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Firewalker Qiestion?

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Richard A. Sipos

Mar 26, 1995, 8:37:53 AM3/26/95

At the end of the show:

Did anyone recognize the patch on the arm of the soldier?

Or is it just supposed to be another pseudo-secret group?

Just wondering/

John Holbrook

Mar 26, 1995, 1:17:35 PM3/26/95
Richard A. Sipos (ah...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:

: At the end of the show:

: Did anyone recognize the patch on the arm of the soldier?

: Or is it just supposed to be another pseudo-secret group?

: Just wondering

Was it not the Biohazard symbol?


Jessica Nadler

Mar 26, 1995, 5:14:36 PM3/26/95
Nope, it wasn't a biohazard sign. Those were on the big ol' tubs they
were dumping things into. It looked kinda like to pieces of glassware (I
don't know the names of 'em, bulbs with long tails) crossed with a fleur
de lis or something behind them.

Jessica Nadler

The time has come to answer that question that has baffled mankind
through the ages... namely can the frog tapdance?


Peter Tran

Mar 26, 1995, 6:39:01 PM3/26/95

I'll have to look at the patch again but if I remember it correctly, it
had crossed retorts and a benzene ring. If that's what it was, then it
is the symbol of the Army Chemical Corps. The Chemical Corps is the Army
combat support branch responsible for providing expertise in all aspects
of nuclear, biological, ancd chemical (NBC) warfare.

Hope that helps.

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