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xing li

Nov 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/3/98
To all Simpsons fanfiction writers,

I'm very happy to announce that is now officially
open!!!!!! And we have done it 3 weekss ahead of projected finish date.
While everyone trick-or-treated we were hard at working debugging the site.
=) Here is what the site has to offer:
1) 100% automated system for readers and especially for authors
2) Author profile with advanced security tracking to ensure that no one else
can submit under another person's acct.
3) Dynamic rating system for all the stories
4) Author has the option to not release their email address.
5) Top20 fanfiction feature based on the rating system.
6) Author can modify/delete any of their stories
and much much more...

As far as we know this is the first and only fully automated fanfiction
website where there is no waiting period for any and all
changes/submissions. Everyone here at is damn proud of our
accomplishment. Actually, it's only the two of us..=) Well, enough of my
talk..go see it for yourselves....Any and all comments are welcomed..


Chad Lehman

Nov 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/4/98
xing li wrote:

> As far as we know this is the first and only fully automated fanfiction website where there is no waiting period for any and all
> changes/submissions.

Uh, wrong.

The Simpsons Writers Consortium is fully automated for members/authors
--and allows you to post scripts and give feedback instantaneously. Now,
you can change your information immediately. AND--the content is 100%
pure Simpsons. You can't beat that =) (This site has been open for a
full month now, so no discussion as to who copied who)

Chad Lehman
SWC Coordinator
Comic Store Guy: "Loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix."
Homer: "I'm whizzin with the door open, and I LOVE it."
Homer: "Let us celebrate this occasion by the adding of
chocolate to milk"

Chad Lehman

Nov 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/4/98
Chad Lehman wrote:
> xing li wrote:
> > As far as we know this is the first and only fully automated fanfiction website where there is no waiting period for any and all
> > changes/submissions.

Let me clarify something. This person's website is for FINISHED scripts
of several TV shows--many of them from Fox.

The Simpsons Writers Consortium is an online AUTOMATED writer's group,
where members post WORKS IN PROGRESS for critique by other members. Each
member works on a project until complete--and the script is posted
(after a majority vote--Is the script as good as it can be?)

SWC's purpose is manyfold: To sharpen each person's writing/critiquing
abilities; to learn the craft of writing; to create quality Simpsons
scripts; and, ultimately, to change the mind of the Simpsons Production
office about hiring readers for fan-fiction.

Star Trek had their fan-fiction readers, and some fans even had scripts
produced! (John Whelpley--"Suddenly Human", David Kemper--"Peak
Performance") Legal hassles are a cop-out. If one screwball can't make
a difference, maybe MANY can. We are over thirty members strong; come
join today--it's free. No banners anywhere on the site. There are SEVEN
works in progress.

High profile members include: Kevin Scromeda and Kyle Noskovik, who
posted a GREAT fan-fic on this NG.

Thanks for your time.

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