Wouldn't you know, I've finally coughed up this season's first capsule,
which I'm now posting seperately. If you had already retreived this
capsule from snpp, you'll be happy to know that the HTML version is now
online. (Plus, it has several corrections regarding the script.)
If you notice any mistake or omission in the capsule itself, or even
regarding the HTML layout, please let me know. (They closed the lab
before I could parse the whole thing with Netscape, so the last half was
only tested with Lynx.)
Less than two weeks ago, I learned (with much surprise) that I was
allowed a web page. My first thought was to put the SCG online once and
for all, as I was previously forced to e-mail it on request. In less than
2 hours, I scribbled a couple of pages, and set up a somewhat decent site
for the Guide. It's not much but it's a start. You can retreive the
Guide, its FAQ, next week's syndicated run, and my latest syndicated
postings on a.t.s.
The site is located at: http://www.abacom.com/~fbriere/synd_guide/
Happy reading!
Frederic Briere <*> <fbr...@abacom.com>
alt.tv.simpsons FAQs can be retrieved at http://www.snpp.com/
Syndicated Cuts Guide http://www.abacom.com/~fbriere/synd_guide/