I read somewhere that manure is really good on strawberries. Um, I always
thought the proper topping was sour cream or chocolate...
Princess Bitchy-Pants
Melted chocolate, with a little Grand Marnier mixed in...
In article <20000804095811...@ng-fy1.aol.com>,
wndsr...@aol.com (Victoria) wrote:
> >Well isnt this wonderful, Bill Maher wants to fill our streets
> >with manure. He must love the smell as well as the taste.
> >
> I read somewhere that manure is really good on strawberries. Um, I
> always
> thought the proper topping was sour cream or chocolate...
> Princess Bitchy-Pants
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I wonder if the frog who was injected in the article cited below reported any
chocolate cravings?
The physical chemistry site at Oxford has this to say about skatole:
(see also 3-methylindole)
Safety data for 3-methylindole
Synonyms: 3-methyl-1H-indole, skatole, scatole
Molecular formula: C9 H9 N
CAS No: 83-34-1
EINECS: 201-471-7
Physical data
Melting point: 95 C
Boiling point: 265 C
Vapour density:
Vapour pressure:
Specific gravity:
Flash point: 132 C
Explosion limits:
Autoignition temperature:
Stable, but light-sensistive. Stench. Incompatible with strong oxidizing
agents. Combustible.
Skin and eye irritant. May be harmful by ingestion. Frog subcutaneous LDLO 1000
Transport information
UN Major hazard class
Packing group
Personal protection
Safety glasses, adequate ventilation.
This information was last updated on April 7, 1999. We have tried to make it as
accurate and useful as possible, but can take no responsibility for its use,
misuse, or accuracy. We have not verified this information, and cannot
guarantee that it is up-to-date.
Princess Bitchy-Pants
Ooh yum...
Princess Bitchy-Pants
In article <20000804144508...@ng-da1.aol.com>,
* Sent from RemarQ http://www.remarq.com The Internet's Discussion Network *
Zieg Heil, Motherfucker!