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Stargate is very anti-religious, insulting religion, it was written by atheists!!!

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Victor Smootbank

Aug 26, 2007, 7:42:35 PM8/26/07
Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
people worldwide.

Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.

Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
be allowed on TV!!!

In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.

That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
will pay for their blasphemy!!!

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Wouter Valentijn

Aug 29, 2007, 7:55:03 AM8/29/07
AC wrote:
> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in message
> news:ijEAi.532$hV.166@trnddc02...
>> "Eva" <> wrote in message
>>> I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an
>>> atheist or has he embraced one of the Earth's religions? Doubt we
>>> will ever know; as we've said before, the writing has been rather
>>> vague when it comes to the main characters' religious beliefs. I
>>> think it was a very wise decision, given all that they have
>>> encountered over the years.
>> It was vague, it's true, but the show was ultimately atheist, just
>> as the troll generally charged.
>> This was just a continuation of Roddenberry's legacy, as a great
>> deal of STARGATE has always been.
>> If Kirk and Spock and Bones encountered any being claiming any
>> supernatural qualities, Kirk would always ignore the threats and
>> bluster and say "Is it a life form?" Or he might ask Spock to
>> identify its "power source," so it can be disabled.

Always in a logical manner.

>> The implicit message throughout has been that there is a material
>> world and it operates according to various rules, some discovered,
>> others not. The regrettable detour into "ascension" was a lot of
>> horsey-poo and seemed clearly a sop to those so inclined.
>> But even ascension was never specified as something *super* natural,
>> it was easy for fans to distinguish it from true mysticism and
>> gobbledygook. Ascension was just another phenomenon, following
>> mostly yet-to-be discovered principles. And, as you note, fans who
>> wanted to believe it was more had the leeway to do so.

Mostly a rational orientation yes.
Only Danny seems a little floaty sometimes.

Of course ascension is hardly unique to Stargate.
In several other sci fi franchises something similar happens.
Remember Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. Or several species in Star Trek that
transformed from physical beings into pure energy creatures.
And there are even older stories in Science Fiction literature.

>> STARGATE reflects its audience, which is mostly Western and
>> science/enlightenment oriented.
>> Everyone in the USA will tell you they believe in god, then spend
>> every dime they ever earned to find a good scientific doctor when a
>> dreaded disease hits.
>> We Objectivists like to shorthand it as "Train tracks, report back."
>> The idea is that if you think it's a supernatural universe ruled by
>> an invisible being who cares particularly for you, try standing in
>> front of an oncoming locomotive, or jumping from a cliff, or
>> whatever, to test your theory. Everyone - to a wo/man - will not
>> even attempt a weak test.
>> If you understand that Western Civilization is essentially atheist,
>> you'll understand that Stargate is too. Both try to maintain the
>> illusion of "faith," but it's always vapor when push comes to shove.
> Out if interest, why then does GWB use religious language to justify
> actions like the invasion of Iraq and so on? Why would this carry any
> weight in the US if Americans are basically athiest? Americans must be
> happy with it, other wise he would not be enjoying a second term in
> office.

Opportunistic lip service combined with peer pressure?

> Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?

Depends on which version of the US I think.
And the exact definition of what is called 'Western Civilization'.

Wouter Valentijn

Angel: if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.

Angel, Epiphany

David Chapman

Aug 29, 2007, 9:32:41 AM8/29/07
From the Collected Witterings of Lio Convoy (But my real name is ROGER, I
SWEAR IT!!!), volume 23:


Hell no, 'cause Flipper Mike isn't a kook. He's just another random virgin
floating around Usenet, anonymously abusing people because it makes his
splinter-dick hard. He doesn't have the class to be a kook.

Archie Leach

Aug 29, 2007, 9:49:37 AM8/29/07
"David Chapman" <> wrote:

YHBT by a frogery.


Kent Wills, I think. Maybe I'm Mike today. I forgot to check the schedule.

Aug 29, 2007, 1:20:05 PM8/29/07
As I understand it, on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 06:23:28 -0400, "Lio Convoy
\(But my real name is ROGER, I SWEAR IT!!!\)" <>

>"惟 Flipper Mike 拿" <> wrote in message
>> Victor Smootbank wrote:
>>> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists.....
>> GREAT TROLL! You are my hero.
>> FM...
>I herewith nominate FLIPPER MIKE for KOTHAAH.
>My reasons are....ahhhh.....let's see, he hurt my feelings and he posted
>something about lingerie. And that's not all, once I read the AUK FAQ, I am
>sure I will come up with something else. That's on my to-do list, you
>Boy, this will sure take care of him!


What the heck, I'll second it. I've not nothing better to do
during my lunch hour.
Sad, innit?


A: Maybe because some people are too annoyed by top-posting.
Q: Why do I not get an answer to my question(s)?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

cyberborg 4000

Aug 29, 2007, 1:57:47 PM8/29/07

(Victor Smootbank) wrote the following Bunch of Blather that is -Non

Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's making fun of
religion, hurting the feelings of religious people worldwide.

OHHH -- Really. That's what you really really actually Think. You
really think so. Awwww They're makin Fun of Meeeee. So it's a Real
Excuse to want all of them ALL - DEAD. Yeah Right - Sure it is Man

Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against Islam and sooner or
later, Jihad will strike back.

First of all your sentence structure needs a little work there. There
should be a big old Period after the word Ori. Then a new sentence. It
should read more like this. Especially the Ori. ''They'' are designed
as an . . . See, something more like that.
I feel Obligated to point out to you that the ''Ori'' are really just
'Fictious and do Not actually Exist. This reminds me of that Scholar
'Dan Quail' when he went off the Deep End going after ''Murphy Brown''

Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially Christianity
and Islam and a show like that should NOT be allowed on TV!!!

BOY am I glad that YOU don't run the World. It would be a pretty Dull
Place if YOU and People Like YOU ran things.:( And -YEAH- like it or not
this will some day in the Far Future be just One World
Geeee - I seem to remember reading a book by George Orwell about a World
where those in Charge Hated Everything.
Hmmm - If I can only remember the Title

In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad guys. Never
the good guys. Atheists seem to win.

Well - Lets see here. You brought this UP Galileo was put in Prison for
Knowing the and for telling folks that the Earth revolved around the
Sun. He would have been fine if he had just kept his Big Mouth Shut
Then there was Marco Polo , lets see he was Declared Insane by -You Know
Who' for finding an overland route into China. How 'bout 'Joan of Arc'
She Believed They couldn't find it in their heart to believe Her
Is there any Real Need for me to go on

That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show will pay for
their blasphemy!!!

YEAH - YEAH - YEAH.... Just Like the ''Queen of Hearts''. You get really
pissed off MAD at somebody you start shouting ''OFF - OFF with their
HEADS'' Well - I don't Think So. Put your little ''Aluminum Foil Hat''
back on and make nice now Ok



Aug 29, 2007, 9:22:56 PM8/29/07

"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote in message

Yeah, I'll give you that.

It does seem that there is a stark difference between (bit lost to
define this so try and swing with it) the US gov and its 'bad
attitude' to the rest of the world , and the artistic, entertainement
and scientific sides of the US.

Its always got me that on one hand America does some incredible things
and offers so much to the world, yet on the other hand its seen as
such a bullying selfish nation.

What I cant suss out is wether the kind, generous, do the right thing
message we get in shows like SG1, B5, 24, etc are a real thing trying
to get out via American "art" or wether its an attempt to cover over
the real life nastyness of its governement.

> And the exact definition of what is called 'Western Civilization'.

Oh, I dunno; not starting un-necessary wars; not kidnapping foreign
nationals, shipping them to lawless countries to torture them; giving
basic human rights to foreign prisoners, universal health care;
support for destroyed cities; fair legal systems; you know, that kind
of lefty liberal BS :)

All that crap aside, I do find the US to be an incredible
contradictorary country. Which at least makes it interesting.



Aug 29, 2007, 9:33:00 PM8/29/07

"Magda" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 00:18:03 GMT, in, "AC"
> <> arranged some
> electrons, so they looked like this:
> ... Out if interest, why then does GWB use religious language to
> justify
> ... actions like the invasion of Iraq and so on? Why would this
> carry any
> ... weight in the US if Americans are basically athiest? Americans
> must be
> ... happy with it, other wise he would not be enjoying a second term
> in
> ... office.
> ...
> ... Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?
> "Civilisation" and "bullies" don't go together.

Im not gonna argue different, but dont you think that america
contributes significantly to culture and science, for example.

I know its easy to write the US off simple because of its foreign
policy, its harsh attitudes to its own poor, and its selfish money and
resource grabbing nature, but as a nation it does do some incredible
things that add to the growth humanity.

Remember, the US is a relitivly young nation, masked by its resources.
It's powerfull because of its resources, not because of its wisdom.
All its doing now, it what Europe was doing 300 years ago, and what
others were doing 1000years ago. It just has newer toys to do it with.

In time it will mellow and chill out. America is just following an
inevitable path that other older countries have already travelled. In
world history terms its no biggy !!!! :)



Aug 29, 2007, 9:35:11 PM8/29/07

"Sharpsh00ter" <> wrote in message
> You fed the troll

With respect, not feeding the poster currently defined as a troll
would be to deny him his basic human rights. Unless of course defining
him as an actual Troll may mean one can avoid such conventions. In
which case, screw it, do what you like.


Dorkless Von Heinybeiter

Aug 29, 2007, 10:26:05 PM8/29/07
"Lio Convoy \(But my real name is ROGER, I SWEAR IT!!!\)"
<> wrote in

> I herewith nominate

Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit

Charles, I'm enjoying watching you prove your k00kery, I have to do
nothing, just sit back and watch you join the ranks of Lysaght, Bullis,
Chung, and Tholen.

That desperation you keep smelling is your own; either that, or you need to
shower more.

Message has been deleted

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 7:07:57 AM8/30/07
"Archie Leach" <arc...@no.spam> wrote in message

Well, apologies to Chapman. I have to cop to this one, but it was intended
to smoke out my stalker, the loser who's been harrassing me for years,
detailed below.

Chapman probably has it right about Flipper. I just used FM as a prop. I
consider him fair game since he simply posts whatever he wants, whenever he
wants, with no content, really, other than that designed to annoy mildly.

I now regard my TRB-page comments about FM somewhat overstated - AFAICT,
that particular guy never really does much more than make juvenile,
easily-dismissed gross-out posts.

My "buddy" is a sick-o and is looking increasingly like a real-deal felon.
Could be FM, but looking less and less so.

"YHBT" is incorrect, however, because I wasn't trolling. However, this is
the second time I posted something obliquely intended for Sociopath-Boy, and
it looks like an innocent third-party got baited.

It ultimately remains the fault of Sociopath-Boy, who cross-posts our
tedious little personal feud to off-topic groups instead of keeping it to
AUK, where it rightfully belongs.

This should stay in AUK, but I'm not trimming replies, because the best
thing that can happen to my side of the "debate" is the fullest possible
exposure of Sociopath-Boy and his antics.

I don't know who the fuck "Archie Leach" is - if he's anyone - but he's not
made a very good "first impression" on me.
Atlas Bugged, 7:02 am, Thursday, August 30, 2007
SERENITY/FIREFLY FAQ "One page, all you need to know, referenced."
WHO IS ATLAS BUGGED? "Attorney, activist, atheist, and yes, sometimes
more 'A!'"
TIM MINEAR SAYS, AND BUGGED GETS IT: "...I'm kind of lazy, and I'm old."

The rest of this absurdly-long sig is just a warning bouy for anyone who's
ever interacted with "Lio Convoy" or "Dorkless" or any of his many other
fake ID's. His biggest hit is pretending to route Kooks in AUK while being
among the worst of them himself.

I have reason to believe few care at all about him, so don't even bother
unless you've been burned by this asshole too, or you just want to catch up
on this worm's history, and reasons why I'm pissed.

This may well be our guy:
Possibly not, but the evidence looks good, and what's great about anonymous
crud like Sociopath-Boy is that there is no recourse against a false charge,
even, unlike here, if it were intentionally false. Soon, of course, I'll
connect the dots definitively.

My end? I'm a public figure, a published author (latest is final week of
August, '07, have a look at 189 N.J.L.J. 685) and a reputable businessman.
I'm not vulnerable to any sort of exposure or investigation or even "kook"
charge. Sociopath-boy picked the wrong guy to victimize this time.

Sociopath-Boy stalked me for two years. Here's a small fraction of this
ass-freak-loser's phony ID's:
Dorkless Von You-Know-What / Lio Convoy / Larry Crites / Daily Bob / Just
Bob / AssBug / TrollieAssholie / Love2Play / P. Burrows / Waffler /
Wafffler / Waffler1 / Roger / Waflerr /Wafflerr [other "Waffler" variations]
/ Macbubb / Exhibtionist / BizarroSpokesBeing/ Rich Travsky/ f1_racer
ilovebowler, "R.T.", "R.B.",, Anonymous
Remailer ,, "Cujo DeSockpuppet", Jay Hova, ["Garage Burgler" Kent "I'm Not Roger"
Wills,] and introducing his new, definitive moniker, "Sociopath-boy!"

And see the more-desperate-than-ever "Anonymous Sender,"
<>! This one states open threats (previously
to me in private e-mail, now gone public,) thus merits the High Honor of
re-mailer protection.

It seems some legit posters have decided they "know" one or more of the
above IDs isn't Sociopath-Boy, so I must just think everyone who disagrees
is him.

First, if I got one or two wrong, that's still poor reasoning for the
doubters, and second, I have the goods on most of these....beyond doubt.

And third, "even paranoids have real enemies," right? But I have lots of
adversaries whom I don't list as Socio's ID, so the whole theory is just
more ballast.

Too bad I'm a public, healthy, real-deal businessman, with friends, family,
advanced graduate degrees, no particular vices or recorded offenses
[Unrecorded? Heh, like anyone,] and a successful career.

Paranoid? Always possible, but don't bet the farm.

This monkey began his campaign in 2005, and I got wise to it roughly here:

In that thread, Lio/Dorkless who was posting as "Assbug/Waffler" then simply
gave no apology, arguing it was legitimate for him to lie, rotate his nym
with every post, and do whatever he felt like. "Honest" posters were

I hunted this lamer for a while, then got too busy with real work. So this
page is no longer updated but has most of my referenced tracking info on
this sociopath, and maybe a couple of others I encountered along the way.

These were love-letters to "Lio," who defrauded selected groups with tales
of his dead baby "William," thus suckering about a dozen honest posters to
express sympathy, until one of them, who thought he knew "Lio," busted the
Then busted:

Later on, lio tried to fuck-over the members of AUK. The lonely prick tried
to nominate me for some AUK "honor" and couldn't even find one friend to
help him. So along came "Dorkless," a concurrent lie he'd been defrauding
folks with for *years.*

THE TALE OF TWO LIOS: This jerkoff made almost 4000 posts under his toxic
"Lio Convoy" identity, but it "died" in June:

But for years, Sociopath-boy had been posting under various identities,
lying about the other socks. Heeeeeere's Dorkless!:

I then showed "Lio" = "Dorkless," without doubt - busted *again* - and he
decided to come clean - *after* the bust and *after* the attempted fraud in

Very typical sociopathy. He denied other frauds like "Waffler," but he
knows I have the proof. Then Pinku gave the little shithead the toss:

Several real posters, disagreeing with me, have recoiled from "Lio" after
seeing he was a nutjob and decided they preferred cease-fire with me to
being perceived as having anything to do with a potential real-deal,
real-life, acting-out fuckwit:

I won't deny the phony stalking pissed me off, can anyone tell? Bitterness?
What bitterness? LOL.

But I was disappointed that even as a stalker, Sociopath-boy turned out to
be so incompetent, even at the only thing he does.

And what a dumb-fuck he is legally. When we all use handles, we can say

But post a true name, with false allegations, and the game changes. Fuckwit
doesn't get that, and looooves to use what he believes to be my true name.
When I get his true name, I may hold back a bit with posting it everywhere -
I'm having too much fun in my liability-free condition, the one ass-face
abandoned a while back.

After being forced to "create" a single friend to chime in earlier,
recently, all of a sudden, several groups are billboard-spammed with
identical-sounding jerkoffs *swearing* they just cannot be the same as

I had previously thought I was dealing with one stalker who had a zillion
identities, and maybe one or two actual buddies. That could still be true,
I dunno, but I'm fairly sure he's lost one or more since the "dead baby"

"Kent Wills!" "Sherwood Hassenplug!" "Etc." "We're different! Really! We
just parrot everything the sociopath says! Honest! And he's 'Roger!'
Definitely, that's his name, he's not hiding. How can he be hiding? He
told you where he'd be - the Motel Six in Bulgaria! That's proof - the
hotel exists!"

I KF'ed 'em all at the outset, and I love the fact that the Sociopath spent
the whole week making posts no one read. I did zero investigation of
headers and all the rest because...who cares?

So even if they were different, they spent their week masturbating. Great

Too bad for Sociopath-boy! I've done all I can online, so now I'm having my
own good time. There *is* something to kook-hunting. Stay tuned, his story
will eventually go public and verifiable.

In the meantime, on Usenet, I've killfiled all of his other ID's and/or
proxies, and he can killfile me with the flick of a checkbox. So it only
goes on publicly until he wants it to stop. Or, is capable of control. I
am in control now, BWAHAHAHAHAHA.........

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 7:35:46 AM8/30/07
> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in message
> news:ijEAi.532$hV.166@trnddc02...
>> If you understand that Western Civilization is essentially atheist,
>> you'll understand that Stargate is too. Both try to maintain the
>> illusion of "faith," but it's always vapor when push comes to shove.

"AC" <> wrote in message

> Out if interest, why then does GWB use religious language to justify

> actions like the invasion of Iraq and so on?

In psychology, we call this "cognitive dissonance." There is often a gulf
between how people actually are, and how they'd like to view themselves.

Americans (and most Western civilization) long ago pushed aside "god" in
practice. But they still want to cling to their traditions.

The first amendment is a national call to atheism, and was taken seriously
beginning in the last century.

What does it say? It says religions are all fine, but one's no better than
another, and there's no objective validity to any of them.

You don't see a amendment number X saying the state shall not interfere with
murder, or child-molesting, or anything else palpably problematic.

But "commandmants from a supreme being," as it were, have been deemed
outside the purview of civil law, and enforced only in *violation* of our
law. It is in fact a crime to enforce the dictates of your religion upon
another, just as it is illegal to force any other crime upon an unwilling

Yet, everyone gives lip-service to the notion that everyone "must" obey the
"lord." Police and prosecutors, however, utilize their power to do the
opposite (along with plenty of other bad shit, and some good, but that's a
different topic.)

>Why would this carry any weight in the US if Americans are basically
>athiest? Americans must be happy with it, other wise he would not be
>enjoying a second term in office.

> Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?

Same thing, but composed of individuals - "there is no us" - and those
individuals are in conflict with both themselves and each other.

The education system has been socialized and dumbified, so logic isn't
taught, and traditional prejudices are simply passed along.

A "public school," by definition, does not transmit facts, it transmits
whatever the consensus prefers. It's the establishment of "facts" by their
Atlas Bugged, 7:33 am, Thursday, August 30, 2007

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 7:53:55 AM8/30/07
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:33:00 GMT, in, "AC"
> <> arranged some
> ... Im not gonna argue different, but dont you think that america
> ... contributes significantly to culture and science, for example.

"Magda" <> wrote in message
> No. At all.

Magda, please! There are uncountable problems with America, but right now,
we are the fountainhead. The rest of the world is ballast.

Where is it you think all the science and art is coming from? Darfur?
Robert Mugabe? China? Russia? These places are all preoccupied with
getting their next-day's rations, not inventing life-saving drugs.

Apart from the USA, Western Europe does what it can, which isn't much.
American output of art and science is far greater than all the rest of the
world put together.
> ... Remember, the US is a relitivly young nation, masked by its resources.
> ... It's powerfull because of its resources, not because of its wisdom.

The opposite. Plenty of oil in the mid-east - but it avails them not at
all. They're all toilets, thugocracies, all do little or nothing in art or
> I can't wait for said "resources" to dwindle and disappear! Seen how they
> waste them, it
> won't be long now.

You "can't wait?" Are you out of your mind?
> ... All its doing now, it what Europe was doing 300 years ago, and what
> ... others were doing 1000years ago. It just has newer toys to do it with.

I don't think I can be in this conversation.
> I know. They are the teenager who grew too fast and strong, and think he
> can command the
> rest of the family now. Hence "bully".

There are definite political and philosophical deficits. But 1000 years
ago, a nation as well-armed as the USA would have incinerated every other
nation who disagreed in the slightest. "Bully" is a relative term. There
are bullies, and there are bullies.
> ... In time it will mellow and chill out. America is just following an
> ... inevitable path that other older countries have already travelled. In
> ... world history terms its no biggy !!!! :)

No other country in history has walked America's path in nearly every
essential. We might be greatly flawed, but we're far advanced over previous
nations and clearly on the cutting edge.
> In human terms it's way too much for my patience.

I get impatient too, but you are evaluating the current conditions with
vastly poor insight.

Archie Leach

Aug 30, 2007, 10:44:31 AM8/30/07
"Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:

>I don't know who the fuck "Archie Leach" is - if he's anyone - but he's not
>made a very good "first impression" on me.

Quite possibly the most pretentious personal comment I've seen this

Get the fuck over yourself.

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 11:18:29 AM8/30/07
> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:
>>I don't know who the fuck "Archie Leach" is - if he's anyone - but he's
>>made a very good "first impression" on me.

"Archie Leach" <arc...@spam.this> wrote in message

> Quite possibly the most pretentious personal comment I've seen this
> year.

So I have about four months left in this calendar year to top myself. I'll
start thinking it over....

> Get the fuck over yourself.

Well, I have the tools to do that - I am somebody, I'm myself.

Now, who the fuck are you?

At minimum, a guy who got it wrong with the machine-readable and pithy,
"YHBT" and "HTH."

SERENITY/FIREFLY FAQ: "One page, all you need to know, referenced."

CRITICAL EVALUATION: "Evaluation of all eps, the film, the books,
comics, with reasons."
TROLL/RAT/BASTARDS: "Want to know why a single notice always morphs
into a stupid thread?"
WHO IS ATLAS BUGGED? "Attorney, activist, atheist, and yes, I confess,
others that start with an 'A!'"

Message has been deleted

Dorkless Von Heinybeiter

Aug 30, 2007, 12:21:09 PM8/30/07
Archie Leach <arc...@spam.this> wrote in

Archie, pretty soon he's going to start thinking you are me. Then again, I
am everyone and everything to him.

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 12:54:17 PM8/30/07
"Dorkless Von Heinybeiter" <> wrote in message

> "Lio Convoy \(But my real name is ROGER, I SWEAR IT!!!\)"
> <> wrote in
>> I herewith nominate
> Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit
> Charles, I'm enjoying watching you prove your k00kery, I have to do
> nothing, just sit back and watch you join the ranks of Lysaght, Bullis,
> Chung, and Tholen.

I suppose those are the characters that inhabit your world. WHAAAAAAT -

> That desperation you keep smelling is your own; either that, or you need
> to
> shower more.

Yes, I'm desperate. Could you, ahhhh, just tell me what about, if you don't
mind reminding me?

Something you could do? Some actual effect you could have on anything in
the real world?

Have you found some new ASCII characters you intend to send my way? No
wonder I'm *desperate!*

Seriously, however, I cannot even imagine anything you could do this side of
the law that would even get my attention for more than a moment - apart, of
course, from your pathetic ASCII upchucking that I love to parody.

If this is simply going to be all-words, I'll have to think this over since
it's not even a fair fight.

You have actual things to worry about - maybe.

SERENITY/FIREFLY FAQ: "One page, all you need to know, referenced."
CRITICAL EVALUATION: "Evaluation of all eps, the film, the books,
comics, with reasons."
TROLL/RAT/BASTARDS: "Want to know why a single notice always morphs
into a stupid thread?"
WHO IS ATLAS BUGGED? "Attorney, activist, atheist, and yes, I confess,
others that start with an 'A!'"
TIM MINEAR SAYS, AND BUGGED GETS IT: "...I'm kind of lazy, and I'm old."

The rest of this absurdly-long sig is just a warning bouy for anyone who's

ever interacted with "Lio Convoy" or "Dorkless" or any of his many other
fake ID's. His biggest hit is pretending to route Kooks in AUK while being
among the worst of them himself.

I have reason to believe few care at all about him, so don't even bother
unless you've been burned by this asshole too, or you just want to catch up
on this worm's history, and reasons why I'm pissed.

My end? I'm a public figure, a published author and a reputable

businessman. I'm not vulnerable to any sort of exposure or investigation or
even "kook" charge. Sociopath-boy picked the wrong guy to victimize this

Sociopath-Boy stalked me for two years. Here's a small fraction of this
ass-freak-loser's phony ID's:
Dorkless Von You-Know-What / Lio Convoy / Larry Crites / Daily Bob / Just
Bob / AssBug / TrollieAssholie / Love2Play / P. Burrows / Waffler /
Wafffler / Waffler1 / Roger / Waflerr /Wafflerr [other "Waffler" variations]
/ Macbubb / Exhibtionist / BizarroSpokesBeing/ Rich Travsky/ f1_racer
ilovebowler, "R.T.", "R.B.",, Anonymous
Remailer ,, "Cujo DeSockpuppet", Jay Hova, ["Garage Burgler" Kent "I'm Not Roger"
Wills,] and introducing his new, definitive moniker, "Sociopath-boy!"

And newly trotted out, more-desperate-than-ever "Anonymous Sender,"! This one states open threats, thus merits

Wouter Valentijn

Aug 30, 2007, 1:43:27 PM8/30/07
AC wrote:
> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote in message
> news:46d55e9a$0$245$


>>> Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?
>> Depends on which version of the US I think.
> Yeah, I'll give you that.
> It does seem that there is a stark difference between (bit lost to
> define this so try and swing with it) the US gov and its 'bad
> attitude' to the rest of the world , and the artistic, entertainement
> and scientific sides of the US.

And from what I understand the one side says the other side does not speak
for them (as a whole).

> Its always got me that on one hand America does some incredible things
> and offers so much to the world, yet on the other hand its seen as
> such a bullying selfish nation.
> What I cant suss out is wether the kind, generous, do the right thing
> message we get in shows like SG1, B5, 24, etc are a real thing trying
> to get out via American "art" or wether its an attempt to cover over
> the real life nastyness of its governement.

Maybe it's a hope that life will imitate art.

>> And the exact definition of what is called 'Western Civilization'.
> Oh, I dunno; not starting un-necessary wars; not kidnapping foreign
> nationals, shipping them to lawless countries to torture them; giving
> basic human rights to foreign prisoners, universal health care;
> support for destroyed cities; fair legal systems; you know, that kind
> of lefty liberal BS :)
> All that crap aside, I do find the US to be an incredible
> contradictorary country. Which at least makes it interesting.

Very much so.
The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The world
would be such a poorer place without it.

Archie Leach

Aug 30, 2007, 2:11:56 PM8/30/07
"Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:

>> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:
>>>I don't know who the fuck "Archie Leach" is - if he's anyone - but he's
>>>made a very good "first impression" on me.
>"Archie Leach" <arc...@spam.this> wrote in message
>> Quite possibly the most pretentious personal comment I've seen this
>> year.
>So I have about four months left in this calendar year to top myself. I'll
>start thinking it over....
>> Get the fuck over yourself.
>Well, I have the tools to do that - I am somebody, I'm myself.
>Now, who the fuck are you?
>At minimum, a guy who got it wrong with the machine-readable and pithy,
>"YHBT" and "HTH."

Oh, how quaint. He wants to start a "Flame War" with me.

Go away, n00b.

Atlas Bugged

Aug 30, 2007, 6:37:16 PM8/30/07
> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:
>>Now, who the fuck are you?
>>At minimum, a guy who got it wrong with the machine-readable and pithy,
>>"YHBT" and "HTH."

"Archie Leach" <arc...@spam.this> wrote in message

> Oh, how quaint. He wants to start a "Flame War" with me.

Hardly, Mr. Authority.

> Go away, n00b.

Uhh, excuse me, but let's get one simple fact straight.

I made a post. Then, a guy I never heard of, couldn't care less about, and
evidently ill-informed, decided to make a public comment about it.

Now, I think that entitles me to ask, in my polite, urbane, and caring way,
"Who the fuck are you?"

No relationship necessary or requested. Answer, if you like, STFU if you
like, whatever.

But I already have a "flame war" I'm occupied with, and I'm not looking for
another one.

I wuz just trying to figger out who is this person who has comments for me?
Atlas Bugged, 6:36 pm, Thursday, August 30, 2007

SERENITY/FIREFLY FAQ "One page, all you need to know, referenced."

WHO IS ATLAS BUGGED? "Attorney, activist, atheist, and yes, sometimes
more 'A!'"

Kent Wills

Aug 30, 2007, 9:44:27 PM8/30/07
As I understand it, on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 18:37:16 -0400, "Atlas Bugged"
<> wrote:

>> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote:
>>>Now, who the fuck are you?
>>>At minimum, a guy who got it wrong with the machine-readable and pithy,
>>>"YHBT" and "HTH."
>"Archie Leach" <arc...@spam.this> wrote in message
>> Oh, how quaint. He wants to start a "Flame War" with me.
>Hardly, Mr. Authority.
>> Go away, n00b.
>Uhh, excuse me, but let's get one simple fact straight.

This would be a first for you.

>I made a post. Then, a guy I never heard of, couldn't care less about, and
>evidently ill-informed, decided to make a public comment about it.

Oh horror of horrors! Someone commented on one of your posts.
And on Usenet no less! Will this injustice never end?

>Now, I think that entitles me to ask, in my polite, urbane, and caring way,
>"Who the fuck are you?"

Who the fuck are you? Other than an incompetent weasel who
likes to pretend he's an attorney?

>No relationship necessary or requested. Answer, if you like, STFU if you
>like, whatever.
>But I already have a "flame war" I'm occupied with, and I'm not looking for
>another one.

Yet you go out of your way to start one. Odd that.

>I wuz just trying to figger out who is this person who has comments for me?

Of course, asking politely NEVER occurred to you, did it?

Recuerdo del Fin Del Mundo!


Aug 30, 2007, 11:41:56 PM8/30/07
In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:

Yay US!


and yay to our friends as well!

Why watch the Sci Fi Channel?
For every Flash Gordon, there is an Earthstorm!!


Aug 31, 2007, 2:04:07 AM8/31/07
In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
"Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:


> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The world
> would be such a poorer place without it.

That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)

Wouter Valentijn

Aug 31, 2007, 9:40:56 AM8/31/07

Combined with Swiss bank accounts? :D


Aug 31, 2007, 12:15:52 PM8/31/07

I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
which is probably less than you earn now.

And five minutes later someone would have worked out how to scam
everyone else out of their share!

Jette Goldie
("reply to" is spamblocked - use the email addy in sig)

Wouter Valentijn

Aug 31, 2007, 12:23:29 PM8/31/07
Jette wrote:
> Anybody wrote:
>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
>> around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
> which is probably less than you earn now.

That really depends on where you live!

Message has been deleted


Aug 31, 2007, 2:28:45 PM8/31/07
Wouter Valentijn wrote:
> Jette wrote:
>> Anybody wrote:
>>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
>>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
>>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
>>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
>>> around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
>> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
>> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
>> which is probably less than you earn now.
> That really depends on where you live!

Well, the "you" in this case would be someone with an internet
connection and probably living in the developed West - anywhere in the
developed West, the answer would be the same "the average is probably
less than *you* earn now".


Aug 31, 2007, 5:05:58 PM8/31/07
In article <>, Magda
<> wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 16:15:52 GMT, in, Jette
> <> arranged some electrons, so they looked like this:
> ... Anybody wrote:
> ... > In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
> ... > "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> ... >
> ... > <snip>
> ... >> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
> world
> ... >> would be such a poorer place without it.
> ... >
> ... > That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
> ... > around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
> ...
> ... I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
> ... among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
> ... which is probably less than you earn now.
> ...
> ... And five minutes later someone would have worked out how to scam
> ... everyone else out of their share!
> Five seconds, being generous!

Hell, half the people in charge of dividing it up would have already
have "skimmed" their own amount off the top before they start. :-(


Aug 31, 2007, 5:06:41 PM8/31/07
In article <46d81a6c$0$226$>, "Wouter Valentijn"
<> wrote:

> Anybody wrote:
> > In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
> > "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> >>
> >> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
> >> world would be such a poorer place without it.
> >
> > That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
> > around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
> Combined with Swiss bank accounts? :D

Add the money from illegal scum activities and nodoby in the world
would ever have to work again. ;-)


Aug 31, 2007, 5:10:51 PM8/31/07
In article <x5ZBi.6065$>, Jette
<> wrote:

> Wouter Valentijn wrote:
> > Jette wrote:
> >> Anybody wrote:
> >>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
> >>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> <snip>
> >>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
> >>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
> >>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
> >>> around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
> >> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
> >> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
> >> which is probably less than you earn now.
> >
> > That really depends on where you live!
> Well, the "you" in this case would be someone with an internet
> connection and probably living in the developed West - anywhere in the
> developed West, the answer would be the same "the average is probably
> less than *you* earn now".

You'd certainly be correct for almost anyone else in the "civilised"
world (and the higher up the greedy corporate ladder you go, the worse
it gets), but you're completely wrong with me. I earn well under the
"average" since most of my work is undercharged or free for non-profit
community organisations. :-)

Wouter Valentijn

Aug 31, 2007, 5:37:05 PM8/31/07
Jette wrote:
> Wouter Valentijn wrote:
>> Jette wrote:
>>> Anybody wrote:
>>>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
>>>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
>>>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
>>>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was
>>>> spread around evenly the world would actually be a much richer
>>>> place. ;-)
>>> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
>>> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the
>>> "average", which is probably less than you earn now.
>> That really depends on where you live!
> Well, the "you" in this case would be someone with an internet
> connection and probably living in the developed West - anywhere in the
> developed West, the answer would be the same "the average is probably
> less than *you* earn now".

Yeah, but the 'where' refers to anywhere on the planet and the 'you'
referred to just anyone of the 6 billion plus currently on Earth..

Sep 5, 2007, 4:36:41 PM9/5/07
Victor Smootbank <> did eloquently scribble:
> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
> making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.


> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.


> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!

Blasphemy indeed.

> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.

NEVER good guys?
Earth's most powerful allies posed as gods!
you've never watched the programme have you?

> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!

will 75p and a packet of rolos cover it?
| | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |

Tim Bruening

Jan 2, 2010, 9:28:33 PM1/2/10

AC wrote:

> "Magda" <> wrote in message

> > On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 00:18:03 GMT, in, "AC"
> > <> arranged some

> > electrons, so they looked like this:
> >
> >

> > ... Out if interest, why then does GWB use religious language to
> > justify
> > ... actions like the invasion of Iraq and so on? Why would this
> > carry any
> > ... weight in the US if Americans are basically athiest? Americans
> > must be
> > ... happy with it, other wise he would not be enjoying a second term
> > in
> > ... office.
> > ...
> > ... Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?
> >
> > "Civilisation" and "bullies" don't go together.

> >
> Im not gonna argue different, but dont you think that america

> contributes significantly to culture and science, for example.

> I know its easy to write the US off simple because of its foreign
> policy, its harsh attitudes to its own poor, and its selfish money and
> resource grabbing nature, but as a nation it does do some incredible
> things that add to the growth humanity.

> Remember, the US is a relitivly young nation, masked by its resources.

> It's powerfull because of its resources, not because of its wisdom.

> All its doing now, it what Europe was doing 300 years ago, and what

> others were doing 1000years ago. It just has newer toys to do it with.

> In time it will mellow and chill out. America is just following an

> inevitable path that other older countries have already travelled. In

> world history terms its no biggy !!!! :)

Which nations are the wisest in the world?

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 3, 2010, 11:41:18 AM1/3/10
Tim Bruening wrote:
> AC wrote:


> Which nations are the wisest in the world?

What do you mean by 'wise' within this context?
What definition? By what standard? How do you measure that?
The largest percentage of university graduates or something like that?
You see your question invokes several others.

Wouter Valentijn

Buffy: This is the Initiative Xander. Military guys and scientists do not
make out with each other.
Xander: Well maybe that's what's wrong with the world. Ever think about

'Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x14: Goodbye Iowa'


Tim Bruening

Jan 3, 2010, 2:59:38 PM1/3/10

Wouter Valentijn wrote:

> Tim Bruening wrote:
> > AC wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > Which nations are the wisest in the world?
> Nations?
> Wise????
> What do you mean by 'wise' within this context?
> What definition? By what standard? How do you measure that?
> The largest percentage of university graduates or something like that?
> You see your question invokes several others.

Which nations have the wisest foreign and domestic polices?

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 4, 2010, 2:23:14 PM1/4/10
> In what field?
> - economics
> - wellfare
> - healthcare
> - defence
> - culture
> - agriculture
> etc.
> Or maybe some more 'abstract' stuff like:
> - how satisfied are people with their lives

I'm sure there are a lot of lists on the web about these subjects.
And of course all of that shifts from time to time.

Tim Bruening

Jan 4, 2010, 6:51:57 PM1/4/10

Jette wrote:

> Wouter Valentijn wrote:
> > Jette wrote:
> >> Anybody wrote:
> >>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
> >>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> <snip>
> >>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
> >>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
> >>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was spread
> >>> around evenly the world would actually be a much richer place. ;-)
> >> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
> >> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the "average",
> >> which is probably less than you earn now.
> >
> > That really depends on where you live!
> >
> Well, the "you" in this case would be someone with an internet
> connection and probably living in the developed West - anywhere in the
> developed West, the answer would be the same "the average is probably
> less than *you* earn now".

I've recieved many e-mail messages from Nigeria, a 3rd world nation, so not
all Internet people live in the West!

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 5, 2010, 8:37:11 AM1/5/10

Hence, probably, the use of the word 'probably' :-)
In both cases.

Jette Goldie

Jan 5, 2010, 11:33:29 AM1/5/10

Uh, you got your attributations wrong.

Jette Goldie

Tim Bruening

Jan 5, 2010, 8:19:20 PM1/5/10

Wouter Valentijn wrote:

> Jette wrote:
> > Wouter Valentijn wrote:
> >> Jette wrote:
> >>> Anybody wrote:
> >>>> In article <46d701c5$0$240$>,
> >>>> "Wouter Valentijn" <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> <snip>
> >>>>> The US has indeed a number of flaws, but I'm glad it's there. The
> >>>>> world would be such a poorer place without it.
> >>>> That would depend on where all the US's money went. If it was
> >>>> spread around evenly the world would actually be a much richer
> >>>> place. ;-)
> >>> I doubt it - if all the money in the world was divided up equally
> >>> among all the people in the world we'd all end up with the
> >>> "average", which is probably less than you earn now.
> >>
> >> That really depends on where you live!
> >>
> >
> > Well, the "you" in this case would be someone with an internet
> > connection and probably living in the developed West - anywhere in the
> > developed West, the answer would be the same "the average is probably
> > less than *you* earn now".
> Yeah, but the 'where' refers to anywhere on the planet and the 'you'
> referred to just anyone of the 6 billion plus currently on Earth..

Roll Call: How many people on Earth are connected to the Internet?


Jan 5, 2010, 9:50:23 PM1/5/10
In article <>,

Me! (that's one) *grin*

The colors blend, the edges soften. Swirling and mixing
we are becoming white light.

Wouter Valentijn

Jan 6, 2010, 5:06:23 PM1/6/10

Almost 361 million it seems:

Beth Smarr

Aug 26, 2007, 7:47:41 PM8/26/07
Victor Smootbank wrote lots of verbiage.

They have already paid - the series was cancelled.


Smarr's Annex,

Fritz the cat

Aug 26, 2007, 7:54:51 PM8/26/07
Victor Smootbank wrote:
> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
> making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.
> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.
> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!
> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.
> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!

Coming to SciFi in 2008:

Stargate - Jihad

Atlas Bugged

Aug 26, 2007, 8:48:42 PM8/26/07
"Victor Smootbank" <> wrote in message

> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
> making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.

Their feelings are very important. They should learn from Islam - torture
and kill people who dare to hurt their feelings.

> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.

Yeah, someday the Jihadists might make trouble.

> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!

This free-speech thing has GOT to GO! I am sooo with you on this.

> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.

I dunno. I think it's the folks with the *correct* imaginary friend who
seem to prevail. There does seem to be a sub-theme of science - commitment
to truth. Disturbing, indeed.

> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!

They should die, horribly. Don't forget their friends and families.

Wait! I think I just got trolled! Oh well, it was fun for me too.
SERENITY/FIREFLY FAQ: "One page, all you need to know, referenced."
CRITICAL EVALUATION: "Evaluation of all eps, the film, the books,
comics, with reasons."
TROLL/RAT/BASTARDS: "Want to know why a single notice always morphs
into a stupid thread?"
WHO IS ATLAS BUGGED? "Attorney, activist, atheist, and yes, I confess,
others that start with an 'A!'"
TIM MINEAR SAYS, AND BUGGED GETS IT: "...I'm kind of lazy, and I'm old."


Aug 27, 2007, 2:16:15 AM8/27/07
In article <>,
Victor Smootbank <> wrote:

> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
> making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.

> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.

> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!

> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.

> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!



Aug 27, 2007, 3:35:37 AM8/27/07

> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists

What tipped it off? The smart writing?

> and it's
> making fun of religion,


> hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.

Well, they had to settle for that; there was no way to insult their

> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.
> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!
> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.
> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!

Thanks for proving my point.

Why watch the Sci Fi Channel?
For every Flash Gordon, there is an Earthstorm!!


Aug 27, 2007, 6:36:57 AM8/27/07
"Victor Smootbank" <> wrote in message


Go atheists!

"This message will make you FAT!!! You'll be a whale within 48 hours!!! Have
a nice day!!!" That's funny.

It's nice to see a troll who is eloquent and can spell, makes a change.
Although the cancer troll was *not* funny.

Join the Stargate SG-1 SETI@home Team

"Ceremonies have killed religions for they provide the masked comforts to


Aug 27, 2007, 7:00:37 AM8/27/07
"Magda" <> wrote in message


> The best joke in all Stargate - for me at least - is when Teal'c says
> "false gods", as if
> there were any "real god"...

Good point. But that's probably the atheist writers covering their rears...

I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an atheist or has
he embraced one of the Earth's religions? Doubt we will ever know; as we've
said before, the writing has been rather vague when it comes to the main
characters' religious beliefs. I think it was a very wise decision, given
all that they have encountered over the years.


Aug 27, 2007, 11:23:57 AM8/27/07
"Magda" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:00:37 +0100, in, "Eva"
> <> arranged some electrons, so they looked
> like this:


> ... I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an atheist
> or has
> ... he embraced one of the Earth's religions? Doubt we will ever know; as
> we've
> ... said before, the writing has been rather vague when it comes to the
> main
> ... characters' religious beliefs. I think it was a very wise decision,
> given
> ... all that they have encountered over the years.
> Teal'c respects justice, tradition, authority, his elders... What would he
> need a god for?

Good answer.

> As for the others... clearly, firmly atheists.

Not clearly, there are moments when some kind of spirituality is mentioned.
I don't think we have enough to go on because of the evasive ways the
writers have dealt with it. The best you can do is to exclude some
religions and keep the rest as a possibility. I *could* see Jack being an
atheist, though, after what had happened to his son.

That said, after seeing what they have seen and what they have been through,
how could they believe in most current Earth religions, if they look at the
bigger picture?

Atlas Bugged

Aug 27, 2007, 2:00:46 PM8/27/07
"Eva" <> wrote in message

> I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an atheist or
> has he embraced one of the Earth's religions? Doubt we will ever know; as
> we've said before, the writing has been rather vague when it comes to the
> main characters' religious beliefs. I think it was a very wise decision,
> given all that they have encountered over the years.

It was vague, it's true, but the show was ultimately atheist, just as the
troll generally charged.

This was just a continuation of Roddenberry's legacy, as a great deal of
STARGATE has always been.

If Kirk and Spock and Bones encountered any being claiming any supernatural
qualities, Kirk would always ignore the threats and bluster and say "Is it a
life form?" Or he might ask Spock to identify its "power source," so it can
be disabled.

The implicit message throughout has been that there is a material world and
it operates according to various rules, some discovered, others not. The
regrettable detour into "ascension" was a lot of horsey-poo and seemed
clearly a sop to those so inclined.

But even ascension was never specified as something *super* natural, it was
easy for fans to distinguish it from true mysticism and gobbledygook.
Ascension was just another phenomenon, following mostly yet-to-be discovered
principles. And, as you note, fans who wanted to believe it was more had
the leeway to do so.

STARGATE reflects its audience, which is mostly Western and
science/enlightenment oriented.

Everyone in the USA will tell you they believe in god, then spend every dime
they ever earned to find a good scientific doctor when a dreaded disease

We Objectivists like to shorthand it as "Train tracks, report back." The
idea is that if you think it's a supernatural universe ruled by an invisible
being who cares particularly for you, try standing in front of an oncoming
locomotive, or jumping from a cliff, or whatever, to test your theory.
Everyone - to a wo/man - will not even attempt a weak test.

If you understand that Western Civilization is essentially atheist, you'll
understand that Stargate is too. Both try to maintain the illusion of
"faith," but it's always vapor when push comes to shove.

Wouter Valentijn

Aug 27, 2007, 2:15:43 PM8/27/07

"Anybody" <> schreef in bericht

> In article <>,
> Victor Smootbank <> wrote:


> Troll

Just check this out:


Aug 27, 2007, 3:10:27 PM8/27/07
Eva wrote:
> "Magda" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
>> The best joke in all Stargate - for me at least - is when Teal'c says
>> "false gods", as if
>> there were any "real god"...
> Good point. But that's probably the atheist writers covering their
> rears... <g>
> I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an atheist or
> has he embraced one of the Earth's religions?

Betcha he's an Agnostic - or a Deist :-)

Jette Goldie

±© Flipper Mike ®³

Aug 27, 2007, 5:24:56 PM8/27/07
Victor Smootbank wrote:

> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists.....

GREAT TROLL! You are my hero.



Aug 27, 2007, 5:36:30 PM8/27/07
You fed the troll
"Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in message

Atlas Bugged

Aug 27, 2007, 10:04:58 PM8/27/07
"惟 Flipper Mike 拿" <> wrote in message

> Victor Smootbank wrote:
>> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists.....
> GREAT TROLL! You are my hero.

You have brand-name recognition. You can't buy that kind of thing, unless
you can.

Aug 27, 2007, 10:12:49 PM8/27/07
In article <>,

Eva <> wrote:
>"Magda" <> wrote in message
>> The best joke in all Stargate - for me at least - is when Teal'c says
>> "false gods", as if
>> there were any "real god"...
>Good point. But that's probably the atheist writers covering their rears...
>I wonder what Teal'c's belief is now - has he turned into an atheist or has
>he embraced one of the Earth's religions? Doubt we will ever know; as we've
>said before, the writing has been rather vague when it comes to the main
>characters' religious beliefs. I think it was a very wise decision, given
>all that they have encountered over the years.

They talk about that in one of the episodes... I don't have time
to rummage in my dvds to find it but he mentions the religious
beliefs of the jaffa and how they go to keb and all that in one
of the episodes. I got the impression that was what he believed.
It isn't spelled out well, kind of subtle, but still I was left
with the impression that the jaffa who don't accept the 'false
gods' have a belief system in place.

Atlas Bugged

Aug 28, 2007, 8:18:24 AM8/28/07
"Sharpsh00ter" <> wrote in message
> You fed the troll

Yes. That may have been what I meant when I said....

> "Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in message
> news:KbpAi.2956$ku.2560@trnddc03...


>> Wait! I think I just got trolled! Oh well, it was fun for me too.

....but a little confirmation is always nice.


Aug 28, 2007, 8:18:03 PM8/28/07

"Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in message
Out if interest, why then does GWB use religious language to justify
actions like the invasion of Iraq and so on? Why would this carry any
weight in the US if Americans are basically athiest? Americans must be
happy with it, other wise he would not be enjoying a second term in

Or is 'Western Civilisation' and the US two different things?


Lio Convoy (But my real name is ROGER, I SWEAR IT!!!)

Aug 29, 2007, 6:23:28 AM8/29/07
"惟 Flipper Mike 拿" <> wrote in message

I herewith nominate FLIPPER MIKE for KOTHAAH.

My reasons are....ahhhh.....let's see, he hurt my feelings and he posted
something about lingerie. And that's not all, once I read the AUK FAQ, I am
sure I will come up with something else. That's on my to-do list, you

Boy, this will sure take care of him!


Daily Bob. Definitely only Daily Bob.

Aug 29, 2007, 6:31:14 AM8/29/07
"Lio Convoy (But my real name is ROGER, I SWEAR IT!!!)"
<> wrote in message

Oh, yes, Completely Different Dude, I am SO seconding your great Nym,
ahhhhh, shit, I mean your Nom.


Ahhhhh, shit, I mean Daily Bob, yeah, that's me, Daily Bob, definitely.

May 12, 2019, 7:53:54 PM5/12/19
On Monday, August 27, 2007 at 1:42:35 AM UTC+2, Victor Smootbank wrote:
> Stargate is a show clearly written by atheists and it's
> making fun of religion, hurting the feelings of religious
> people worldwide.
> Especially the Ori are designed as an insult against
> Islam and sooner or later, Jihad will strike back.
> Stargate is blasphemy, insulting any religion, especially
> Christianity and Islam and a show like that should NOT
> be allowed on TV!!!
> In that show, religion is generally bad. Gods are the bad
> guys. Never the good guys. Atheists seem to win.
> That's not ok!!! Sooner or later, the creators of that show
> will pay for their blasphemy!!!

Of course the gods are the bad guys, you idiot. It's just like real life. Christianity and Islam are beautifully invented stories for ignorant idiots like you who don't understand philosophy, like that which is present in SG1.
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