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We Have To Hold Our Children Close

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Matt Walsh

May 1, 2023, 2:19:56 PM5/1/23
This week, the media has been running with a list that purports to rank the
“13 most banned books of 2022” put out, for the second year in a row, by the
American Library Association. The list consists almost entirely of books that
are explicitly sexual, including “Genderqueer,” “Flamer,” “This Book Is Gay,”
and “Lawn Boy,” which all contain graphic sexual depictions and pictures.
“Lawn Boy,” for example, has a passage describing a sexual encounter between
two 10-year-old boys. None of the articles lamenting these “bans” will
mention any of this. And they also will not mention that the book bans aren't
really book bans. They are simply being kept out of grade school libraries.
Calling this a book ban is like saying that a movie has been banned because
it landed an R-rating. It really is that absurd.

The Left's hysterical claims about so-called “book bans” doesn't make any
sense because, as always, the people making the claims aren't being honest
about their true concerns. The real issue here is that we are trying to
exercise control over the material that our children are exposed to — they
don't want us stepping between our children and them. President Biden made
the agenda clear during a speech in the Rose Garden yesterday, meant to honor
the 2023 national and state teachers of the year:

President Biden
There is no such thing as someone else's child, the president declared. Your
child is not your child. Your child belongs to everyone. You might like to
think that Biden doesn't mean this literally, that it's just a meaningless
platitude. But remember that he belongs to the same party that just passed
this law in Washington State. The New York Post reports:

“A Washington State bill that would strip parents' rights to intervene on
their kids' medical care in certain circumstances passed the House Wednesday,
clearing its pathway to being signed by Gov. Jay Inslee. 'An act relating to
supporting youth,' or Senate Bill 5599, allows host homes for runaway youth
'to house youth without parental permission.' Furthermore, the host homes do
not need to notify parents about where their kids are or if they are getting
medical interventions 'if there is a compelling reason not to, which includes
a youth seeking protected health services.' The 'protected health care
services' included 'gender-affirming care,' which for minors arbitrarily
included anything prescribed by a doctor to treat dysphoria, the bill said.
'Gender affirming treatment can be prescribed to two-spirit, transgender,
nonbinary, and other gender diverse individuals,' the bill stated. Another
'compelling reason' not to notify parents about kids staying in a host home
was 'circumstances that indicate notifying the parent or legal guardian will
subject the minor to abuse or neglect.’”

In other words, if a child in Washington state decides that he wants to
undergo a medical gender transition, and his parents object, all he has to do
is run away from home, land at one of these “host homes,” and from there his
parents will be stripped of all rights to protect him from being sterilized
and butchered. Keep in mind that refusing to affirm your child's gender
confusion, telling him that he's really a boy even though he thinks he's a
girl, counts as “abuse and neglect” according to the people who write laws
like this. This is how they will, and have already begun to, strip rights
away from parents across the country and induct children into the gender cult
by force. First they set the stage by declaring that a lack of affirmation is
abusive. Then they “come to the rescue” by extracting the children from those
“abusive” homes and leaving them in the arms of the state, where they can be
shaped and molded — in a literal, physical sense — and made into the sort of
person that the system wants them to be.

So who exactly is consenting to the procedure in a case where the parent has
been cut out completely? The child cannot consent. The parent does not
consent. Who is authorizing this? The answer is that the parent is
authorizing it, because a new parental figure has been appointed. Joe Biden
said that our nation's children are all of our children. But we already know
from extensive experience that when anyone on the Left uses the word “our” or
“us” or “we” they do not mean it in a general collective sense. This is an
“us” that does not include you. “Us” means the system, the institutions, the
powers that be. “Our nation's children are all our children” means that “our
nation's children are the system's children.” It will raise your child. It
will decide what is best for him. It will take charge of his formation — both
physical and moral.

As should be clear to everyone by now, the family unit is the greatest threat
to the system. It is the Left's greatest enemy. The Left hates local
authority, militating against localization in every form. It wants you to be
totally subject to overarching, inhuman bureaucratic powers. It wants your
life to be run by institutions that do not know you, do not love you, and do
not recognize you as a distinct individual. And the most localized structure,
the most local form of authority, is the family. In a healthy family, the
members all look to each other for love, guidance, purpose. This makes them
much harder to influence, harder to control. And so the family must be
destroyed, and all of the vibrant and fulfilling bonds that define it — the
bond between husband and wife, the bond between parent and child — must be
severed and replaced by the lifeless, empty bond between subject and system,
where the subject can be unmade and remade in the image of the institutions
that wish to control his life. That is what they intend to do to you and
especially to your children. And it's why we have to hold our children close,
and never allow it.


Matt Walsh
Host, The Matt Walsh Show

Mitchell Holman

May 1, 2023, 10:10:43 PM5/1/23
Matt Walsh<> wrote in

> As should be clear to everyone by now, the family unit is the greatest
> threat to the system. It is the Left's greatest enemy.

So why do Republicans keep breaking
up their families?

Reagan, divorced, Trump, divorced,
Sarah Palin, divorced, MTG, divorced,
Clarence Thomas, divorced, Newt Gingrich,

Governor Swill

May 2, 2023, 12:44:25 AM5/2/23
On Tue, 02 May 2023 02:10:32 +0000, Mitchell Holman wrote:
>Matt Walsh<> wrote

>> As should be clear to everyone by now, the family unit is the greatest
>> threat to the system. It is the Left's greatest enemy.

> So why do Republicans keep breaking up their families?

> Reagan, divorced,

Following an adulterous affair with actress Nancy Davis.

> Trump, divorced,

THREE times married and bragged about cheating on all of them plus all the other men's
wives he's bragged about sleeping with.

>Sarah Palin, divorced,

And has a child support whore daughter who, at last count, had borne two children out of
wedlock by two different baby daddies. She eventually married BD #2 after calling off a
first engagement but the marriage ended in divorce after only two years.

>MTG, divorced,

And insane, but I guess that's not really relevant to this discussion.

>Clarence Thomas, divorced,

And now married to a woman even crazier than he is.

>Newt Gingrich, divorced.

This is getting repetitive. Or habitual. Whaddaya think?

Should we list the homos and child predators next?

NP: Steely Dan - Cousin Dupree
"How about a kiss for your cousin, Dupree?"
From Bill Maher: So Fox News, they put out a statement after the settlement was reached.
They said, "This settlement reflects the continuing commitment of Fox News
to the highest journalistic standards."
But I got to say, you know, which news outlets have, I think, even higher journalistic standards?
The ones who don’t have to pay three quarters of a billion dollars for being a fucking liar."

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
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