-P- -R- -O- -D- -U- -C- -T- -I- -O- -N- -S- -2- -0- -0- -2- ©
Thanks Wavy. Oh, and thanks for not spelling it "Basterd"...
: MB
What the fuck! Its all fucked up. Those "file:" thingies are pissing me
> : MB
>Thats what its sposed to look like.
snip sig
Not on AOL, it's still messed up.
I'd ditch AOL entirely, but the account is not really in my name. Long story,
>What the fuck! Its all fucked up. Those "file:" thingies are pissing me
It looks absolutely fantastic on Newsguy, here see for yourself. But yes, it's
messed up on AOL, I don't know where else.
I returned from the abyss just to tell you that. And you are amazing, great job!
You and me both...
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
> What the fuck! Its all fucked up. Those "file:" thingies are pissing me
> off.
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-P- -R- -O- -D- -U- -C- -T- -I- -O- -N- -S- -2- -0- -0- -2- ©
It doesn't show the "file" things when I post it....I guess it just shows
up in some news readers. Some sort of HTML formatting thing maybe?
>>I'd ditch AOL entirely, but the account is not really in my name. Long
>You and me both...
I am my own aunt, try boasting that.
(we have the same name)
I recommend Newsguy over google (I see your test post).
Newsguy is very reliable and I think the basic service is only something like
$35 a year.
Thanks for info! :)
But I lost my 3D glasses. Does that ruin the effect?
Sounds very Southern of you:-)
>> I am my own aunt, try boasting that.
>Sounds very Southern of you:-)
suh, what are yew implyin'?
Your wit, unsurpassed,
Some folks think you're a loon
But I'll stay on your good side
Cos I want your slotted spoon.
Caps, long-ass sigs,
All part of your appeal
And when it comes to trolling
Good Lordie, unREaL!
So here is my sonnet,
My tribute to you,
Happy Birthday, Big Red Shark.
We all love you.
Well, maybe not all
That's why this addendum
But count me a fan
I love when you offend 'em.
or at least for as long as my parents continue to pay you for paying attention
to me,
It's dat boys birthday? Dadburm. How old he be? Shiiiiiiit.
If you was won of MY homeboys, we'd throws a party fors ya with a
penyatta, and with a bat you could bash it's durn head in.
Good day, good day,
and how do you do?
This is Alonzo Crafonzo Hamhock
talking to you.
>> sigh <<
I'll just pretend this poem was meant for me...
goblin at iglou dot com
You will get your own!
But not right now I have to go to work and work all through tomorrow, so don't
fret, you'll get yours, cos you are my new pla.
It's this simple: Gonna. Bash. You. Dadburm. Head. In. Love. Ham.
Hock. Get it got it good.
I give you WON more chance to return my bucket of chicken and then the
bashing gonna start. Hamhock hungry. Hamhock mean. Ham. Hock.
Gonna. Bash. You. Head. In.
What chu lookin at?
>Hmm? Oh , on 2 Mar 2002 16:32:50 -0800, Shammie
><Shammie...@newsguy.com> (my pla) says
>::Sharkie, my heartie
>It's dat boys birthday? Dadburm. How old he be? Shiiiiiiit.
>If you was won of MY homeboys, we'd throws a party fors ya with a
>penyatta, and with a bat you could bash it's durn head in.
Not til August.
Imo go down to the phone company and imo SNATCH THE HEAD of the first
sukka who say WON WORD to me. I ain't messin round with them folk and
imo SNATCH THEIR GOTDAMN HEADS OFF if they dont turn Hamhocks phone
spigot back on. How my gonna call the womens if Hamhock got no phone?
Hamhock angry. Hamhock *very* angry. Hamhock *livid*. Bile.
I pray to the lord Jesus H. Christ that he give Hamhock the strength
to snatch off the head of the first cracka at the phone company who
say "delinquent account".
For real? Dat suckkas got won big ego getting presents in March.
you already did this for me on my birthday. maybe i'm just not important
enough for you to remember the details.....
Okay, now I am picturing Jimmy Kimmel as Karl Malone on the Man Show.
: Good day, good day,
Wassup wichu chump>?
A gentleman would have pretended not to notice the error, and warmly thanked
Shammie for going to the trouble. That's what a gentleman would have done.
(By way of contrast, a sniveling bitch-boy would have gotten all bent out of
shape because Shammie got his birthday mixed up with somewon else's.)
>Hmm? Oh , on Sat, 2 Mar 2002 21:43:32 -0500, "Big Red Shark"
><ski...@sprynet.com> (my pla) says
>::you already did this for me on my birthday. maybe i'm just not important
>::enough for you to remember the details....
>Wassup wichu chump>?
Would you say that BRS's snippy-ass response to Shammie's poem was "fem"?
I'd say it was pretty "fem," myself.
Can you pitcher me BASHING YOUR GOTDAMN HEAD IN? It ain't a matter of
IF. Hear what I'm sayin?
Bashing my head in?
Til da white meat show?
P.S. you can use that, really. Go ahead.
: Good day, good day,
A gentleman? Shyeah. Hamhock figures you want a gentleman. Shoooot.
You be like all "huh whu?" and shit and that gentleman be like all
"me? who?" and shit and you be like all went out baby!
Take won to know won AHAHHAAHHAAHA! Hamhock gotcha! Hamhock gotcha!
Yeah, but I just threatened to unearth her dead fathers' remains from a
cemetary earlier today. I can't get all lovey-dovey after that.
P.S. Get this Russell, her father was cremated, put in an urn, AND THEN
See, Russell, here's the thing: She has a poor self-image and I think the
passive agressive thing might get me in her pants. What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are that if I come in here and make you look like an ungrateful
chump, it might get ME in her pants.
>They cut off ALONZO CRAFONZO HAMHOCK'S phone. Dadburm sukkas gonna
>get they HEADS BASHED IN. Lucky for Hamhock he have a cable modem.
>Imo go down to the phone company and imo SNATCH THE HEAD of the first
>sukka who say WON WORD to me. I ain't messin round with them folk and
>imo SNATCH THEIR GOTDAMN HEADS OFF if they dont turn Hamhocks phone
>spigot back on. How my gonna call the womens if Hamhock got no phone?
>Hamhock angry. Hamhock *very* angry. Hamhock *livid*. Bile.
>I pray to the lord Jesus H. Christ that he give Hamhock the strength
>to snatch off the head of the first cracka at the phone company who
>say "delinquent account".
I'ma gonna pray to tha Lord Jesus Christ thata Hamhocka retires soon.
I gots the two lamest mothafukkas on usenet trying to step in first
thing and take credit for ole Hamhock. They must think Hamhock GOOT
if they do dat. They be all wishin and shit like be all "aww man" and
then like all "i shoulda" and shit and stuff and ole Hamhock be like
laffin his coal black ass off and shit. You aint got NO SHIT on
Hamhock. Hamhock da ORIGINAL. You lame muthafukkas is juss JELLUS
cause you ain't never do nothin but rip off the hero and shit. SHIIIT.
The Gloves are off!!! Good day, Sir!!!!
P.S. Good stragety.
The gloves won't be the only thing coming off, wonce Shammie realizes who
the true gentleman is around here. Good day to YOU, sir, and to your lovely
wife as well.
Gonna retire on your ass.
Tarci don't know no lame. Hamhock know lame. You lame boy. LAME.
>Hmm? Oh , on Sun, 03 Mar 2002 03:14:50 GMT, Dawn
><dac...@starband.NOFUCKINGSPAM.net> (my pla) says
>::I'ma gonna pray to tha Lord Jesus Christ thata Hamhocka retires soon.
>Gonna retire on your ass.
You're going to go to sleep on her ass? That's not even THREATENING.
My god, how sad. This is just unbelievably sad. Hamhock, taken out--by
Dawn, of all people. Sad.
Nonononononononnononono....Good Day to YOU, sir, and have fun with Bruce in
>Hmm? Oh , on Sat, 02 Mar 2002 19:23:27 -0800, Russell B. Goode
><bigf...@databasix.com> (my pla) says
>Tarci don't know no lame. Hamhock know lame.
Takes won to know won, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Who the fuck is this guy, Shark?
>You *know* who you is. I pray to the lord and savior Jesus H. Christ
What does the H standfor in Jesus H Christ?
Herman. Dummy.
> Torris
>ALONZO CRAFONZO HAMHOCK <alonzoc...@hamhock.edu> wrote in message
>> Hmm? Oh , on Sun, 03 Mar 2002 03:14:50 GMT, Dawn
>> <dac...@starband.NOFUCKINGSPAM.net> (my pla) says
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::I'ma gonna pray to tha Lord Jesus Christ thata Hamhocka retires soon.
>> Gonna retire on your ass.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far. But even he has to admit that this is no Tramm
Phamm. Hell, it's not even a "Master Mind." (LOL?)
No. No, good day to YOU, good fellow. And may I say--as won gentleman to
another--that I rise in protest of the sentence imposed upon you in that
dreadful New Jersey courtroom. Five years is far too long to be ordered to
stay away from children. That judge was no gentleman, I can tell you that!
No gentleman, he!
What a little fem you is. What a lame itty bitty FEM you is! Mmm!