\/ ______ \/ | Bob Dunn
"@' / ^ ^ \ '@" | rj...@mindspring.com
|_( \____/ )_| | http://www.mindspring.com/~rjd55
I thought T was lookin at Pussy a little crooked while he was explaiing the
whole calling card scam in the restaurant.. other than that, talking
fishheads don't really cut it for me either...
i can't believe I just said that......
"Bob Dunn" <rj...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> It came to him in a dream was a stretch. Were there any signs that Tony
> a hunch?
It came to him in a dream was a stretch. Were there any signs that Tony had
a hunch?>>
He didn't promote Pussy for one... and Silvio and Paulie made him leave a table
before discussing a bizness deal. Also, Tony never really trusted Pussy's
return. He had Paulie check it out
email me at GF2...@aol.com
"Dave, There comes a time in every friendship when you have to say ,"
I never liked you, Get Lost."
-Bill Mcneal ( Phil Hartman)
Yes there was, but a very subtle one. When everyone was in the restaurant
eating, Pussy was describing in detail (and in public) about the phone card
operation. If you catch the look on Tony's face, he looks at Pussy in a very
suspicious manner. After knowing someone for as long as he knew Puss, maybe he
thought it strange for him to do something that stupid. Tony would probably
expect Pussy to act professionally and not blurt out their business in the
middle of an open restaurant.
> It came to him in a dream was a stretch.
> Were there any signs that Tony had a hunch?
1) When Pussy asked about Wiechuck, Tony didn't
answer, and went into the garage with that look of
concern, only to be distracted by TJ smoking pot.
2) When Pussy asked about the airline tickets, Tony
didn't answer, but talked about Ritchie.
3) Tony passed Pussy over for promotion.
4) When Pussy confesses (as a fish in the dream),
Tony says "Don't talk about it."
5) When Pussy returns from his absense, Tony pats him
down, then puts Paulie on his story to check it out.
6) Pussy got low-level assignments, like finding the Saturn,
and picking up the guys at the airport after returning from
Italy (where Pussy didn't go).
It's obvious Tony knew all along, but out of friendship,
didn't want to confront the issue until it became critical.
What made it critical? Pussy was screwing up all over
the place: asking questions, having a wreck tailing Chris,
asking Chris for info about stocks, generally coming apart.
Bob Dunn wrote:
> It came to him in a dream was a stretch. Were there any signs that Tony had
> a hunch?
I don't think Tony's completely trusted Pussy since P bugged out to PR.
Bill L
Well, I designed a circuit for a project in college. I was so involved with
the design, that I figured out a mistake in my dream. Sure enought, I woke up
immediately, and confirm the mistake.
[ Rodrick Su [ ]
[ r...@tigana.com [ I might be crazier than you think. ]
>It came to him in a dream was a stretch. Were there any signs that Tony
>a hunch?>>
>He didn't promote Pussy for one... and Silvio and Paulie made him leave a
>before discussing a bizness deal. Also, Tony never really trusted Pussy's
>return. He had Paulie check it out
Yeah he was suspicious all along. When Pussy showed up at his house, he
thought Pussy was there to take him out.
He looked for proof. He probably had it set up with Paulie and Silvio
so that if they showed up at the marina, Tony was going to kill him. If
he hadn't found the recording equipment, he probably would have made
some excuse to not go, so that Silvio would know it was off.
Maybe he smoked one of Pussy's cigars at the end.
But T definitely wasn't sure, so he tested him , like going with him on that
hit to make sure he pulled the trigger a couple times. But the big give away
for us at home were the funny looks T gave Puss, one in each of the last few
episodes. Puss saw these looks and knew he was ratted out, that's why he
first started crying to his cop that he was busted, and then took the whole
thing damn serious trying to be all FBI when his knew his time was near,
hoping to finish his case with the Feds and be done with it. But looks like
he wasn't fast enough.
Tony knew all along Puss wasn't being loyal, he just had to come to grips
with it and prove it to himself before he could do something about it.
Bob Dunn <rj...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> It came to him in a dream was a stretch. Were there any signs that Tony
> a hunch?
(I think I saw Bobby Ewing taking a shower in the background)
-Dave in Providence
I wouldn't carp.
For a while, Pussy was floundering.
"It's time for someone to put their foot down,
and that foot is me!"
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
>>I wouldn't carp.
>For a while, Pussy was floundering.
Even the most skilled sturgeon in the finest hospital can not help
Bennet K. Langlotz
"everything about life is funny" - monica seles
Or maybe it was all a Red Herring?
His mortal body is gone, but what will become of his eternal
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>His mortal body is gone, but what will become of his eternal
After he has been on the bottom long enough, the creatures will eat
him, and he will end up as a plate of Mobster Newberg.
Now that's funny...the best of the fish jokes...I give you 10 points (whoever
gets 5000 points first wins a free turtle)...
That was a dream, He woke up in the back seat of the car.
: Or maybe it was all a Red Herring?
Now you're just being shellfish... don't be an eel, for cod's sake!
To...@Fred.Net http://www.fred.net/tomr
* Faith Manages...... But Willow is in Tech Support
* On the next 'Maury' -- *SEND CODY GIFFORD TO BOOT CAMP*
"This President is not above the law... dumb@$$!!!"
- Federation President Red Forman, "That Undiscovered Star Trek 6 Movie"
Mary Kay Bergman 1961-1999 - http://www.wackyvoices.com
who gives a crappie about his eternal sole? Walleye would have like to have
seen is Pussy's Gar-untee that he wasn't shooting his squid to the FBI or
for him to get salmon-ella and get sick like the Big Tuna did, wait Parcells
wasn't in this.
what I meant to say was that the newest member of the family, Betta Splenden
was trouting down the dock to the ship when .... ahhh... never mind you
don't pirahna hear any more.
BIG D 1775 wrote:
> I felt feel that Tony knew for a while, but didn't want it to be true. The
> dinner sealed it for him, and that is why he was so sick and having the strange
> dreams. A college professor once told me that you can solve problems in your
> dreams. I have found this to be true a couple of times. This is something that
> happened to Tony and thus he knew he had to find out right away.
> Jeff
>hy <harrison...@apexinc.com.invalid> wrote:
>>His mortal body is gone, but what will become of his eternal
>After he has been on the bottom long enough, the creatures will eat
>him, and he will end up as a plate of Mobster Newberg.
This is the best of these cornpone shit puns
"Rehab is for quitters"
There is no "eternal sole." Sole, and other fish, go bad in three
> Why'd they kill Pussy? No real reason, it was just for the halibut.
Too bad about the Web TV account. You appear to have posted this
first, but it arrived a day after someone else's post arrived for us
all to enjoy.
Holy Mackerel guys, stop skating around the issue. Tony finally woke up and
said "Oh mahi mahi, the whale has to be harpooned."
Two days later and this is still funny.
Bill L
My husband has been reading this thread over my shoulder. He thinks I'm hang'n
with a really weird bunch.
(couldnt resist)
Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?
>::laughing and gagging::: ENough with the goddamn fish jokes before I whack
>all of ya!
C'mon now, admit it you're hooked..
My husband gets a little annoyed when he hears me laughing and gagging. Yet,
he too, peaks over my shoulder to read some posts, and much to his chagrin;
laughs. I also think that he secretly enjoys me being on this ng because he
doesn't have to sit and have *quality* time with me.
I thought he got passed over way *after* that "bug-out" incident. After
all, there was clearly a rat operating even then (that's why Jimmy ate
ratatouille for his last meal). Tony asking him if the PR girl was even
real tipped me off that we shouldn't believe a word of what Pussy said about
anything. He had been deluding himself for so long he didn't know the truth
about anything.
Pete B.
Bill Lynch wrote in message <38F15E7E...@worldnet.att.net>...
>Jason McCready wrote:
>> He didn't promote Pussy when he promoted Paulie and Silvio - this was a
>> In the dream Pussy told him he was in denial about it. I think that's
>> happened. Subconsciously he suspected, but Pussy was like a brother to
>> and he didn't want to deal with it.
>I don't think Tony's completely trusted Pussy since P bugged out to PR.
>Bill L