Tony Soprano's boat is named 'The Stugots' ... what does
stugots mean? I've heard it before in other movies such as
Saturday Night Fever, but it was never explained.
Dick and Balls!
While I may not agree with what you say, I will defend until your death my
right to disagree~~Granny Potter
"You cannot change, alter, manipulate, or excuse, the language or terminology
used--to what you perceive it to be nor to your benefit."
"Rob" <> wrote in message
The real word is "CAZZO". And the real slang word should be "shtugats"
rather than "stugots".
You people will never understand anything.
Good, we're making progress.
It's a derivation from questo cazzo (literally, this dick), shortened
it becomes stu cazz or stu cazzo (or even u cazz). In NJ (East Coast
in general) Italian slang (with various changes for regional
pronunciation, etc.) it became, stugots.
The phrase is typically used to express defiance ('no fucking way') or
incredulity ('bullshit') or nothingness (' I got dick') but could also
be used with comical undertones in Italy, and is considered vulgar in
most social situations. In the US it has lost most of its association
with impropriety through common usage.
Who ya gonna believe Prometheus or David Chase? : = O
New Jersey 3rd-generation "Italian" is less accurate than Montreal
1st-generation Italian.
I stand by what I wrote.
The term is derived from "kishte kaz" (my rendition of the Neapolitan
("Napolitopoli", as AJ once stated) slang, not the standard Italian "questo
cazzo"). Thus, SHTUGATS.
Although most people believe that a cazzo is a "dick" and palle are "balls",
cazzo has come to mean the entire genital area.
And as for you - SHTUGATS! (These genitals)
I doubt that you are David Cesare.
Hardly! The poster asked specifically asked about Tony Soprano's (not
Jacques Chrétien's) use of Italian. When did Tony and gang move to
Montreal? Your alleged "accuracy" using "Montreal Italian" is of no
value in the context of the question. Also, my Italian is from
Italy, with no generational loss.
>I stand by what I wrote.
Then you stand as a self-contradictory imbecile.
>The term is derived from "kishte kaz" (my rendition of the Neapolitan
>("Napolitopoli", as AJ once stated) slang, not the standard Italian "questo
>cazzo"). Thus, SHTUGATS.
You wrote "CAZZO". Now you say it's something else. At least try to
keep your story straight. No, it is not. It's Stu Cazz, New
Jersey-ized (East Coast, USA). And, AJ said, "naboli-daboli," you
utter simpleton.
>Although most people believe that a cazzo is a "dick" and palle are "balls",
>cazzo has come to mean the entire genital area.
il Raggazzini (Zanichelli) terza edizione, Dizionario
Italiano/Inglese: Cazzo(volg.) M, cock; dick; prick; pecker (USA).
While cazzo is balls, prick or the entire male genitalia in Italian,
most often when used in context, the translation would be cock or dick
in American English.
Tony is undeniably an American, despite his rants to the contrary.
>And as for you - SHTUGATS! (These genitals)
Vaffanculo, faccia di cazzo (or as Artie said to Jean-Phillipe, "Frog
eatin', fuckin' faccia di gots").
Oh yeah, you moronic asshole, it's David DeCaesare. You couldn't
possibly be more of a waste of bandwidth, providing nothing but
Stugots, stugats: the name of Tony Sopranos boat means "this dick" in
English. And not only that, it's southern Italian dialect. The
original term is 'STU CAZZO; 'stu means "this" as in "questo". Cazzo
means prick. So taken together it's obscene. Believe it or not, it
goes from QUESTO CAZZO in standard Italian to 'STUGOTS in southern
Italian-American Brooklynese.
You are not Italian. I am. I am an Italian citizen and I have bested you.
Your dictionary is crap. I also see that you have meekly admitted that my
translation of CAZZO is more accurate than yours.
I use the SANSONI and GARZANTI dictionaries. (But not for internet
discussions with slugs like you. I use dictionaries for my translations. I'm
working on one right now)
Chiapete shtugats! (Figure that one out, you assimilated Wonder-Bread Wop)
Hardly! The poster asked specifically asked about Tony Soprano's (not
> > Jacques Chrétien's) use of Italian. When did Tony and gang move to
> > Montreal? Your alleged "accuracy" using "Montreal Italian" is of no
> > value in the context of the question. Also, my Italian is from
> > Italy, with no generational loss.
That would be "Jean" not "Jacques". Scemo!
My neighbourhood was full of Italians from Naples. Napolitan' as we say.
We look askance at our assimilated cugini in Joisey. They are so American'.
Why, they even change their names - to CHASE!
Bunch of traitors!
Tu sei veramente un cretino!
>> Oh yeah, you moronic asshole, it's David DeCaesare. You couldn't
>> possibly be more of a waste of bandwidth, providing nothing but
>> misinformation!
>> =======================================================
>> Stugots, stugats: the name of Tony Sopranos boat means "this dick" in
>> English. And not only that, it's southern Italian dialect. The
>> original term is 'STU CAZZO; 'stu means "this" as in "questo". Cazzo
>> means prick. So taken together it's obscene. Believe it or not, it
>> goes from QUESTO CAZZO in standard Italian to 'STUGOTS in southern
>> Italian-American Brooklynese.
[stupid drivel snipped]
What part of complete waste of bandwidth posting nothing but
misinformation did you miss, orecchióne? Yep, you are such an
expert in Italian and its variations, you teach ESL to Japanese?
Leccacazzi, non fare la figura dello stupido!
>Leccacazzi, non fare la figura dello stupido!
Leccacazzi, not to make the figures of the stupid!
>That would be "Jean" not "Jacques".
If I referenced the Prime Minister, I would have said Jean
Joseph-Jacques Chretién, buffone!
ESL teacher in Japan! Imbeccille!
>>From: David Chase david...@hbo.corn
>>Leccacazzi, non fare la figura dello stupido!
>Leccacazzi, not to make the figures of the stupid!
Ding, ding, translate through Altavista. How feebly inept!
Leccacazzi translated as Leccacazzi should have been a big fat clue;
but noooooooooooooooo!
>Ding, ding, translate through Altavista. How feebly inept!
ehhhh..... wrong answer but thanks for playing. try systran software wiseass.
Err, sorry to disappoint you, especially while you are being so very
clever and displaying your impressive intelligence, but Systran is the
software behind AltaVista (Bablefish).
It's absolutely clear; you struggle to understand languages and
software. What's the next item on the list of your inadequacies to be
reveled? Are you an EnzyteŽ user, perhaps?
This is a great group. This guy asks a simple question and he sets off
the dagos probing what for them are the summits of intellectual
Fanabala gots, Ba fangool, Ambriago tutsons
Enjoy your Wonder Bread and spaghetti out of a can.
You will NEVER be a true human being.
How's your trailer - trash lifestyle? (he he he)
Did you see my fan fiction? Whadyathink?
"Fan fiction"? 100% JUNK!!!
Go eat your sushi spaghetti.
He he he. Not on your life, chump. Besides, I recently moved to SINGAPORE!
I see a caning in your woosy assed little wonton spaghetti future.
Is that something to brag about? It's like living in Chinatown,
only....bigger. Yuck, I bet it smells there! You must have rats the size of
caribou out there.
"So long, Mel....have a good trip."
Yes, it is, as a matter of fact.
Higher standard of living than the USA. Cleaner. Safer. No rats. What
smells, you chump? Littering is outlawed.
Truly, you know nothing!
Truly, you know nothing!>
Oh yes, that's right. Littering gets you 40 lashes, my bad. You may scream,
there is no shame...