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Inconsistencies in "Bart the Genius"

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Joe Rossi

May 29, 1990, 12:45:54 PM5/29/90
Are you like me? Do you lie awake at night pondering such unanswered
questions such as how did the guy whom Bart swapped tests with react
when Bart all of a sudden was a genius? Do you wonder how well *he*
did on the test?

Or how about the "school with no rules" ... then who is this b**ch
telling the kids to discover your desks, or assigning lab partners,
or forcing Bart to come up with a paradox. If I was Bart, I woulda
told that lady to [censored]. "hey lady, no rules, remember, I aint
answering your dumb question." Then I would have sauntered off into
the corner to take a nap.

And what the hell is "rabbi has memo" spelled backwards all I get is
omem sah ibbar, or mems habib bart, trab bibah smem.

And of course, there is Bart's proposal: the pyschologist then goes
to tell Bart's plan to the principal, who is very *interested*... the
same Principal, who later on deports Bart, who is very excited to
have Bart go the gifted school in the first place.

what the hell is going on, anyway?

| |
| |
| (o)(o)
\ $ =>
| /----_______ yeah, what the hell is going on!
| ----
/ \

" seldom turns out the way it does in the song."
**********************STANDARD DISCLAIMER******************************

Jim Stichnoth

May 29, 1990, 2:02:32 PM5/29/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>, jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe

Rossi) writes:
|>Are you like me? Do you lie awake at night pondering such unanswered
|>questions such as how did the guy whom Bart swapped tests with react
|>when Bart all of a sudden was a genius? Do you wonder how well *he*
|>did on the test?

The second time the Genius episode was run (I think this was the third time!),
the TV Guide said that Bart went to the gifted school, while the other kid got
sent off to a vocational school, or something like that. I was rather
to read that, since I didn't catch that the first time around. But, I didn't
see it the second or third times either.

I suppose it was edited out. Too bad; that would have been hilarious.

Jim Stichnoth

Paul Wilbur Romaine

May 29, 1990, 2:22:44 PM5/29/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:
>Or how about the "school with no rules" ... then who is this b**ch
>telling the kids to discover your desks, or assigning lab partners,
>or forcing Bart to come up with a paradox. If I was Bart, I woulda
>told that lady to [censored]. "hey lady, no rules, remember, I aint
>answering your dumb question." Then I would have sauntered off into
>the corner to take a nap.

It's not an inconsistency of the show's writers; I'm pretty sure they
intended this. I've been in many situations in which the person in
charge pretends to be really mellow or democratic, but when it comes
down to it, that person is really in charge. In other words, there
are the trappings of freedom (or mellowness or whatever), but it only
hides the coerciveness of the system. I thought the "no rules" bit
was quite telling and quite funny.

> >And of course, there is Bart's proposal: the pyschologist then goes
>to tell Bart's plan to the principal, who is very *interested*... the
>same Principal, who later on deports Bart, who is very excited to
>have Bart go the gifted school in the first place.

This isn't at all inconsistent. Principal Skinner objects to Dr. J.
Loren Pryor's initial claim about Bart's IQ ("maybe he should be
re-tested"), until the pschiatrist replies, "I think we should move
him to another school." Skinner's reaction to this is "Oh even
better" (or something like that). I thought Skinner's reaction was
very funny.

Paul W. Romaine
Columbia University Law Library
300 Law School Building

Jeffrey Adam Gordon

May 29, 1990, 4:17:53 PM5/29/90
Did everyone notice the two Pink hamsters run across the bottom of
the screen after Bart caused the explosion? Seems they escaped

- jag -

Joe Rossi

May 29, 1990, 5:23:32 PM5/29/90
In article <> (Paul Wilbur Romaine) writes:
>This isn't at all inconsistent. Principal Skinner objects to Dr. J.
>Loren Pryor's initial claim about Bart's IQ ("maybe he should be
>re-tested"), until the pschiatrist replies, "I think we should move
>him to another school." Skinner's reaction to this is "Oh even
>better" (or something like that). I thought Skinner's reaction was
>very funny.

exactly, but Bart's proposal entails him going *back* to Skinner's
school, something I doubt Principle Skinner would encourage, since
he was delighted to have Bart leave in the first place.

Jym Dyer

May 29, 1990, 5:46:10 PM5/29/90
> . . . then who is this b**ch . . . I woulda told that lady to
> [censored].
|H|ow nice to know that our government is hiring up misogynists to
`-' work on ways to leave the planet.

> And what the hell is "rabbi has memo[?]"
|T|he full sentence is, "Omem sahib, Bart; rabbi has memo." A
`-' perfectly functional palindrome, sahib.

Joe Rossi

May 29, 1990, 6:43:27 PM5/29/90
In article <>
(Jym Dyer) writes:
>|H|ow nice to know that our government is hiring up misogynists to
>`-' work on ways to leave the planet.
|a|nd what the hell are you talking about, I call a cartoon character
`-'a bad word, and you accuse me of hating women. FWIW, 1)I don't
actually work for the Government and 2) I'm not working on any
way to leave the planet ( physically, that is ). C'mon, the lady
teacher in that show was a [censored]. I would have used an
equally offensive term for a male teacher, had it been one.

>> And what the hell is "rabbi has memo[?]"
>|T|he full sentence is, "Omem sahib, Bart; rabbi has memo." A
>`-' perfectly functional palindrome, sahib.

shouldn't it be trabbi has memo. rabbi has memo backwards is
o mems sahib bar. That aside, sorry for my stupid questions.
|A|nd what are these cute little things.

James 'Kibo' Parry

May 29, 1990, 7:08:46 PM5/29/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:
>Are you like me? Do you lie awake at night pondering such unanswered
>questions such as how did the guy whom Bart swapped tests with react
>when Bart all of a sudden was a genius? Do you wonder how well *he*
>did on the test? [etc.]

More importantly, did anyone notice the sneaky reference to me? :-)

-- K "Wyj" ibo
(you can call me K, or you
can call me wyj...)

james "kibo" parry, 138 birch lane, scotia, ny 12302 <-- close to schenectady. _________________________________________________ / Kibology / Anything I say is my opinion,
user...@rpitsmts.bitnet / is better! / and is the opposite of Xibo's.

John Eras

May 29, 1990, 7:24:35 PM5/29/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:
>And what the hell is "rabbi has memo" spelled backwards all I get is
>omem sah ibbar, or mems habib bart, trab bibah smem.

I think the palindrome in question was:
O memsahib, Bart, rabbi has memo

-your friendly neighborhood "weiner"

AT: | "It's a terrible waste
BANG: ...{pacbell,hplabs,apple,decwrl}!oracle!jeras | to lose one's .sig, or
FLAME: /dev/null (nyuk, nyuk) | not to have one at all."


May 29, 1990, 11:11:29 PM5/29/90
In article <60+$XV*> (James 'Kibo' Parry) writes:
>More importantly, did anyone notice the sneaky reference to me? :-)
> -- K "Wyj" ibo
> (you can call me K, or you
> can call me wyj...)

I saw that episode
I looked kwyjibo up in the dictionary
it ain't a word
I looked up skeleton in the dictionary
it is a word

Q. What kind of string do skeletons use?
A. Skele-twine

Dan KoGai

May 30, 1990, 1:52:28 AM5/30/90

Did anyone find "kwijibo" in your dictionary? I think this word
is valid in scribble from now on :)

____ __ __ + Dan The "Underachiever" Man
||__||__| + E-mail:
____| ______ + Voice: +1 415-549-6111
| |__|__| + USnail: 1730 Laloma Berkeley, CA 94709 U.S.A
|___ |__|__| +
|____|____ + "What's the biggest U.S. export to Japan?"
\_| | + "Bullshit. It makes the best fertilizer for their rice"

Tom Almy

May 30, 1990, 1:00:06 PM5/30/90

Personally I was put off by the y = r /3 joke. When she went back
to the board to explain it to the baffled Bart she had to write the problem
out again (it mysteriously erased itself!). The while here verbal explaination
was correct, what she wrote on the board was rediculous (perhaps I have
this backwards, at least it was inconsistant). Also nobody I know would
refer to r dr as "r dr r" which was the point of the joke.

Any ideas what all that green slime was? Had Bart discovered the magic secret
of "You Can't Do That on Television"?

And as was pointed out, there seemed to be an awful lot of structure for an
unstructured learning environment. I can't imagine all the boys wearing ties
either (although I enjoyed the father-son tie tying lesson!).

Tom Almy
Standard Disclaimers Apply

James 'Kibo' Parry

May 30, 1990, 1:25:04 PM5/30/90
In article <> da...@lightning.Berkeley.EDU (Dan KoGai) writes:
> Did anyone find "kwijibo" in your dictionary? I think this word
>is valid in scribble from now on :)

Kwyjibo (with a "y") is in my dictionary... of course, my dictionary contains
only nonsense words. (It 25,000 words that aren't in Merriam-Webster's
Ninth New Collegiate.)

Kwyjibo is defined as a Kibo that swallowed a wyj.

John Wichers

May 30, 1990, 1:52:38 PM5/30/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:
>In article <>
>(Jym Dyer) writes:
>>|T|he full sentence is, "Omem sahib, Bart; rabbi has memo." A
>>`-' perfectly functional palindrome, sahib.
>shouldn't it be trabbi has memo. rabbi has memo backwards is
>o mems sahib bar. That aside, sorry for my stupid questions.

A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same whether you
read it normally or backwards (well, spacing can be different). In this
case, the 't' in Bart is the middle character in the sentence, so it
does not need to be repeated.

Other examples of palindromes are:
Madam, I'm Adam
A man, a plan, a canal - Panama

>|A|nd what are these cute little things.

God only knows. Methinks he's just trying to be pretentious. Ignore them,
maybe he'll go away =8^)


Hail to the sungod. || John Wichers ||
He sure is a fun god. || 121 Museum St #2, Somerville Ma. 02143
Ra! Ra! Ra! || Anarchy - It's not a law, it's just a good idea.
|| Jesus saves sinners ... and redeems them for valuable cash prizes!!! ||

Mark Whiting

May 30, 1990, 2:14:29 PM5/30/90
In article <38...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:
>In article <>
>(Jym Dyer) writes:

>>> And what the hell is "rabbi has memo[?]"
>>|T|he full sentence is, "Omem sahib, Bart; rabbi has memo." A
>>`-' perfectly functional palindrome, sahib.
>shouldn't it be trabbi has memo. rabbi has memo backwards is
>o mems sahib bar. That aside, sorry for my stupid questions.

A palindrome is, of course, a series of letters that reads the same forwards
as backwards, usually ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. A
palindrome does NOT have to have an even number of letters; if it has an odd
number (as in the example quoted above), then the "middle" letter (in this
case, the "t") serves as the axis of symmetry, and can be considered to
belong to both "halves" of the palindrome. Hope this clears things up.

>|A|nd what are these cute little things.

|I|'d like to know, too! (Looks like some sort of Emacs macro.)

-Mark Whiting

James 'Kibo' Parry

May 30, 1990, 2:37:20 PM5/30/90
In article <75...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM> to...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) writes:
>Any ideas what all that green slime was? Had Bart discovered the magic secret
>of "You Can't Do That on Television"?

Actually, I think it was just okra that the school cafeteria had undercooked
at lunchtime.

Classic "cinema slime" (Ghostbusters, The Blob (1988), Honey I Shrunk the
Kids, etc.) is made from seaweed (methycellulose gel.) It probably could
do what Bart's stuff did if you mixed with with a lot of green dye :-)
(It's clearish unless you mix coloring in. It's also *very* hard to clean
out of rugs and hair.)

Jay Giurleo

May 30, 1990, 6:16:24 PM5/30/90
In article <75...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM> to...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) writes:
>Any ideas what all that green slime was? Had Bart discovered the magic secret
>of "You Can't Do That on Television"?

'You DO know what happens when you mix acids and bases...'

... Obviously you get a building full of slime. I've got to
try that at school(of course I imagine if I tried it, I would probably get
water and salt.. like most people!)

Commoners Second Law of Ecology: Nothing ever goes away.

---------------- Jay Giurleo ---------------- ------------

Blake Middleton

May 30, 1990, 7:56:02 PM5/30/90
In article <> (Jay Giurleo) writes:

> 'You DO know what happens when you mix acids and bases...'

> ... Obviously you get a building full of slime. I've got to
>try that at school(of course I imagine if I tried it, I would probably get
>water and salt.. like most people!)

Try mixing 18 molar sulfuric acid with *any* base.


Blake Middleton

"Now we are going to set this pile of evil ablaze. But remember,
because these are children's toys, the fire will spread quickly,
so please stand back and try not to inhale the toxic fumes."
--Minister, The Simpsons

Jeffrey R Carden

May 30, 1990, 9:44:35 PM5/30/90
> Did anyone find "kwijibo" in your dictionary? I think this word
>is valid in scribble from now on :)
>____ __ __ + Dan The "Underachiever" Man

Oddly enough the words Kwakiutl, Kwannon, Kwasind, kwazoku, and kwebird are
all in my dictionary although they are all either Indian, South African, or
Japanese words. This leads me to believe that kwyjibo as a word could
actually exist although in another language. Anyone know any of the above

Message has been deleted

Shad Fax

May 31, 1990, 12:10:38 AM5/31/90
jro...@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Joe Rossi) writes:

>And what the hell is "rabbi has memo" spelled backwards all I get is
>omem sah ibbar, or mems habib bart, trab bibah smem.

it was "o mems's ahib Bart rabbi has memo" on my tape.

"Here, take this quarter and go downstairs to have a rat GNAW that
thing off your face." - John Candy

Joe Rossi

May 31, 1990, 1:28:40 PM5/31/90
In article <> (Shad Fax) writes:
>>And what the hell is "rabbi has memo" spelled backwards all I get is
>>omem sah ibbar, or mems habib bart, trab bibah smem.
>it was "o mems's ahib Bart rabbi has memo" on my tape.

thanks to all who cleared up my confusion. I was only looking at half
the sentence, and relying on my memory. Yes, it is a palindrome, and
I see it, but, like Bart, I do not belong in genius school, obviously.


Jay Giurleo

May 31, 1990, 5:53:17 PM5/31/90
In article <> (Blake Middleton) writes:
>In article <> (Jay Giurleo) writes:
>>try that at school(of course I imagine if I tried it, I would probably get
>>water and salt.. like most people!)
>Try mixing 18 molar sulfuric acid with *any* base.

So you get water, salt, and acid left over. One step better... make
it hydrochloric acid.
Woltmans Law: Never program and drink beer at the same time.

Nicholas R. Trio

May 31, 1990, 11:35:37 PM5/31/90
/* I'm sure someone else may have mentioned it, but just in case... */

Speaking of the Scrabble game...

I noticed that Homer had the word "oxidize" as his scrabble letters,
with Bart doing his chemistry experiment later in the show. Ultimately,
I guess neither Bart nor Homer knew much about chemistry. :-)
Nicholas R. Trio, WB3COR Home: uunet!nrtpc!nrt (in the map)
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Work: (Internet)
Home voice: (914) 228-1651 Work voice: (914) 784-7222
The above opinions are mine and not necessarily those of my employer, so there!

Kent Paul Dolan

Jun 1, 1990, 8:57:32 AM6/1/90

Geez! I read the net so that I won't have to watch television to waste
hours and hours sitting in front of a crt full of mindless drivel. Now
you nerds are importing TV onto the net. G e t a l i f e ! ! ! ! !

Kent, the man from xanth.
<xant...@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <>

Jun 1, 1990, 1:35:09 PM6/1/90
In article <75...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM> to...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) writes:
Well, if you want to get really technical, the answer to "What do you get when
you mix an acid & a base together?" isn't a big explosion with lots of green
slime going all over. The real answer is: salt water.

>Tom Almy
>Standard Disclaimers Apply


Jim Graffam

Jun 1, 1990, 3:47:02 PM6/1/90
In article <> (Jay Giurleo) writes:
> 'You DO know what happens when you mix acids and bases...'
> ... Obviously you get a building full of slime. I've got to
>try that at school(of course I imagine if I tried it, I would probably get
>water and salt.. like most people!)
> acid and a base yields salt and water...not green slime.

Evan Marshall Manning

Jun 1, 1990, 4:37:31 PM6/1/90
to writes:

>Well, if you want to get really technical, the answer to "What do you get when
>you mix an acid & a base together?" isn't a big explosion with lots of green
>slime going all over. The real answer is: salt water.

I want to get really technical. That's what this newsgroup is for, isn't it?
I think I read that somewhere :-)

Acid + Base => Salt + water + ENERGY.

Explosion is entirely possible. Copper salts can easily be green. The only
really problematic part is the *lots* of green slime. Conservation of mass
and all that rot. Sure it could be a foam, but...

And, of course, if it were not a cartoon such an explosion might have hurt
someone. Not to mention a turpentine bath. Wasn't turpentine an
ingredient in "dip" in "Who flamed Roger Rabbit?"

-- Evan

Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT for so | Evan M. Manning
long. You feel sleepy. Notice how restful it is | is
to watch the cursor blink. Close your eyes. The |
opinions stated above are yours. You cannot |
imagine why you ever felt otherwise. |

Jay Giurleo

Jun 1, 1990, 9:19:48 PM6/1/90
In article <manning.644272651@gap> (Evan Marshall Manning) writes:
>And, of course, if it were not a cartoon such an explosion might have hurt
>someone. Not to mention a turpentine bath. Wasn't turpentine an
>ingredient in "dip" in "Who flamed Roger Rabbit?"

Perhaps.. but I don't think that's what melted the toons.. more like
some kind of white-out (toon-out?)

Actually, I think the whole issue of the explosion can be
summed up like this...

acid+base+BART=explosion with lots of green slime. If it
had been anyone else, it probably wouldn't have been so bad.
Murphys Military Laws: 6. The buddy system is essential to your survival;
it gives the enemy somebody else to shoot at.

Kyle Jones

Jun 2, 1990, 3:11:21 PM6/2/90
Tom Almy writes:
> 3
> Personally I was put off by the y = r /3 joke. [...] nobody I know would

> 2
> refer to r dr as "r dr r" which was the point of the joke.

It seeemd very realistic to me. Try crashing a Mensa shendig
sometime. You'll find people who thrive on jokes even more
obscure and oblique that "r dr r".

Blake Middleton

Jun 3, 1990, 7:06:23 PM6/3/90
In article <> (Jay Giurleo) writes:

>In article <manning.644272651@gap> (Evan Marshall Manning) writes:
>>And, of course, if it were not a cartoon such an explosion might have hurt
>>someone. Not to mention a turpentine bath. Wasn't turpentine an
>>ingredient in "dip" in "Who flamed Roger Rabbit?"

> Perhaps.. but I don't think that's what melted the toons.. more like
>some kind of white-out (toon-out?)

The Dip was a mixture of acetone, turpentine, and benzine. This
should disolve just about any kind of plastic film.

> Actually, I think the whole issue of the explosion can be
>summed up like this...

> acid+base+BART=explosion with lots of green slime. If it
>had been anyone else, it probably wouldn't have been so bad.

Yes! Perfect!

Constance Stillinger

Jun 7, 1990, 11:40:45 PM6/7/90
In article <75...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM> to...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) writes:

I thought all of this added to the humor of the episode because
it was so stupid and hypocritical, just like these things are
in real life!

Constance Stillinger (Now ass't prof. at Northwestern Univ.)

Message has been deleted

Nov 8, 2015, 4:01:09 AM11/8/15
Come on guys... Don't be idiots... "Mem-Sahib" is a pretty, married White woman in India and called-so respectfully by non-whites...

Spelled backwards (in a palindromic way), it says "Rabbi has memo", which means that a fucking Jew rabbi has a fucking memo on his fucking dirty hands or somewhere else...
Message has been deleted

Michael Black

Nov 8, 2015, 9:08:51 PM11/8/15
On Mon, 9 Nov 2015, Je?us wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Nov 2015 01:01:08 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>> Come on guys... Don't be idiots...
> So says this guy who uses google groups...
He is a google idiot, he "resurrected" a thread from 1990, 25 years ago.

And just to say 'don't be idiots".

I can't grasp why someone is looking up something like this, and not
realize it's an old post, and then reply as if they post was made


Keith F. Lynch

Nov 8, 2015, 11:10:35 PM11/8/15
Michael Black <> wrote:
> He is a google idiot, he "resurrected" a thread from 1990, 25
> years ago.

> And just to say 'don't be idiots".

> I can't grasp why someone is looking up something like this, and not
> realize it's an old post, and then reply as if they post was made
> yesterday.

Perhaps he just got here in his Delorean time machine. The Back To
The Future trilogy's future date was just last month. And tonight's
episode directly referenced that trilogy.
Keith F. Lynch -
Please see before emailing me.
Message has been deleted

Feb 22, 2016, 11:43:35 PM2/22/16
I really enjoyed reading this thread. I had the same questions when watching tonight (for the third or fourth time). Thank you!!
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