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Slime People = The Mist? You decide.

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Steven Thorpe AKA thor

Oct 8, 1994, 1:38:18 AM10/8/94

This question has been bothering me every since I first saw THE SLIME
PEOPLE (CC SEASON ONE episode No. 108. All the while I was viewing it,
there was a voice in the back of my head (_Turn it off! Turn it off!_).
No. Not that voice. But something was telling me that I had seen the
storyline somewhere before. Then it dawned on me: I realized I might be
watching the germ of the idea that became Stephen King's _The Mist_.
(One of the few things by King I like, along with _The Stand_ and a
short story called _The Cat From Hell_).

Now stick with me on this, because there are some striking
similarities between the two:

============================== ==============================

Monsters are strange, slimey Monsters are strange, slimey
creatures, in this case, cheesy creatures, in this case, huge
man-size lizard-things. mutant insect-things.

L.A. attacked by creatures. Small town, maybe more attacked.

Protagonists are trapped in city Protagonists are trapped in dark
by huge dome of mist, produced by by strange Mist covering the city.
the Slime People's Mist Machine. Somehow the creatures and the mist
are linked.

Protagonists are trapped in small Protagonists are trapped inside of
store/butcher shop and must find a a modern supermarket and must find
way to escape. a way to escape.

At one point in movie, a rope is At one point in the story, a rope
used to keep the characters from is used to keep the characters from
being separated in the mist. being separated in the mist.

The rope breaks . . . the rope breaks . . .

I could go on . . .
Also, having read King's excellent book an the horror genre _Danse
Macabre_, I know that he is a bad movie aficionado (somewhere in the
FAQ or one of the episode guides is an hilarious account of the time
he blasted a reefer before watching ROBOT MONSTER (un-MiSTed) and how
he nearly laughed himself to death) so I know he's had a chance to see
this gem, too.
So, am I nuts, or does anyone else see some similarities here?

One last comment: If SLIME PEOPLE was the basis for King's work, it
would be one of those rare occasions when a good piece of art rose
from a really, really putrid one.



Eric Parish

Oct 10, 1994, 2:51:15 PM10/10/94
Steven Thorpe AKA thor ( wrote:
: This question has been bothering me every since I first saw THE SLIME
There will be a movie of 'The Mist' coming from Castle Rock someday,
directed by Frank Darabount, who did 'Shawshank'...and where do I know
you from Mr. Thorpe? I swear I have conversed with you
somewheres...forgive my memory..I haven't been sleeping too good

Oct 11, 1994, 9:59:16 AM10/11/94

>frau...@notmendel.Berkeley.EDU (Ken Frauwirth (BioKen)) writes:
>>I'm pretty sure that there is already a movie out there called 'The Mist',
>>and which bears a great deal of similarity to the plots described above, but
>>it is not identical. I have noot seen the whle thing, but it appears to have
>>something to do with gold treasure, victims of a shipwreck terrorizing the
>>descendants of the perpetrators of some dastardly deed, and, of course,
>>mist. And I seem to recall the credits saying that it was based on a Stephen
>>King novel.
>>Then again, I could be wrong.
> Hummm . . . That sounds alot like John Carpenter's THE FOG. And I
>could be wrong, also, but I don't remember King being involved in that.

Yes, it is "The Fog." Stephen King had nothing to do with it. However,
King did write a novella called "The Mist" which has never been filmed,
though it was dramatized on public radio a few years back.

Hal Prentice
East Lansing, MI

Ken Frauwirth (BioKen)

Oct 10, 1994, 10:58:44 PM10/10/94

I'm pretty sure that there is already a movie out there called 'The Mist',

and which bears a great deal of similarity to the plots described above, but
it is not identical. I have noot seen the whle thing, but it appears to have
something to do with gold treasure, victims of a shipwreck terrorizing the
descendants of the perpetrators of some dastardly deed, and, of course,
mist. And I seem to recall the credits saying that it was based on a Stephen
King novel.

Then again, I could be wrong.

Ken Frauwirth (MiSTie #33025) _ _ |_) * |/ (_ |\ |
Dept. of Molec. & Cell Bio. |_) | () |\ (_ | \|
Univ. of Cal., Berkeley I had a .sig, but I broke it.

Steven Thorpe AKA thor

Oct 11, 1994, 12:38:20 AM10/11/94
frau...@notmendel.Berkeley.EDU (Ken Frauwirth (BioKen)) writes:

>I'm pretty sure that there is already a movie out there called 'The Mist',
>and which bears a great deal of similarity to the plots described above, but
>it is not identical. I have noot seen the whle thing, but it appears to have
>something to do with gold treasure, victims of a shipwreck terrorizing the
>descendants of the perpetrators of some dastardly deed, and, of course,
>mist. And I seem to recall the credits saying that it was based on a Stephen
>King novel.

>Then again, I could be wrong.


Hummm . . . That sounds alot like John Carpenter's THE FOG. And I
could be wrong, also, but I don't remember King being involved in that.




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