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Sep 1, 2005, 5:48:31 AM9/1/05
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It's getting a bit tiresome seeing one misguided American after another with
their cutsie little yellow or red-white-blue ribbons on their outsized SUVs.
Yeah, I guess it's the thing to do; maybe part of that whole soccer-mom
culture. Unfortunately, the only thing they demonstrate is that the person
behind the wheel is a clueless, gullible, misguided, nitwit.

If foreign invaders landed on our soil, as we have done in Iraq, I would be
the first one to take up arms and repel them. (I suppose that would make me
an 'insurgent' by OUR logic.) This, and other aggressive governments have
always done their utmost to make it APPEAR as if committing yourself to kill
in feuds on distant shores that have nothing to do with the welfare of the
citizenry is somehow patriotic.

It is not.

Enlisting in the armed forces, in the absence of a real and impending
foreign threat, is no different that hiring yourself as a paid assassin . .
the only difference is, you're not getting paid enough. But let's take a
realistic look at exactly WHO joins up in an all-volunteer army.

The first group are those who join (during peacetime) for the benefits: to
get an education, or because it seems a reasonable career path. Consider
carefully! Realize that you are gambling with your humanity. Once you sign
that form, you sign away your right to say: "No, that is an atrocity." You
put your abilities, including the ability to kill, at the disposal of proven
liars, psychopaths . . . enemies of humanity. Do you think that every German
soldier in World War II who helped load Jews into cattle cars was a
cold-blooded killer? Most were poor kids, just like you, who got caught up
in the patriotic frenzy. Once you're in, you're IN. You lose the ability to
stop killing until they tell you so. This not only makes you less than
human, it makes you less than an animal, for even the animals retain their
freedom of self determination.

The second group are the simple minded, who fall for patriotic entreaties
about defending democracy, Mom, apple pie; in other words, all the
traditional government propaganda. Do you think Soviet lads subjugated their
neighbors throughout the world because they thought the Soviet Union was an
EVIL empire? No, they were fighting for MOM, and whatever passes for apple
pie in Russia. Step back and examine the lies your government is handing
you, and ask yourself if they have the ring of truth. Do you want to be one
of the murderers in uniform who opened up on their fellow citizens at Kent
State? When you put on that uniform, you give up all autonomy, and become
nothing more than a weapon, to be used for whatever evil purposes the
scoundrels in government demand (and, if you look carefully, you will
discover that the only interests THEY serve are those of the big businesses
that own them.)

Finally, you have the hard-core psychopaths. These are the people who WANT
to kill. Murder, torture, rape; THESE are the American values upon which
THIS group is focused. The cause doesn't matter, they're after the thrill
that only warfare can provide.

Just remember: killing for George W. Bush, or for George H.W. Bush, or for
Lyndon B. Johnson, or for Richard M. Nixon is not the same as defending
yourself, your family, your friends, or your country. Don't be a dupe. Don't

Remember -- supporting the troops means supporting Bush aggression,
profiteering, and war crimes. Here's an idea: why not take those ribbons,
dip them in blood, and mail them to the White House?

- --
Tom St.Denis

111 Banning Rd
Kanata, Ontario
K2L 1C3

Home: (613)836-3160
Cell: (613)796-8220
KeyID: 0x40B640D5
Fingerprint: 53F9 307F F83E D52A 9E63
C2A5 B43F D952 40B6 40D5

Version: PGP 8.0.3



Sep 1, 2005, 9:12:52 AM9/1/05


Sep 1, 2005, 10:12:48 AM9/1/05
We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And people like Tom St.
Denis are pussies. And Islamic fundamentalist fascists are assholes. Pussies
don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck
assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think
they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an
asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too
much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them
that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become
assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass
holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this:
If you don't let us fuck these assholes, we're going to have our dicks and
pussies all covered in shit!

Patrick Powell

Sep 1, 2005, 4:03:22 PM9/1/05
What the fuck's this shite doing in The Bill newsgroup? These guys can't be
that stupid that they hit the wrong button before tapping in their neuroses.
Can they?


Sep 1, 2005, 8:39:19 PM9/1/05
Don't bother they're just Meg's fan club, they're all messed up in the
head. ;)


Sep 2, 2005, 12:18:50 PM9/2/05
> What the fuck's this shite doing in The Bill newsgroup? These guys can't
> be
> that stupid that they hit the wrong button before tapping in their
> neuroses.
> Can they?

It's what folks on Usenet like to call "trolling." If it were posted to an
appropriate NG, it would be an OT post, and that's not the point. The point
is to get people like you riled up. And give people like me a chance to
quote Team America: World Police.

Patrick Powell

Sep 2, 2005, 7:18:01 PM9/2/05

So what is Team America: World Police, the abject and total failure of every
emergency and security service in Louisiana post Katrina notwithstanding?
The U.S., I might remind you you, purports to be the beacon of hope in he
universe and the Best Of All Possible Worlds. It has not escaped the notice
of the Rest Of The World - i.e. those not yet an intimate part of the
American Dream - that the vast majority of the victims in post-Katrina
Louisiana are black.


Sep 6, 2005, 12:40:08 PM9/6/05

"Patrick Powell" <> wrote in message


The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not
see the humor of the situation.

That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at
crafting humor.

The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical,
incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit1.

Just thought I might try to clarify my first post.

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