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A Grand Slam MiSTing (4/4)

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Bill Livingston

Jun 16, 2004, 12:24:51 AM6/16/04
>From: Stephen Ratliff <>

All: Hi, Stephen!

>Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative
>Subject: NEW OCC

Tom: You down with OCC?
Crow: Yeah, you know me.

> Oklahoma Command 1/1 [G]
>Organization: Alt.StarTrek.Creative Virtual Staff Office
>Message-ID: <>
>X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.92/32.572

Mike: The tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Agents.
Tom: Nah, that'd be in the X-Files fanfic group.

>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Lines: 156

Tom: Pretty low resolution.

>Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 02:19:33 GMT
>X-Trace: 1075429173
>(Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:19:33 PST)

Mike: Pst! Hey buddy! C'mere! Wanna buy some Star Trek fanfic?

>NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:19:33 PST

Tom: Oh Fab! We're glad! There's lemon-freshened Borax (c) in you!

>Xref: corp alt.startrek.creative:2140
>Status: O

Crow: As in "Oh dear Lord, not another one!"

>Title: Oklahoma Command

Tom: Wind - come sweeping down the plains! Make it so!

>Author: Stephen Ratliff

Crow: Finally, a return to sanity.
Crow: I didn't *really* just say that, did I?
Tom: Sweet Baby Torgo, what's happened to our value system?
Mike: We got hit with 444, Benson in Space, and Tee-Tea City.

>Series: OCC,

Mike: Ah, it's a crossover with that hip new series on Fox.

> USS Oklahoma
>Rating: [G]

Crow: Whew!! No skinny dipping Marrissa this time around!

>Part: 1/1
>Summary: The tale of two Captains as they approach their new command.

Mike: The captains are now 1250 meters away. The captains are now 1225 meters
away. The captains are now 1210 meters away - but they've stopped to
let one of them tie his shoe. The captains are now 1180 meters away...

>Star Fleet is a large organization,

Tom: One whose mission statement includes a quality approach to customer-
oriented impacts.

> but it has only one job,

Crow: Oddly enough, that job is door repairman.

> one post, which
>captures the imagination.

Tom: And won't let it go - ever.
Mike: But enough about Rick Berman.

> Commanding, USS Enterprise, USS Voyager, USS
>Infinity, USS Excelsior, USS Excaliber, it matters not the name of the ship,

Crow: Although the captains of the USS Titanic and the USS Lusitania were
somewhat bummed out.

>though some are more sought after than others, it is the adventures of those who
>climb to the heights of Starship Command

Tom: Ship climbing, my friends - ship climbing.

> that we lust after.

Crow: That and the adventures of those who climb into a shuttlecraft full of
nubile Starfleet Academy co-eds.
Tom: *bwow-chicka-bwow-BWOW*

> Occasionally
>another job will catch our attention,

Crow: Which is how Mike wound up here.
Mike: Thanks for poking my still-bleeding wound there, Crow.
Crow: Anytime.

> but we all want to sit in the center of a
>starship's bridge.

Tom: Because there's an awesome WiFi bleedover spot there.

>Nearly every day in the Federation, someone is probably taking command of a

Crow: Hey Roy, it's Bubba. I can't make in to the Gas'n'Munch today, I gotta
go take command of a starship.

> It may be for the first time, or it may be moving up to a better

Tom: Or it just may be a recalcitrant Admiral who got busted in rank after
stealing his old ship for a personal vendetta and getting it blown up.

> They are the lucky ones, the ones who have the chance to inspire us
>through their adventures and explorations.

Mike: The ones approved by central casting.
Crow: Yet Bakula slipped through.
Mike: Well, no system's perfect.

> The moments before they take command
>are ones that we gloss over.

Crow: Mainly because they're really *boring* moments.

> We want to be boldly going where no one has gone

Mike: Sheboygan!

> We don't think of what might be going through those minds, petty or grand.

Tom: That's because we have - what is they're called?
Crow: Lives.
Tom: Yeah, those.

>Those moments are here. We present two Captains on the day they take command of
>the USS Oklahoma.

Mike: Can two divorced captains share command of a starship without driving
each other crazy?
[Tom & Crow hum theme to "The Odd Couple"]

>* * * * *
>The Oklahoma's Third Commanding Officer:

Crow: What happened to the first two?
Mike: Shh! People who ask questions like that don't last long in Starfleet!

>Captain Ghazi Fahim (cmdg. 2363-2371)

Tom: Well, I say ghazi for him, too.

>Captain Ghazi Fahim was in a shuttle approaching his new command.

Mike: No matter how much he begged and pleaded, they wouldn't let him out.

> It was an
>Ambassador Class Starship, the Oklahoma. That had not been what he'd expected.


>It was his third command.

Crow: His first two had been "Roll Over" and "Shake".

> He'd commanded the Frigate Bahamut

Tom: o/` Who let da dogs out? Hoo! Hoohoohoo! o/`

> for his first
>command. It was small, but that was expected in a first command.

Mike: Yeah, I mean it's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of captains get small
commands from time to time.
Crow: Sure, it's just performance anxiety.

> After five
>years, he'd been promoted to command an Excelsior,

Tom: So face front, true believers!

> the Vigorous. He'd met his
>wife there,

Crow: Well, one of 'em - he couldn't remember which.

> and his daughter had been born on board

Mike: Where she was immediately given the rank of acting ensign.

> as the ship had patrolled
>the far reaches of Federation Space. And now after eighteen years as Captain,
>Star Fleet had given him an Ambassador.

Tom: It's a nice gesture, but Sarek clashes with the rest of his decor.

>It was not fair.

Mike: It's partly cloudy, with a chance of scattered thunderstorms by Friday.

>He had worked hard.

Tom: Or had he hardly worked?

> His ships had survived and returned to port every time.

Crow: Well, okay, *one* time everybody got killed, but otherwise...

>Fahim was a soldier,

Tom: And Hooker was a good cop.

> ready, willing, and able.
>It was not fair.

Crow: It was actually "State Fair", starring Pat Boone!

>He'd shown his diplomatic skills,

Mike: He'd locked more people in rooms than Carter has little liver pills.

> aided in the discovery of several scientific

Tom: [Fahim] Hey, Oppenheimer, your car keys are right here on the bookcase!

> and even suffered through shuttling notable duties.

Crow: Ghazi Fahim - starship captain, diplomat, soccer mom!

> Fahim could be what
>they needed.

Mike: He could be a dentist, a gardener, a French maid, a drummer, a fry cook,
a double-aught agent...
Crow: Fazim's the Sydney Bristol of Starfleet. Except he doesn't look as hot
in a pink vinyl minidress.

>It was not fair.

Tom: And here comes Ratliff out to argue with the Ump.

>He had a family, a daughter, and a wife.

Crow: And a second cousin.
Tom: And a goldfish.
Mike: And a guy in Cleveland he owed $800 to.

> He deserved more than this Ambassador,
>this second rate ship of the line.

Crow: You wouldn't say that if Diane Carey was here, man!

>It was not fair.

Mike: As previously indicated.

>He'd applied for better,

Tom: Or for worse.
Crow: For richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, in syndication or on

> and had recommendations from all his former Commanding

Tom: They'd say *anything* to get this guy out of their hair.

> but he hadn't gotten the ship. He hadn't gotten the one command that
>really mattered,

Mike: "Climb Mt. Niitaka"?

> the one ship that while you're in that center seat you can do

Crow: In the center seat of other ships, you can do nothing.
Mike: Really?
Crow: Sad but true.

>It was not fair.

Tom: Yeah, life's not fair, pal, wear a helmet.

>They'd given it to a Captain with twenty-five years seniority.

Mike: Giving a ship to a captain with a quarter-century experience instead of
a brash young risk-taker? Boy, what was Starfleet thinking?!?

> A Captain who
>wasn't worthy of the Galaxy Class Starship. A Captain who had lost his first
>and only command.

Crow: He'd even checked behind the couch. No dice.

>It was not fair.

All: Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
Hover through the Trek and Starfleet air!

>The ship was to have families on board, lots of them.

Tom: Set sail aboard the U.S.S. Dysfunction!

> His wife thought it would
>be good for his young daughter.

Mike: To command?
Crow: Well, it *is* a Ratliff story.
Mike: Point.

> Fahim wasn't sure, but the ship should have
>gone to someone with a family,

Crow: Like the Gambinos, or the Tattaglias.

> who knew what families were like.

Tom: Someone broken and bitter, with no joy in life to speak of.

>Not a confirmed bachelor who practically married his ship.

Mike: He and the ship should've just entered a civil union.

>It was not fair.

Tom: I think I sense a theme here.

>He had everything they said they wanted, everything they asked for.

Crow: He even had the leather seats and the 4.8 Hemi.

>Multiple commands,

Mike: Multiple personalities.

> diplomatic experience,

Crow: He'd read Henry Kissinger's biography.

> and even a family,

Mike: Standard Starfleet issue.

> and the man who had gotten
>it had none of that, really.

Tom: Gee, was that fair?

>It was not fair.

Tom: I didn't think so.

>Ghazi Fahim deserved the USS Enterprise,

Crow: But Marrissa got there first, so - sorry.

> not Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the stuck
>up Frenchman.

Tom: Jean-Luc Picard, funny or not funny floating.
Crow: Oh, extremely funny.
Mike: How so?
Crow: Um, well...
Tom: You kinda had to be there, Mike.

>* * * * *
>The Oklahoma's Fourth Commanding Officer:

Mike: Someone a little bit less whiny, I hope.

>Captain Shawneela Osanna

Crow: Oh, don't you cry for me.
Tom: He'll come from Alabama with a banjo on his knee.

> (cmdg. 2371-)
>Shawneela Osanna was in a shuttle pod approaching the USS Oklahoma.

Tom: It was not fai- oh wait, we're done with that.

> An
>Ambassador Class Starship, the predecessor class of the Galaxies, she didn't
>know why she rated such a ship for her first command.

Crow: Though she suspected the massive bribes had something to do with it.

> Most Captains got

Mike: Just put on a light sweater, then.

> your Constellations,

Tom: Like Marrissus Major, or Jeriryanex Doubledeeus.

> Intrepids,

Crow: All of which are immediately eaten by giant space ameobas.

> Mirandas,

Mike: And Carries and Samanthas and Charlottes.

> and Oberths,

Tom: Jawohl, Colonel Klink!

> for their first
>commands. Having served five years as First Officer of the Galaxy,

Crow: Wow, I've heard of being Officer of the Day, but I gotta admit, *that's*
pretty darn impressive!

> and having
>been Second Officer of the same ship before that,

Mike: And before that, she was assistant to Isaac the Bartender.

> she supposed that the
>Admiralty expected her to be more used to a larger ship command than one of
>those small ones. She certainly didn't rate a Galaxy.

Crow: But if she had, she'd have given the Milky Way a 97, Andromeda a 91, and
the Lesser Magellenic a 78.
Mike: Ouch!
Crow: The Lesser Magellenic didn't keep its fridge below 40 degrees.

>Osanna knew she had been rather highly rated by her Captain and his Commanding

Tom: Which didn't stop the Donald from firing her lying hinder.

> While she didn't like to read too deeply into her evaluations, she did
>read them.

Mike: Mainly, she read the short words. Then she doodled little hearts and
flowers all over them.

> She and her former Captain had been a good Command Team, leading the
>Galaxy to a solid record of successes during her five years as First Officer.

Crow: Until they lost to Auburn 35-14 in the Peach Bowl.

>Ossana didn't see herself as something special. There were other First Officers
>rated as well or better than she was that she knew.

Tom: But she was smart enough to clam up about this during pay raise time.

> None of them had been woken
>up late at night and offered command of an Ambassador Class Starship.

Crow: Or at least none of them would admit it.

> Especially
>not one where they had just forty hours to report to.

Mike: First one to the bridge wins!

>Osanna wasn't sure how she should handle her command. She'd heard that her
>predecessor had run the Oklahoma on a very strict line, insisting on perfection.

All: It wasn't fair.

>Considering that he'd been promoted to Admiral for it,

Crow: Really? Huh.
Tom: I guess incessant self-pity scores you points in Starfleet.

> and her ship was used to
>it, continuing that trend wouldn't be too bad of an idea.

Mike: [Osanna] Memo to self - continue being perfect.

> She wasn't bringing a
>single new officer with her to the Oklahoma.

Tom: They were all married.

> Her command staff would be the
>same as Fahim's had been.

Crow: Dangerously incompetent.

>There was a problem with being the strict distant Captain.

Mike: You can't really enjoy the crew's terror that way.

> It contrasted and
>conflicted with Osanna's empathic and telepathic talents.

Crow: She could no longer state the obvious with impunity.

> She had great control
>over her telepathic talents,

Tom: She could bend spoons all day long and not break a sweat.

> but her empathic talents tended to reach out and
>let her know about a person's feelings when she least wanted to.

Crow: Yeah, like during annual crew performance reviews.
Mike: Which explains why no one else on board ranks above ensign.

> Some of
>Osanna's friends at the Academy had thought that would make it essential for her
>to be that distant commander.

Mike: I dunno, these long distance commands seem so impersonal.
Tom: Yeah, she lives in Manhattan, the ship patrols the Delta Quadrant, and
they just meet at Rigel on the weekends. Hardly feels worth it.

> Osanna knew better. She needed a sense of her
>ship, the community that she had to take charge of.

Crow: She's running for ship's mayor?

>Community, that's what she had to get into,

Tom: Her mind, that's what she's going out of.

> be a part of, to make her command
>work. While it wasn't a Galaxy,

Mike: Despite its spiral arms and hot, radioactive center.

> the Oklahoma was a family-enabled ship, and
>that gave her some ideas.

Tom: Dark, disturbing ideas that would haunt her dreams for years to come.

> She wanted her crew to see her as approachable,

Crow: Alluring, even.

> yet in charge and commanding.

Mike: She's strong enough for a Galaxy, yet made for an Ambassador.

>Osanna had no idea how she was going to do that.

Tom: But she had a suspicion it would involve phasers. Lots and lots of

> Family-enabled wasn't the same
>as the Galaxy-Classes' family-designated status. The little data she had

Crow: She had a little Data?!? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Tom: I can see the Federation Enquirer headlines now - "Starship Captain
Shinola Hosannah Caught in Brent Spiner Love Nest!"

> said
>there were only a dozen children on the Oklahoma, compared to the three score on
>the Galaxy.

Mike: Why, that's barely enough to seize the bridge and impose their iron

> She had to build up trust,

Tom: Invest wisely, maybe diversify into municipal bonds.

> not just in her immediate staff, but
>among her crew as well.

Crow: [Osanna] Go ahead, fall backwards. I'll catch you. Really!

> Those dozen children where as good a place to start as any,

Tom: They're so much easier to corrupt, to mold into her minions!

>if she wanted to seem approachable, Osanna thought.

Crow: The "SCRAM YOU BUMS" sign outside her ready room wasn't doing the trick.

>As the shuttle settled on the deck of the shuttle bay, Osanna drew her thoughts

Tom: [Osanna] Okay, stay together, cheeks!

> She reminded herself that it wasn't going to be an easy job, but she
>had accepted it.

Mike: [Osanna] Cripes, what the hell was *I* thinking?!?

> It was time to take command, to sit in that center seat by her
>own right.

Crow: [Osanna] OK boys & girls, let's take this puppy out for a spin and see
if we can break that ol' Warp 10 barrier. But first, a quick side trip
to Planet Chippendale!

>* * * * *
>The two tone welcome rang out,

Mike: Brown and beige?
Tom: Nah, more of an ochre and umber.

> and a new Captain stepped out of their shuttle to
>take command of a Federation Starship.

Mike: Hi, I'm Kathryn Janeway.

> It was a new beginning. It might end as
>a legend, tragedy, or triumph.

Crow: Just so long as it ends, we don't bloody care.

> Today it was impossible to tell.

Tom: And tomorrow ain't lookin' so hot, neither.

> Time would
>tell that story, and history would record it.

Mike: And Rick Berman would screw up the concept.

>Stephen Ratliff
>"To hell with crack, heroin, whiskey, tobacco.

Crow: So all that leaves is chocolates, fast cars and faster wimmin.

> Writing is far and away
>the single most addictive thing in the universe, IMHO." ~ Greywolf

Tom: And that includes the caffeinated tobaccojuana plants of Methadone V.
Mike: Hey! Was that all four of them?
Crow: I think so, yeah.
Tom: Well don't just stand there yammering about it - scram, before she ups
the ante!

[All leave]

O |2| <3> (4) {5} [6]

[SOL - Mike is at the console reading a copy of "Horatio Hornblower". Or at
least trying to, as Crow yammers on.]

Crow: And after Figueroa Fontana came Karen Sykes, the current captain of the
USS Bonhomme Richard .
Mike: Uh-huh.
Crow: Now the U.S.S. Oregon has had 5 captains. The first was Juan Cabrerro,
who served...
Mike: Crow - I think it's nice that you've taken the time to document the
command history of every single vessel in Starfleet -
Crow: Thank you.
Mike: But you've obviously mistaken me for someone who's even *remotely*
interested in it.
Crow: But Mike, what's the point of there even *being* a Starfleet if one
can't obsess over its fictionalized, non-canonical minutia?
Mike: I'm just saying it's not my cup of Earl Grey, is all.
Crow: Aw c'mon, at least...

[Tom enters. However, rather than his usual entry, he is downside-up (or, if
you prefer, upside-down), "hovering" just below the (unseen) ceiling of the

Tom: Hey guys.
Crow: Tha' heck?
Mike: Tom?
Tom: Yeah, I know. It's these last two stories we had to sit through.
Crow: That bad, huh?
Tom: Well first, Supergirl turns out to be an actress/scientist from a Krypton
that exploded about umpty trillion years ago. And then we get a whole
Ratliff story without one single word about Marrissa. My entire world-
view is 180 degrees out of whack!
Crow: Oh please, Servo. The comic book industry constantly revamps
everybody's origins - it's not even noteworthy any more.
Mike: Yeah, and even though we didn't see Marrissa anywhere in Stevie's story,
that doesn't mean she wasn't lurking in there somewhere.
Crow: Yeah, plotting, scheming, spreading evil - just like always.
Tom: Hmmm... [pause] No, I'm sorry guys, I'm still all discombobulated.
Crow: Whadaya think, should we leave him up there?
Mike: Naw, too distracting. We'll have to think of something. Oh, Tom, while
we brainstorm, you wanna tell everyone the info?
Tom: Okay. To join the - wait, is this thing even up and running right now?
Crow: It will be.
Mike: Yeah, just go on like it is.
Tom: All right. Well, to join the MiSTing Authors Dibs List, send an e-mail
to "" with the message "subscribe dibslist" in

the message body! Read the FAQ (at least when it comes back up) at
"", don't work blue, and keep
your head on the ground and your feet in the stars. Or something.
Unlike me.
Mike: We're working on it.
Tom: Well hurry up, can't ya? The blood's all rushing to my dome!

Pearl: AHA! I've done it! I've finally driven one of you to distraction! It

may take time, but one by one, I will eat you up and spit you out like
the rotten hors d'oeuvres you are! BWAHAHAHAAH!!!

[SOL - Gypsy now has Tom firmly clutched in her mouth. And she's pulling!]
Tom: OWOWOWOW!!! Oh boy, that smarts like a monkey clutcher!
Mike: C'mon, Gyps! Pull harder!
Gypsy: Fw'm mllnk zz frd fwz Fw knn!
Crow: Huh?
Gypsy: [letting go] *ptoo!* I said, I'm pulling as hard as I can!
Tom: Aw, forget it, fellas. I'm still so turned around I can hardly think
straight. I think maybe this time she's done gone and done it to me.

[CF - Pearl is dancing around the room]
Pearl: Woot! Woot! Woot! I *rule*! You're down for the count, Tom *Sucko*!
You, your pathetic little box of undies, and your fireplug red hinder
are *mine*!!! Boys - bring it out! Let's par-TAY!!!

[Brain Guy & Bobo enter, lugging a large sheet cake emblazoned with a portrait
of Pearl, inscribed above the words "I RULE"]

Observer: You're sure you're not being premature with your gloating, Pearl?
Pearl: Are you kidding? I got one of 'em riding the ceiling and it's only a
matter of time before I nab the other two!
Bobo: Mmmmm, are we gonna have cake now?
Pearl: You bet your life! Just put it on the table!
Bobo: Okay, but - my computer's in the way.
Pearl: Well, just push it all off onto the floor.
Observer: The whole thing?
Bobo: I haven't saved my "Bejeweled" session yet.
Pearl: Well tough toenails! I plan to celebrate, and that involves serious
cake consummage!
Bobo: [starts fiddling with the keyboard while balancing the cake] But can't I
at least finish this one...
Pearl: [trying to clear the decks] Just put it ...
Observer: [holding on precariously] I don't think...

[All you 3 Stooges fans know what happens next - between Bobo's juggling and
Pearl's over-compensating, the cake gets flipped over and smushes Pearl and
Brain Guy in the face.]

[SOL - Raucous Laughter is the order of the day - even for Tom, who's now back
rightside up]
Gypsy: BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Crow: Oh man, sweet! I *knew* something would trip her up - as usual!
Mike: *snerkle* And it's restored Tom's faith in the order of the universe!
Tom: [giggling] Thank you, Bobo, for making me laugh at unending stupidity
and boundless hubris - again!

Bobo: Oh, you're quite welcome.
Pearl: [Irreproducible but definitely menacing sound]
Bobo: I think.
Pearl: [brushing cake gunk off her face] Fine. Fine. Laugh it up while you
can, funny boy! You'll get yours sooner or later!
Observer: Uck! I seem to have a cape full of buttercreme frosting.
Bobo: Really? Yum, buttercreme.
Pearl: And as for YOU, you overgrown lemur, I'm gonna frost you but good!
[scoops up a handful of cake] Say your prayers, Kong!
Bobo: [chuckling] Oh come on now, Lawgiver, you should know better than to
challenge an *ape* to a *flinging* contest. [Bobo scoops up his own
cake and the two begin circling the room]
Observer: Um, Michael, perhaps we'd best sign off for now. Oh my. This is
quite disturbing on a number of different -

[Suddenly, Observer is nailed in both directions by flung cake]

Observer: ...levels. *sigh* I'm going to go wash out the stains on my cape
now. I expect that the ones on my soul are likely permanent.

[Brain Guy leaves amd we fade out to the sounds of Primate and Pearlian
screeches and the *splats* of more cake being tossed]

"THE FOUR KINGS" BY: higherdimensions7
"OKLAHOMA COMMAND" BY: Stephen Ratliff
"GRAND SLAM" MiSTING BY: Bill Livingston
MiSTING DIBS LIST MAINTAINED BY: Michael Neylon (we sincerely hope!)
SCONCES BY: Home Interiors
IN THE SWEET BY AND BY: We Shall Meet on that Beautiful Shore
THANKS: To MiSTies, MuSTies, RATMMers, the teachers of America, Popcap Games
(, everyone responsible for "Shrek & "Shrek II"
(including William Steig) and you - the audience at home!

"Star Trek: TNG" and "Star Trek: DS9" and all associated characters and
situations are trademark of and (c) Paramount. All rights reserved. It's
been a long road getting from there to here.

"Benson" trademark of and (c) Witt/Thomas Productions and Sony Pictures
Television. All rights reserved. And we *still* don't know who won that
furshlugginer election!

Superman, Supergirl and all associated characters and situations are
trademark of and (c) DC Comics. All rights reserved. Learn Supergirl's
current origin before it changes ag- woops, too late.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000" trademark of and (c) Best Brains, Inc. All
rights reserved. Where the Big B-Actors Roar!

Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment
purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks
held by others is intended or should be inferred.

No personal insults to author(s), character(s), or situation(s) are or
should be implied. All characters in this work are fictional, and any
resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
So stop looking at us like that! We mean it! Mo-o-o-o-om!!!!


Keep circulating the posts.
>It was not fair.

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