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VR5 digest 499

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Feb 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/20/96
Re: [NWM] New Nowhere Man Faq [02/08/96 version] (fwd) (
S:AAB, SL ( (E))
A Continuation (No Title Yet) ( (E))
Re: Missing Eps ( (E))
Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet) (Lori Olson <>)
Re: QUICK REQUEST (Augie De Blieck Jr <>)
Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet) ( (Jonathan Gan))
Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet) ( (Jonathan Gan))
Hello World! (
News from e2 list ( (Jonathan Gan))
European TV vote ( (Jonathan Gan))
Message from Staci Hayes in ( (Jonathan Gan))
Australian pre-reaction to VR.5 (warning: long) ( (Jonathan Gan))


Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 19:19:50 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [NWM] New Nowhere Man Faq [02/08/96 version] (fwd)

On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Phuoc Tran wrote:

> Thanks William for the NwM faq.

No problem Phuoc.

I just saw rthis weeks episode "Stay Tuned". Pretty good show (once
again written by the creator Larry Hertzog). BUT what's even more
interesting is NEXT WEEKS Show!
Man, it looks like several major questions are going to be answered by
that one! (Of course given UPN's penchent for missleading adds, I'm
probably totally wrong!)


Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 21:23:10 -0800
From: (E)
Subject: S:AAB, SL

We should keep our eyes on them. Maybe we can work together if S:AAB gets
canceled and dumped like our love did.


VR.5 will be right back


Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 22:19:04 -0800
From: (E)
Subject: A Continuation (No Title Yet)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've worked hard on this. Enjoy.

Content-Type: text/plain; name="Story_2_Text"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Story_2_Text"

Part One

Nora slowly reached up and took the goggles off.
"Mom?" Samantha whispered, staring.
"Samantha?" Nora turned and stared for a moment, then the two hugged and
clung to each other as though they would never let go.
Duncan smiled, then looked at Sydney. She lay with her head resting on
her arms, a peaceful look on her face. The VR goggles were still flashing.
Slowly, the smile on Duncan's face disappeared.
"Syd?" He whispered. "Look . . . . Samantha -" He pulled her towards
him, so she was leaning into him, his face buried in her soft hair.
"How do you stop this thing?!" Oliver shouted, trying to tear the gloves
from her limp hands.
"Wake up!" Duncan whispered in her ear.
"Get them off!" Oliver cried, trying to tear the goggles off.
"Syd?" Duncan continued to whisper.
"Sydney?" The look on Samantha's face was a familiar one of terror and dread.
"Syd, can you hear me? Syd, are you in there? Listen, can you hear me?
Syd. Syd! Can you hear me . . . ." All were silent as Duncan continued
to whisper . . . .

She could hear them, but she couldn't answer. She couldn't cry out, tell
them that she was okay. She could only sit and listen, being tortured by
their cries for her. No matter how hard she tried to call back, reach out
a hand to comfort them, she couldn't.
She felt herself being lifted, carried up the steps, moved. In a car, in
the rain. Leaning against Duncan, hearing Samantha's voice, Mom's voice.
How she wished she could call out to them! Sam! Mom! I'm in here! Talk
to me! But she couldn't. She could only listen in silence.
She was being carried, lying on a bed. Unfamiliar, in a motel. Lots of
noises, trucks probably. Her hands sliding into the familiar gloves, the
goggles being fitted over her face. A shiver of excitement ran through
her, and she would have smiled if she'd been able to.

(Remember, even though the passing time seemed like many hours to Oliver,
Duncan, Samantha & Nora, for Sydney it was only minutes.)

"Sydney!" Her mother was coming towards her, arms outstretched.
"No, not yet." Another figure spoke from the shadows. They froze.
"Daddy?" Sydney asked, confused. Dr. Bloom emerged from the shadows. He
was dressed completely in black, except for a khaki overcoat and his old
brown hat. He was silent for a moment, his eyes taking in the sight of
this daughter he hadn't spoken to in more than 17 years, then spoke with an
unexpected urgentness.
"Sydney -" He stopped, then quickly continued.
"Listen to me carefully. They won't harm you or Duncan because they think
they know what you can do and they don't think you know what they can do.
Your mother is in danger. I must take her with me. You must protect
Samantha. I can't get through to her."
"No . . . . she . . . . she just came back, I have to see her, talk to her-"
"Don't argue, just do as I say. There's so little time! You must protect
Samantha. You must make sure she isn't hurt. You cannot let them get to
her, understand?"
"But The Committee doesn't know Dunc can do it. Oliver didn't tell them,"
Sydney said, confused.
"Ahhh, but I know! Now go!"
Suddenly she was eleven again. "Yes daddy." Samantha was lying in their
red radio flyer wagon, sleeping. Sydney started pulling the wagon, but it
was so hard. So hard . . . . she reached for Samantha's hand, and . . . .


"Wha!" Sydney pulled the goggles from her head as and threw them on the
table as if they were on fire. She looked around, taking in her
surroundings. She was sitting in a comfortable padded chair, VR gloves
still on. Samantha was squatting on the floor in front of her, eyes
worried. Duncan was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed. Oliver
stopped pacing when he saw her move.
"Mom! Mom!" Brushing Samantha out of the way, Sydney ran to the still
form lying on the bed and shook her mother's shoulders.
"What's that smell?" Duncan froze, sniffing. Oliver, sniffing as well,
looked alarmed.

-Two Hours Later-

"Okay, so here's what we know. Syd went in at the house and came back out
here. Mrs. Bloom went in seventeen years ago, came out at the house, and
went in again here. When Syd came out I said something smelled funny and
Oliver yelled and now we wake up and find Ma Bloom gone." Duncan stopped
for a breath, still looking puzzled.
The four of them were settled haphazardly around the room. Duncan lay on
the bed on his belly, one arm trailing on the floor as he thought out loud.
Samantha was sitting rigidly against the bed, on guard. Sydney was leaning
against the wall, keeping an eye out the window, and Oliver appeared to be
relaxing in the comfortable chair.
"I yelled 'get down' because that particular type of gas rises. The door
was locked and since none of us let anyone in we must assume that either
They had a way into the room, or one of us let Them in," Oliver stated.
"I thought we decided we had to trust each other," Samantha said
sarcastically, immediately on the defensive. Oliver paused, remembering
how just a few days ago, Samantha had threatened to kill him.
"In that case, they had a way into the room." He answered.
Duncan spoke up. "Maybe the maid let them in."
"And she saw four people passed out on the floor and didn't do anything?
I don't think so." Sydney countered.
"Unless the maid was Committee," Samantha argued.
"How she get a job here? How would they know where we are?"
"Giving her sister a hard stare, Samantha snappped, "Sydney, they're
"Well then maybe Mrs. Bloom let them in," Duncan suggested after an
uncomfortable silence.
"No, she's scared of them. You saw how she reacted to The Keeper, even
though he saved us," Sydney argued.
"What if it was someone she knew? Someone she trusted?" asked Duncan.
"Like daddy?"

Oliver finally broke the silence. "Before we speculate further, we need
to get out of here."
"But what if mom comes back? And we're not here? We have to stay here.
If she comes back and we're not here, she's gonna be scared -" Samantha was
interrupted by her sister.
"Wait, let me tell you what happened when mom took me into VR. It might
help." The others waited in silence for Sydney to start.
"Daddy was there. He was worried about you," she started, nodding towards
Samantha, "but told me that They wouldn't harm me or Dunc cause they think
they know what we can do and they don't think we know what they can do. He
said mom was in danger, and he had to take her. He told me I had to
protect Samantha, that he-"
Sydney's impassioned speech was suddenly interrupted by the shattering of
glass as a bullet tore through the window and lodged itself in the wall
near Sydney's head.
"Get down!" Oliver yelled for the second time that day. Duncan, still
feeling overprotective of Sydney, pushed her to the floor under him,
shielding her with his body. Samantha dove towards the closet,
somersaulting backwards and landing with her back against the back wall of
Oliver crawled towards the closet on his hands and knees, but seeing Sydney
struggling under an injured Duncan, crawled back and helped Sydney ease
their friend into the closet.
The bullets seemed to continue forever. When the barrage stopped it was
eerily silent for a fragment of a second until the hiss of a smoke bomb
filled the air/room.
"Come on!" Samantha beckoned. She'd found a loose panel in the back of
the closet and slipped through it into the passageway beyond.
As Sydney eased Duncan through the opening, he began to groan. Oliver
slapped his hand over Duncan's mouth, hissing, "No noise! None at all!"
Duncan nodded, and Oliver removed his hand.
When they were all in the passageway and the panel was placed firmly back
in the wall, Oliver pulled a penlight from his shirt pockey and shined it
around the panel's edges, checking for escaping smoke. When he was
satisfied it was sealed, he attempted to peel Duncan's shirt off. At first
Duncan struggled, then slipped into unconsciousness, allowing Oliver to
remove his shirt, revealing an entry wound in his left shoulder.
Sydney gasped at the sight of her friend's blood, turning and burying her
face in her sister's outstretched arms.
As Oliver finished cleaning the wound, Samantha lead Sydney down the
passageway; partly to find an exit and partly to get away from the blood.
They came quite suddenly to the end of the passageway. Attempting to
distract her sister, Samantha bent down and examined the hatchway.
"Sydney, help me get this open," she asked. Slowly, Sydney crouched
beside her. Together they managed to push the hatch outward, letting in a
flood of sunlight.
"Stay here while I go help Oliver, okay?"
Sydney nodded numbly. A few minutes later, Samantha came back alone.
"Oliver thinks it would be best if we stayed here until morning," Samantha
said gently as she helped Sydney to her feet.
Once they were all settled, Oliver motioned to Samantha that he wanted to
talk to her privately.
She looked at Sydney, who was speaking softly to a now semiconscious
Duncan, and followed him down the hallway.
"What is it?" She asked impatiently, glancing back at the other two.
"I'm worried about her," Oliver whispered.
"So am I but I don't have any ideas. Hell, I'm her sister and I don't
even really know her. You probably know her better than I do. Has she
ever been like this before?" Samantha was close to tears. Oliver,
surprised that she was exposing some of herself to him, thought for a
moment before answering.
"No, but then again I've never seen Duncan injured either." Oliver replied.
Attempting to compose herself, Samantha muttered, "I have."
"Can you tell me about her?" Samantha asked.
"She's . . . . she wants to get to know you, but she's afraid. I believe
she unconsciously thinks you'll be taken away from her again."
"What about Duncan?"
"Duncan . . . . loves her. He protects her, and I believe he would die
for her," Oliver answered with a sardonic smile. Samantha laughed
Oliver was about to continue when suddenly the Keeper's head appeared
through the hatch.
"Come, we've prepared a safe house." He motioned, and two huge men
squeezed through the hole, pushed past Samantha & Oliver, lifted up Duncan,
and carried him outside. Sydney followed. Samantha looked at Oliver
helplessly, as if to ask what they should do. Oliver shrugged motioned for
her to follow her sister.
Once outside, Samantha squinted in the sudden brightness. The men placed
Duncan gently across the back seat of one of the two sleek cars waiting in
the parking lot. The Keeper went to the other car, motioning for Samantha
& Oliver to follow him. Sydney had climbed in next to Duncan, resting his
head on her lap.
"I'm not leaving them," Samantha said, and Oliver nodded in agreement,
adding, "We stay together."
The Keeper shrugged, and the men moved Duncan to a sitting position so
Samantha could sit on the other side of him. Oliver rode in the front of
the same car.
They drove for about two hours, then arrived at a small rural airport.
"We're going to fly?" Samantha asked, her face turning an ashen shade of
pale. The Keeper nodded, opening the door for her. Samantha paused,
swallowed, then slid out. The men reached for Duncan, but Oliver stopped
"We'll do it." Samantha came around the car and the two of them,
supporting Duncan between them, carried him towards the awaiting jet.

-Two Hours Later-

"So . . . . where are we going?" Sydney asked. Samantha answered before
The Keeper had a chance to.
"Don't bother. He won't tell you. It's 'compartmentalized need-to-know
"Secrets are for safety Sydney, you know that. And I assume you do as
well," Oliver countered, nodding to Samantha.
"What about Duncan? Even though the bleeding's stopped, it can't be doing
him any good to have a bullet lodged in his shoulder," Sydney asked,
convinced that she wouldn't get any more information about their
destination out of him for the moment.
The Keeper nodded, beckoning to an unseen person behind the dark red
curtain that separated the room they were in from the rest of the plane. A
woman emerged, wearing a white lab jacket and crisp white slacks. Her
hair, an auburnish shade of red, was pulled back in a tight bun at the nape
of her neck. Her glasses had gold wire frames, and her eyes were a
strange, piercing light blue.
Shaking hands with all in turn, she said, "Hello, my name is Dr. Hersche.
I will be removing the bullet from your friend's shoulder." Hearing the
doctor's name, Sydney flinched. Oliver looked slightly unsettled, but
remained silent.
"Will he be okay?" Sydney asked.
"Yes. That type of bullet isn't the most destructive kind. He should be
fine, but he's lost a lot of blood. By the time we land, he'll have most
of the blood back and if he doesn't use his arm much for the next few
weeks, he'll be as good as new." Dr. Hersche reassured them, patting Sydney
on the shoulder in a motherly sort of way. Sydney didn't respond.
The two men from the car came in and moved Duncan out of sight to what Dr.
Hersche described as her portable ER. Sydney wanted to stay with him, but
Oliver convinced her that he'd be okay and that she didn't want to watch.
Samantha agreed, considering what had happened the last time Sydney saw
Duncan's blood.
They sat in silence for about 2 1/2 hours. Sydney gradually fell asleep
on her sister's shoulder. Oliver could tell Samantha was exhausted as
well, but he knew she didn't feel comfortable enough to give in to her

(Sydney's Dream)

" . . . Well in that case, let's just leave. NOW Joseph. Now."
"You know we can't do that. They'll find us. We're better off staying
where we are."
"What good will that do? Should we stay here and try to defend ourselves
from their mind games? Can we expect the girls to hold strong under their
questioning? No. We have to leave." The door slammed, and Samantha, age
eleven, turned in frustration to Sydney.
"Now what are we going to do? We have to help them."
"But what can we do? We're only kids. And we can't let them know we
heard . . . . "
"Oh Sydney, you're such a wimp. We're all in this together, don't you get
that?" Samantha's eyes shone, and Sydney got the distinct impression that
her sister was excited and thought of the situation as an adventure or
another mystery to solve rather than a serious situation. From below,
their mother screamed.

"Huh?" Sydney woke quickly. "Mom?" Slowly, she realized she'd been
dreaming and that her mother wasn't there. But she had been, she had been
there, but she'd left.



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

VR.5 will be right back



Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 22:20:11 -0800
From: (E)
Subject: Re: Missing Eps

Did you get my synopses?

VR.5 will be right back


Date: Mon, 19 Feb 96 22:54:18 PST
From: Lori Olson <>
Subject: Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet)

At 01:14 AM 2/20/96 -0500, you wrote:

>I've worked hard on this. Enjoy.

Hi Erin,

I just read your story -- wow!! Excellent, descriptive writing!!! A perfect
VR.5 continuation. It's about time too, that someone is writing VR.5 stories
again! I really miss them. And you say you are only 15 ?!?!?!? We have
another potential bestselling author in our midst!

Some questions:

1. So Sydney was able to escape from VR.7 -- but what happened to her mom?
Was she trapped again?

2. Is the whole thing Sydney's dream in VR.7?

3. What is going to happen to our four friends?

I like the dream at the end, where Sydney goes back in time to her childhood
to the time that the Committee is splitting up the family. (Or was it a
dream within a dream?) It's great to see it all tie together.

Are you going to continue????

Lori (anxiously awaiting more story)

Lori Olson


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 11:48:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Augie De Blieck Jr <>

On Sun, 18 Feb 1996 wrote:

> I thought Dale Midkiff LOOKS more like Carella than Randy Quaid did in

I miss Time Traxx. Possibly the only science-fiction show my father
has ever actually enjoyed watching with me.

Augie De Blieck Jr. - - -


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 08:51:54 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet)

Erin writes:
[quite a lot]

Waaaaaaaaaah! I'm so confused! <laughing>

Brilliant characterizations and great detail -- you reflected the
characters' personalities beautifully. For instance, in one memorable
spot in the story, Oliver's voice just spoke to me in perfect British
tones, saying what you wrote he said. You also captured the
characters' mannerisms well. (Love that penlight.)

But --

What happened to Nora/Syd after the end of Reunion? Did Dr. Bloom bring Syd
into VR after she was carried into a motel, or was the whole thing (with
Syd rescuing Nora in Reunion) just a VR sequence within a VR sequence?
If so, that'd mean that Nora was still in a coma. Maybe. If not, then
where is Nora?

Other questions:
- If The Keeper and some Committee-types popped in right after they were
shot, did *they* do the shooting but come in after they realized that
they'd shot the wrong person?
- Why would Samantha not trust Syd and have to ask Oliver about him? Syd
didn't, in my view, do anything too out of the ordinary.
- Does Hersche have a special meaning?
- Are you setting us up for a sequel? ;-)

Great work.


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 09:31:58 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: Re: A Continuation (No Title Yet)

Lori writes:
>2. Is the whole thing Sydney's dream in VR.7?

<gasp> That's a great explanation -- that this was just Sydney's dream,
so everyone (and Nora) is still waiting for her to recover!


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 09:30:19 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 20 Feb 1996, Augie De Blieck Jr wrote:

> On Sun, 18 Feb 1996 wrote:
> > I thought Dale Midkiff LOOKS more like Carella than Randy Quaid did in
> I miss Time Traxx. Possibly the only science-fiction show my father
> has ever actually enjoyed watching with me.

It was good in the begining, but up twords the end I thought it had
become kind of repetitive.

> -Augie

- Will.
William Cameron

Episodes That Never Were:
"Who you calling shorty, Big Ears!"
- Quinn Mallory, Sliders, "Wonderland World"


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 13:09:33 -0500
Subject: Hello World!

Well, after many times typing the incorrect listserv address I have now
joined the list. Looking forward to hearing from everyone whose messages
I've read in the digest. I might lag behind a bit with school, zines, and
such, but hopefully I will boot my lurking butt into the forefront.

Looking forward to participating,


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 10:20:02 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: News from e2 list

Thought I'd bounce these at you all...

[Background: Earth 2: Eden Advance folks are trying to get the E2
soundtrack released, especially since they've now got contacts from
organizing New PacifiCon '96, the E2 fan convention Augie posted about last

--- begin inclusion ---
From: (Mary Brick)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 14:18:56 -0400
Subject: Re: E2- Talked to David Bergeaud! E2 composer)

> I just got off the phone with David Bergeaud, the E2 soundtrack
> composer. He has a French accent and the last name is pronounced
> "bu'juo." He said he wishes he could help us, but the 500 CDs he made
> were given out for promotional purposes and that technically
> Universal/MCA owns the rights to the soundtrack (where have we heard
> that before). He keeps talking to them about it but keeps being put
> off since the show's been canceled.

Is it me, or does it seem weird that MCA/Universal/Amblin'/whoever are
keeping such a tight grip on the rights to Earth 2? Why not milk the show
for all it's worth and then be done with it.....unless you plan on doing
something *else* with renew it or make another movie? I may be
in the midst of some serious "Earth 2 is gone for good" denial here, but I
can't help but think that we just might pull this thing off.

> But on the plus side, he said that the soundtrack is ready to be
> produced by MCA Records; i.e. it is already pressed/mastered/edited
> from when he made his promotional copies so all it needs is the
> official go-ahead from someone at MCA to be released. He also said
> that MCA Universal is definately "bothered" by the continuing contact
> from fans who are asking for the soundtrack and other Earth2 merch.
> His opinion is that if E2 fandom can keep up the pressure, we might
> just get our way - at least in the way of some new merchandise
> releases. (Keep Annoying them was his actual wording :) )

"Keep Annoying".....I like that! We *must* keep up the pressure. If they
say no, we are no worse off than we are now. But if we keep up the
pressure, day after day, week after week, and so on, who the
least we may get some merchandise; at the most, we may get Earth 2 back!

Remember, we have nothing to lose and *everything* to gain.

::off my cliche-ridden soap box now::

> Letter campaign to MCA Records anyone??

Absolutely! Do you have the current address and contact?

> One other thing. He said he is talking with some European contacts of
> his about releasing the soundtrack overseas. Since the show is still
> on over there, and popular, there is more interest in a release. He
> said if it works outs, fans could buy the soundtrack from there.

Is there any concrete figures we can use to promote out cause? Or does
overseas popularity not count for television?

Mary (who would do anything but give up her place at NP '96 to get a copy
of the soundtrack!)

Mary Brick (The Original Red-Hot Morganitte)
----- end inclusion -----

"...He keeps being put off since the show's been canceled."

Does this remind anybody of our efforts last summer to get merchandising
rights to VR.5? :-) Yep, Mary makes a very valid point. Rysher must
believe that the rights to VR.5 could be valuable someday. And of
course, they are still marketing the show itself to other countries; the
aus.sf newsgroup has confirmed that Australia's commercial Seven Network
will broadcast VR.5, in its entirety, sometime this year.

This differs from the UK broadcast because Seven Network is free to
anyone who wants to receive it, and Sky One costs quite a bit of money
to get.

Regarding distribution of the VR.5 soundtrack internationally...
perhaps! BMG Music, which distributed the soundtrack in the U.S., is
based in Germany, I believe, and has tremendous worldwide reach, like
Rysher. And -- though the VR.5 soundtrack didn't make much of a splash
in the marketplace -- Jackie said last summer that its sales were pretty

So, something to think about.

And a message on the e2 mailing list also dealing with music:

----- begin inclusion -----
From: Moneypenny <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 19:10:59 -0800 (PST)
Subject: E2- All sorts of stuff

I was not able to get my e-mail for about three days because my roommate
was out of town and shut down her computer and I was lazy and didn't want

Another thing: just wanted to let you all know that I did do a radio
dedication for E2, (I really had no excuse not to, I was the DJ), Friday
morning. I played "To Dance Again" off the VR.5 soundtrack. Two big
losses in one year.
[rest deleted]

- -amy
----- end inclusion -----


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 10:41:55 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: European TV vote

More about international distribution.

This article appeared in the Living section (page 7E, Entertainment) of
Saturday 17 Feb 1996's _San Jose Mercury News_ (http://www.sjmercury.
com/), and originally came from Bloomberg Business News.

- - - - -

Europeans vote to limit U.S. products on TV

by Edward Roussel and Raphael Minder
Bloomberg Business News

STRASBOURG, FRANCE-- The European Parliament, responding to pressure
mainly from France, voted to impose tougher restrictions on the number of
U.S. and other foreign films and programs shown on European television.
The European Union lawmakers agreed to remove a loophole that has
allowed satellite channels -- such as Turner Broadcasting System Inc.'s
Cartoon Channel and Viacom Inc.'s MTV -- to air more U.S.-made
programming than allowed under current quotas. They also voted to extend
the quotas to new media technologies such as pay television,
video-on-demand and on-line services.

The restrictions, if put in place, could hurt U.S. film and television
companies by reducing a key source of revenue. They could also rekindle
trade tensions between the United States and the EU.
"It's as ridiculous to mandate what U.S. television shows and films
they show as it is for us to legislate what French food Americans buy,"
said Robert Shaye, chairman and chief executive of New Line Cinema, a
movie studio owned by Turner.
Final approval of the tighter quotas is not a certainty.

Britain, Sweden dissent

They need to be endorsed by EU governments to become binding. The
United Kingdom and Sweden have previously opposed tightening restrictions
on popular U.S. movies amid concern that broadcasters will lose revenue
as viewers turn off their televisions.
European distributors of cable television programs and advertisers
said they will back Hollywood and other foreign film producers in
opposing the move. Also, many European broadcasters rely heavily on
U.S.-made programming.
"There's still a lot of road ahead on this," said Jonas Rosenfield,
president of the American Film Marketing Association.
The vote by parliament changes the original EU directive, approved in
1989, which obliges TV companies in the 15-nation bloc to use EU-made
programs in at least 51 percent of their broadcasting time "where
The parliament voted 292-195 to eliminate that last phrase, replacing
it with an obligation on governments to use "legally effective means" to
enforce the quota.

Victory for the French

The United Kingdom and Sweden have used the "where practicable"
loophole in the directive to turn a blind eye to channels that use mostly
U.S. productions.
The vote is a victory for the French government and its cinema
industry, which have campaigned to reverse the growing influence of U.S.
culture over the airwaves. More than 50 European actors and directors,
including Gerard Depardieu and Bernardo Bertolucci, signed a petition
urging more restrictions on U.S. films.
"I could easily see (the Parliament's) decision being passed into law
in France. I couldn't see it happening so quickly in the rest of
Europe," said Adam Singer, president and chief operating officer of
Tele-Communications Inc.'s international division.

- - - - -

(This article is (c) 1996 Bloomberg.)


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 10:58:52 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: Message from Staci Hayes in

I never received this post here because of technical problems that caused
as much as 60% of Usenet to vanish.

Here it is, from

----- begin inclusion -----
Subject: VR5 Fans
Date: 31 Jan 1996 17:39:59 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <4eor3v$>
Reply-To: (SEHZUCKI)

To all who read the postings,

I have enjoyed very much the wonderful questions, support, and fun
involved with VR5.

I just wish that it was still the fun, exciting, thought provoking,
situation it once was. No matter what has been said to anyone (in private
or in the newsgroup) VR5 remains an exciting beginning to the virtual
world on TV.

My anger and feelings were worn on my sleeve because of the hard work
involved with this show. Words that are misconstrued..... well for that I
wish I never started. I'm not going backwards, but moving forwards on to
the next faze. Experience learned!

To all the fans, enjoy the episodes as they were intended. For the
enjoyment and entertainment.

Enjoy life, it is WAY to short to bother with such negativity. I am

Staci Hayes
----- end inclusion -----


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 11:05:22 PST
From: (Jonathan Gan)
Subject: Australian pre-reaction to VR.5 (warning: long)

A series of postings from the aus.sf and newsgroups that have
references to VR.5. Relatively little mention of the show, though the
reaction's been pretty good when it has been mentioned.

I've tried to cut out as much irrelevant material as possible.

----- begin inclusion -----

From: John J Fardoulis AACS <>
Organization: University of Western Sydney, Nepean
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 09:48:25 +1200
Newsgroups: aus.sf,

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+ +----------------------------------------------------+
\| Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy TV Schedule |
Sat Jan 27 to Fri Feb 2

compiled by: (John J Fardoulis AACS)

About This Listing
This Week's Programmes
New SFF Shows Coming Soon
SFF Shows Returning Soon With New Episodes
New SFF Shows On Pay TV
SFF Movies On The Big Screen
Friends Of SFF-TV

This is the Free To Air listing of Science Fiction & Fantasy
television programmes on Australian television. The listing
is based on programmes for Sydney, Australia. Viewers in
other cities are advised to check their local tv guides or
local SFF-TV compilations for discrepancies.

This listing is posted weekly to the aus.sf and Usenet
Newsgroups. It is also available on the World Wide Web which
includes any last minute changes or omissions from the posted

The URL is:

There are four SFF-TV compilations:
FTA Free To Air Networks weekly
GALAXY Galaxy Channels monthly
OPTUS VISION Optus Vision Channels weekly
FOXTEL Foxtel Channels weekly



Alex Mack (m) unknown
96 American Gothic (m) TEN
Deadly Games (m) unknown
Duckman (m) unknown
Hercules: Legendary Journeys (m) unknown
96 M.A.N.T.I.S. (60m) TEN
Nowhere Man (m) unknown
Outer Limits (new) (m) unknown
Sliders (60m) unknown
96 Space: Above And Beyond (60m) SEVEN
Space Precinct (m) unknown
FEB 13 Star Trek: Voyager (60m) NINE
Strange Luck (m) unknown
Tek War (60m) unknown
96 Third Rock From The Sun (60m) SEVEN
Tommorrow People (new) (m) unknown
Vanishing Son (m) unknown
96 VR.5 (60m) SEVEN
Xena: Warrior Princess (m) unknown

Babylon 5 (60m) (Season III) NINE
96 Forever Knight (60m) (Season II) TEN
Highlander (60m) (Seasons I, II, III, IV) unknown
96 King Fu: Legend Continues (60m) (Season III) NINE
FEB Lois & Clark: N A of Superman (60m) (Season III) NINE
96 Ocean Girl (30m) (Season IV) TEN
Robocop (60m) (Season I) SEVEN
FEB seaQuest: 2032 (60m) (Season III) TEN
FEB 15 Star Trek: DS9 (60m) (Seasons III, IV) NINE
JAN Wanderer (60m) (Season I) SEVEN
FEB X Files (60m) (Season III) TEN

ON NOW Alien Nation (60m) FOX
ON NOW Are You Afraid Of The Dark (30m) NICK

FEB 29 Screamers
MAR 28 Strange Days
SEP 12 Independence Day
SEP 12 The Phantom
OCT Escape From LA
DEC/JAN Alien 4
DEC Star Trek: Resurrection
1997/8 X Files


~ Programs subject to change by individual channels ~

| This tv listing compilation is copyright (1996) by John J |
| Fardoulis. All rights are reserved. Permission is given |
| to anyone who wants to freely distribute this compilation |
| as long as the compiler and the origin of this posting is |
| acknowledged in the distributed copy. Thank-you. Enjoy. |

John J Fardoulis AACS

- - - - -

From: (The GaateKeeper)
Subject: Re: The GaateKeeper Returns To Answer Some Questions From The Many
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 96 14:26:48 GMT
Organization: The Lair Of The GaateKeeper

In article <4e2cvd$>, (George Sanderson) wrote:
> (David Franken) writes:
>:Series 2 commences on The Seven Network at 11.00pm on Tuesday
>:January 30th and will run to completion. Nine owns series 3 to
>:(hopefully) the final series (5).
>Ahh wise choice grasshopper - B5 against ST:Voyager... it might take a
>while, but soon all the trekkies will realize how crappy Voyager is. The
>script writing done in that pathetic excuse for a show should be illegal.
>Personally i hope B5 will eventually win the ratings for the timeslot,
>but this won't happen for at least half a season. It would still have
>been better to put B5 either on a monday or wednesday, as the target
>audience wouldn't be overlapping between different channels.
The GaateKeeper speaks to you:

Yes. Seven does not know what Nine is up to. They have little respect for
the Light Side of The Force. BUT, to answer other questions:

All 13 episodes of VR5 will be seen at some time this year. Like Nowhere Man,
as you say, this is an age of paranoia.

The GaateKeeper.

- - - - -

From: (George Sanderson)
Date: 23 Jan 1996 10:23:41 GMT
Newsgroups: (David Franken) writes:


:Channel seven has some interesting fantasy adventures to screen: among
:The GaateKeeper's favourites are VR5 (starring Lori Singer), LEGEND

Did ch7 get all of the actual episodes for VR5 ? Fox in USA axed the
show while it still had 3 episodes to show.

:(with MacGyver's Richard Dean Anderson - and Q), and NOWHERE MAN of
:which I've seen half a dozen episodes: verdict - the new television
:series for paranoids.

which seems to be the trend lately.

- - - - -

From: (Brad Gibson)
Date: 30 Jan 1996 00:24:38 GMT

In article <4eilq2$> (The
GaateKeeper) writes:

>The GaateKeeper speaks to you:
>And "Space: Above and Beyond" is coming to Australian television.
Big deal. If mindless pap like Top Gun appeals to you, then perhaps SAAB
will also. VR5 was an order of magnitude better than this rubbish, so
there you go ...


Brad K. Gibson INTERNET:
Mount Stromlo Observatory PHONE: +61-(0)6-249-0272
Weston Creek P.O. FAX: +61-(0)6-249-0233
Weston, ACT, Australia 2611

- - - - -

From: (David Franken)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 96 09:47:36 GMT

The GaateKeeper Speaks To You:

Series 2 commences on The Seven Network at 11.00pm on Tuesday
January 30th and will run to completion. Nine owns series 3 to
(hopefully) the final series (5).

The original series returns on Seven on Monday January 29, then the
following week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11.00pm (against
Pacific Drive on Nine's late night format).

The first run series continues on Seven, at 11pm on Thursday nights
from February 1st.

This new series will debut soon in 1996 at a time yet to be
decided. The GaateKeeper has seen four of the hours following the
two hour pilot. This series has been called "Top Gun on TV off-planet".
It's a very satisfying series, far from the Trek or B5 universes and is
well worth your attention.

Returns for 1996 on Fridays at 11.00pm from February 2nd. True (?)
stories of extraterrestrial and paranormal events. Good fun - often

Channel seven has some interesting fantasy adventures to screen: among
The GaateKeeper's favourites are VR5 (starring Lori Singer), LEGEND
(with MacGyver's Richard Dean Anderson - and Q), and NOWHERE MAN of
which I've seen half a dozen episodes: verdict - the new television
series for paranoids.

The GaateKeeper will return.

- - - - -


-- (Jonathan Gan)
San Jose, Calif.

End of Digest

0 new messages