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HDMI cable keeps falling out

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Jun 1, 2016, 10:01:53 PM6/1/16
Me again. Different issue this time. My spare computer, which I have behind my
couch and which is connected to the TV on the other side of the room, with a 30'
HDMI cable. It works just fine. My video card has HD 1920 x 1080 so I get a
perfect picture on the TV. That being said, I have a problem with the HDMI cable
end which goes into the computer. It frequently pops out of the video card. I
plug it in and for some reason it just doesn't seem to be fitting tight. Just
doesn't feel right. Is there anything I can do to make it tighter? The thought
of a drop or two of crazy glue passed through my mind. Bad idea, right? Thanks.


Jun 2, 2016, 10:10:59 AM6/2/16
to wrotR:
Definitely a bad idea, unless you want to make it permanent. ;)

Try another cable, in case the cable connector is defective. With all
the cheap knock offs, that isn't all that uncommon. A normal HDMI
connection is a good fit that requires definite force to insert or

If your computer is like mine, there are lots of other cables on the
back. Use a cable tie to strap the HDMI cable to another cable,
leaving a bit extra for the HDMI cable. That other cable will prevent
weight or other force from pulling out the HDMI cable.

Use a toothpick at the HDMI connection to tighten the fit. No really,
that does work, though obviously not a final solution.


Steve Urbach

Jun 2, 2016, 2:24:45 PM6/2/16
Crazy Glue

You can never recover from that error

If a better quality cable end fits: maybe an short-flexible extender like
would help

If a better quality cable is not SNUG:

RTV aka Silicone Bath Calk if used with care, a glob on THE OUTSIDE (after
the plug has been inserted) of the plug. You must be extremely careful to NOT
get into any connection.

RTV remains rubbery and can be trimmed away if you need to remove the cord

T. Keating

Jun 13, 2016, 8:13:11 PM6/13/16
On Wed, 01 Jun 2016 18:01:53 -0400, wrote:

You need some strain relief..

String/fishing lines/etc around chassis screw head which supports hdmi cable 8" away from
pc.. (super glue string to cable, if nesessary.)

Once proper tension is acheived, tighten screw head down of over string/fishing line.
Now you have gravity working to keep hdmi cable in pc instead of vice a versa.

Another simple solution.. run hdmi cable over nearby object that's higher that HDMI
socket, agaiin gravity is working for you.

Stephen H. Fischer

Jun 13, 2016, 8:36:34 PM6/13/16
I purchased a "Monster" HDMI cable from Fry's the other day.

It has a "V-Grip" feature to reduce fallout!

"And the connectors are built with V-GripT, a unique design that makes your
physical connections sturdier, reducing disconnects and signal loss."

Now I know that they are vastly overpriced but none of the cheaper cables on
Fry's display gave me any desire to purchase them. I had an immediate need.

I ordered a similar "Monster" cable from NewEgg as the back of my HDTV is
hard to access and the "V-Grip" feature clicked when inserted which I saw as
proof that it is useful.

NewEgg separated the cable from the rest of my order so no FedEx delivery of
the cable today with the rest of the order.

Instead it will come via USPS if you believe it, into my mailbox some time
later this week I hope.

"Monster Cable MC HME HD AS-8" is sold by many stores.


"T. Keating" <> wrote in message

Jun 13, 2016, 10:32:08 PM6/13/16
On Wed, 01 Jun 2016 18:01:53 -0400, wrote:

Problem solved. I bought a short Display Port to HDMI connector and plugged into
the display port on the video card. Nice tight fit. I did so because I already
had a 35' HDMI cable strung from the computer under the floor, through the
rafters, and back up again in to the TV. I didn't realize I could come out a
display port and into an HDMI port. So I took a chance, spent 9 bucks on Amazon
and problem solved. Thanks for all who responded.
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