
> quake when I think about it.

Alright, dammit, Laura, you've got me intrigued now. What did he have for
his wedding dinner? From your reaction I'd say either illegal pizza, or

What did he have??




Et tu, pussy? -Alan Hurshman, atxf
X-Files Whore #55
Xeminar Class of '99, X2K
LLL Member
Banned by ad!


Feb 1, 2001, 4:45:41 AM2/1/01
>Subject: Fantasy Poll Time!
>From: "Jewlz!"
>Date: 1/31/01 21:28 Central Standard Time

>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

That Mulder and Scully both walk into the sunset (in a NoRoMo way, of course)
at the end of the season.

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Sit in waiting in a certain red foreign car. ;)

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

No--but I might invite them in for pizza. I would tip the driver, also. ;)

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

Entree: lasagna
Dessert: DD (with a side of chocolate cake and ice cream)

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

I like him--he's smart and tough yet not insensitive. He's a straight shooter,
and he deserves the chance to run the show.

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
>Would you go? What would you wear?

Sure--then people could wonder who the new lesbian lover is. I'd wear a killer
black pantsuit I have that has a sparkly top and very tailored pants, with my
new black shoes (well, they were new for Christmas, but I digress). Either
that, or I'd have a tux made to fit me. I love women in tuxes!

>7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
>Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to


(rounding, 52)

52 is the reverse of my birthdate (25) and it simplifies to 7 (5+2), which is
the same # of letters in my last name, and in both of Darrell's names, and in
the last name of a special person.

VerlindaH, likes 7s


Feb 1, 2001, 5:15:03 AM2/1/01

"Jewlz!" <> wrote in message
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Well, as a fellow shipper, Jewlz, I shouldn't have to actually say it. ;-)

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Hop a plane for Bora Bora. And sit in first class. Preferably in an empty

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Hell no!

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Entree: anything vegetarian
Dessert: DD ;-)

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

He's cool. But Mulder's cooler.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

But of course. I'd borrow her black dress from the GG. It was lovely.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

52.4126984126984126984126.... mom is 52.

> Thanks for polling! ;)

Anytime. ;-)

"She is very, very enigmatic, very puzzling. I would say things to her like,
'Do you want to head over to the trailer and grab some food?' And she would
turn and say, 'The lizard swims at night deliciously.' And then laugh and
walk away." (Jon Stewart on Gillian Anderson)
*WNS Intern
*Samurai SMUTster STO #419+1
*XFW #419+1

laura capozzola

Feb 1, 2001, 5:41:06 AM2/1/01
True__blue wrote:
> "laura capozzola" <> wrote in message
> > > > 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what
> would you
> > > like. What is the entree and dessert?
> >
> >
> > Not what he had for his wedding dinner, that's for sure. I still
> > quake when I think about it.
> >
> Alright, dammit, Laura, you've got me intrigued now. What did he have for
> his wedding dinner? From your reaction I'd say either illegal pizza, or
> sushi.

Nooooo. He had chi-chi unmanly food. The kind of food where you have
to ask what half of it actually is and yet, you know it's good for
you, so it's probably going to suck. ;-D

> What did he have??
> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.............

I think he had rabbit or quail or something like that and a whole
bunch of expensive oddball healthy disgusting-sounding things I never
heard of. I remember when some newspaper/magazine printed it, and it
was reproduced here in all its minutiae, no one went "yummy."

If Deja went back that far, we could look it up but I wouldn't be
surprised to know that some DD fan has the whole list of what they ate
because it was published. I just remember gagging at the thought of


Feb 1, 2001, 7:26:52 AM2/1/01
Jewlz! wrote:
>You know you missed it!
><audience screams with delight>
>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

I'd like to see Mulder and Scully ride off into the sunset.

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Probably sit around and watch tv like I always do. Maybe rob a bank. But
that would take too much effort, I think.

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Hell no, but not because of Season 8.

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

Him and him.

No, wait. That's too obvious. Okay, my answer is pizza and a DD chocolate

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

Dear CC,
Doggett is a manly man. I admire that. However, you've got to decide
whether he'll be the manly man cop/marine or the ex-cop fed with a past.
You've done the troubled fed with a past before, but chicks dig it, so you
might wanna make a go of it again. Well, whichever you decide is cool, but
please DECIDE something and quit fuckin with us. Chicks hate a guy who
won't commit.
Best Regards.
Your pal,
Future XF writer.

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
>Would you go? What would you wear?

Award shows are nothing but publicity stunts. I hate publicity stunts.

</publicity stunt>

>7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
>Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to

That's way too much math for me, so I'm gonna say that the number is both
imaginary and a complex fraction. That's me. Imaginary, complex and
fractured. ;-P

>Thanks for polling! ;)

Thanks for putting the poll up so I can put some stuff off. <g>

np: if only 5-10-00 / QOTSA


Feb 1, 2001, 9:36:34 AM2/1/01
>>>You know you missed it!<<<

This must happen often! Fun

>>>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?<<<

More body-bursting aliens. They take over the world. Humanity dies. (NO I
am not a misanthrope, I just like dark fiction.)

>>>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Rob a bank. Pay off all my debts, all my family's debts, keep robbing
banks, end up as the invisible Robbing Hood of the 21st century.

And we *are* in the 21st century so no bickering from the mathmaticians.

>>>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
rest of Season 8. Would you go?<<<

What kind of question is that? Feck yeah I'd go and I'd never come back.
Er... Okay I might come back just to watch the rest of Season 8. But see -
the aliens are God, so...

>>>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
like. What is the entree and dessert?<<<

Mulder I like, but I don't know DD very well. I'd probably eat whatever was
offered though.

>>>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

I'd tell CC he has a great character but turn him into a genetic construct
who can regenerate from fatal wounds and will never die. Then again that's
my favorite kind of character, so sod it all.

>>>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with
Would you go? What would you wear?<<<

Hell yeah I'd go. And whatever I'd be wearing I wouldn't be needing for
very long.

>>>. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to

42. It's the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of Life, The
Universe, and Everything.

Okay not really. I actually got 24. It's the number of frets on my guitar,
so well it means *some*thing.

>>>Thanks for polling! ;)<<<

Sure! You know that was rather fun.


"All these words and memories,
Everything you were to me
They remain, they remain,
They still remain"
-Fates Warning, "Disconnected", 2000
The Music of DreamSword:
Jewlz! wrote in message ...

>You know you missed it!



Feb 1, 2001, 9:42:08 AM2/1/01
>>>I'd wear a
sock on my arm.<<<

? Really?

I've found you!!!!!! Where have you been?

Sorry - it's hard to explain. See - I used to wear a sock on my arm. I
used to enjoy giving it life - the sock that is - and character and well,
one day, I changed and could no longer do it.

Ah hell.


Goodbye cruel world.


"All these words and memories,
Everything you were to me
They remain, they remain,
They still remain"
-Fates Warning, "Disconnected", 2000
The Music of DreamSword:

Jessica wrote in message <95aes1$6ap$>...

Alan Hurshman

Feb 1, 2001, 10:59:21 AM2/1/01
"Jewlz!" <> wrote in message
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

The final episode of the season would feature Scully
and the new girl taking a day off to go to The Spa.
Lots of wine would be consumed. Season 9 starts
with Doggie find Scully and friend very hungover and
in bed together.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Fly to LA to do some serious stalking.

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

No. I don't trust those bastards. Besides, I bet they
don't got no cheesecake.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Roast chicken and chocolate cheese cake.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

I would forward him one of Laura's posts. One of
the ones with less drool in it.

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go? What would you wear?

Yes, I would go. But I would have to buy some
new clothes and Gillian would have to come help
me pick them out. We could also oick out some
new lingerie for her while we were at it.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.
> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189.


Alan Hurshman
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Order of the Holy Pup
CCynic #2, WNS


Feb 1, 2001, 1:48:24 PM2/1/01
Brian Manning wrote:

> Anna wrote:
> > No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.
> It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)

I sincerely think this is the best team they've had in a long time. They just
need to do some fine-tuning. By the time the playoffs roll around they'll be
ready. I *feel* it.

(would love to see a Leafs/Red Wings final)


Feb 1, 2001, 1:48:32 PM2/1/01
LightStormer wrote:

> Sorry - it's hard to explain. See - I used to wear a sock on my arm. I
> used to enjoy giving it life - the sock that is - and character and well,
> one day, I changed and could no longer do it.

Andy, are you Ed the Sock? ;-)

On another note, I've noticed you've been here for a while now (I quite enjoy
your posts), so I'm going to tell you about the top quoting no-no before big bad
Tony yells at you for breaching netiquette. Its best to start your post below
the quoted message instead of above. It makes it easier to follow the thread.

Your friend,


Feb 1, 2001, 1:48:42 PM2/1/01
VerlindaH wrote:

> Sure--then people could wonder who the new lesbian lover is. I'd wear a killer
> black pantsuit I have that has a sparkly top and very tailored pants, with my
> new black shoes (well, they were new for Christmas, but I digress). Either
> that, or I'd have a tux made to fit me. I love women in tuxes!
> >

I have a tux that's almost completely backless <bought in Buffalo so you know its
like, almost haute couture>.



Feb 1, 2001, 1:48:53 PM2/1/01
XXXXgizzieXXXX wrote:

> > > 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?
> >
> > That there would be no Season 9
> I'm reading this entire thread just to see how many people
> answer this
> question this way.

So far, only me :-) To clarify, I don't want a Season 9 with Scully
and/or Mulder. As Laura said, its definitely time to move on (and I never
thought I'd feel this way). If XF continues with Robert and Annabeth,
I'll give the show a try, and if it interests me, I'll continue to watch.
But I won't think of it as The X-Files any longer.


T Block

Feb 1, 2001, 1:52:00 PM2/1/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message

> "Jewlz!" wrote:
> > You know you missed it!

> Yay!!!

> > 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> > for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> > rest of Season 8. Would you go?

> No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.

I thought this was the best answer ever. Until.............

> > 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
> > like. What is the entree and dessert?

> David's the entree and Tea's dessert.


> > 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> > Would you go?

> Hell yes!
> > What would you wear?

> I would splurge on a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Nothing else I'd wear

Shocking would that be. Wagging would be Joan River's tounge.


Charter Member, at!NRM Division/NRMTPB/SC-w/oU-BWP-I#26/25
MBC Agent , Now With Badge!- "Gloucestermen. It's always Gloucestermen."

"The darn cute atxf God of good spelling."

Cynthia Zerquera-Fischer

Feb 1, 2001, 2:32:38 PM2/1/01
Jewlz!" <> wrote in message

> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>


> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

To see John Doggett remove his sweatshirt in the traditional manly man
style, arm goes over shoulder to back, grabs the back of the sweatshirt with
one hand, and rips the sweatshirt off in one swift move, then tosses it on
the bed. He then unbuttons the top of his jeans as he heads into the
bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile I sneak into his apartment, grab the
sweatshirt and grasp it in my arms, jump into his bed and loll back and
forth, taking in his scent and his lingering body heat from the sheets, then
look surprised and coy when he emerges from the shower with only a towel
around his waist .... oh wait, I've got to be alone right now, but for more
than two minutes ....

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Remove all my clothes and burn them.

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?


> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Sashimi and sushi combo with green tea ice cream. And I'd bring Nicholas
Lea as my date.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write
> him?

Stolen from Laura:

"Okay, I would say, I will only tell you after you re-up for Season 9
and uh, I would prefer to tell you in person...with Robert Patrick
present...and it's going to be long. And then after writing 10 pages
worth of reasons as to why I love John Doggett I would get there, see

the two men and" ...... here's what *I'd* then do: Muscle my way to get toe
to toe nose to nose with CC and blast him with the truth. Occasionally grab
RP's shirt and grab CC's face, wretch his face around to look at RP, and say
"Look at the type of actor and material you have in the palm of your hand
and you are WASTING IT. CC humbly walks out. I turn to RP, smooth the
wrinkles I put on his shirt (while fondling his arm beneath) and say "Sorry
about that, he needed some straightening out. Also sorry that I used you as
a prop like that, like you weren't a real person. Can I make it up to you?
I have a great bottle of merlot back at my place that I've been saving for
just such an occasion..."

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> Would you go?


> What would you wear?

My taiji uniform and act as her bodyguard so as to get as physically close
to her as possible. Also to take on anyone that was bothering her.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10.

3 (I always pick three because that's how many children I have)

> Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.

> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to
> you?

52.412698 52 weeks in a year 4 people to nourish (husband and 3
children) 126 my weight 98 a bad year for cabernet sauvignon
MBC Agent - Education Division

Feb 1, 2001, 2:58:19 PM2/1/01
In article <Uf2e6.246$>,

"Jewlz!" <> wrote:
> You know you missed it!
> <audience screams with delight>
> 1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

Scully takes a long hot shower.

> 2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you
would do?

Steal Skinners Rogain.

> 3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their
> for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss
> rest of Season 8. Would you go?

I'm already packing.

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what
would you
> like. What is the entree and dessert?

Cheeseburgers and prk rinds.

> 5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you
> him?

Why didn't you hire me to write this season?

> 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with

> Would you go? What would you wear?

Yes. A diaper.

> 7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add

> Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean
> you?

It sure aint my waitsline. No season 9.

> Thanks for polling! ;)

Don't mention it.

Click through Media at for the sci-fi webisode

Sent via

T Block

Feb 1, 2001, 3:31:37 PM2/1/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message

> Brian Manning wrote:
> > Anna wrote:
> > > No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.
> >
> > It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)
> I sincerely think this is the best team they've had in a long time. They just
> need to do some fine-tuning. By the time the playoffs roll around they'll be
> ready. I *feel* it.


> Anna
> (would love to see a Leafs/Red Wings final)


T Block

Feb 1, 2001, 3:39:21 PM2/1/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message



Feb 1, 2001, 4:09:18 PM2/1/01
In article <>, trajan
<> wrote:

> Gabrielle Downey Boutin wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, trajan wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's
> > > > with her.
> > > > Would you go?
> > >
> > > No.
> >
> > What kind of sicko are you?
> >
> >
> I've been to the Emmys. I've been to the Grammys. I've been to
> the MTV Music Awards. And the Addys.

What are the Addy's?

Ruth, who has a cat named Addy.

Ken Teller

Feb 1, 2001, 4:51:13 PM2/1/01
>"laura capozzola" <> wrote in message
>> > > 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what
>would you
>> > like. What is the entree and dessert?

The guests are eating raw oysters the meal consists of boiled dog.

I still love Curly, but the older I
get, the more I understand where
Moe was coming from....


Feb 1, 2001, 5:16:51 PM2/1/01
>>Subject: Fantasy Poll Time!
>>From: "Jewlz!"
>>Date: 1/31/01 21:28 Central Standard Time

>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

That DD comes back for *one more* last and glorious FULL season. And more
speedo scenes...

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

Scream with delight. Then I would have to find Archie's house to satisfy my
curiosity about his fascinating personality.

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof!


They want to take you to their planet
>>for a celebration.

Bring on the Suds!!

If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

Well, *MY* aliens would have a very advanced communications system that not
only allow me to see the rest of season 8, but projects into the future to see
whatever happens with season 9. Then, if they realize that I am in dispair over
any of the events that transpire against my wishes, they will fully produce an
entire new series, complete with DD and GA, Rat-boy and Skinman. I would live
happily ever after..

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner.

Again, WOO HOO

He asks what would you

His tongue down my thoat

>>What is the entree and dessert?

After that, who cares. But I am sure whipped cream will have a role.

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

Dear CC;
Good choice. Bad character writing. Give the guy some vitality. And maybe a

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
>>Would you go?

Yes, Yes I would. I have no life. It's a shamless fact...

>>What would you wear?

Something purple.

>7. Pick a number from 1-10.


>>Multiply it by 538.


>>Divide it by 2.

= 1883

>>Add 9386.

= 11269

>>Subtract 287.

>>Divide it by 189. What is the number?


>>What does it mean to

umm......nothing. what did I miss..????

It was fun, though!! Especially the tongue part.. :-)



Mulder: One more anal probing gyro-pyro levitating ecoplasm alien anti-matter
story and I'm gonna take out my gun and shoot somebody
- The X-Files


Feb 1, 2001, 5:20:25 PM2/1/01
T Block wrote:

> What?

Fixed it!! You can thank me later ;-)

Your friend,

Cynthia Zerquera-Fischer

Feb 1, 2001, 5:23:36 PM2/1/01
"Ken Teller" <> wrote in message

> >"laura capozzola" <> wrote in message
> .
> >> > > 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what
> >would you
> >> > like. What is the entree and dessert?
> The guests are eating raw oysters the meal consists of boiled dog.
> .
> Ken

Is this a test to see if I'm a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?

MBC Agent - Education Division


Feb 1, 2001, 5:27:40 PM2/1/01
intikilla wrote

> Scream with delight. Then I would have to find Archie's house to satisfy my
> curiosity about his fascinating personality.

(wants to see Archie smiling)


Feb 1, 2001, 5:28:46 PM2/1/01
intikilla wrote:

> 4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner.
> Again, WOO HOO
> He asks what would you
> >>like.
> His tongue down my thoat
> >>What is the entree and dessert?
> After that, who cares. But I am sure whipped cream will have a role.

Yummy. Good answer!


Alan Hurshman

Feb 1, 2001, 5:43:06 PM2/1/01
"T Block" <> wrote in message

> "Anna" <> wrote in message
> > I would splurge on a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Nothing else I'd wear
> Shocking would that be. Wagging would be Joan River's tounge.

How woooed.

Alan Hurshman

Feb 1, 2001, 5:46:00 PM2/1/01
"Rufie" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, trajan
> > I've been to the Emmys. I've been to the Grammys. I've been to
> > the MTV Music Awards. And the Addys.
> What are the Addy's?

Never heard of them but I bet the Ad comes
from advertisement.


Feb 1, 2001, 5:47:39 PM2/1/01
>Date: 2/1/2001 9:28 AM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

yes, it was (she admits in a shamless fashion)...I am all a-quiver just waiting
for this to happen....

Trish~needsing a few moments by herself, caught up in the moment of imagning
this happening......


Feb 1, 2001, 7:44:12 PM2/1/01
Jewlzie polleth! I respond thusly:

>You know you missed it!

More than words can say.
><audience screams with delight>

They're delighted I'm beyond words?

>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

All Skinner, All The Time.

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would

Go hang around The X-Files set. And you know, if I happened to wander into
someone's trailer. well....
>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the

>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

No. One of my cats needs surgery and I'd like to stick around to give him a
lot of love and TLC.
>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

(1) Grilled salmon (if that's something that he, as a vegetarian. would serve.)

(2) I don't like dessert. I'd have coffee or a brandy. Or Mitch. I'm naughty.
Shame on me.

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

That I like Doggett, a lot, and want to get to know the character a lot more.

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.

>Would you go? What would you wear?

You bet. I have a black satin dress with a spiffy short train.

>7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.

>Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number?


>What does it mean to

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

>Thanks for polling! ;)

You bet, darlin'


"I'm in your hands." Skinner, The X-Files, SR819

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." Rudyard Kipling


Feb 1, 2001, 8:02:56 PM2/1/01
Gabrielle Downey Boutin wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, trajan wrote:
> > Gabrielle Downey Boutin wrote:
> > >
> > > On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, trajan wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.
> > > > > Would you go?
> > > >
> > > > No.
> > >
> > > What kind of sicko are you?
> > >
> > >
> > I've been to the Emmys. I've been to the Grammys. I've been to
> > the MTV Music Awards. And the Addys. And the Clios. I've been
> > to Jingle Ball. Yawn. I sat through the cabaret show of a mutual
> > friend with Jerry and Elaine Orbach. It was a bit more
> > interesting, but only marginally.
> >
> > Now if you're talking NBA playoffs, that's another story. I'd go
> > to those handcuffed to a dead gorilla.
> >
> > (You can call me sick, you can call me twisted, but just don't
> > call me late for dinner.)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Trajan
> >
> Wow. How connected are you. Hypothetically, if I could get you playoff
> tickets, could you get me Oscar/SAG tickets?
I run an ad agency. Don't need actually playoff tickets, I watch
from a box at the Garden (sometimes even Fox's).

Now if you could only guarantee that the Knicks would win...



Feb 1, 2001, 8:03:28 PM2/1/01

The Advertising Awards (creative).



Feb 1, 2001, 8:03:51 PM2/1/01
Alan Hurshman wrote:
> "Rufie" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>, trajan
> > > I've been to the Emmys. I've been to the Grammys. I've been to
> > > the MTV Music Awards. And the Addys.
> >
> > What are the Addy's?
> Never heard of them but I bet the Ad comes
> from advertisement.



Brian Manning

Feb 1, 2001, 8:41:29 PM2/1/01

Anna wrote:
> Brian Manning wrote:
> > Anna wrote:
> > > No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.
> >
> > It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)
> I sincerely think this is the best team they've had in a long time. They just
> need to do some fine-tuning.

Fine-tuning = Lindros?

> By the time the playoffs roll around they'll be
> ready. I *feel* it.

I think they have a decent shot, actually. They would not be one of my
top three or four choices, but who the hell knows?

> Anna
> (would love to see a Leafs/Red Wings final)

That would be fun--and a ticket broker's dream.

Brian Manning
Detroit, MI

Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 1, 2001, 8:49:36 PM2/1/01

If I can? <summoning magical powers>

*MulderWhore #1* *WNS Member*
*SCOG Noromo #3*
*Archie's long-lost sister*
*Funmortal's Clone*

"Gillian has beautiful eyes," Duchovny says. "Her eyes anchor me to the scene.
They're big and they're blue and they're wet. And the top of her nose goes
up and down when she talks. Her nose is a good actor."


Feb 1, 2001, 9:32:09 PM2/1/01
Brian Manning wrote:

> Anna wrote:
> > Brian Manning wrote:
> > > Anna wrote:
> > > > No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.
> > > It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)
> > I sincerely think this is the best team they've had in a long time. They just
> > need to do some fine-tuning.
> Fine-tuning = Lindros?

Noooooooo! I don't want him here. Its personal. I can't forgive him for that crap
he pulled on the Nordiques. I just see a team that's on the verge of clicking.

> > By the time the playoffs roll around they'll be
> > ready. I *feel* it.
> I think they have a decent shot, actually. They would not be one of my
> top three or four choices, but who the hell knows?
> > Anna
> > (would love to see a Leafs/Red Wings final)
> That would be fun--and a ticket broker's dream.

The American networks hate it when a Canadian team is in the playoffs. I would
guess their dream match-up would be NY (Rangers or Islanders) and LA. A
Toronto/Montreal final would be the bestest.



Feb 1, 2001, 10:31:57 PM2/1/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message

Oh my God! I'm sooooooo touched! :-D If anyone else wants to join the
spying, bring it on!
Thanks Anna for looking out for him
a 19th Century Hysteric diagnosed by Alan
WNS Prez, A Vicarious Liver, Trashily Kinky, XF Slut,
Brie's long-lost bro, Proud BBTB Member, atxf #45

"Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer


Feb 1, 2001, 10:48:49 PM2/1/01

"Cynthia Zerquera-Fischer" <> wrote in message

> To see John Doggett ... taking in his scent and his lingering body heat

from the sheets, then
> look surprised and coy when he emerges from the shower with only a towel
> around his waist .... oh wait, I've got to be alone right now, but for
> than two minutes ....

Hey, that's better then Sean... :-P



Feb 1, 2001, 11:03:06 PM2/1/01
> Then you get the next set of Oscars tix I get.



Feb 1, 2001, 11:24:23 PM2/1/01

>Subject: Re: ARCHIE: Have you seen this?
>From: "Archie"
>Date: 2/1/2001 2:31 PM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <95co65$3ct$>

>"Anna" <> wrote in message
>> intikilla wrote
>> > Scream with delight. Then I would have to find Archie's house to satisfy
>> > curiosity about his fascinating personality

>Oh my God! I'm sooooooo touched! :-D If anyone else wants to join the

>spying, bring it on!
>Thanks Anna for looking out for him
>a 19th Century Hysteric diagnosed by Alan
>WNS Prez, A Vicarious Liver, Trashily Kinky, XF Slut,
>Brie's long-lost bro, Proud BBTB Member, atxf #45
>"Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
>Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
>when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer

All those who wish to hop aboard the Invisible Spy-Van and head on over to
Archie's place, we will be departing shortly. Just as soon as I locate my other
matching invisi-sock.

Trish~ who likes bee-shooting dogs


Feb 2, 2001, 12:15:12 AM2/2/01

I have to suffer with the (retch) ISLANDERS!! Yecchh.


Gabrielle Downey Boutin

Feb 2, 2001, 1:01:19 AM2/2/01
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Archie wrote:

> "Anna" <> wrote in message
> > intikilla wrote
> >
> > > Scream with delight. Then I would have to find Archie's house to satisfy
> my
> > > curiosity about his fascinating personality.
> >
> > Anna
> > (wants to see Archie smiling)
> Oh my God! I'm sooooooo touched! :-D If anyone else wants to join the
> spying, bring it on!

What? You think think it hasn't already been going on for a while?
<crouches behind a bush>


Feb 2, 2001, 1:40:18 AM2/2/01
Archie wrote:

> Oh my God! I'm sooooooo touched! :-D If anyone else wants to join the
> spying, bring it on!
> --
> Archie
> Thanks Anna for looking out for him


> a 19th Century Hysteric diagnosed by Alan
> WNS Prez, A Vicarious Liver, Trashily Kinky, XF Slut,
> Brie's long-lost bro, Proud BBTB Member, atxf #45
> "Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
> Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
> when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer

Simpson, right? Wasn't this Konrad's sig until he switched over to the Poochie


Brian Manning

Feb 2, 2001, 1:45:51 AM2/2/01

If it makes you feel any better, we have to put up with Lions, Pistons
and Tigers for the rest of the year.

Brian Manning

Feb 2, 2001, 2:00:47 AM2/2/01

Anna wrote:
> > Fine-tuning = Lindros?
> Noooooooo! I don't want him here. Its personal. I can't forgive him for that crap
> he pulled on the Nordiques. I just see a team that's on the verge of clicking.

Good. Just checking. :^)

> The American networks hate it when a Canadian team is in the playoffs.

The hell with the networks--they gave us the glow puck, after all.

> I would
> guess their dream match-up would be NY (Rangers or Islanders) and LA. A
> Toronto/Montreal final would be the bestest.

Judging by ESPN & ESPN2's recent schedule, I'd say that...

I think a Pittsburgh (Mario) vs. Anaheim (Disney) final would make the
ABC/ESPN TV execs happiest, with Pittsubrgh vs. anybody else a close


Feb 2, 2001, 2:11:43 AM2/2/01
Lions, Pistons, and Tigers?

Oh my.


Brian Manning

Feb 2, 2001, 2:45:53 AM2/2/01

trajan wrote:
> Lions, Pistons, and Tigers?
> Oh my.
> TD

It has the ring of a Lucky Charms commercial, doesn't it?


Feb 2, 2001, 3:03:01 AM2/2/01
>1. If you have one Season 8 wish come true, what would it be?

this wisecrackin guy, i *think* his name was mulder. well he's been abducted
so find him. i want the meeting between the real mulder and doggett!

>2. Suppose you could become invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

fly to l.a. and visit my fav celebrities homes. maybe follow robert patrick
into the shower, no? ;-)

>3. Aliens have landed on your roof! They want to take you to their planet
>for a celebration. If you go, you may never return and you will miss the
>rest of Season 8. Would you go?

heck yeah, i live for the x-files and all but i gotta get out of here, at
least for the next 4 yrs.

>4. You are invited to dine at DD's house for dinner. He asks what would you
>like. What is the entree and dessert?

shrimp scampi and for dessert...chocolate mousse

>5. CC e-mails you and asks your opinion of Doggett. What would you write

chris, if this guy makes me teetering on the edge of my MS shipperdom of 8
yrs in half a season, he's gotta be awesome. but give me some more background
on him, more doggett-centric eppies, let's explore his house some more...

>6. GA calls you and wonders if you would like to go to the SAG's with her.

>Would you go? What would you wear?

sure, why not? well i think she should wear emerald green to match her hair so
i'd wear a slinky but not slutty black dress to match her and also me.

>7. Pick a number from 1-10. Multiply it by 538. Divide it by 2. Add 9386.

>Subtract 287. Divide it by 189. What is the number? What does it mean to

the original or the new number?

>Thanks for polling! ;)

thanks for taking me around for the ride!


Feb 2, 2001, 5:29:10 AM2/2/01
Anna wrote:

>Archie wrote:
>> "Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
>> Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
>> when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer
>Simpson, right? Wasn't this Konrad's sig until he switched over to the

Hell yeah it's the Simpsons! That's one of my all-time favorite quotes.
:-) I think it's from the ep with the robotic Richard Simmons. I wish I
could remember what happened that led up to the RRS part, though.

stbnw: Star Trek: Voyager


Feb 2, 2001, 6:06:45 AM2/2/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message
> Archie wrote:

> > Archie
> > Thanks Anna for looking out for him
> :-)


> > "Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs?
> > Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and
> > when they bark, they shoot bees at you?" -Homer
> Simpson, right? Wasn't this Konrad's sig until he switched over to the
> quote?

Not sure what Konrad's sig was. But yes, I subscribe to the great Homer's

Absolutely trashed out of his mind


Feb 2, 2001, 8:01:22 AM2/2/01

"trajan" <> wrote

> I run an ad agency. Don't need actually playoff tickets, I watch
> from a box at the Garden (sometimes even Fox's).
> Now if you could only guarantee that the Knicks would win...

Looking for some help? I can't do anything about the Knicks, but I *can*
move to NY and work for you after March 16th. ;-)

"She is very, very enigmatic, very puzzling. I would say things to her like,
'Do you want to head over to the trailer and grab some food?' And she would
turn and say, 'The lizard swims at night deliciously.' And then laugh and
walk away." (Jon Stewart on Gillian Anderson)
*WNS Intern
*Samurai SMUTster STO #419+1
*XFW #419+1


Feb 2, 2001, 3:07:27 PM2/2/01
Kristen wrote:
> "trajan" <> wrote
> > I run an ad agency. Don't need actually playoff tickets, I watch
> > from a box at the Garden (sometimes even Fox's).
> >
> > Now if you could only guarantee that the Knicks would win...
> >
> Looking for some help? I can't do anything about the Knicks, but I *can*
> move to NY and work for you after March 16th. ;-)
You wouldn't want to work for me. My people tell me I'm a horror.
The world's worst employer. I make MulderTorture look like a walk
in the park.




Feb 2, 2001, 7:06:11 PM2/2/01
trajan wrote:

> I sat through the cabaret show of a mutual
> friend with Jerry and Elaine Orbach.

Now I'm really jealous.

I have the strangest little crush on Jerry Orbach.

I'm weird.



Feb 3, 2001, 6:50:36 AM2/3/01

No you're not. He's a delightful conversationalist with a vert
serious weakness for musical theater, and his wife is charming.
They invited me out to dinner after but I had an early meeting
the next day.


Nancy Black

Feb 3, 2001, 3:14:23 PM2/3/01
Brian Manning wrote:
> Anna wrote:
> > Brian Manning wrote:
> > > Anna wrote:
> > > > No, I might miss the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this year.
> > >
> > > It's a good thing this is a fantasy thread, Anna. ;-)
> >
> > I sincerely think this is the best team they've had in a long time. They just
> > need to do some fine-tuning.
> Fine-tuning = Lindros?

No, don't do it! I'm not a Leafs fan, but I wouldn't wish him upon any
team. He's broken goods. My prediction is that, if he ever does get to
play again, he'll get a career-ending concussion within the first 5

And, besides, as Connie could tell you, Lindros is the Chupacabra. ;-D

Nancy (yet another atxf Nancy)


Feb 3, 2001, 7:00:50 PM2/3/01
trajan wrote:
> Jerusha wrote:
> >
> > trajan wrote:
> >
> > > I sat through the cabaret show of a mutual
> > > friend with Jerry and Elaine Orbach.
> >
> > Now I'm really jealous.
> >
> > I have the strangest little crush on Jerry Orbach.
> >
> > I'm weird.
> No you're not. He's a delightful conversationalist with a vert
> serious weakness for musical theater, and his wife is charming.
> They invited me out to dinner after but I had an early meeting
> the next day.

That is just too cool. I knew he was a cool guy in real life. I
watched him on Celebrity Jeopardy once, and he kicked ass. But it is a
bit weird that I have a crush on him. He is 41 years older than me,
afterall. Whatever, I still think he's a cutie.

T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 1:28:11 PM2/7/01

"Nancy Black" <> wrote in message
> T Block wrote:
> > "Brian Manning" <> wrote in
> > > T Block wrote:
> > > > Am I the only one disgusted with the constant attention
> > > > given Mario, with pictures of the cute 4 year old a close second?
> You're never the only one. <waves to Jen>
> > > There's at least two of us. ;-)
> See? And I make three. I wish Mario would leave again and take Jagr
> with him. I detest the Penguins.
> > > ESPN has done this kind of stuff for the last ten years, it seems. It
> > > was the same thing when Wayne played for the Kings, Rangers and
> > > Blues--they followed him like groupies. To a lesser extent, it was true
> > > with Messier, too.
> > >
> > > > I mean, come on, the sun does not shine out of his asshole.
> > >
> > > I'm just thankful for CBC--the source for Hockey and Olympics coverage
> > > in Southeast Michigan.
> >
> > You really know how to hurt a guy.
> >
> > (Note: The CBC has just dropped all of its in the clear C-band
> > satellite feeds, leaving big dish owners across Canada, and indeed
> > across all of North America, with no access to its programming.)
> That sucks. I get HNIC (and dozens of other games every week) on my
> little dish through the DirecTV Center Ice package. We're watching
> Flyers at Bruins right now.

DirecTV? Which type of dish is that on, or is that package
available on several types? I may be shopping soon.


Charter Member, at!NRM Division/NRMTPB/SC-w/oU-BWP-I#26/25
MBC Agent , Now With Badge!- "Gloucestermen. It's always Gloucestermen."

"The darn cute atxf God of good spelling."

T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 1:26:30 PM2/7/01

"Alan Hurshman" <> wrote in message
> "T Block" <> wrote in
> > I hope so. And BTW, could you do me a favor? Round up about
> > 50 of your friends, make up some placards, and head downtown
> > for a demonstration in front of the CBC building? Thanks, sweetie. ;-)
> Have you checked to see if there is still an
> analog broadcast for the French network?

No, it's gone too. My only hope is that there would sometimes be an extra
feed on another transponder for HNIC, ususally only the first
game, or sometimes only part of the first game. I'm hoping that maybe
that will still be there somewhere. Otherwise, a small dish may be
in my future.

> FROM CBC Website:
> CBC is converting its English satellite network distribution
> signals from analog to digital format. The conversion is required
> to improve the efficiency of CBC's internal distribution operations.

*cough* bullshit *cough*

> CBC is the last Canadian broadcaster to convert our satellite
> distribution signal from analog to digital.

*cough* assholes *cough*

> CBC uses satellites to transport its programming across Canada
> to its stations and transmitters, and this is an update of our internal
> distribution system. Canadian residents who subscribe to cable or
> direct-to-home (DTH) satellite, or who receive CBC's over-the-air
> transmitter signal with a TV or rooftop antenna, shouldn't notice any
> change.

*cough* biteme *cough*

> People using the existing backyard C-Band dishes will not be able to
> receive the new digital signals. The analog satellite signal, which some
> viewers were receiving on C-Band dishes, was an internal CBC network
> distribution signal. It was planned solely to transport CBC's programming
> across Canada to its stations and transmitters. Although your personal
> satellite dish may have been able to receive this signal, it was never
> intended or authorized for direct home viewing.

*cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough*
bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit
*cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit
*cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough*

Alan Hurshman

Feb 7, 2001, 2:09:01 PM2/7/01
"T Block" <> wrote in
> "Alan Hurshman" <> wrote in message
> > People using the existing backyard C-Band dishes will not be able to
> > receive the new digital signals. The analog satellite signal, which some
> > viewers were receiving on C-Band dishes, was an internal CBC network
> > distribution signal. It was planned solely to transport CBC's
> > across Canada to its stations and transmitters. Although your personal
> > satellite dish may have been able to receive this signal, it was never
> > intended or authorized for direct home viewing.
> *cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit
> bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough*
> *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit
> *cough**cough* bullshit *cough**cough* bullshit *cough*

Quick, someone call Dr. Mom.

Alan Hurshman
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Order of the Holy Pup
CCynic #2, WNS


Feb 7, 2001, 2:18:20 PM2/7/01
T Block wrote:

> Otherwise, a small dish may be
> in my future.

Have you discussed this with Mrs. Block? ;-)


T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 3:28:07 PM2/7/01

"Anna" <> wrote in message

Only briefly. I did get her to admit that the only reason
that we have the big dish now is for my early X-files taping.
If I can hit her up with the fact that there are early broadcasts
on the little dish, and that we can get HNIC back to boot, I may
have a chance. Of course there's always the money problem.


Feb 7, 2001, 3:37:49 PM2/7/01
T Block wrote:

> "Anna" <> wrote in message
> > T Block wrote:
> > > Otherwise, a small dish may be
> > > in my future.
> > Have you discussed this with Mrs. Block? ;-)
> Only briefly. I did get her to admit that the only reason
> that we have the big dish now is for my early X-files taping.
> If I can hit her up with the fact that there are early broadcasts
> on the little dish, and that we can get HNIC back to boot, I may
> have a chance. Of course there's always the money problem.

W H O O S H !!!!!!!

(one-track mind)

Alan Hurshman

Feb 7, 2001, 4:03:52 PM2/7/01
"Anna" <> wrote

> T Block wrote:
> > "Anna" <> wrote in message
> > > T Block wrote:
> > > > Otherwise, a small dish may be
> > > > in my future.
> > > Have you discussed this with Mrs. Block? ;-)
> > Only briefly. I did get her to admit that the only reason
> > that we have the big dish now is for my early X-files taping.
> > If I can hit her up with the fact that there are early broadcasts
> > on the little dish, and that we can get HNIC back to boot, I may
> > have a chance. Of course there's always the money problem.
> W H O O S H !!!!!!!

Tony, I think you will find this was really a
penis post. Big dish, little dish, etc.

T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 4:12:49 PM2/7/01

"Anna" wrote message
> T Block wrote:
> > "Anna" wrote ..
> > > T Block wrote:

> > > > Otherwise, a small dish may be
> > > > in my future.

> > > Have you discussed this with Mrs. Block? ;-)

> > Only briefly. I did get her to admit that the only reason
> > that we have the big dish now is for my early X-files taping.
> > If I can hit her up with the fact that there are early broadcasts
> > on the little dish, and that we can get HNIC back to boot, I may
> > have a chance. Of course there's always the money problem.
> W H O O S H !!!!!!!

Not a WHOOSH. More like a , well, whatever sound one would hear
when trying to re-route a conversation that is heading into the gutter ;-)

> Anna
> (one-track mind)

See what I mean?!?!?!

BTW, have you and your thong made it onto The National yet?

oops, I meant to say throng, not thong. ;-P


Tony, 2 can play this game <there's another straight line
just ripe for double entendre'>


Feb 7, 2001, 4:39:50 PM2/7/01

"T Block" <> wrote :

> DirecTV? Which type of dish is that on, or is that package
> available on several types? I may be shopping soon.

*NHL Center Ice* is available on DirecTV. For about $150 or so, you get ALL
NHL games.



Feb 7, 2001, 5:40:46 PM2/7/01
T Block wrote:

> Not a WHOOSH. More like a , well, whatever sound one would hear
> when trying to re-route a conversation that is heading into the gutter ;-)

Sure, I'll buy that <snicker>

> See what I mean?!?!?!


> BTW, have you and your thong made it onto The National yet?

You've heard about my little crush on Peter Mansbridge?

> oops, I meant to say throng, not thong. ;-P

Oh good one!!

> Tony, 2 can play this game <there's another straight line
> just ripe for double entendre'>

Oh, so we're still playing ;-)


T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 6:33:08 PM2/7/01

"Anna" wrote

> T Block wrote:

> > Not a WHOOSH. More like a , well, whatever sound one would hear
> > when trying to re-route a conversation that is heading into the gutter ;-)

> Sure, I'll buy that <snicker>

That'll be $20. I'll even take it in Canadian. Or Canadians. Just
not Canadiens (although they would be fun to coach for a day).

> > See what I mean?!?!?!
> Where?

Everywhere you look.

> > BTW, have you and your thong made it onto The National yet?
> You've heard about my little crush on Peter Mansbridge?

I don't know how to put this delicately........

Who *don't* you have a crush on?

> > oops, I meant to say throng, not thong. ;-P
> Oh good one!!

<blushes> Why thank you. I'm proud of it.

> > Tony, 2 can play this game <there's another straight line
> > just ripe for double entendre'>
> Oh, so we're still playing ;-)

Apparently ;-)




Feb 7, 2001, 7:48:16 PM2/7/01
T Block wrote:

> I don't know how to put this delicately........
> Who *don't* you have a crush on?

I'm a people person ;-)

An aside: I headed over to Archie's site today (forgive me, but yes this was my
first visit) hoping to see nekkid pictures of the executive board (none there, but
I will be petitioning) when I came across some now-famous Tony words-of wisdom in
their "Distracting Crap" section. Did you know and are you honoured?


T Block

Feb 7, 2001, 8:44:20 PM2/7/01

"Anna" <> wrote

Yes, and a little. It was more honour-some when that line was
actually in a sig, but I guess I'll always have Todd.

> Anna
> (olestra?)

Supposedly the lubricant of choice for the heart-smart orgy-goer.
(but I thought it caused flatulence?)

Nancy Black

Feb 8, 2001, 1:38:05 AM2/8/01
T Block wrote:
> "Nancy Black" <> wrote...

> > T Block wrote:
> > > (Note: The CBC has just dropped all of its in the clear C-band
> > > satellite feeds, leaving big dish owners across Canada, and indeed
> > > across all of North America, with no access to its programming.)
> >
> > That sucks. I get HNIC (and dozens of other games every week) on my
> > little dish through the DirecTV Center Ice package. We're watching
> > Flyers at Bruins right now.
> DirecTV? Which type of dish is that on, or is that package
> available on several types? I may be shopping soon.

DirecTV is just the programming. I've got an RCA 18" DSS dish. Sony
and a bunch of other brands also make them. I think you can get the
basic dish and one receiver for around $100 these days. The Center Ice
package is $129 a year, but well worth it -- there are 8 games on
tonight, including one broadcast by a local Edmonton station.

Alan Hurshman

Feb 8, 2001, 12:49:59 PM2/8/01
"Nancy Black" <> wrote in message
> T Block wrote:
> > DirecTV? Which type of dish is that on, or is that package
> > available on several types? I may be shopping soon.
> DirecTV is just the programming. I've got an RCA 18" DSS dish. Sony
> and a bunch of other brands also make them. I think you can get the
> basic dish and one receiver for around $100 these days. The Center Ice
> package is $129 a year, but well worth it -- there are 8 games on
> tonight, including one broadcast by a local Edmonton station.

Ahh, my younger brother would be in hogs heven with that.

0 new messages