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Carmela was right...

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Aaron Katz

Dec 2, 2002, 12:26:22 AM12/2/02
On 02 Dec 2002 05:19:14 GMT, (DavidM3825) wrote:

>>>The shame is that in real life teachers are corrupting kids today into
>>>thinking just like Meadow.
>Yes Meadow should stay at home and her father can teach her what its like to be
>an honest hard working person. He can also teach her about blacks and gays too.

and if any of the women misbehave, tony can hit them! cause thats the
way things should be in johns world

aaron katz- still and always "the leading authority"

John Smith

Dec 2, 2002, 12:24:41 AM12/2/02
The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.

Jeremy Sykes

Dec 2, 2002, 12:27:34 AM12/2/02
John Smith wrote:

> What is this word "homophobe"?
> Just because someone does not approve
> of something does not mean they are scared of it.
> Liberal assholes like you invented that word.

Tightass liberaphobe.


Dec 2, 2002, 12:29:18 AM12/2/02
>The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
>deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
>All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.

Ignorance is not an answer. Did you not know that what you call perverse
happens in many heterosexual bedrooms? Obviously not.


Dec 2, 2002, 12:29:25 AM12/2/02
>The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
>deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
>All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.

That shows your ignorance right there, John. I never said I was gay. You
assumed that.

Kenneth Crudup

Dec 2, 2002, 12:34:03 AM12/2/02
In article <AJBG9.203153$>,
John Smith <> wrote:

>What is this word "homophobe"? Just because someone does not approve of
>something does not mean they are scared of it.

I gotta agree with you here. I suspect it was the first word they picked
out of a hat.


Kenneth R. Crudup Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Los Angeles, CA
Home: 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy #9, Long Beach, CA 90804-2014 (562) 961-7300
Work: 2052 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92606-4905 (949) 252-1111 X240

Bad Boy Irish Mikey D

Dec 2, 2002, 12:35:36 AM12/2/02
Aaron Katz <> wrote:

>moby dick also had references to homosexuality. herman melville was
>gay, and his books reflected that

Wow, you read books? I've heard of people doing that, I just never met
anyone who did.


John Smith

Dec 2, 2002, 12:34:25 AM12/2/02
You sure sound like a gay.

I am sick and tired of hearing about gay rights and all this bullshit that
it is just an alternative lifestyle. You sick bastards try to equate this
lifestyle with that of normal people and that is wrong. There is nothing
normal about it. You sick people want children at young ages to learn about
it, you want these deviants to adopt children.

You are part of the perversion of this society.

Aaron Katz

Dec 2, 2002, 12:37:55 AM12/2/02
On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 05:24:41 GMT, "John Smith" <>

>The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
>deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
>All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.

yes, yes, because you grew up in a very conservative, tight,
homophobic household everythin you say is obvioulsy true. i bet if you
see a muslim on the street you yell "Terrorist!"

Sean G.

Dec 2, 2002, 12:39:30 AM12/2/02

"Matt378" <> wrote in message
> >anyone who does not like gays is a homphobe, is that right?
> >It sure seems that way...
> >
> >Stupid...
> He certainly seems rather fearful of gays to me if he gets his undies in a
> bunch over the idea that maybe a character in a piece of fiction might
> be, on some deeper level, intended to be homosexual.

No he seems bigoted...not fearful.

That is where the definition loses its meaning....

Proud American Infidel since 1973


Dec 2, 2002, 12:41:04 AM12/2/02
>You sure sound like a gay.
>I am sick and tired of hearing about gay rights and all this bullshit that
>it is just an alternative lifestyle. You sick bastards try to equate this
>lifestyle with that of normal people and that is wrong. There is nothing
>normal about it. You sick people want children at young ages to learn about

Just so I understand your argument here, a child Anthony Jrs age is too
young to learn about homosexuality?
And whats with this "you want these deviants to do this. You want these
deviants to do that?" Don't assume to know what I want.

>You are part of the perversion of this society.

And you are the part of society holding back the progression of the rest of us.

Aaron Katz

Dec 2, 2002, 12:44:59 AM12/2/02

im a rare breed mikey, a rare breed


Dec 2, 2002, 12:48:25 AM12/2/02

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

| The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
| deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
| All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.

You are sounding more and more like a homophobe with every post.
Carpe noctem.
Malum Regnat-
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. -Macbeth

John Smith

Dec 2, 2002, 12:47:57 AM12/2/02
Too young to learn about homo's...

Who is supposed to teach children? Do sick bastards like you believe that
schools have a responsibility to teach children about this?

It has no place in school. This is usurping the morality of parents.
Schools are churning out dumber children every year but it seems to be a
priority to discuss homosexuality. This is sick. If you think schools
should teach this to children then you are a sick phuck.


Dec 2, 2002, 12:51:59 AM12/2/02
> 1. its possible to not approve of homosexuality and not be a
> homophobe. a homophobe is someone who blames gay people for their
> problems. for example, bigot 1 says "i do not approve of gays". he is
> not a homophobe. bigot 2 says "gays caused the sept. 11 attacks" he is
> a homophobe

That doesn't make them a bigot either. People can think what they want,
as long as they don't act on those un-PC thoughts (ie, discriminate)
then there really isn't a problem.



Dec 2, 2002, 12:55:06 AM12/2/02
>If you think schools
>should teach this to children then you are a sick phuck.

Just by the way you spell "phuck," you allow us all to take great liberties
when assessing the quality of your own education.

Jeremy Sykes

Dec 2, 2002, 12:55:59 AM12/2/02
John Smith wrote:

> You sick bastards try to equate this lifestyle with
> that of normal people and that is wrong. There is

> nothing normal about it. You sick people ... are

> part of the perversion of this society.

And you angry limp noodles are the other part.
Try Brewer's Yeast. It'll put lead in your pencil,
and you'll calm down a bit.

Then you can work on the ignorance problem.
That'll take longer. There's no yeast for that.

Sean G.

Dec 2, 2002, 12:56:56 AM12/2/02

"Matt378" <> wrote in message

How is acceptance of perversion considered progression??


Dec 2, 2002, 12:58:31 AM12/2/02

"Craig" <cr...@patik.commmmmmmmmmmmm> wrote in message

Here's what Encarta says.

big·ot [ bíggt ] (plural big·ots)

intolerant person: somebody who has very strong opinions, especially
matters of politics, religion, or ethnicity, and refuses to accept
different views

Seem to describe this guy pretty well, just based
on his "liberal asshole" comment.


Bad Boy Irish Mikey D

Dec 2, 2002, 12:32:51 AM12/2/02
"Sean G." <> wrote:

>anyone who does not like gays is a homphobe, is that right?
>It sure seems that way...

>It may make him a bigot, but I am willing to bet most people who are called
>homophobic are actually bigots.
>It just somehow puts the gays above the bigots if they say someone who does
>not like gays because somewhere, deep down they are afraid of them, and
>therefore homophobic.

Do queers, I mean homosexuals, have cooties? I'd be afraid of them if they


John Smith

Dec 2, 2002, 1:03:33 AM12/2/02
It was an expression. If I spelled it the correct way I would have offended
your effeminate feelings.

The Catholic Church has allowed 40% of its priests in America to be gay yet
idiots like you don't think homosexuality is the problem. Liberals like you
call priests having sex with teenage boys pedophilia when the truth is they
are gay.

Idiot liberals like you want gays to be Boy Scout leaders and go on camping
trips with young boys. When your son comes home and says his ass hurts, you
will only have yourself to blame.


Dec 2, 2002, 1:07:28 AM12/2/02

"Sean G." <> wrote in message

> "Matt378" <> wrote in message
> > >anyone who does not like gays is a homphobe, is that right?
> > >It sure seems that way...
> > >
> > >Stupid...
> >
> > He certainly seems rather fearful of gays to me if he gets his undies in
> > bunch over the idea that maybe a character in a piece of fiction might
> possibly
> > be, on some deeper level, intended to be homosexual.
> No he seems bigoted...not fearful.
> That is where the definition loses its meaning....

The idea is that homophobes are hostile towards
homosexuals because they fear the homosexuality
in themselves. This sort of makes sense when you
hear people worrying that gays will "recruit" our
children. Why would they worry that that is even
possible if they didn't have an element of gayness in
their own makeup? When I was a young, impressionable
teenager I knew that I was straight and no one was
going to "recruit" me to the other side.

This John Smith fellow has a lot of hostility and I
wonder why.


Dec 2, 2002, 1:09:42 AM12/2/02
>The Catholic Church has allowed 40% of its priests in America to be gay yet
>idiots like you don't think homosexuality is the problem

Homosexuality and phedophilia are not one in the same. If they were, males
would never prey on underage girls. As for the Catholic Church, if you really
want we can start a whole new discussion on my views of the flaws of organized
religion. But, I fear we are already far too off topic as it is, don't you


Dec 2, 2002, 1:10:13 AM12/2/02

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

> Idiot liberals like you want gays to be Boy Scout leaders and go on
> trips with young boys. When your son comes home and says his ass hurts,
> will only have yourself to blame.

I'd probably assume he wiped his ass with poison

Sean G.

Dec 2, 2002, 1:12:55 AM12/2/02

"Matt378" <> wrote in message

Obviously he did it for aesthetics...

"Fuck' looks a lot worse then "phuck"

Though the meaning is the same and his previous posting aren't short on
profanity, I wonder, why pull punches now??


Dec 2, 2002, 1:15:29 AM12/2/02
>Obviously he did it for aesthetics...
>"Fuck' looks a lot worse then "phuck"

I was attempting to insinuate that its a rather childish thing for, I am
assuming, and adult man to do.

John Smith

Dec 2, 2002, 1:16:47 AM12/2/02
I'm not interested in discussing religion with you.

Your religion is Political Correctness. Which is evil at the core.

Pedophilia is sex with a pre-pubescent child. Over 90% of the Catholic
priests accused in the scandals had sex with teenage boys. That makes it
homosexual. These are deviants which scum like you want to protect and
advance the deviant agenda.

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 1:20:05 AM12/2/02
Aaron Katz wrote:
> On 02 Dec 2002 05:00:27 GMT, (Matt378) wrote:
>>>If you think seeing homosexuality in everything as broadening a kids mind,
>>>you are some kind of deviant yourself.
>>Seeing homosexuality in "Billy Budd" is NOT seeing homsexuality in everything.
>>That's a rather ignorant comment.

>>>What is this word "homophobe"? Just because someone does not approve of
>>>something does not mean they are scared of it. Liberal assholes like you
>>>invented that word.
>>And gay bashing assholes like you gave us a direction in which to aim the word.

> 1. its possible to not approve of homosexuality and not be a
> homophobe. a homophobe is someone who blames gay people for their
> problems. for example, bigot 1 says "i do not approve of gays". he is
> not a homophobe. bigot 2 says "gays caused the sept. 11 attacks" he is
> a homophobe

Therefore all Arabs are homosexuals? Ah, the Socratic method at work:)

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 1:22:03 AM12/2/02

Oh, for Christ's sake, give it a rest. Go play with Jerry Falwell, or


Dec 2, 2002, 1:21:37 AM12/2/02
>he Catholic
>priests accused in the scandals had sex with teenage boys. That makes it
>homosexual. These are deviants which scum like you want to protect and
>advance the deviant agenda.

What about those "deviant" men that rape and murder little girls? All i'm
trying to say John, is that phedophilia and deviant activity runs heavily on
both sides of the sexual preferance coin.

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 1:23:59 AM12/2/02
Aaron Katz wrote:
> On 02 Dec 2002 04:50:39 GMT, (Matt378) wrote:
>>>That's a load of crap. You liberals try to read gay bullshit into
>>>I read the book as a kid and also saw the movie about 6 months ago.
>>>Billy Budd was supposed to represent the good qualities of humanity.
>> Reading the book as a child and seeing the movie 6 months ago does NOT
>>make you an expert in the meaning of "Billy Budd."
>> A child cannot possibly interpet the full meaning of the story, and lets
>>just say that the movie isn't worth the film its printed on. You sound just as
>>ignorant as Carmela was intended to sound in that scene.
>> And for the record, i'm not a liberal. But I have the distinct feeling
>>that you are a homophobe.

> moby dick also had references to homosexuality. herman melville was
> gay, and his books reflected that

In Moby Dick??!! Well, DUH.

Gets lonely all those months at sea and young Billy was quite the hottie.

The Magnificent Bastard

Dec 2, 2002, 1:33:34 AM12/2/02
On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 04:33:59 GMT, John Smith enlightened the world with this
nugget of wisdom:

> She was right in the argument about "Billy Budd". There is too much goddamn
> gay shit and interpreting everything as gay in society. I felt like
> smacking Meadow in the head.
> The shame is that in real life teachers are corrupting kids today into
> thinking just like Meadow.

Troll score = 9.1/10


Magnificent Bastard Productions 2002 ®

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 1:25:10 AM12/2/02
John wrote:

> Matt378 wrote:
>>> She was right in the argument about "Billy Budd". There is too much
>>> goddamn
>>> gay shit and interpreting everything as gay in society. I felt like
>>> smacking Meadow in the head.
>>> The shame is that in real life teachers are corrupting kids today into
>>> thinking just like Meadow.
>> If you actually took the time to read "Billy Budd" maybe you'd see
>> that "gay
>> shit" fits when interpriting the story in question.
>> The shame is that, in real life, some ignorant, closed minded people
>> attack a
>> teacher if he/she tries to broaden their kids mind a little.
> Not many teachers could find their ass with both hands.

That's not the issue, though, is it? They're probably aces at finding
other guys' asses.


Dec 2, 2002, 1:26:31 AM12/2/02
Stoneco864 wrote:
> >The shame is that in real life teachers are corrupting kids today into
> >thinking just like Meadow.
> Yes how dare they make kids think.

The trouble is they're not teaching them HOW to think, they're teaching them
WHAT to think, And that usually translates into a left-wing activist power


Dec 2, 2002, 1:27:35 AM12/2/02
Matt378 wrote:
> >anyone who does not like gays is a homphobe, is that right?
> >It sure seems that way...
> >
> >Stupid...
> He certainly seems rather fearful of gays to me if he gets his undies in a
> bunch over the idea that maybe a character in a piece of fiction might possibly
> be, on some deeper level, intended to be homosexual.

It wasn't Tony who had the problem, it was Carmela.

Matt Miller

Dec 2, 2002, 1:36:13 AM12/2/02
Sources close to "John Smith" <> revealed on 01 Dec 2002
that the following message was delivered to

> That's a load of crap. You liberals try to read gay bullshit into
> everything.
> I read the book as a kid and also saw the movie about 6 months ago.
> Billy Budd was supposed to represent the good qualities of humanity.

Like youth, tight buttocks, full lips, and curiosity.


Matt Miller

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."
-James Halliwell


Dec 2, 2002, 1:40:19 AM12/2/02
you liberals force your beliefs on too others that dont want to hear it

i have no problem with gay people , gay people arent bombing buildings ,
rapeing women , robbing houses , cars , killing kids , but i diont want to
hear about gay rights like im wrong or im a bad person if i dont believe in
gay rights

my friend works in a very liberal hospital in Columbus Ohio there was a
letter that said for any one that wants to learn the language of a group of
people of many about 20 who are illegal aliens , so he called the woman
teaching the class and suggested that those illegal aliens LEARN THE ENGLISH
LANGUAGE , why should 1,000s of people bend and learn their language when
the group of 20 should learn ENGLISH !Doesnt it make sence to have a few
people learn our language they do live in AMERICA !

WE ARE ALL INDUIVIDUALS live your life your way ill live mine my way , i
wont pass judgement onto you so dont judge me , its very simple why is
something thats less then 5% always gotta be so important anything thats a
minority in this country whines and cries for rights

i cant keep track of how many jobs ive missed out on due to affirmitive

dont teach GAY anything , people who arent GAY please dont beat these
people up or mistreat them have some class

i hate GANGSTA RAP i hate GANGSTA punks , am i a racist ?

John is only pointing out something and you liberals jump all over him like
you always dio to people who dont believe the way YOU DO !
"Aaron Katz" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 05:24:41 GMT, "John Smith" <>
> wrote:
> >The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
> >deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
> >All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.
> >

> yes, yes, because you grew up in a very conservative, tight,
> homophobic household everythin you say is obvioulsy true. i bet if you
> see a muslim on the street you yell "Terrorist!"

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 2:40:30 AM12/2/02

I've raised 2 straight sons and we all think you're an asshole, probably
latent, too. Jesus, relax!


Dec 2, 2002, 2:41:43 AM12/2/02
>"Tilli" <> wrote:
> you liberals force your beliefs on too others that dont want to hear it
> i have no problem with gay people , gay people arent bombing buildings ,
> rapeing women , robbing houses , cars , killing kids , but i diont want
> to hear about gay rights like im wrong or im a bad person if i dont
> believe in gay rights

> i cant keep track of how many jobs ive missed out on due to affirmitive
> action....

You're not wrong for not believing in "gay rights". But you're wrong for
associating bombings, rape and killing kids with gays or other minorities.
There may (or may not) be more minorites involved in crimes such as
car-jacking, but white heterosexual males make up the majority of kid
killers, serial killers and bombers. And I doubt that "affirmative action"
was the only reason you lost or didn't get hired for so many jobs.

Proud to be an Infidel

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 2:42:17 AM12/2/02
DevilGrrl wrote:
>>The problem today is that gay bastards like you want society to elevate a
>>deviant perversion to a societal norm. There is nothing normal about it.
>>All of you should go back in the closet where you belong.
> Jesus... what a fag!

LOL, right on, DevilGrrl! :)

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 2:43:26 AM12/2/02
Matt Miller wrote:
> Sources close to "John Smith" <> revealed on 01 Dec 2002
> that the following message was delivered to
>>That's a load of crap. You liberals try to read gay bullshit into
>>I read the book as a kid and also saw the movie about 6 months ago.
>>Billy Budd was supposed to represent the good qualities of humanity.
> Like youth, tight buttocks, full lips, and curiosity.

Oh, Mary, lots of rough trade on a ship, too.

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 2:44:03 AM12/2/02

Which is obvious to anyone indoctrinated by the rightwingnuts.


Dec 2, 2002, 8:21:22 AM12/2/02
Gays are the last acceptable targets of discrimitation in our country . You
can't say anything bad about blacks, Indians, etc but gays are allowed it
seems. Oh ,and also overweight people.

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

> She was right in the argument about "Billy Budd". There is too much
> gay shit and interpreting everything as gay in society. I felt like
> smacking Meadow in the head.


Dec 2, 2002, 9:43:53 AM12/2/02
Tilli wrote:
> you liberals force your beliefs on too others that dont want to hear it
> i have no problem with gay people , gay people arent bombing buildings ,
> rapeing women , robbing houses , cars , killing kids , but i diont want to
> hear about gay rights like im wrong or im a bad person if i dont believe in
> gay rights
> my friend works in a very liberal hospital in Columbus Ohio there was a
> letter that said for any one that wants to learn the language of a group of
> people of many about 20 who are illegal aliens , so he called the woman
> teaching the class and suggested that those illegal aliens LEARN THE ENGLISH
> LANGUAGE , why should 1,000s of people bend and learn their language when
> the group of 20 should learn ENGLISH !Doesnt it make sence to have a few
> people learn our language they do live in AMERICA !
> WE ARE ALL INDUIVIDUALS live your life your way ill live mine my way , i
> wont pass judgement onto you so dont judge me , its very simple why is
> something thats less then 5% always gotta be so important anything thats a
> minority in this country whines and cries for rights
> i cant keep track of how many jobs ive missed out on due to affirmitive
> action
> dont teach GAY anything , people who arent GAY please dont beat these
> people up or mistreat them have some class
> i hate GANGSTA RAP i hate GANGSTA punks , am i a racist ?
> John is only pointing out something and you liberals jump all over him like
> you always dio to people who dont believe the way YOU DO !

Amen. And this is why I am no longer a Democrat. In the last decade or so,
that party has been hijacked by extremists militant activists and it does their
bidding. Minority opinion over majority opinion. Exactly the way to break down
a democratic republic. Glad to see there are so many finally speaking up
against a groups of people who claim to think for us all and then force their
beliefs upon the masses.

The pendulum is swinging back, though--thank God.


Dec 2, 2002, 9:45:15 AM12/2/02
Linda wrote:
> Gays are the last acceptable targets of discrimitation in our country .

How can you s ay that when a show like The Sopranos is a huge hit. I love the
show and am Italian myself but come on... if this were about an arab or black or
gay crime family (ha ha) it wouldn't have lasted a week.


Dec 2, 2002, 9:59:22 AM12/2/02

"MusWritr" <> wrote in message

> Tilli wrote:
> >
> >
> > John is only pointing out something and you liberals jump all over him
> > you always dio to people who dont believe the way YOU DO !

It was John who started this thread with his hostile
remarks. It seems that folks here have been pretty
friendly towards him while he uses comments like
"gay bullshit" and "liberal assholes".

> Amen. And this is why I am no longer a Democrat. In the last decade or
> that party has been hijacked by extremists militant activists and it does
> bidding.

Like who?! You said the last decade. Well, in
the last decade the most prominent Democrats
have been Clinton, Gore, and Lieberman. If
you think they're militant then I think you're

> Minority opinion over majority opinion.

It's a question of respecting and protecting the
rights of the minority. When you have someone
who's very hostile and bigoted like John Smith
and you folks feel like *he's* being attacked,
then there's a problem. Who's being intolerant?
John Smith with his hate rhetoric or the people
who try to reason with him here?

> Exactly the way to break down
> a democratic republic. Glad to see there are so many finally speaking up
> against a groups of people who claim to think for us all and then force
> beliefs upon the masses.
> The pendulum is swinging back, though--thank God.

I think you've been listening to too much talk radio.


Dec 2, 2002, 10:16:32 AM12/2/02
stevehoran wrote:
> "MusWritr" <> wrote in message
> > Tilli wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > John is only pointing out something and you liberals jump all over him
> like
> > > you always dio to people who dont believe the way YOU DO !
> It was John who started this thread with his hostile
> remarks. It seems that folks here have been pretty
> friendly towards him while he uses comments like
> "gay bullshit" and "liberal assholes".

I didn't wirte that paragraph.

> >
> > Amen. And this is why I am no longer a Democrat. In the last decade or
> so,
> > that party has been hijacked by extremists militant activists and it does
> their
> > bidding.
> Like who?! You said the last decade. Well, in
> the last decade the most prominent Democrats
> have been Clinton, Gore, and Lieberman. If
> you think they're militant then I think you're
> crazy.

The militant forces were allowed to proliferate under that administration.
Especially the so-called liberal intelligentsia, who think they know everything
because they are educated. And I know because I am a college professor and work
among these blind fools who have lots of knowledge but have no common sense.
They treat idealistic goals as if they were reality and then wonder why people
outside the ivory tower scoff at them. I'm just glad I came from a down to
earth family who never let me get away with thinking I knew too much.

> > Minority opinion over majority opinion.
> It's a question of respecting and protecting the
> rights of the minority.

Not the same thing. When you seek to force others to think the way the minority
thinks and then demonize and slander those who don't, that is not fair
representation. The minority opinion has a voice. It is out-numbered.

> When you have someone
> who's very hostile and bigoted like John Smith
> and you folks feel like *he's* being attacked,
> then there's a problem. Who's being intolerant?

Both sides are. Politics is a circle.

> John Smith with his hate rhetoric or the people
> who try to reason with him here?

Because he has a point just like the militants on the ther "side." The truth is
somewhere in the middle, where us "Independent-former-party-people" sit ;-)

> > Exactly the way to break down
> > a democratic republic. Glad to see there are so many finally speaking up
> > against a groups of people who claim to think for us all and then force
> their
> > beliefs upon the masses.
> >
> > The pendulum is swinging back, though--thank God.
> >
> I think you've been listening to too much talk radio.

Well, no, I have no time for that. I've been actually paying attention to
something called elections.

This is getting off topic and I doubt either of us is going to convince the
other of anything, so excuse me if I don't participate in any more poitical debate.

Liam Devlin

Dec 2, 2002, 10:23:59 AM12/2/02
Tilli wrote:
> you liberals force your beliefs on too others that dont want to hear it


Tell that to John Ashcroft!!


Dec 2, 2002, 11:32:14 AM12/2/02
>Amen. And this is why I am no longer a Democrat. In the last decade or so,
>that party has been hijacked by extremists militant activists and it does
>bidding. Minority opinion over majority opinion. Exactly the way to break
>a democratic republic. Glad to see there are so many finally speaking up
>against a groups of people who claim to think for us all and then force their
>beliefs upon the masses.
>The pendulum is swinging back, though--thank God.

So the Republican party is made of free thinking spirits, right? If the
Republicans doesn't do what the religious right want, then they stay home and
don't vote. Thats why you will see more laws written favoring the religious
right in this country now that the Republicans have control. When this happens,
you then tell me who has hijacked the parties.
Each party has their share of people doing their bidding but don't tell me its
only the Democrats.


Dec 2, 2002, 12:25:20 PM12/2/02
>i cant keep track of how many jobs ive missed out on due to affirmitive

Was that what they told you to get you to leave the building?

-Ben Phillips: "The smart one of the posse!"

"I don't know, but to me he seems gay. He claims he's not, but I've never
seen, like, a guy who's not gay seem so gay. I don't find him funny. What can I
say? Never made me laugh." -- Norm on Kattan


Dec 2, 2002, 12:30:57 PM12/2/02
>Gays are the last acceptable targets of discrimitation in our country . You
>can't say anything bad about blacks, Indians, etc but gays are allowed it
>seems. Oh ,and also overweight people.

Also, strangely, Asians seem to be fair game for mockery.


Dec 2, 2002, 1:11:18 PM12/2/02

"Tilli" <> wrote in message

<lots o' stuff snipped>

> i cant keep track of how many jobs ive missed out on due to affirmitive
> action

I'm thinking it might have just as much to do with your inability to spell
correctly or put together a coherent sentence.


Dec 2, 2002, 2:11:49 PM12/2/02