Tom: ... or is it... Chapter Nine, but upside down?
> On the planet, Lieutenant Commander Worf and his security
>officers where sifting though the ruins of the House of Parliament.
Crow: But George Clinton was nowhere to be seen.
Mike: Ever since the Labor Party took over... [Mike clucks his tongue sadly]
>Another team was working on the ruins of the Royal Palace.
Crow: Still another team went out for pie.
Mike: That was Lt. Cooper's team, right?
> "Commander,
>I think I have something here," a ensign said.
> Worf walked over to the ensign, "What is it?" he asked.
Tom: It's the lowest ranked officer grade, but that's not important right
> "My tricorder is picking up traces of neutronium tri-carbonate,"
>the ensign said.
Mike: Radioactive Tums? What is Ratliff talking about?
Crow: Gasp! No! It's the elusive shaving cream molecule!
> "That substance is used only in weapon reaction chamber
>casings," Worf replied.
Tom: And in "Big and Tall" men's shops.
> "Continue scans, I want to know exactly how
>much of it is here. Worf to Lieutenant T'Per."
Tom: So what does the Vice President's wife have to do with any of this?
> "T'Per, what can I do for you, Commander?" the Vulcan's voice
Mike: (as seductive Worf) You're an alien babe and I'm Worf. You figure
it out.
Crow: Hmm... "T'Per"... You know, I wouldn't think Vulcans would go in for
those kinds of shenanigans. Egging, I could see.
> "Scan your site for traces of neutronium tri-carbonate," Worf
Tom: (as Groucho Marx) The secret word is... tri-carbonate.
> "There are traces of that compound in the ruins," T'Per's voice
> "I want a full report on all substances in your ruins by 1800
>hours," Worf said. "Worf out."
Mike: Suddenly it's a sixth grade science project!
Crow: (as Worf) Be sure to tell me everything you know about riboflavin.
> The next morning's staff meeting was packed.
Crow: No wonder everyone's there! They've got bagels!
Mike: My motto for meetings was always: "Blow them off unless they've got
> In attendance was
>Admiral Jean-Luc Picard who was adjusting well to his new rank.
Tom: More pay and prestige can be so trying....
> Commander
>Riker, however still couldn't get use to referring to the former as Admiral,
>as he sat to the Admiral's right.
Mike: They're just words, folks; don't worry about meaning.
> Data sat to Riker's right, having
>completed the search for heirs to Essex.
Crow: Hey, I think it's the Ratliff version of Matthew 20:21-23!
Tom: Is Ratliff saying that Data couldn't come to the meeting if he didn't
successfully complete his search? That's a bit juvenile...
> Lieutenant Commander Worf came
>next with a stack of PADDs in front of him.
Mike: He hoped to get some reading in during this snoozer of a meeting.
Crow: This is not the best square dance I've seen.
> Doctor Beverly Picard had
>just arrived from sickbay and checking on her patients,
Tom: Seeing as how she's a doctor and all.
> and sat to her
>husband's left.
Mike: (gruffly) 'Cause she was a woman!
> Counselor Troi had spent last night counseling the Queen
>of Essex,
Tom: Counseling... heh heh...
> and now was next to the Doctor. Lieutenant Commander LaForge
>was next on the Counselor's right.
Crow: (as Beverly) Her *other* right, Geordi.
Tom: (as Geordi) Sorry, sorry.
> Lieutenant Princess Marrissa Picard
>sat at the opposite end of the table from her father.
Mike: If she sat closer, then Jean Luc could give her a good smack every
now and again.
Tom: Okay, the seating is as follows:
Beard Boy Bob Wheeler Lt. Woof
________________________________________ Marrissa Amber
[ ] Flores Picard,
Baldy [ ] Head of All the
[________________________________________] Kid's Crews in
Star Fleet, Crown
Da Dancin' Counselor Barrette Princess of Essex,
Doctor Babe Face Etc.....
Crow: Wow.
> "Since everyone is here, we will begin," Admiral Picard said.
Tom: Wait, we're missing Ensign Throwaway and John Shoemate!
Mike: Um... no, we're not.
>"Commander Data, please bring everyone up to date
Crow: (as Picard) ... as to what happened on "General Hospital" last week.
> as to the search for heirs
>to Essex's progress since yesterday morning."
Mike: You know, I was an heir to my aunt Mildred's progress.
Crow: That's great, Mike.
> "Since yesterday I have exhausted all lines of the royal family
[Crow opens his beak, closes it, then shakes his head.]
>back to the second of the ten monarchs of Essex," Data reported.
Tom: He watched "King Ralph" a few times to figure out how to do that.
> "I have
>found ten heirs. However I believe that only the first five merit
>mentioning here.
Mike: (as Data) The others did unsatisfactorily in their science fair
projects and must stay after school.
> The heir to the throne is the Admiral's daughter
>Lieutenant Marrissa Picard." Data paused expecting that this would cause
>some comment.
Crow: And once again, Data proves himself to be one of the most observant
characters on the show.
> "So there was a reason behind your biological father's nickname
>for you, Marrissa," Commander Riker responded.
Tom: You mean all parents don't call their children "Evil Queen of All
> "Mom always thought it was funny when Dad called me Princess,"
>Princess Marrissa replied.
Mike: (as Marrissa) Of course, she also giggled wildly whenever anyone said
"spackle". You'd have to have known her.
> Sensing that this was all the comment he was getting,
Crow: ... and wondering if taking that job on Deep Space Nine might not
have been that bad an idea...
> Data
>continued, "Second in line is Ensign Daniel Sutter presently in
Tom: (as Data) But he's an adult, so Ratliff demands we sweep him under the
>His daughter Clarrissa Ann Sutter is third.
Mike: I hear this scene was the original inspiration for "All The King's
> Fourth in line is Mary Sussex
>who owns a bar on Starbase 127.
Crow: What is it about Star Trek and bartenders lately?
> Fifth is somewhat in doubt as her ten
>year old son Martin was kidnapped. At the same time Mary was attacked
>and nearly killed."
> "Commander Worf, your opinion," Admiral Picard asked.
Mike: (as Worf) We will make the treacherous dogs drown in rivers of their
own blood!
Crow: (as Riker) Worf, that's what you said last night when Ten-Forward
ran out of prune juice.
Tom: (as Picard) Yeah. You're really uptight these days. Why don't you
head back to DS9 and visit that Trill that... you're... whoops.
> "Someone obviously wants Essex," Worf replied.
Crow: ... in the *worst* way!
> "They are
>systematically taking out all the government. I suspect that young Martin
>will be found dead.
Mike: (as Worf) Put an APB out on Richard Jewell. He's probably behind
it all.
> I recommend that all the heirs be guarded.
Crow: And all guards should be heired.
Tom: You know, I think guards are supposed to be seen and not heired.
> It should
>be let known that Mary Sussex is dead an thus make further attacks on her
Mike: The galaxy goes into mourning as the bartender of Starbase 127 is
> "Agreed," Jean-Luc Picard said.
Crow: Oh, this is the remake of the Bob Newhart-Gilda Radner movie "First
Family," only not on a really low budget.
> "What about the investigation
>into the ruins of the Royal Palace and the House of Parliament?"
> "We have collected the remains of the bomb casing," Worf
Tom: (as Worf) We have determined it was probably a bomb that blew up.
> "It was made out of neutronium tri-carbonate."
Mike: (stoned) It gave us a killer buzz, man!
Crow: I'm telling you guys, it's the elusive shaving cream molecule!
> "Then we can rule out people in the Federation, the Cardassians,
>and the Klingons," LaForge commented.
Tom: Except for prank-playing high school students.
> "We replaced that compound with
>dosilite bi-sulfate almost a century ago."
Mike: That's the secret ingredient of Gold Bond Medicated Powder that makes
it tingle while it cools.
Crow: (as LaForge) Or maybe strontium chromate. Or maybe monosodium
glutamate. Or--okay, you caught me. I've been making all this
stuff up for the last ten years.
Tom: C'mon! It's Ratliff! We know it's either the Romulans, the
Cardassians, the "anti-Starfleetites", the junior jumble Balkan
people or the Trakce!
> "In addition thickness of the substance according to our analyst
>is much thinner than we have ever seen," Worf concluded.
Crow: Oh, so it's actually made out of JennyCraigite.
> "Comments anyone?" Admiral Picard asked.
Mike: This jumpsuit itches.
Crow: I'm hungry.
Tom: I have to go to the bathroom.
> "This was very well planned," Riker said. "They killed the
>monarch, which required the House of Parliament to meet. Then they blew up
Mike: And then they'll try to win Wimbledon!
> Now they just have to hunt down the heirs and they have a
>planet without government."
Tom: You know, this whole story is just one big bad heir day.
Mike & Crow: [groans]
> "What if one of the heirs is the person behind this?" the Doctor
Mike: It's about time someone started suspecting Marrissa.
> "If it is anyone it would have to be the present Queen," Data
Crow: Rats. So close and yet so far...
> "All the others were so far away from the throne,
Tom: ...that their lives couldn't have been a hopeless frustrated search
for meaning and significance with nothing to do but plot and scheme
for decades.
> or were like Marrissa
>did not know they were even heirs."
Mike: If they were like Marrissa, I'd suspect them all!
> "I don't think Queen Victoria is behind it," Counselor Troi
>said. "It was an accident that she was spared and she definitely didn't
>want the job."
Crow: Just like she didn't want to recite the titles....
> "What if it's not the heirs
Tom: Oh, I think it's all of ours.
> but someone who wants to control the
>planet though the monarch?" Marrissa questioned.
> "How so?" her father asked.
Mike: Maybe their automatic coffee machines have gotten so sophisticated
that they decided to launch a coup?
> "I've been thinking about the Trakce attacks I've been involved
>in," Marrissa said. "Don't you think it is a little strange that all three
>of their attacks have involved me somehow?"
Crow: (as Marrissa) It's almost as if there were some all-powerful person,
directing the actions of this entire universe. And I don't think
that he's able to spell very well...
> "Your saying they where trying to get you as a puppet ruler,"
Tom: They needed a new leader after Jim Henson died.
>Doctor Picard said. "Pardon me but I think that's pushing it."
Mike: Yes, Ratliff! Step into the light, join us!
> "She may be right, Doctor," Data replied.
All: D'oh!
Crow: Roanoke, Virginia, we need an intervention.
> "According to the
>interviews with the crew of the ship which Marrissa captured three months
Tom: (as Data) ... and here I quote -- "In three months we'll enact an
elaborate scheme to take over the planet Essex." Now, there are
many ways to interpet that, but...
> they where taking her to be used as a mouth piece for their government."
Mike: Mouthpiece? I would have guessed a spit valve.
> "It fits," Riker interjected. "They probably only recently
>found out that their attempt failed so they got the next best thing, Martin
> "And if it weren't for a fluke, Marrissa would be Queen,"
>LaForge commented.
Tom: (as LaForge) Or maybe it was a flounder, we're not really sure.
> "If Queen Victoria hadn't gone out for pizza she would
>have been dead, and our young Lieutenant would be having a massive
>career change."
Crow: (as Marrissa) ... if it weren't for that blasted pizza, I... Oh, I
mean, phew!
> "And I'm eternally grateful that I'm not Queen," Marrissa said.
Tom: (as Marrissa) It would wreck my plans to someday establish my own
>"It's a hindrance to my career."
Mike: That would be "Supreme Ruler of the Universe", right?
Crow: Actually, I think it's "jockey."
Tom: It could be "lounge singer." She played the piano quite well in...
Mike: Don't mention that story.
Tom: Okay, okay.
> "All right, Commander Worf, begin sensor sweeps
Mike: (as Picard) Also some photographic dusts and some life-sciences
> for Trakce life
>signs," Admiral Picard said. "And since we are so close to the Romulan
>border check for their lifesigns as well.
Tom: (sarcastically) Romulans and Trakce! Such a clever new nuance!
> Marrissa, inform the Queen as to
>our theories.
Mike: (as Picard) Then turn on her and savagely beat out a confession.
> Doctor, I think the Queen would like an update on the Prime
>Minister's condition. Dismissed."
Mike: (as Beverly) Does the word "octopus" mean anything to you?
> On the Independence, Acting-Captain Jay Gordon had called his
>staff together.
Crow: (as Jay) We have only three days to put on the best elementary
school Arbor Day pageant ever -- we've got to start planning!
> "A hostile force consisting of Romulans and another race
>which the Computer is still trying to identify, have taken over the ship,"
Mike: Er? They did?
Crow: Well, I'm not re-reading the first part to make sure, so we'll take
your word for it.
>Jay said. "We are the only people free. All others are under guard.
>Whatever ship which took us is no longer in the area. This is not a
>simulation. This is real, guys."
Tom: This is a hazing. Repeat, this *is* a hazing.
> "How come we haven't been taken," the first officer, a ten-year old
>Andorian named Thak asked.
Mike: (as Jay) Well... look at us.
Crow: (as Brak) HI! MY NAME IS THAK!
> "I don't know," Jay Gordon replied honestly. "Computer, possible
>explanations for us not being taken by hostile force?"
Tom: (as computer) Working... most races are vulnerable to high amounts of
annoyance and pretentiousness, especially from preteens. Also,
you're ugly and your mothers dress you funny.
> "The Holodeck has been surrounded by an electromagnetic field
>similar to ones surrounding antimatter containment chambers," the Computer
Crow: Sure.
Mike: Right.
Tom: Well, it does make some sense, what with all of those holodeck
accidents that have occurred. Starfleet may have gotten a clue.
> "When was this field initiated," Jay inquired.
> "At 1132 hours," the Computer replied.
> "Computer, was that the last order before Command lock out was
>initiated?" Jay asked.
Mike: Five White Castle burgers and a large chocolate shake. $4.31, drive
Crow: Another mysterious chapter of Mike "The Temp" Nelson's past has been
Mike: Hey!
> "Confirmed, Command lock out happened 3 point one seconds after
>Lieutenant Commander Gordon initiated the field."
Tom: (sarcastic) Hey, nice going, Jay.
Mike: I think Ratliff means Jay's father here... but these ranks keep going
up so much that it's hard to be sure.
> "Well gentlemen, the field keeps us hidden," Jay asked.
Crow: Unless they walk by the door.
> "Is
>their any reason we should leave it?"
Tom: Maybe to get you a dictionary, Jay.
Mike: Well, there's also potty breaks.
> "To rescue the regular crew and get rid of the hostiles," Jay's
>Chief of Security, Sibek, replied.
Crow: (as Sibek) To actually accomplish something useful, sir?
> "Do we need to leave the Holodeck to do so?" Thak replied. "We
>have full control of the ship on the Holodeck.
Tom: So why are starships designed so you can run the entire ship from
the equivalent of your cable TV box?
> If we leave, they will
>detect us, but if we stay here we can corral the hostiles without even
Mike: (as Thak) Yeah... we just push the big red button on the plot device
over there in the corner.
> "I see your point, Thak," Jay replied. "We stay here, when we
>corral all of the hostiles we leave and release our parents.
Crow: (as Jay) Unless they refuse to give us later bedtimes.
> Until then,
>lets get them nervous.
Tom: Ratliff's frequent usage of the word "corral" makes me nervous.
Crow: Ahh! The horse racing is back!
Mike: Crow, it's okay. There are no jockeys here. No horsies. No crazed
Klingons riding "Son of Keldar" and waving bat'leths. It's just
Marrissa, up to her usual hijinx.
Crow: Whew. Thanks, Mike.
> Computer, create a copy of the bridge, transfer
>all bridge functions to those controls.
Mike: Hey, if you can make a perfectly functional bridge instantaneously
with these holodecks, why build real controls at all? Just put in
chairs, a couple holodeck generators, and bingo, you've got the
ultimate in control systems.
> Authorization Gordon Thunder Rolls
>Low Places One One.
Crow: Now they had access to Garth Brooks' music collection.
Tom: (ahem) Computer! Cease fanfic, Authorization Servo Eat It Smells Like
Nirvana One Three.
> Jay's crew took their seats and he ordered, "CONN
Crow & Mike: (sigh)
> set a course
>to follow any traces of the vessel which sent those hostiles.
Magic Voice: Complying with order, Authorization Servo Eat It Smells Like
Nirvana One Three.
Mike: Hey, Magic Voice! Long time, no hear!
Crow: That will probably never work again....
[They all get up and exit the theater.]
[The commercial sign light is flashing. Mike
enters, sees the flashing light and looks around
for the others.]
Mike: Servo? Crow? We've got commercial sign!
[Mike shrugs and reaches towards the light.]
Magic Voice: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
[Mike stops, looks puzzled, then reaches towards the light again.]
Magic Voice: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
[Mike looks up, then laughs.]
Mike: Oh. It's like the story. Cute. Gosh! I
sure hope that nothing bad happens!
[Mike hits the light. A flood of red-colored liquid falls
from the ceiling, six feet from Mike.]
Tom: [O.S.] D'oh!
[Crow enters the bridge.]
Crow: Mike? We're having a bit of a problem with the
dispensing system. Can you try it again?
Mike: Sure, I guess.
Crow: Good. Take two!
[Crow exits.]
Mike: Gosh! I sure hope that nothing bad happens!
[Mike hits the light again. Another flood of red
liquid falls directly in front of the camera.
Mike is unaffected.]
Crow: [O.S.] Cambot!
Tom : [O.S.] Nice going, Crow. We drenched poor Cambot!
Crow: [O.S.] Hey, you were manning the controls!
Tom : [O.S.] Mike? Can you try it again?
Mike: Sure. [flatly] Gosh. I sure hope nothing
bad happens.
[He hits the light and a small trickle of
strawberry juice drips down from the ceiling,
about a foot away from Mike.]
Crow: [O.S.] Oh, that's just great! Not only
are we off target, but we're out of juice!
Tom : [O.S.] Let's go to Plan B then. Get the
ping-pong balls.
Mike: Ping-pong balls?
[Right on cue, thousands of ping-pong balls fall
on Mike. As the balls continue to fall, the bots
begin to speak.]
Crow: [O.S.] That's not as funny as I hoped it would be.
Tom : [O.S.] You're right. The peeps then?
Mike: Peeps? What are...
[Mike's words are lost as thousands of marshmallow
chickens fall from above.]
Crow: [O.S.] Hmm. No, that doesn't really work either.
Tom : [O.S.] Okay, let's go with the watermelons.
Mike: What?!
[Mike yelps in surprise and dives for cover as
watermelons fall from the ceiling.]
Crow: [O.S.] Not that one either.
Tom : [O.S.] Cue the fire axes!
Mike: [still under the counter] Noo!!!
[He darts up and hits the commercial sign light.
While the planet logo is on the screen, screams
and sounds of heavy pieces of metal hitting the
floor can be heard.]
One junior executive gumball machine: $19.95
One lacrosse mask: $29.95
One purple child car seat: $53
One jumpsuit: $40
Listening to Mike berate the bots:
[Continued in Part 3]