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I'm convinced -- erica Durance IS Lois Lane!

8 görüntüleme
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9 Ara 2004 00:15:489.12.2004
As I write this, the second half of the season-spanning rerun is airing on
my local WB station. (It's primarily a UPN affiliate, and delays all WB
programming.) Just moments ago TW (as Kal-El) asked, "Who are you?" When
Erica Durance looked back at him and answered, "Lois. Lois Lane," I
actually believed it in the same way I did with Terri Hatcher ... but
never did with Margot Kidder.

Maybe that's why I'm so impressed with Ms. Durance's performance in the
role: she sold it from the very beginning.

Walter Luffman Medina, TN USA
Amateur curmudgeon, equal opportunity annoyer
When you see Dan Rather, you CBS


9 Ara 2004 06:53:509.12.2004
Erica does a great job.


9 Ara 2004 10:47:119.12.2004
You didn't believe it with Margot Kidder the definite Lois
Lane....However you can believe in Durance who, although a decent
actress, has NO chemistry with Clark Kent at all.


9 Ara 2004 11:08:519.12.2004
>you can believe in Durance

she is a hottie


9 Ara 2004 12:01:229.12.2004
On the fact of her being hot we can both agree.


9 Ara 2004 13:59:159.12.2004

"ottawafury" <> wrote in message

> You didn't believe it with Margot Kidder the definite Lois
> Lane....However you can believe in Durance who, although a decent
> actress, has NO chemistry with Clark Kent at all.
No chemistry at all.


9 Ara 2004 14:49:149.12.2004
Isn't Lois Lane supposed to be the brunette and Lana Lang supposed to be either
blonde or has light brown colored hair?

Frank Dreck

9 Ara 2004 15:13:119.12.2004
"ottawafury" <you can believe in Durance who, although a decent actress, has

NO chemistry with Clark Kent at all.
She has a certain lesbian vibe. Either that or Clark is giving her the Gay
Eye (but then he is married--though that never stopped anyone from being
Gay, especially in Hollywood).

Bozo the Evil Klown

9 Ara 2004 17:46:079.12.2004
>You didn't believe it with Margot Kidder the definite Lois
>Lane....However you can believe in Durance who, although a decent
>actress, has NO chemistry with Clark Kent at all.

Lois wasn't supposed to have chemistry with Clark. She always had the hots for
Superman, and considered Clark just another dweeby cow-orker.

The Joker in the Eeeeeeevil Cabal Deck of Cards.

By Grabthar's Hammer, by Pollock's Putty Knife, by the sparkling, refreshing
Screwdriver of Smirnoff- YOU SHALL BE QUOTED!!!!!!


9 Ara 2004 20:43:359.12.2004

What sort of chemistry are you looking for? And for that matter, are you
talking about Durance/Welling or Lois/Clark chemistry?

Bear in mind that on Smallville, Lois is not supposed to be impressed with
Clark in the least; she thinks of him as just a farmboy, while she is an
Army brat who has undoubtedly traveled the world with her dad the general
and considers herself much more sophisticated than some guy from

Never mind that Clark is pretty buff, and she's seen him naked. Never
mind that she had to remind herself to "look at his face" during that
first encounter. Never mind that he casually lifted her out of his way so
he could exit a hospital room. Never mind that to date she has
undoubtedly heard a lot of "Clark stories" from her cousin Chloe and
Chloe's friend Lana. Never mind that she has had a few adventures of her
own with Clark in which he has certainly not acted like a typical
small-town teenage ... of course, none of the young characters on
Smallville act like typical teenagers, so maybe that's not such a strong
point. Anyway, young Ms. Lane is *not* supposed to be all that impressed
with Clark, and certainly not interested in him romantically.

As for the actors themselves, I think the chemistry is there but we won't
see much of it as long as their characters are not supposed to be very
fond of each other.


9 Ara 2004 21:00:249.12.2004
On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 19:49:14 +0000, PooKooHoo wrote:

> Isn't Lois Lane supposed to be the brunette and Lana Lang supposed to be either
> blonde or has light brown colored hair?

In the comics, Lois's hair is either brunette or auburn, while Lana's is
red. But this is Smsllville, and the producers apparently aren't required
to abide by decades of comic-book conventions.


9 Ara 2004 19:58:489.12.2004

"ottawafury" <> wrote in message
> You didn't believe it with Margot Kidder the definite Lois
> Lane....However you can believe in Durance who, although a decent
> actress, has NO chemistry with Clark Kent at all.

Not Erica's fault. TW is as wooden as a cigar store Indian; NOBODY could
have chemistry with him. I do like her smartass attitude and her instant
put-downs though. There are only three watchable actors on this show; ED
makes a fourth.


11 Ara 2004 21:16:5511.12.2004
BucketButt wrote:

> As I write this, the second half of the season-spanning rerun is airing on
> my local WB station. (It's primarily a UPN affiliate, and delays all WB
> programming.) Just moments ago TW (as Kal-El) asked, "Who are you?" When
> Erica Durance looked back at him and answered, "Lois. Lois Lane," I
> actually believed it in the same way I did with Terri Hatcher ... but
> never did with Margot Kidder.
> Maybe that's why I'm so impressed with Ms. Durance's performance in the
> role: she sold it from the very beginning.

DITTO! Lois Lane is a beauty which Margo is not.


11 Ara 2004 21:18:3311.12.2004
PooKooHoo wrote:

> Isn't Lois Lane supposed to be the brunette and Lana Lang supposed to be either
> blonde or has light brown colored hair?

Right Lois has Blue-Black hair and Lana is a redhead.
Emily Proctor (a blond) played Lana on Lois and Clark


12 Ara 2004 09:07:2212.12.2004
On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 21:16:55 -0500, Vince <>

For me, the jury is still out on Erica Durance. I like what I've seen
but Terri Hatcher in the first 2 to 3 seasons of L&C owns the title of
the definitive Lois Lane.

Margot Kidder was OK in her time but never attractive. Nowadays she
looks horrible. I guess having a psychotic episode and busting out
her front teeth, only to be replaced with "dime store" dentures makes
it all the worse. When she talks, it's like she's wearing a
mouthpiece and it's distracting as hell to me.

Brent McKee

12 Ara 2004 11:42:3712.12.2004

"Vince" <> wrote in message

Sorry to disagree with you, but Margot Kidder was my first lust object when
she played a barmaid on the TV series "Nichols". Still the reason she was
cast as Lois Lane was because she had tremendous chemistry with Christopher
Reeve, which other actresses considered for the role -- like Stockard
Channing -- did not.

Brent McKee

To reply by email, please remove the capital letters (S and N) from
the email address

"If we cease to judge this world, we may find ourselves, very quickly,
in one which is infinitely worse."
- Margaret Atwood

"Nothing is more dangerous than a dogmatic worldview - nothing more
constraining, more blinding to innovation, more destructive of
openness to novelty. "
- Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002)

Dr Hermes

12 Ara 2004 16:01:3112.12.2004

No mention of Noel Neill and Phyllis Coates?

Neill was more vulnerable and likeable, born to be rescued, mooning over
Superman (who never called her anything but "Miss Lane"). Coates was
much tougher and more aggressive, believable as a competitive reporter
but also pretty rough in her remarks to Clark Kent. She also didn't seem
to have any romantic rapport with Superman himself, which missed an
integral part of the character.

Margot Kidder was right for the teaming with Christopher Reeve; they
worked well together and her odd (but charming) voice back then added a
nice touch to some of the comic relief lines. She hasn't aged well, but
that's the way life is. kind of odd how she turned up in the storyline
just before Reeve himself passed away. I'd like to see her thoughts
about the timing of that.

I never could stand watching LOIS & CLARK, so I really can't comment on
Teri Hatcher. The only thing I remember her from is the James Bond movie
THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, where her performance was okay but nothing

I think Erica Durance is doing a fine job as Lois. She brings a brisk
energy to her scenes that the other cast members sadly lack. Her Lois is
a pushy, fast-talking go-getter without much tact who gets away with it
because of her looks... a reasonable approach to the character.
Durance's Lois is also someone who would appeal to Clark at this point.
She has travelled widely, is very opinionated and confident, has
experienced a lot of stuff Clark hasn't (ahem)... just the sort of woman
I see Clark being attracted to. There is a definite spark between the
two actors, seen most in the closing shot of Lois grinning as she helps
Clark out of the water tank she dunked him in (while Chloe gives an
anguished look).

The Clark and Lois relationship on this show seems to be the traditional
Hollywood formula of "at first they can't stand each other" slowly
turning into grudging attraction and finally love. It's a recipe that
usually works for story-telling and it will probably turn out well here.


13 Ara 2004 12:45:4813.12.2004
For me Margot Kidder is what I imagined as the definitive Lois and no
amount of rewrites and reimagines in the comics changes that fact. She
was a tough as nails reporter trying to prove herself daily in a job
that she wasn't suppose to be tough enough for. As for her always
loving Superman and not Clark...Well that just ain't right. She was
more infatuated with Superman and the power that he had. Clark was more
of a fit but she couldn't bring herself to open up to Clark at first
because she obviously thought of him as the competition at work.

Durance is a competent actress and I never found Welling to bad he has
a great chemistry with Chole and with Lana so blaming wellliung won't
cut it here either.

The writing of I can see where they are going with it but
Chloe has been more Lois from day one then this Lois ever was.


13 Ara 2004 17:01:5313.12.2004
On 13 Dec 2004 09:45:48 -0800, "ottawafury" <>

>For me Margot Kidder is what I imagined as the definitive Lois and no
>amount of rewrites and reimagines in the comics changes that fact. She
>was a tough as nails reporter trying to prove herself daily in a job
>that she wasn't suppose to be tough enough for.

You're kidding. The same Lois Lane whose first appearance in the first
movie was writing an article called "Ode to Spring" and was aking how to
spell rapist? That Lois was a journalistic hack. Yes, Kidder had great
chemistry with Reeve, and she may have even been a looker at that time,
but she wasn't a hard-nosed reporter.

My absolute favorite Lois is the version from the recent animated
series. Resented the hell out of Clark initially, then came to trust him
as a partner, and fell in love with Superman.



15 Ara 2004 00:07:3515.12.2004
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:45:48 -0800, ottawafury wrote:

> The writing of I can see where they are going with it but
> Chloe has been more Lois from day one then this Lois ever was.

The Lois we see on Smallville has a few years to go before she becomes the
character most of us know from the Superman legend. Already she's gutsy
and tough as nails, but she's not especially interested in journalism --
at this point I doubt she has any serious thoughts about what sort of
career she will pursue. While she may be more worldly than the other
young characters on Smallville, she isn't much more mature than the
others, if at all.

Give her time to discover what she wants to be when she grows up. After
all, even Clark hasn't decided what/who he wants to be when HE grows up,
although it's clear that he doesn't intend to do what "Joe-El" seems to

While I'm in this particular neighborhood: we all know that Lois' cousin
Chloe wants a career in journalism, and already she's pretty good at
investigative reporting. But maybe the reason we never met her in any
other version of the Superman legend is that she will develop another
interest that will lead her into some other career, one where she doesn't
frequently cross paths with Clark or her cousin Lois. I can see Chloe
becoming a federal prosecutor ... or a private investigator ... or an
operative with some secret "alphabet agency" ... or a medical researcher
with a special interest in "freaks of nature". Or maybe she'll go into
broadcasting and become the female version of Art Bell.<g>


15 Ara 2004 12:55:3015.12.2004
>maybe the reason we never met her in any other version of the Superman legend

..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of Smallville..and
never existed in the Superman mythos until now


15 Ara 2004 13:20:0415.12.2004
..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of
never existed in the Superman mythos until now

...which means that there needs to be some way to fit her into Clark's
established future (or rather, explain the lack of her there.)

Assuming one cares about making things fit into Clark's established
future, which not everyone does.


15 Ara 2004 16:14:1115.12.2004
As an ex-journalist no I am dead serious Margot played the part of a
reporter trying to get ahead in a very back-biting profession very
well. The "Ode To Spring" story was to show what she was given to do,
not what she is capable of. As for asking how to spell a simple word.
That was basically her being absent-minded and having to much to do at
once to even begin to think of spelling. After all thats why they give
us that little blue book when we go into journalism...Journalists are
typically terrible spellers...If they are good spellers then they
become editors. :-) She was far from the journalistic hack type.

Sadly I never saw much of the more recent animated series but am sure I
enjoyed what I did see, it's been awhile since I watched it.

Smallville is my favorite interpretation of the Superman Mythos except
for Lois at this point.

Bozo the Evil Klown

15 Ara 2004 16:51:5115.12.2004
>..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of
>never existed in the Superman mythos until now
>...which means that there needs to be some way to fit her into Clark's
>established future (or rather, explain the lack of her there.)

Do we? Clark graduates high school and gets on with his life, as does
(presumably) Chloe.

David Johnston

15 Ara 2004 17:41:4115.12.2004
On 15 Dec 2004 13:14:11 -0800, "ottawafury" <>

>As an ex-journalist no I am dead serious Margot played the part of a
>reporter trying to get ahead in a very back-biting profession very
>well. The "Ode To Spring" story was to show what she was given to do,
>not what she is capable of.

I assumed she was being sarcastic when she called a story about gang
warfare "An Ode To Spring".


18 Ara 2004 22:39:3318.12.2004
Brent McKee wrote:

> "Vince" <> wrote in message
> news:pWNud.2578$Mr....@fe10.lga...
>>BucketButt wrote:
>>>As I write this, the second half of the season-spanning rerun is airing
>>>my local WB station. (It's primarily a UPN affiliate, and delays all WB
>>>programming.) Just moments ago TW (as Kal-El) asked, "Who are you?"
>>>Erica Durance looked back at him and answered, "Lois. Lois Lane," I
>>>actually believed it in the same way I did with Terri Hatcher ... but
>>>never did with Margot Kidder. Maybe that's why I'm so impressed with Ms.
>>>Durance's performance in the
>>>role: she sold it from the very beginning.
>>DITTO! Lois Lane is a beauty which Margo is not.
> Sorry to disagree with you, but Margot Kidder was my first lust object when
> she played a barmaid on the TV series "Nichols". Still the reason she was
> cast as Lois Lane was because she had tremendous chemistry with Christopher
> Reeve, which other actresses considered for the role -- like Stockard
> Channing -- did not.

Another non-looker besides being a little short for 6' 4" Chris.


18 Ara 2004 22:43:0218.12.2004
Dr Hermes wrote:

> No mention of Noel Neill and Phyllis Coates?
> Neill was more vulnerable and likeable, born to be rescued, mooning over
> Superman (who never called her anything but "Miss Lane"). Coates was
> much tougher and more aggressive, believable as a competitive reporter
> but also pretty rough in her remarks to Clark Kent. She also didn't seem
> to have any romantic rapport with Superman himself, which missed an
> integral part of the character.

Noel was the first actor to play Lois Lane in the two movie serials as
well as the old show

> Margot Kidder was right for the teaming with Christopher Reeve; they
> worked well together and her odd (but charming) voice back then added a
> nice touch to some of the comic relief lines. She hasn't aged well, but
> that's the way life is. kind of odd how she turned up in the storyline
> just before Reeve himself passed away. I'd like to see her thoughts
> about the timing of that.
> I never could stand watching LOIS & CLARK, so I really can't comment on
> Teri Hatcher. The only thing I remember her from is the James Bond movie
> THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, where her performance was okay but nothing
> special.

Error the film was "Tomorrow Never Dies" TWINE was the next film for PB


19 Ara 2004 12:18:2519.12.2004
>> Neill was more vulnerable and likeable, born to be rescued, mooning over
Superman (who never called her anything but "Miss Lane") the George Reeves tv show the Kirk Alyn serials she was a much tougher Lois

Dr Hermes

19 Ara 2004 14:30:1219.12.2004

Those serials are available now, and Noel is more aggressive but still
not hard-boiled. She looks amazingly young, too, as if she was hired by
the PLANET right out of high school.

I like Kirk Alyn's cheerful, nimble interpretation of Superman (he looks
like he's enjoying being a super-hero), but those cheesy animated flying
sequences really bring the serials down. Sam Katzman should have opened
his tight wallet to spring for some wirework or life-sized dummies like
Republic used!

And I did get the title of the Bond film with Teri Hatcher wrong. The
Brosnan 007 films could use less generic titles, in my opinion. With the
first five Bond films, the titles were unmistakable. Except for
GOLDENEYE, the Brosnan titles could be for most any action flick.


20 Ara 2004 01:08:2620.12.2004
BucketButt <> wrote:

> When
>Erica Durance looked back at him and answered, "Lois. Lois Lane," I
>actually believed it in the same way I did with Terri Hatcher ... but
>never did with Margot Kidder.

I never liked Terri Hatcher as Lois. She just seemed too much like an
airhead cheerleader for the part.

While Margot Kidder was kind of plain to be Lois, it made her seem
more like the in-your-face reporter that Lois is supposed to be. Or
whatever you'd call it.

I always thought Sandra Bullock would have made a great Lois Lane.
Maybe still could, but Lois (Clark is well) is supposed to be around

I saw Erica Durance on Howard Stern on E! Probably originally aired
just before the season premiere. I don't see why everyone thinks she
looks too old to be 18 or 19. She definitely looked like a kid.
(Note: I have neices from the ages of 17 to 24. That's a kid to me.)

Howard said she had previously been married, but was now divorced and
living with another guy. That suggests her first acting name was her
husband's name, and she's gone back to her maiden name.


21 Ara 2004 03:33:2121.12.2004
BucketButt <> wrote:

>While I'm in this particular neighborhood: we all know that Lois' cousin
>Chloe wants a career in journalism, and already she's pretty good at
>investigative reporting. But maybe the reason we never met her in any
>other version of the Superman legend is that she will develop another
>interest that will lead her into some other career, one where she doesn't
>frequently cross paths with Clark or her cousin Lois. I can see Chloe
>becoming a federal prosecutor ... or a private investigator ... or an
>operative with some secret "alphabet agency" ...

All of which are jobs where she'd have reason to interact with both
Superman and investigative reporter Clark Kent.

> or a medical researcher
>with a special interest in "freaks of nature". Or maybe she'll go into
>broadcasting and become the female version of Art Bell.<g>

She's either a dead duck, or a lame (crazy) one. And the dead one is
the only one that leaves the way open for Clark and Lois to get
together. And would actually pave the way, as they'd turn to each
other for consoling, and realize how much they have in common.


21 Ara 2004 13:00:5321.12.2004
I don't think Chloe has to die to go away. She simply needs to have
some guy show her some attention, and she'll go wherever he wants.


21 Ara 2004 13:03:0821.12.2004
Well, that would be an explanation, now wouldn't it? The point is, you
can't just say that because they invented her for Smallville, she has
no relevance towards the traditional setup. They don't have to
reference it in a movie or anything, but probably need to say something
about it on Smallville, at some point, presumably near the end.


21 Ara 2004 19:12:2221.12.2004

Bullock would have made a fantastic Lois! Maybe a bit too old now but
maybe not.


21 Ara 2004 20:22:0721.12.2004

I disagree, well at lease they didn't have her doing Wonder Woman.
What were they thinking?

The Black Guardian

21 Ara 2004 23:46:3421.12.2004
Jack wrote:
>>> When Erica Durance looked back at him and answered, "Lois. Lois
>>> Lane," I actually believed it in the same way I did with Terri Hatcher
>>> ... but never did with Margot Kidder.
>> I never liked Terri Hatcher as Lois. She just seemed too much like an
>> airhead cheerleader for the part.
>> While Margot Kidder was kind of plain to be Lois, it made her seem
>> more like the in-your-face reporter that Lois is supposed to be. Or
>> whatever you'd call it.
>> I always thought Sandra Bullock would have made a great Lois Lane.
>> Maybe still could, but Lois (Clark is well) is supposed to be around
>> 30.

> Bullock would have made a fantastic Lois! Maybe a bit too old now but
> maybe not.

Bullock has always struck me as even more of an airhead than Hatcher could ever
be. I'm also not convinced she could pull off Lois' demeanor. Her past attempts
to play this type of character always rung a bit hollow to me. She always comes
across as being too nice.
-=[ The BlakGard ]=-
"Somewhere there's danger;
somewhere there's injustice,
and somewhere else the tea is getting cold!"


22 Ara 2004 14:00:0722.12.2004
> While Margot Kidder was kind of plain to be Lois,

obviously you didn't see the nude layout Margot did the year before she got the
Lois Lane part

she looked good in her prime


22 Ara 2004 14:37:1722.12.2004
Clark and Lois was supposed to be around 30?

I always thought that when Clark first moved to Metropolis that he's supposed
to be fresh out of college.

And if the original poster is convinced that Erica Durance IS Lois Lane...then
I'd hate to tell him that Santa Claus doesn't really exist


22 Ara 2004 15:15:3322.12.2004
"JRWOLFESTR" <> wrote in message

Is that the one where she's doing cartwheels on the beach... or at least
doing cartwheels somewhere?

If anyone can remember which issue it was, I think I might have it


22 Ara 2004 18:30:5522.12.2004
>And if the original poster is convinced that Erica Durance IS Lois Lane...

then he knows that Allison Mack as Chloe..isn't

The Black Guardian

22 Ara 2004 19:49:1222.12.2004

Yup. I remember that. Some sexy poses (not from the same layout) even made it
into one of the comic adaptations for the movie... or maybe I'm thinking of
Sarah Douglas...

Anyway, I do remember the Kidder layout.

The Black Guardian

22 Ara 2004 19:57:3722.12.2004
jberger wrote:
>>> While Margot Kidder was kind of plain to be Lois,
>> obviously you didn't see the nude layout Margot did the year before she
>> got the Lois Lane part
>> she looked good in her prime
> Is that the one where she's doing cartwheels on the beach... or at least
> doing cartwheels somewhere?
> If anyone can remember which issue it was, I think I might have it
> somewhere.

1975-ish, I think.


22 Ara 2004 22:23:0422.12.2004
On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:33:21 -0800, Todd wrote:

> BucketButt <> wrote:
>>While I'm in this particular neighborhood: we all know that Lois' cousin
>>Chloe wants a career in journalism, and already she's pretty good at
>>investigative reporting. But maybe the reason we never met her in any
>>other version of the Superman legend is that she will develop another
>>interest that will lead her into some other career, one where she doesn't
>>frequently cross paths with Clark or her cousin Lois. I can see Chloe
>>becoming a federal prosecutor ... or a private investigator ... or an
>>operative with some secret "alphabet agency" ...
> All of which are jobs where she'd have reason to interact with both
> Superman and investigative reporter Clark Kent.

Those are careers where she might (or might not) cross paths with Clark
and Lois, but at least they wouldn't notice her byline in a major
newspaper or run into her while covering the same story.

>> or a medical researcher
>>with a special interest in "freaks of nature". Or maybe she'll go into
>>broadcasting and become the female version of Art Bell.<g>
> She's either a dead duck, or a lame (crazy) one. And the dead one is
> the only one that leaves the way open for Clark and Lois to get
> together. And would actually pave the way, as they'd turn to each
> other for consoling, and realize how much they have in common.

If Chloe's death in the main Superman universe is accepted as having
happened, it follows that Clark and Lois would tak about her or at least
think of her from time to time ... which might or might not mean that we'd
know it. As for the other possibility, have you ever listened to Art
Bell or his replacement, George Noory?


22 Ara 2004 22:28:0322.12.2004
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 19:37:17 +0000, PooKooHoo wrote:

> Clark and Lois was supposed to be around 30?
> I always thought that when Clark first moved to Metropolis that he's supposed
> to be fresh out of college.

Not that it's binding on either Smallville or the upcoming movie, but in
the current DC Universe Clark spent several years traveling before
settling in Metropolis.

> And if the original poster is convinced that Erica Durance IS Lois
> Lane...then I'd hate to tell him that Santa Claus doesn't really exist

Sure he does. I know a guy who bought one of his old suits! (Some people
collect the oddest things.)


22 Ara 2004 22:29:1822.12.2004
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:15:33 -0800, jberger wrote:

> "JRWOLFESTR" <> wrote in message
>>> While Margot Kidder was kind of plain to be Lois,
>> obviously you didn't see the nude layout Margot did the year before she
>> got the
>> Lois Lane part
>> she looked good in her prime
> Is that the one where she's doing cartwheels on the beach... or at least
> doing cartwheels somewhere?

I thought that was Tawny Kitaen ... and it was a Whitesnake video ....


30 Ara 2004 22:22:4230.12.2004
<< Noel was the first actor to play Lois Lane in the two movie serials as
well as the old show >>

No, there was a radio series before that - and that Lois kicked ass.

"There is nothing patriotic about hating your country, or pretending that you
can love your country but despise your government."
Bill Clinton
Speaking at Michigan State University


30 Ara 2004 22:26:5630.12.2004
Personally, I think the Chloe will become Lex Luther's right hand woman, and
will develop a pathological hatred of Lois. I mean, Lois topped Chloe as a
journalist, stole Clark Kent and is built like a brick shithouse. What's not
to hate?

Joe Malone

31 Ara 2004 06:22:3131.12.2004
"BVallely" < What's not to hate?

Chloe is cute--Durance looks like a dyke
Chloe is bit small and tight--Durance looks like she would need about three
guys at the same time to fill her

Chloe is sincere and friendly--Durance is obnxious
Chloe has a sweet twinkle in her eyes--Durance has the 1000 yard Crack-Head

Chloe should just look for a man in Smallville who is not a homosexual
(Clark, Lex, Pete, etc.) and who enjoys a tight ride. Maybe she needs to
move out of Smallville, as that town has more fruitcakes per square yard
than San Francisco, New York, and Miami all combined.


1 Oca 2005 00:24:011.01.2005
<< Bullock has always struck me as even more of an airhead than Hatcher could
be. I'm also not convinced she could pull off Lois' demeanor. >><

About ten - twenty years ago, Holly Hunter would have made a great Lois Lane.
Lois has got to be a bitch.


1 Oca 2005 02:08:071.01.2005
Someone said...

>>..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of
>>never existed in the Superman mythos until now
>>...which means that there needs to be some way to fit her into Clark's
>>established future (or rather, explain the lack of her there.)

evilk...@aol.comedy (Bozo the Evil Klown) wrote:

>Do we? Clark graduates high school and gets on with his life, as does
>(presumably) Chloe.

Except that Clark's life includes getting married to Chloe's favorite
cousin. If my high school obsessive crush married my cousin, it's
doubtful I'd want to spend any time with either of them, and would
possibly spend a lot of time fantasizing about ways to off my former
favorite cousin. And I'm a guy. Of course, if that was my favorite
girl cousin....

Never mind.


1 Oca 2005 02:08:071.01.2005
alıcı (The Black Guardian) wrote:

>Bullock has always struck me as even more of an airhead than Hatcher could ever
>be. I'm also not convinced she could pull off Lois' demeanor. Her past attempts
>to play this type of character always rung a bit hollow to me. She always comes
>across as being too nice.

You could be right about Sandra B being too nice, but an airhead?

And Terry H as Lois just made Clark's love at first sight seem rather
shallow. Purely physical.


1 Oca 2005 02:08:081.01.2005
alıcı (JRWOLFESTR) wrote:

>obviously you didn't see the nude layout Margot did the year before she got the
>Lois Lane part
>she looked good in her prime

Considering I was about 10 when the first S-man movie was released...

I don't suppose anyone knows of a page where a picture or two are
posted, or could post some to a binary group.


1 Oca 2005 02:08:091.01.2005
alıcı (PooKooHoo) wrote:

>Clark and Lois was supposed to be around 30?
>I always thought that when Clark first moved to Metropolis that he's supposed
>to be fresh out of college.

Until DC's Crisis, most adult super-heroes' ages were perpetually
frozen at about 29 (Firestorm and Spider-Man being notable
exceptions). Similiar to how Charlie Brown's been around for 70-some
years, but is still in grade school.

>And if the original poster is convinced that Erica Durance IS Lois Lane...then
>I'd hate to tell him that Santa Claus doesn't really exist

I think she does well in the part. There might be better actresses
for the part, but there's plenty worse, many of which have been
suggested at one time or another. I think somebody actually suggested
Pam Anderson for the part (a grown Lois, suggested about 10 years


1 Oca 2005 02:08:091.01.2005
BucketButt <> wrote:

> As for the other possibility, have you ever listened to Art
>Bell or his replacement, George Noory?

I think I've heard the name Art Bell, but have never heard him, and
don't know what he talks about. And I've never heard of Noory.


1 Oca 2005 02:47:561.01.2005
BVallely wrote:

Yes I know about the radio show, matter of fact Batman was on there as
well. OK NOEL was the first Lois Lane on the screen geez.


1 Oca 2005 11:01:081.01.2005
<< Yes I know about the radio show, matter of fact Batman was on there as well.
OK NOEL was the first Lois Lane on the screen geez. >>

Only if you don't include Joan Alexande in the Superman cartoons.


1 Oca 2005 12:15:481.01.2005
<< From: (Dr Hermes) >>

<< Coates was
much tougher and more aggressive, believable as a competitive reporter
but also pretty rough in her remarks to Clark Kent. She also didn't seem
to have any romantic rapport with Superman himself, which missed an
integral part of the character. >>

Coates is still by far my favorite Lois. Her remarks to Clark may have been
rough, but that proved how well his disguise was working.

Dr Hermes

1 Oca 2005 16:06:081.01.2005

Yep, Phyllis Coates was almost always good in every role she took. I
think she caught the essence of the original Lois Lane concept, a
go-getter who wasn't intimidated by anyone and who thought Clark's
absences during trouble meant he was chicken. The only thing she didn't
get to emphasize much in her year on the show was a relationship with
Superman: Noel's Lois did a lot more obvious mooning about being Mrs
Superman one day.

If I recall, you like the old cliffhangers like I do, and the most
enjoyable thing about PANTHER GIRL OF THE KONGO (the one with the big
lobsters) was Phyllis Coates' strong presence. (Well, and the great
stunt work swiped from JUNGLE GIRL.)

Wow, it seems there have been a lot of different interpretations of Lois
Lane over the years. I do like the version from the Fleischer Brothers
cartoons but then I like almost everything about those toons.

I'm fine with Erica Durance as Lois, she's pushy and confident without
being too abrasive. Maybe her looks let her get away with a lot.


1 Oca 2005 21:34:231.01.2005
On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 23:08:07 -0800, Todd wrote:

> And Terry H as Lois just made Clark's love at first sight seem rather
> shallow. Purely physical.

Well, I know it certainly was shallow and (wishing for )physical in MY
case! And I'm not the least apologetic about it, either.<g>


1 Oca 2005 21:36:581.01.2005
On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 23:08:07 -0800, Todd wrote:

Careful, you're starting to blur the line between Smallville and The
Beverly Hillbillies. (Oh, that Elly Mae!)


1 Oca 2005 21:52:051.01.2005

Art Bell was the original host of "Coast To Coast AM" a syndicated radio
show that airs overnight in the U.S.; Noory is the current weeknight host,
with Art hosting on weekends. Typical topics on the show include crop
circles, Area 51, chupacabras (which are flesh-eating monkeys, I think),
mind control experiments, alien visitors, and stuff that's even more

Brent McKee

2 Oca 2005 12:15:522.01.2005

"BucketButt" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 23:08:07 -0800, Todd wrote:
>> Someone said...
>>>>..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of
>>>>never existed in the Superman mythos until now
>>>>...which means that there needs to be some way to fit her into Clark's
>>>>established future (or rather, explain the lack of her there.)
>> evilk...@aol.comedy (Bozo the Evil Klown) wrote:
>>>Do we? Clark graduates high school and gets on with his life, as does
>>>(presumably) Chloe.
>> Except that Clark's life includes getting married to Chloe's favorite
>> cousin. If my high school obsessive crush married my cousin, it's
>> doubtful I'd want to spend any time with either of them, and would
>> possibly spend a lot of time fantasizing about ways to off my former
>> favorite cousin. And I'm a guy. Of course, if that was my favorite
>> girl cousin....
> Careful, you're starting to blur the line between Smallville and The
> Beverly Hillbillies. (Oh, that Elly Mae!)

But Jethro was never interested in his "dumb old girl cousin" (possibly
because she could wail the tar out of him). Now Bo and Luke Duke readily
admitted that if Daisy weren't their cousin they'd be chasin' after her; and
Daisy recalled that being cousins wasn't necessarily a hindrance in their
family in the past. (On the same subject, several members of Canada's
Molson family -- the people who make the beer) married first cousins. John
Molson Jr. and Thomas Molson not only married sisters, but their wives were
the daughter's of their father's brother.)

Brent McKee

To reply by email, please remove the capital letters (S and N) from
the email address

"If we cease to judge this world, we may find ourselves, very quickly,
in one which is infinitely worse."
- Margaret Atwood

"Nothing is more dangerous than a dogmatic worldview - nothing more
constraining, more blinding to innovation, more destructive of
openness to novelty. "
- Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002)


2 Oca 2005 13:44:222.01.2005
>Terry H as Lois just made Clark's love at first sight seem rather shallow.
Purely physical.

...and the problem with that is ? many relationships start off with a physical attraction,then
develop into something deep.

Bozo the Evil Klown

2 Oca 2005 15:08:452.01.2005
>>> As for the other possibility, have you ever listened to Art
>>>Bell or his replacement, George Noory?
>> I think I've heard the name Art Bell, but have never heard him, and
>> don't know what he talks about. And I've never heard of Noory.
>Art Bell was the original host of "Coast To Coast AM" a syndicated radio
>show that airs overnight in the U.S.; Noory is the current weeknight host,
>with Art hosting on weekends. Typical topics on the show include crop
>circles, Area 51, chupacabras (which are flesh-eating monkeys, I think),
>mind control experiments, alien visitors, and stuff that's even more

Chupacabras are a South American variation on vampires; very tall, gaunt,
deathly pale bloodsuckers. Their one redeeming feature is that they're as
satisfied with animal blood as with human-flavored vein juice. IIRC the
literal translation is "goat sucker."

The Joker in the Eeeeeeevil Cabal Deck of Cards.

By Grabthar's Hammer, by Pollock's Putty Knife, by the sparkling, refreshing
Screwdriver of Smirnoff- YOU SHALL BE QUOTED!!!!!!

The Black Guardian

2 Oca 2005 23:39:052.01.2005
Bozo the Evil Klown wrote:
>>>> As for the other possibility, have you ever listened to Art
>>>> Bell or his replacement, George Noory?
>>> I think I've heard the name Art Bell, but have never heard him, and
>>> don't know what he talks about. And I've never heard of Noory.
>> Art Bell was the original host of "Coast To Coast AM" a syndicated radio
>> show that airs overnight in the U.S.; Noory is the current weeknight host,
>> with Art hosting on weekends. Typical topics on the show include crop
>> circles, Area 51, chupacabras (which are flesh-eating monkeys, I think),
>> mind control experiments, alien visitors, and stuff that's even more
>> far-out.
> Chupacabras are a South American variation on vampires; very tall, gaunt,
> deathly pale bloodsuckers. Their one redeeming feature is that they're as
> satisfied with animal blood as with human-flavored vein juice. IIRC the
> literal translation is "goat sucker."

Descriptions of chupacabras are about as varied as the people that report them.
They've run the gamut from small to large, humanoid/simian to panther-like to
reptilian, winged to having quills, etc.


3 Oca 2005 02:48:233.01.2005
On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 17:15:52 +0000, Brent McKee wrote:

> "BucketButt" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 23:08:07 -0800, Todd wrote:
>>> Someone said...
>>>>>..was because Chloe Sullivan was invented by the creators of
>>>>>never existed in the Superman mythos until now
>>>>>...which means that there needs to be some way to fit her into Clark's
>>>>>established future (or rather, explain the lack of her there.)
>>> evilk...@aol.comedy (Bozo the Evil Klown) wrote:
>>>>Do we? Clark graduates high school and gets on with his life, as does
>>>>(presumably) Chloe.
>>> Except that Clark's life includes getting married to Chloe's favorite
>>> cousin. If my high school obsessive crush married my cousin, it's
>>> doubtful I'd want to spend any time with either of them, and would
>>> possibly spend a lot of time fantasizing about ways to off my former
>>> favorite cousin. And I'm a guy. Of course, if that was my favorite
>>> girl cousin....
>> Careful, you're starting to blur the line between Smallville and The
>> Beverly Hillbillies. (Oh, that Elly Mae!)
> But Jethro was never interested in his "dumb old girl cousin" (possibly
> because she could wail the tar out of him).

I wasn't talking about Jethro. Elly Mae had *my* teenage hormones pumping
back then!

John Shefield

3 Oca 2005 10:11:003.01.2005
"BucketButt" <Elly Mae had *my* teenage hormones pumping
> back then!
Ellie-Mae was a prime piece of ass! What hooters! Damn, if I had been on her
farm I know what patch I would want to mow.

Brent McKee

3 Oca 2005 12:30:363.01.2005

"John Shefield" <> wrote in message

Have you seen a picture of Donna Douglas in the past 30 years or so -- not a
pretty sight. Now Mary-Anne from "Gilligan's Island on the other hand still
looks pretty damn good at around 60.

John Shefield

3 Oca 2005 12:55:503.01.2005
"Brent McKee" <> Have you seen a picture of Donna Douglas in the past 30

years or so -- not a pretty sight.>>

I have never read or seen anything about her life, but it is pretty obvious
she let herself go pretty much right after Beverly Hillbillies. She was
about 30 when the show started in 1962, and 38 when it was over in 1971. She
was born in 1933 which means that she is 72 years old now. She had a late
start as an actress (for someone who relied on her looks, anyhow) and her
career pretty much was over after BH. I always thought she had joined
HEE-HAW, but according to IMDB she did not, and only did some occasional
guest roles on various TV shows.

>Now Mary-Anne from "Gilligan's Island on the other hand still looks pretty
damn good at around 60.>

She has played "herself" in just about every guest appearance since GI. She
has been a producer of some of the "reunion" shows, so she must have a few
$$$. She has kept her looks (born in 1938), but she was never in the same
league as Ellie May back in the 1960s.


3 Oca 2005 21:33:583.01.2005
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:30:36 +0000, Brent McKee wrote:

> "John Shefield" <> wrote in message
> news:VddCd.23492$
>> "BucketButt" <Elly Mae had *my* teenage hormones pumping
>>> back then!
>> Ellie-Mae was a prime piece of ass! What hooters! Damn, if I had been on
>> her
>> farm I know what patch I would want to mow.
> Have you seen a picture of Donna Douglas in the past 30 years or so -- not a
> pretty sight. Now Mary-Anne from "Gilligan's Island on the other hand still
> looks pretty damn good at around 60.

Donna Douglas has not kept her youthful sexy-cuteness, but then it has
been a long time since the Beverly Hillbillies debuted -- 1964, wasn't it?
She doesn't look too bad for a woman her age. Of course, I was thinking
of her as she was when I was just a teenager, which was also roughly 40
years ago.

The years have been much kinder to Dawn Well/Mary Ann. The years, and
perhaps a plastic surgeon or two ... I don't know about that.

Tina Louise/Ginger Grant looks good for her age, but she is considerably
older than Dawn Wells. Ms. Wells, IIRC, was a rather young former beauty
queen and beginning actress when she began on Gilligan's Island; Ms.
Louise was already an established and well-regarded actress, and was
originally led to believe the series was going to center around her rather
than that skinny guy who used to play Dobie Gillis' beatnik buddy. (She
learned the real name of the show only after she was already signed IIRC.)


3 Oca 2005 21:41:253.01.2005
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 12:55:50 -0500, John Shefield wrote:

> "Brent McKee" <> Have you seen a picture of Donna Douglas in the past 30
> years or so -- not a pretty sight.>>
> I have never read or seen anything about her life, but it is pretty obvious
> she let herself go pretty much right after Beverly Hillbillies. She was
> about 30 when the show started in 1962, and 38 when it was over in 1971. She
> was born in 1933 which means that she is 72 years old now. She had a late
> start as an actress (for someone who relied on her looks, anyhow) and her
> career pretty much was over after BH. I always thought she had joined
> HEE-HAW, but according to IMDB she did not, and only did some occasional
> guest roles on various TV shows.

She was also in an Elvis movie, I think. But yes, she never really
overcame the Elly Mae stereotype. Max Baer, Jr. had the same problem, but
he coped by moving behind the cameras as a director and producer

>>Now Mary-Anne from "Gilligan's Island on the other hand still looks
> damn good at around 60.>
> She has played "herself" in just about every guest appearance since GI.
> She has been a producer of some of the "reunion" shows, so she must have
> a few $$$. She has kept her looks (born in 1938), but she was never in
> the same league as Ellie May back in the 1960s.

I don't think Dawn Wells ever really tried to overcome her identification
as Mary Ann. Except for a few guest shots she "stayed in character" and
turned Gilligan's Island's popularity in reruns into a cottage industry.
(Who would you rather see at a classic-TV convention -- Gilligan or Mary
Ann? I can speak only for the male portion of the audience, of course ... )


4 Oca 2005 00:59:164.01.2005
>She was also in an Elvis movie

Donna Douglas was in "Frankie & Johnny"

John Shefield

4 Oca 2005 09:08:334.01.2005
"BucketButt" <> Louise was already an established and well-regarded actress,

and was originally led to believe the series was going to center around her
rather than that skinny guy who used to play Dobie Gillis' beatnik buddy.
(She learned the real name of the show only after she was already signed

She made a career out of bitching and moaning that she had been duped, which
only goes to show how incredibly dumb she is, or that she had a really bad
agent or both. The bottom line is that she did not do much before Gilligan
and even less afterwards. I have seen her in a few movies that she had parts
in and she was dreadful. I have no idea who told her she was highly
regarded, but the proof is in her body of work.

Brent McKee

4 Oca 2005 12:48:434.01.2005

"JRWOLFESTR" <> wrote in message

> >She was also in an Elvis movie
> Donna Douglas was in "Frankie & Johnny"

She had an affair with Elvis during the making of the picture, which
basically ended badly. (Of course Elvis had affairs with just about all of
his leading ladies with the exception of Mary Tyler Moore -- she says.)

Brent McKee

4 Oca 2005 14:11:494.01.2005

"BucketButt" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:30:36 +0000, Brent McKee wrote:
>> "John Shefield" <> wrote in message
>> news:VddCd.23492$
>>> "BucketButt" <Elly Mae had *my* teenage hormones pumping
>>>> back then!
>>> Ellie-Mae was a prime piece of ass! What hooters! Damn, if I had been on
>>> her
>>> farm I know what patch I would want to mow.
>> Have you seen a picture of Donna Douglas in the past 30 years or so --
>> not a
>> pretty sight. Now Mary-Anne from "Gilligan's Island on the other hand
>> still
>> looks pretty damn good at around 60.
> Donna Douglas has not kept her youthful sexy-cuteness, but then it has
> been a long time since the Beverly Hillbillies debuted -- 1964, wasn't it?
> She doesn't look too bad for a woman her age. Of course, I was thinking
> of her as she was when I was just a teenager, which was also roughly 40
> years ago.

1962. The thing is that she didn't keep her "sexy-cuteness" much beyond the
end of "The Beverly Hillbillies" in 1971. By the time the reunion movie was
made in 1981 it was pretty much gone.

> The years have been much kinder to Dawn Well/Mary Ann. The years, and
> perhaps a plastic surgeon or two ... I don't know about that.
> Tina Louise/Ginger Grant looks good for her age, but she is considerably
> older than Dawn Wells. Ms. Wells, IIRC, was a rather young former beauty
> queen and beginning actress when she began on Gilligan's Island; Ms.
> Louise was already an established and well-regarded actress, and was
> originally led to believe the series was going to center around her rather
> than that skinny guy who used to play Dobie Gillis' beatnik buddy. (She
> learned the real name of the show only after she was already signed IIRC.)

Tina Louise is not considerably older than Dawn Wells, unless you consider 4
1/2 years to be considerable (Louise born February 1934, Wells born October
1938) so at the time of "Gilligans Island" Louise was 30 and Wells was 26.
On the other hand Louise was pretty much what her character was -- a starlet
who had made some movies of varying quality and would continue to do so (she
was in the original "Stepford Wives"). Wells on the other hand has a down
to earth quality that is quite at odds with her history -- her father owned
the Thunderbird Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and she had a very sound
education including a BA from Washington State back when a BA meant
something. (I seem to recall reading somewhere that her great-great
grandfather was Henry Wells, co-founder of Wells-Fargo, but her IMDB entry
only says that her great-great grandfather drove a stagecoach during the
California Gold Rush.)

Oh, yeah and Tina doesn't look good for her age -- she's too skinny and her
hairstyle does nothing to flatter her.

Fred Sanders

4 Oca 2005 14:57:544.01.2005
"Brent McKee" <> Oh, yeah and Tina doesn't look good for her age -- she's

too skinny and her hairstyle does nothing to flatter her.
I did not want to pile on, BUT she was recently at some Celebrity gathering
and a photo of her makes her look like some kind of neglected Chihuahua. She
is rail thin and she has her hair straight down her face like Cher in the
1970s (or like Ginger) but her hair is wispy thin. She looks anemic and like
someone who needs to be getting some nursing care.

God Bless her, she was a lot of fun on GI, and I hope that she has a great &
healthy 2005.


5 Oca 2005 07:09:585.01.2005
>Dawn Wells. Ms. Wells, IIRC, was a rather young former beauty queen and
beginning actress when she began on Gilligan's Island

Dawn was a pretty good actress when she got typecast for GI

Seen her on TVLand reruns of "Maverick" and "Bonanza" (among others)....pretty
good range..(especially for tv westerns)

saw Dawn at a convention recently..very sweet personality and STILL major cute.

Back in the GI heydey,she got double the fan mail of Tina louise. Wonder which
girl gets more fan mail at "Smallville"..Erica or Kristen.


6 Oca 2005 23:54:266.01.2005
On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 12:09:58 +0000, JRWOLFESTR wrote:

> Back in the GI heydey,she got double the fan mail of Tina louise. Wonder which
> girl gets more fan mail at "Smallville"..Erica or Kristen.

My guess would be ... Allison.


7 Oca 2005 10:30:467.01.2005
She probably does. After all, being the least attractive of the three,
she's the one the geeks think they might actually have a chance with.


7 Oca 2005 10:47:107.01.2005
"Glennsim"> She probably does. After all, being the least attractive of the

three, she's the one the geeks think they might actually have a chance with.

She also happens to have the nicest personality. Who would want to
communicate with a whiney bitch and a dyke (Krusty & Erica)? Except for
their own kind.


7 Oca 2005 17:25:087.01.2005
Except that you're assuming their personalities from their characters
on the show. Which is not really a reasonable thing to do...

Not that I agree with your accessments of them anyway, but on

Bozo the Evil Klown

9 Oca 2005 14:49:249.01.2005

Not just personality: Back when I first saw the pilot I realized Chloe was way
hotter than Lana (and that Clark was a ***MORON*** to go chasing after another
guy's girlfriend when he had a hottie panting after him!!).

Of course, the character an actor plays isn't necessarily any clear window into
the actor's real personality.


9 Oca 2005 19:52:269.01.2005
On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 19:49:24 +0000, Bozo the Evil Klown wrote:

> Not just personality: Back when I first saw the pilot I realized Chloe was way
> hotter than Lana (and that Clark was a ***MORON*** to go chasing after another
> guy's girlfriend when he had a hottie panting after him!!).

Chloe may be the better match for Clark, and she's certainly more
accessible; but the heart (human or Kryptonian) is seldom rational in such
matters, and that goes double for the male of the species.

A lot of Clark's single-minded interest in Lana is due to all those years
when he couldn't approach her without the Kryptonite necklace turning him
into a clumsy goof; the green K probably also made him feel sick, or at
least a bit queasy around her, just as some guys (I speak from experience)
feel uneasy and inadequate around our own Lanas. He wanted her all the
more because he could not have her for so long. When Lana stopped wearing
the Kryptonite necklace Clark was still stopped by his moral code, which
prevented him from moving in on another guy's girlfriend. Eventually
Clark DID express his love for Lana and have it returned by her, but only
after Whitney had been out of her life for awhile; but Clark ruined that
chance at a relationship in the Season Two cliffhanger, things were never
the same between them after that, and now she's involved with another guy.

Chloe didn't enter Clark's life until eighth grade IIRC, and she came onto
him that first day at school. Unfortunately for her, Clark was so deeply
obsessed with the unapproachable Lana that he could not reciprocate and
she was relegated to the status of a "best friend". (For the picky: okay,
best *female* friend, with Pete in the overall top position. But Pete has
left town now, while Chloe is still there sees apparently sees Clark every
day.) Clark appreciates their close friendship and doesn't want to
endanger it, while Chloe is convinced that friends can also be lovers.
(Maybe she never saw "When Harry Met Sally".)

Slim Jim

10 Oca 2005 00:22:0710.01.2005
Personally, I take the approach that Lana is Clark's beard. Clark loves an
incompatible woman in order to cover for the fact that he is secretly riding
the baloney pony with Pete, and now Lex (remember how upset Clark was that
Lex was also seeing women??), and Lionel is angling for Ma Kent, but I would
not be surprised if he were ready to jump Clark too (especially after
spending a year in prison).

11 Oca 2005 06:10:5511.01.2005
Todd wrote:
> (JRWOLFESTR) wrote:
> >obviously you didn't see the nude layout Margot did the year before
she got the
> >Lois Lane part
> >
> >she looked good in her prime
> Considering I was about 10 when the first S-man movie was released...
> I don't suppose anyone knows of a page where a picture or two are
> posted, or could post some to a binary group.

Margot's Playboy pictorial, in glorious black & white, was
in the March 1975 issue. see:
The April `75 edition had a spread on Valerie Perrine.


Micky DuPree

22 Oca 2005 04:28:3222.01.2005
In article <>, BucketButt
<> writes:

: Chloe didn't enter Clark's life until eighth grade IIRC ...

Yep. From "Obscura."

CLARK: You know, I remember the first time I met her. It was
eighth grade. She'd just transferred from Metropolis,
and I was assigned to show her around.

The writers sometimes seem to forget that, though. From "Witness":

LANA: Clark, you and Chloe have been friends forever.

They were in only the tenth grade at that point. Less than three years
doesn't seem like a whole lot of "forever" to me.

: ... and she came onto him that first day at school.

That wasn't the rationale for it, though. Back to that first day, from

CLARK: When I brought her up here, she just kissed me, right out
of the blue.
LANA: Why'd she do that?
CLARK: She said, "I know you've been thinking about that all
day, so I figured we'd get it out of the way and be

For a come-on, that's headed in exactly the wrong direction. It sounds
like she just stole a kiss and blamed it on Clark.


22 Oca 2005 11:36:1222.01.2005
Micky DuPree wrote:

> : Chloe didn't enter Clark's life until eighth grade IIRC ...

> Yep. From "Obscura."

> CLARK: You know, I remember the first time I met her. It was
> eighth grade. She'd just transferred from Metropolis,
> and I was assigned to show her around.

Which reminds me of a line from a later episode that made me laugh:
"I'll be your life line." It was a similar situation, but in that case
the new student was The Boy Who Foresaw People's Deaths, and the line
was a nod to the story "Lifeline" by Robert Heinlein.


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