On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:55:47 -0800 (PST), Matt Garvey
gar...@simpsonsarchive.com> wrote:
>OK premise, though with some disappointing execution. Even if I ignore the =
>obviously false personal history of Homer and SNPP, I am still let down by =
>the third act. The parrot that found the earpiece could have actually given=
> Homer wrong but plausible advice and led him into dramatic and comedic dep=
>ths (especially with a little more time, say a shorter second act), but it =
>took approximately the stupidest possible path (having him repeat obvious n=
>onsense and STILL easily know it was coming from a bird) before just crashi=
>ng to a stop at the 20 minute mark. Oh well.
I was baffled by Lisa's song that was wedged in near the end of the
episode. What was the point of that? It didn't really fit with the
rest of the show.
>-"Life in Hell-sinki" book
That got a solid laugh out of me.
>I've been using Google Groups to post to a.t.s for many, many years, I'm no=
>t even sure quite how long (not the entire time I've been on the newsgroup)=
>, and in a few days, it will look at usenet only in a read-only historical =
>fashion. What a time to be alive. I know there are other ways to post to an=
>d read newsgroups, so I guess I'd better check them out, ideally by next we=
>ek! The whole group may be practically dead but I still like it. If I don't=
> figure it out, give my regards to Space Museum.
It's not too hard to figure out. Find newsreader software that you
like, sign up with a news provider and configure a few settings and
you're on your way.
Wikipedia's got an article listing available newsreaders, some of
which are free:
There are several news providers, but the free Eternal September seems
to be a popular one:
I've been using an absolutely ancient copy of Forte Free Agent for
decades. When my ISP (Comcast) stopped providing news service, I
switched to Eternal September. Works for me. Once you get used to
using real newsreader software, you'll probably like it way better
than Google Groups.
-- Bob
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