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Biden's DOJ Declares Him Mentally Incompetent And Unfit For Office

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Feb 17, 2024, 11:38:34 AMFeb 17
Yesterday marked the clearest and most convincing sign yet that Joe
Biden will not be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president this

That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, no one can predict the future. But
it does mean that no one with any power in Washington wants Joe Biden
to run for office again.

The day began with a report, prepared by Joe Biden’s own DOJ, that
outlines Biden’s mental decline in excruciating detail. The topline
conclusion, as you’ve probably seen by now, is that the commander-in-
chief is so far gone — so detached from reality — that he can’t even be
charged with a crime. He’s not legally responsible for his own conduct
at this point.

In interviews with the special counsel, Biden couldn’t remember whether
he was vice president in 2009. He couldn’t pinpoint the date of his son
Beau’s death, even within a span of several years. Again, this is the
conclusion of a special counsel working for Joe Biden’s own Justice
Department. The special counsel determined, effectively, that the
president of the United States is too mentally incompetent to be held
responsible for his own actions.

This is the first time in American history when a president’s own
Department of Justice has declared him, essentially, unfit for office.

And yet somehow, that was not the worst of the bad news for Joe Biden
yesterday. On about ten minutes’ notice, the White House press office
announced a press conference at 7:45 p.m. Especially by Biden’s
standards, this is extremely unusual. It’s rare enough for Biden to
give a press conference at all, much less an unscheduled one in the
evening. On top of that, Biden’s handlers sent him out to the podium
without a list of pre-approved journalists to call on, which almost
never happens. Grandpa Joe was left to fend entirely for himself.

Naturally, the press conference went pretty much exactly as you’d
expect it would, or maybe somehow even worse. In fact, I don’t think
it’s hyperbole to say that Biden delivered the single most catastrophic
press conference I can remember in my lifetime. At no point did he
allay any concerns about his competence or fitness for office. In fact,
he did the opposite.

He made it abundantly clear that he needs to be removed from office,
immediately. And all of this is even more confounding when you consider
that, again, given the time of day, the impromptu nature, the topic
that Biden was out there to discuss, and the fact that questions
weren’t picked ahead of time, it was pretty much guaranteed to be a
disaster. And it’s a disaster that the White House walked right into,
seemingly on purpose.

Here’s how it began. Watch:

.@POTUS: "There's even reference that I don't remember when
my son died."

"How in the hell dare he raise that?"

"Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself,
it wasn't any of their damned business."

— Andrew Bates (@AndrewJBates46) February 9, 2024

So Joe Biden doesn’t deny that he couldn’t remember when his son died.
Nor does he explain how this topic came up, exactly. Of course, if
you’ve listened to Biden talk at any point in the past few years, you
can assume he brought it up, unprompted, to garner sympathy with the
special counsel, because that’s his usual strategy. But Biden doesn’t
address any of this. Instead, he just lashes out angrily at the
prosecutor. Then he mentions a rosary but he can’t remember where it’s

It’s not exactly a convincing performance — unless the point is to
convince us that Biden is a vegetable. But it gets worse. Here’s the
first question Biden took, from Fox News’s Peter Doocy:

BIDEN: “I’m well-meaning and I’m an elderly man and I know
what the hell I’m doing! I’m President and I put this country
back on its feet!”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 9, 2024

“My memory is so bad I let you speak.” That’s the president of the
United States, everyone. He’s just a well-meaning, elderly man who
knows what the hell he’s doing. And if you ask him about the fact he
can’t remember when his son died, or when he was vice president, he’ll
imply that you should be prevented from speaking.

No one in the room was laughing at this, including journalists from
Left-wing outlets. They apparently received the all-clear to ask Biden
some hard questions last night, because corporate media doesn’t want
him to run again either.

So a CNN reporter named MJ Lee pressed him with a simple and
straightforward question about his mental capacity. And instead of
calmly answering the question, Joe Biden snapped at her. Watch:

Q: “For months when you were asked about your memory, you
responded with the words, ‘Watch me.’ The American people
have been watching and they have expressed concerns about
your age and your mental acuity.”

BIDEN: *Screams* “That's your judgment.”

— ALX ???? (@alx) February 9, 2024

The CNN reporter wants to know if Biden is mentally stable. Biden barks
at her. Then the CNN reporter suggests that maybe he isn’t the best
person to be running for office, and he doesn’t have a convincing
answer to that question, either. We are witnessing the end of Biden’s
legitimacy, to the extent that he ever had any to begin with. Even his
once-reliable allies in the corporate press have turned on him. And you
can see why.

At one point, in this emergency press conference that was supposedly
intended to reassure Americans that the president is mentally
competent, Biden refers to the president of Egypt as the president of

HARD TO WATCH: While defending his mental acuity and memory
loss, Biden mistakenly refers to Egyptian President El-Sisi
as the President of Mexico

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 9, 2024

Whoever arranged this press conference is either criminally
incompetent, or they were trying to sabotage Biden’s candidacy. Those
are the only two options. This was entirely predictable. Biden
essentially confirmed everything the special counsel said, he even
called himself an elderly man in the press conference. Which, of
course, isn’t news. We know he’s elderly. But these are not the kinds
of things you should be saying in this situation.

As I mentioned earlier, the special counsel investigating Biden’s
handling of classified documents found:

In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden … did not remember
when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the
interview when his term ended … and forgetting on the second
day of the interview when his term began. … He did not
remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.
And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan
debate that was once so important to him. Among other things,
he mistakenly said he ‘had a real difference’ of opinion with
General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally
whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to
President Obama.

The memo continues:

We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely
present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of
him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor
memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations
of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to
identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a
jury that they should convict him by then a former president
well into his eighties of a serious felony that requires a
mental state of willfulness.

Before I go any further, it needs to be mentioned that this reasoning
is completely absurd. The only relevant information, for the purposes
of bringing a criminal prosecution, is Biden’s mental state when he
committed the alleged crimes. And according to the special counsel, as
far back as more than a decade ago, Joe Biden willfully retained and
disclosed classified documents with classification markings on them.
That includes classified documents from his time in the Senate several
decades ago. The documents were in his “garage, offices, and basement
den,” in both Virginia and Delaware. Again, Biden retained these
documents many years ago. There’s no suggestion that he had amnesia
back then. So if that’s a crime, he should be prosecuted for it. If
he’s not mentally competent to stand trial, that’s a defense his
lawyers can raise after charges have been brought. It’s not the special
counsel’s job to lay off on the charges because he’s elderly now.
That’s especially true given that the DOJ is going after Donald Trump
for allegedly storing classified documents, even though Donald Trump
(as president) had the authority to declassify whatever he wanted. Not
to mention, if being elderly is a defense, Trump is elderly too.

But at this point, no one is surprised by the fact that the DOJ is
prosecuting Trump for a crime, while giving Biden a pass for committing
the exact same crime. That was always a given. What is surprising,
again, is why Joe Biden’s handlers let him take questions last night in
these circumstances. It’s almost like they were setting him up for this

That’s especially true given the contrast between Biden’s remarks and
the interview last night between Tucker Carlson and Russian President
Vladimir Putin.

Putin spoke with Tucker Carlson for two hours, uninterrupted. In
response to a question about why Russia invaded Ukraine, Putin
recounted the history of his country in exacting detail, going back
centuries. It was dry but it was also informative. He was clearly lucid
and clear-thinking. He was more than capable of sitting for a lengthy,
adversarial interview with a journalist from a foreign country. That’s
remarkable given that, for the past year, the media has told us that
Putin was sick, frail, senile, and in hiding. That’s obviously not the

It is the case with our president, though. We’re told that Biden isn’t
competent enough to be prosecuted, but is competent enough to have the
most important job in the world for another five years. He’s immune
from committing crimes due to his lack of mental capacity, but he can
have the nuclear codes, apparently. It’s laughable, and everyone knows
it. They know that Biden has lost his mind. Now even the DOJ has
confirmed it — it is a full-blown constitutional crisis if he stays in

Of course, the double-edged sword is that it’s much better politically
for Trump if he runs against Biden. Swapping Biden out for someone
younger, who can speak in coherent sentences, would make things much
more challenging for Trump. But politics are really a secondary concern
at this point.

The truth is that we simply cannot have a president who is not only
senile, but is known to the world, and to our adversaries, to be
senile. He needs to resign. And if he won’t resign, he needs to be
removed from office.

He can be a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory who lives out
the remainder of his days off in obscurity somewhere, far away from the
levers of power. The rest of us — people who intend to live in this
country long after Biden is gone — simply cannot tolerate having him in
the White House any longer.

"In our time, there is still the old ghost of new garments. We all need
to rise and meet the moment".

-- Joe Biden

John Doe

Feb 17, 2024, 4:51:53 PMFeb 17
On 2/13/2024 4:41 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
> Yesterday marked the clearest and most convincing sign yet that Joe
> Biden will not be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president this
> year.

Anyone interested in the truth about this should seek a non-partisan
summary of what really happened and why this hit piece surfaced in what
should have been an unrelated document.

Fox has already been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for lying.


Feb 18, 2024, 8:43:49 AMFeb 18
On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:51:50 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp>

>On 2/13/2024 4:41 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> Yesterday marked the clearest and most convincing sign yet that Joe
>> Biden will not be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president this
>> year.
>Anyone interested in the truth about this should seek a non-partisan
>summary of what really happened and why this hit piece surfaced in what
>should have been an unrelated document.
>Fox has already been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for lying.

So CNN is "lying" about this too? I guess they are in it together...

John Doe

Feb 18, 2024, 11:08:34 AMFeb 18
On 2/18/2024 6:43 AM, NoBody wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:51:50 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp>
> wrote:
>> On 2/13/2024 4:41 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>> Yesterday marked the clearest and most convincing sign yet that Joe
>>> Biden will not be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president this
>>> year.
>> Anyone interested in the truth about this should seek a non-partisan
>> summary of what really happened and why this hit piece surfaced in what
>> should have been an unrelated document.
>> Fox has already been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for lying.
> So CNN is "lying" about this too? I guess they are in it together...
Fox lies about almost everything. That's why Fox viewers are
consistently less informed than people who don't pay attention to the news.

In this case, the DOJ did not label Biden "confused." That was done by
the partisan author of the report that cleared Biden of wrongdoing
because in his case there was only a little classified data, he
self-reported, and he rapidly cooperated with authorities, unlike the
Trump case where Trump steadily lied and the enormous volume of
classified he stole and he employed helpers to lie to the FBi and hide
the classified data. Facts matter.


Feb 19, 2024, 6:47:55 AMFeb 19
On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 09:08:32 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp>

>On 2/18/2024 6:43 AM, NoBody wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:51:50 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2/13/2024 4:41 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>>> Yesterday marked the clearest and most convincing sign yet that Joe
>>>> Biden will not be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president this
>>>> year.
>>> Anyone interested in the truth about this should seek a non-partisan
>>> summary of what really happened and why this hit piece surfaced in what
>>> should have been an unrelated document.
>>> Fox has already been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for lying.
>> So CNN is "lying" about this too? I guess they are in it together...
>Fox lies about almost everything. That's why Fox viewers are
>consistently less informed than people who don't pay attention to the news.

Yawn. The only news organization mention below was CNN. Answer the
question: did CNN lie about this too?

>In this case, the DOJ did not label Biden "confused." That was done by
>the partisan author of the report that cleared Biden of wrongdoing
>because in his case there was only a little classified data, he
>self-reported, and he rapidly cooperated with authorities, unlike the
>Trump case where Trump steadily lied and the enormous volume of
>classified he stole and he employed helpers to lie to the FBi and hide
>the classified data. Facts matter.

Who is the author, why is he partisan and who's administration is he
currently working for?

John Doe

Feb 19, 2024, 11:12:08 AMFeb 19
Your questions indicate a complete lack of awareness of the news. Your
best bet is to read multiple independent reports of the news rather than
asking some stranger on the internet.

I would caution you, though. If a thousand sources like CNN and BBC
report one thing, and Trump says something different, or Fox says
something completely different, think really hard about whether a career
criminal or a serial-lying network is so trustworthy that they outweigh
all the others.

Governor Swill

Feb 19, 2024, 5:56:41 PMFeb 19
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:12:06 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp> wrote:

>Your questions indicate a complete lack of awareness of the news. Your
>best bet is to read multiple independent reports of the news rather than
>asking some stranger on the internet.
>I would caution you, though. If a thousand sources like CNN and BBC
>report one thing, and Trump says something different, or Fox says
>something completely different, think really hard about whether a career
>criminal or a serial-lying network is so trustworthy that they outweigh
>all the others.


Not left, not right,

"I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in
the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
- Paul Weyrich, co founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority

Not left, not right,

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.


Feb 20, 2024, 6:50:58 AMFeb 20
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:12:06 -0700, John Doe <No...@private.corp>
No. You are attempting to make some "point" and have been cut off at
the neck. Put a bit of thought into it and you'll catch on.

>I would caution you, though. If a thousand sources like CNN and BBC
>report one thing, and Trump says something different, or Fox says
>something completely different, think really hard about whether a career
>criminal or a serial-lying network is so trustworthy that they outweigh
>all the others.

Oh yeah like that Russia "collusion" thing that later turned out to be

John Doe

Feb 20, 2024, 11:39:27 AMFeb 20
Wow. The irony of an uninformed person "correcting" the informed. Rupert
Murdoch would be proud of dividing the USA.

Governor Swill

Feb 21, 2024, 6:20:34 PMFeb 21
The collusion wasn't false.

" Mueller refutes Trump’s ‘no collusion, no obstruction’ line

‘We focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign
with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.’ "

You know, like when Comey said Hillary's behavior on the email server didn't elevate to
something prosecutable? She did it, but not in any way that was prosecutable

>Wow. The irony of an uninformed person "correcting" the informed. Rupert
>Murdoch would be proud of dividing the USA.

I'm sure he goes to bed at night grinning at all the turmoil he's caused Russia and
China's enemies.

NP: Adele - Skyfall
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