>and that's all he is... he will never be able to compare to Adam =
>Sandler's humor, guitar playing, or artistic ability. Jimmy Fallon is =
>just copying off of Adam Sandler. he's just a wannabe.
>last night with him playing on Weekend Update wasn't that great. Adam =
>Sandler's was so much better. besides... who has the Turkey song? huh? =
> huh? :)
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><DIV>and that's all he is... he will never be able to =
>compare to=20
>Adam Sandler's humor, guitar playing, or artistic ability. Jimmy =
>Fallon is=20
>just copying off of Adam Sandler. he's just a =
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV>last night with him playing on Weekend Update wasn't =
>great. Adam Sandler's was so much better. besides... who has =
>Turkey song? huh? huh? :)</DIV>
"That's just my opinion, I could be wrong"
Dennis Miller
"Oh my god, someone ate my entire pie. I dont know how that happend." Drew
"I listen to too many people. Im only going to listen to my gut for the rest of
my life" Courtney Love
Yeah, that was awesome on Celebrity Jeopardy!!
-Adam Sandler talks like 5 year old and makes little kid faces to get laughs.
-Jimmy Fallon has intelligent humor and has never once talked like a little boy
to get laughs.
-Adam Sandler writes his own songs, but ALL of them consist of lyrics like
"abbie doobie doo" which doesn't know much effort or talent, whichever one.
-Jimmy Fallon parodies the tunes of other songs but does several in one go, and
fills in all of the lyrics with words from the english language.
-Adam Sandler has a great impression of Eddie Vedder.
-Jimmy Fallon has a great impression of Nicholas Cage, Chris Rock, Dave
Matthews, Jerry Seinfeld, French Stewart, Gilbert Gottfried, Adam Sandler,
Jimmy Stewart...
-Adam Sandler has CDs in which he sings a lot of falsetto or spoekn-word kidna
-Jimmy Fallon can really belt it out, and has an increbidly good voice for it
(he sang with the SNL band to warm up the crowd)
-Adam Sandler is now making millions of dollars in movies like The Waterboy.
-Jimmy Fallon is 25, in his second season at SNL, and has dreamt of being on
the show all his life, therefore has no desire to leave and go into movies
right now.
-Adam Sandler had some great characters on the show.
-Jimmy is in his first season as a cast member and already has a number of
recurring characters.
-Adam Sandler is more in favor of potty-humor and things of that nature (not
that there's anythign wrong with that, the guy's obviously really successful)
-Jimmy Fallon is more in favor of satirical humor
You see? I don't have anything against Adam Sandler, I think he's a really
funny guy. I love the stuff he did on Saturday Night Live and I've seen all of
his movies. But I think Jimmy Fallon is hilarious (I've seen some of his
stand-upand know how funny he is OFF stage too). I think he's promising, shows
a lot of talent, creativity, and original stuff. To say that he's just a
Sandler wannabe is underestimating all of the other stuff he's done and just
categorizing by the fact that he plays guitar on Update. That's ridiculous. Tim
Meadows sings on update frequently too, and he doesn't even play an instrument.
Does that make him a Sandler wannabe too? Of course not. Thank you, class
dismissed. Have fun. Hope I didn't offend any hard-core Sandler fans (like I
said- I think he's a really funny guy). Peace.
-Becca :)
http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/jimmyfallon - The Jimmy Fallon Shrine
Until then, don't keep reaching for the stars, because you'll just look like an
idiot, stretching like that for no reason. -The Pessimist (Jimmy and Gloria
Becca wrote:
> -Jimmy is in his first season as a cast member and already has a number of
> recurring characters.
Not to be picky, but how many recurring characters does he actually have? I can
only think of two--Nick Burns, and the Boston filmmaker kid. (I was going to say
the Blowder Brothers, but they've only been on once.)
Thank God!
THANK YOU! someone with some common sense. oh yeah about hte recurring
characters- theres nick burns, boston teens, wad from 7 degrees celcius, and i
count his update songs. there's another one too but i'm having a nasty brain
fart. later.
Want a _complete_ list of _all_ roles Jimmy has played since he joined
the show? Read his roster at my site:
You can also view these for all other cast members. I keep track of
all their roles for every show I've seen. I've seen all the shows
since Cameron Diaz, so therefore Jimmy, Chris P., and Horatio's rosters
are all complete.
Oh, and Becca, if you haven't noticed yet, Jimmy's appearance on Conan
is available at my website in RealAudio, linked off the front page.
And his spring break medley is on it's way up. I'm updating as I type
- Joel N.
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Before you buy.
> about hte recurring
> characters- theres nick burns, boston teens, wad from 7 degrees
celcius, and i
> count his update songs. there's another one too but i'm having a
nasty brain
> fart. later.
He might have a lot of recurring characters, but that's not necessarily
a good thing. His characters are bland and all too forgettable. He
might be able to do impressions, but they're not the kind Phil Hartman
could do so well. Phil could create real characters with his ability
to impersonate others, and Hartman's characters had warmth and depth
and believability. Jimmy impressions are just the soulless grating
kind that get on your nerves after too long. No heart, no feeling, no
warmth. Jimmy can do voices, but can't create real characters like
Hartman or Aykroyd or Radner could.
What SNL needs is to get actors who can ACT. IMO, Chris Parnell and
Horatio Sanz are the only current cast members with any noticeable
acting talent, and they have comic ability, too. But if SNL can't
recognize talent enough to GET some, they should just re-air old SNL's
from the 70's every Saturday night at 11:30 (10:30 CT/MT) and forget
the whole thing. Enough third-rate comedy! If things don't improve, I
might just switch over to MadTV. I heard they're doing better lately.
Better than SNL, that is.
Gregg, I'm not going to be stubborn and say that you're wrong (even though I
think you are). I'm just gonna say that I COMPLETELY disagree with everything
you said, and I think that you're crazy for not seeing warmth and depth in
Jimmy Fallon's impressions. Soulless grating I can see in Molly Shannon or Will
Ferrell, but Jimmy Fallon? He puts his heart and soul into everything he does
on that show, everything. I'm going to sound like a giant cliche right now so
bare with me- you can see it in his eyes. I don't know, I guess we're on
totally different sides of the spectrum, but I think that you're writing off
Jimmy into a category with people he doesn't belong with. Give him a chance.
LOL. He's not wrong, he's just crazy. How gracious of you! ;-)
-Ben Phillips
"When I die, I hope the angel that comes to get me is Madeline." -- Bill Cosby
EXACTLY, Ben. Thank you for noticing that, I was hoping someone would point out
the hypocrisy in that post. Well done, my friend. Well done. -Becca :)
Hehe, well, I do my best.
I think what you see in his eyes isn't heart or soul, but effort. Just
because one puts out a lot of effort doesn't mean one's talented. Just
because one's performance is technically brilliant doesn't mean it has
heart or soul. If you watch Jimmy perform enough times, eventually all
you see is just a performance with no personality that smacks too much
of effort. That effort only serves as a distraction when watching him.
It's as if Jimmy is a human computer on stage: slick performance,
technically brilliant, but without personality. I've seen a lot of
performances in my day, but when I do see a performance, I don't look
for someone who can jsut entertain me. I look for someone who can speak
from the depths of their soul, even if they use the art of comedy to
accomplish such a task. Jimmy doesn't really have the talent to express
himself from the heart or soul; his impressions come off as insipid, no
matter how technically good they are. The old SNL in the 1970's had
actors who could act, and who could express themselves in a comedic, yet
meaningful and relevent way.
If you want to understand all that I'm talking about, try watching
classic SNL performances from Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase,
Bill Murray, and even Eddie Murphy, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, and Chris
Rock, and you'll see what I mean.
Gregg Ensminger
Okay Gregg now I *will* go ahead and say that you're wrong... very, very wrong.
I know exactly what you mean when you talk about one's heart and soul vs. just
effort. I DO understand what you're talking about, and I believe that you are
GREATLY underestimating Jimmy Fallon. I mean, for almost his whole entire life
he has wanted nothing more then to be on Saturday Night Live. He watched in
when he was just a kid in the 70's and idolized people like Steve Martin and
Dan Aykroyd. Isn't is plainly obvious that after all the dreaming and aspiring,
his performances would be filled with heart and soul in them? Can't you see
that? It boggles my mind how you can watch a guy put everything into something
and pass it off as "effort". His personality is more then apparent in his
sketches or songs or whatever it is he's doing on the show.
I find it very obnoxious that your last sentence says I don't know what you're
talking about, and that I haven't watch the class SNLs before. In my profile it
even says that my two favorite people are Gilda Radner and Jimmy Fallon. There
is even a quote from Lorne Michaels from a magazine... let me get it for you.
Here- this is what Lorne said- "The people who pop first on this show are the
ones who you believe you can see right into their hearts. It was true of Gilda
Radner, it was true of John Belushi, and it's true of Jimmy." Isn't that enough
for you, Gregg? Doesn't that tell you that perhaps you're wrong about Jimmy? I
agree with Lorne, I saw how John Belushi and Gilda Radner both came through the
screen and like jumped out at you when you watched them. That is exactly what
Jimmy does. You get a strange feeling that he's winking and smiling at you when
he's on the camera. That's why I love the guy so much, why he is my favorite,
next to Gilda. I would like to see you go ahead and name ONE person on the
current cast that puts more heart and soul into their performances then Jimmy
Fallon does. He's on a completely different level then they are, not because
he's THAT much funnier, but it's what I said before. I can't fathom how that's
not clear to you, Gregg. I just can't.
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But don't get me wrong. If you want to be a fan of Jimmy's, I'll defend
to the death your right to do so. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying
some classical music, among other GENUINELY fine arts, if anyone needs
i can see where you're comming from, although to me it doesnt seem like Jimmy
is overacting. If you want to see someone who IS overacting, look at Jim
"Seven chipmunks twirrlin on a branch, eatin lots of sunflowers on my uncles
ranch" --Harland Williams
...''speak from the depth of their soul???!!!!'' This is a comedy show, Gregg.
Why dissect it and examine it so harshly? For ''depths of the soul'' stuff, try
Masterpiece Theater or something. And did Fallon steal your lunch money in
grade school, or report you for having an illegal cable hookup? Harrrrsh
BTW, watch the old SNL sketches you revere from the 70s--to me the bulk of
those don't stand the test of time--3/4 of that stuff may translate well if
you're stoned to the bone, like the writers who penned it, but
maybe that's a generational thing. I'm willing to bet you are a man in your mid
40s--today's skits make me howl (I'm 30).
The women, especially Shannon and Oteri, have never been stronger.
But that's just my opinion, and opinions are like nostrils; everyone's got at
least two and they are there to be picked at.
mi...@aol.com (Mi28w) wrote:
> But that's just my opinion, and opinions are like nostrils; everyone's got at least two and they are there to be picked at.
> Mike
Damn, Mike! That's a *good* one!
-- "They named the band after the *guitar player*?!?.....That Santana must be
a BADASS!" --- Freaks & Geeks