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Embattled UN Official Doubles Down At Harvard, Says Israel Has No Right To Self Defense - Francesca Albanese was banned from Israel and condemned by French and American officials for her comments

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Feb 17, 2024, 12:06:31 PMFeb 17
The United Nations official who was welcomed to speak at Harvard
University on the same day she was banned from Israel for anti-Semitism
doubled down at the Ivy League event, stating that Hamas isn’t
motivated by hatred of Jews and that Israel has no right to defend

Francesca Albanese, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian
territories, stood by her position on Hamas’s motivation for its attack
during the discussion with Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights
Policy on Monday afternoon. Albanese found herself in hot water and
officially barred from entering Israel after she contended that French
President Emanuel Macron was wrong for labeling the October 7 terrorist
attack the “greatest anti-Semitic massacre of our century.”

“Saying that the motivation was anti-Semitism is wrong and dangerous,”
Albanese said in the Harvard discussion. “I’m not saying that people in
Hamas are absolutely not anti-Semitic. This was not the argument, but
the argument is that this attack was launched as a way to break the
occupation against the apartheid.”

Harvard’s decision to host Albanese on Monday came as anti-Israel
protests flare back up on campus. Harvard has dealt with severe
backlash for its failure to combat anti-Semitism on campus, but has
continued to invite anti-Israel speakers to speak at university events.
Just last week it an event was announced with a Palestinian professor
who said the terrorist attack was Israel’s fault.

Albanese at the Monday afternoon event accused Israel of falsely
claiming anti-Semitism to make it appear that there is an “existential
threat” against Jews.

“I understand why Israel is using this argument of antisemitism because
by saying ‘we were attacked, because we are Jews,’ it’s bringing the
existential threat that many Jews fear,” she added. “The real threat is
the apartheid that Israel imposes on the Palestinians, which is a
threat to both Palestinians and Israeli Jews.”

Today, Harvard hosted UN official Francesca Albanese, who was
banned from Israel hours before for justifying Oct 7 as a
“response to Israel’s oppression.”

At the webinar she doubled down, stating Hamas wasn't driven
by antisemitism & Israel didn't have the right to self-defense.

— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) February 13, 2024

She went on to claim Israel didn’t have the right to respond to Hamas.

“Israel had to act under the framework of international humanitarian
law in terms of law enforcement, because this is the powers that it has
as an occupying power,” she said. “It didn’t have the right to act in
self defense, meaning waging a war because it couldn’t wage a war
against the people it maintains under occupation.”

“What Israel had to do was to repel the attack on its own territory,
arrest and detain and treat humanely the people who had been arrested
and ensure justice,” she continued. “You could have used justice, used
its own justice system, go to International Criminal Court and the, the
other instead of taking revenge against the entire population.”

Albanese stated during the event that there still hasn’t been an
“official investigation” into the October 7 attacks, and that she
hasn’t seen “evidence” to establish intent.

“After four months, there is no official reconstruction, no official
investigation, and no independent investigation on what has happened on
the 7th of October and I’m not saying that to say, ‘oh it was not
criminal,’ of course it was criminal, but I do not have evidence to
establish the intent.”

“Hamas doesn’t have the capacity to really carry out a genocide,” she

She also said that while some Hamas terrorists “may have been motivated
by hatred,” that all evidence “at the level of command have not pointed
to aggression against the Jews.”

At the end of the talk, Faculty Director Mathias Risse, who led the
discussion, accused people of distorting Albanese’s statements, adding
that there is a “massive onslaught of very destructive criticism”
against her.

“So let me just say, also, thank you for doing this kind of talk,”
Risse said. “I think this is really the kind of work that the United
Nations should be doing.”

Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, announced Monday
that Albanese is barred from Israel and called for her to be removed
from her position with the UN.

The time for Jewish silence is past. For the @UN to regain its
credibility, its leadership @antonioguterres must unequivocally
renounce the anti-Semitic statements made by their "Special
Envoy" @FranceskAlbs and remove her from her position
immediately. Barring her entry to…

— ????? ?”? Israel Katz (@Israel_katz) February 12, 2024

“The time for Jewish silence is past,” he tweeted. “Barring her entry
to Israel will serve as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by
Hamas, including the ruthless targeting of innocents.”

The French Foreign Ministry also fired back at Albanese, calling her
comments “more scandalous since the fight against anti-Semitism and all
forms of racism are at the heart of the founding of the UN.”

The U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Deborah
Lipstadt praised France for condemning Albanese and her “attempt to
dispute or justify the October 7 terrorist massacre, the largest
antisemitic incident of the 21st century.”

“Francesca Albanese has a history of using antisemitic tropes,” the
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Human Rights
Council, Michèle Taylor, tweeted. “Her most recent statements
justifying, dismissing, & denying the antisemitic undertones of Hamas’
October 7 attack are unacceptable & antisemitic.”

Taylor cited a 2014 example of Albanese accusing America of being
“subjugated by the Jewish lobby” and Europe of being subjected “by the
sense of guilt about the Holocaust.”

Last year, a bipartisan group of members of Congress called on the
United Nations to remove Albanese for her bias against Israel.

“Ms. Albanese has repeatedly refused to condemn terrorist attacks
against Israelis while continuing her condemnations of Israel,” the
group wrote. “For an official tasked with serving as an independent,
neutral, and expert voice on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, her
inexcusable silence against terrorism targeting Israelis and her
outrageous and prejudicial remarks clearly reflect the irredeemable
bias of her mandate.”

Harvard did not respond to a request for comment.

Let's go Brandon!

David Hartung

Feb 17, 2024, 12:24:53 PMFeb 17
On 2/13/24 17:41, Ubiquitous wrote:
> The United Nations official who was welcomed to speak at Harvard
> University on the same day she was banned from Israel for anti-Semitism
> doubled down at the Ivy League event, stating that Hamas isn’t
> motivated by hatred of Jews and that Israel has no right to defend
> itself.

She should be banned from the USA as well.

Lou Bricano

Feb 17, 2024, 1:30:46 PMFeb 17
No, Russian troll, she should not be. Banning people because you don't like
their views is what tyrannical regimes do, such as that run by your idol Putin.
We don't do that here. You are not going to get your way.

Mitchell Holman

Feb 17, 2024, 2:06:14 PMFeb 17
David Hartung <> wrote in news:m1ydnTm_
For violating what law?

David LaRue

Feb 17, 2024, 8:26:56 PMFeb 17
Mitchell Holman <> wrote in
False testimony about a crime that Hamas committed?
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