This MiSTing is the property of Colin Daniels and may be copied however and
wherever you want, as long as you keep everything together and don’t change a
thing. Constructive criticism is welcomed.
(Opening and door sequence)
(Crow, Servo, and Gypsy are gathered around a large cake on the bridge of the
Servo: Quiet, quiet, here he comes.
(Mike arrives)
Bots: Happy birthday!
Mike: Oh, geez, guys you shouldn’t have. And look, you even got me a cake,
"Happy birthday….Mick".
Servo: Crow, you spelled Mike’s name wrong!
Mike: Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s the thought that counts. We’ll be right
(Commercials for psychics who can tell you what happened in your life when you
were 7.)
Servo: M-I-K-E, you stupid, idiotic…
Mike: Calm down, Servo.
Crow: Bite me, Servo.
Mike: Hey, Willy Tyler and Lester are calling.
[Deep 13]
Dr. Forrester: Ah, Nelstone, you didn’t think I was going to forget about your
birthday, did you?
Mike: Actually, I was kind of hoping you would.
[Deep 13]
Dr. Forrester: Well, I sent Frank out to get you a special present from the two
of us. Meanwhile, you can enjoy that nice cake that you have there, with a
fanfic on the side. Yes Mike, I’m sending you a little opus from the folks at
alt.startrek.creative, "The Orion Incident". Enjoy!
Servo: How could you be so dumb? 4 letters…M-I…
(Lights and buzzing)
<Star Trek
Servo: Geez, some present.
Mike: Yeah, thanks Dr. F.
<The Orion Incident
<by Neale Davidson
<From: (Neale Davidson)
<Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek, alt.startrek.creative
Servo: (makes throwing up noises)
<Shot: Enterprise shot, preferably long slow of top side, saucer to stern.
Crow: Oh, that’s the preferable shot.
Servo: Can you guys give me long slow of top side? If you can’t, that’s fine.
<RILEY: Captain’s Log, Stardate 10012.4 ENTERPRISE on support mission to <the
Orion colonies, the group of traders with questionable habits.
Mike: All we know is that it involves large amounts of crack.
<We are <transporting equipment and
supplies to aid some of their ships from possible <Romulan assault.
<Shot: Bridge scene
Crow: Don’t tell me he’s going to keep telling us what shots he wants.
<HARRIS: You know, Captain, if the colonies are in that bad of need for support
<when they’re supposed to be neutral then you know that the Romulans are
<pushing on them.
<RILEY: Possibly, Doctor. When did you start taking up tactics?
Servo (Harris): Just something I started in the 60’s.
<HARRIS: It doesn’t take much, Captain, sir.
Crow (Riley): Pick a name for me!
<RILEY: Granted, but still, we don’t have actual evidence that any Romulans are
<in the area. We won’t jump to conclusions until we actually get there, is that
ok <with you?
<HARRIS: Yes, sir...
<SAAVIK: Captain, I’m getting something on distress channel B.
Mike: It’s Chevy Chase’s return to late night, run!
<RILEY: On screen.
<SAAVIK: I can’t sir, it’s an automated distress signal.
Servo (Saavik): And it’s icky.
<From USS PEGASUS, <AVENGER class heavy destroyer.
<RILEY: Navigation, set course for signal. Helm, standby shields and torpedoes.
<Number One, nature of distress call?
Crow: They appear to be ‘wusses’ sir.
<SAAVIK: Simple ‘Save our ship’ message, no further information is available
<from the signal.
<DAVIS: Possible confrontation...
Mike: Possible vomiting…
<RILEY: Raise shields, ahead warp eleven.
<DAVIS: Going from warp six to eleven, aye.
<Shot: Enterprise entering warp space.
<Shot: Bridge Scene
<SAAVIK: Sensors indicating one vessel, minimal power readings.
<RILEY: On screen, set up parking orbit.
Servo (Saavik): We can’t sir, someone took our space!
<Shot: Main viewer changes to reveal extremely damaged RELIANT similar vessel.
<Port side nacelle blown off, roll bar warped and torn. Many burn marks on
<RILEY: Oh my god...
Mike (Riley): Someone took the last donut!
<DAVIS: Whoever hit them gave them one hell of a fight.
<SAAVIK: Analysis of debris indicates plasma weapons. Romulan weaponry, sir.
<HARRIS: I’d say that this qualifies as ‘actual evidence’.
Crow: Yup, ‘actual’ evidence, no fake evidence at all.
<OPENER: Space, the final frontier... These are the voyages of the starship
<ENTERPRISE. It’s ongoing mission, to explore strange new worlds,
Servo: To build a brighter future for the youth of America!
<To seek out <new life, and new
civilizations, To bold go where none have gone before...
Mike: "Bold" go?
Crow: This is just starting?
All: NOOO!!
<Shot: Enterprise crew materializing on the PEGASUS. The bridge specifically,
<panels have exploded, walls are charred. There are seven bodies strewn about.
<SAAVIK: No life signs other than us on this vessel.
Mike: It’s not listing Riley as a sign of life either.
<NEHARAT:Always the pleasant one, eh, commander? The ship looked better from
<the outside.
<HARRIS (looking at plate on wall):
Crow (Harris): Man the Elvis collector’s plate, that’s gotta be worth
1855. To search and <defend. Anyone checking the log banks?
Servo: We’re gonna need lots of kindling!
Mike: Oh god, no puns on my birthday.
<SAAVIK: Already doing so, looks like the captain ordered them jettisoned. The
<memory banks are wiped clean.
<NEHARAT: Wiped clean?
<We should’ve picked up a log buoy
out there <somewhere. You didn’t find that on sensors though, did you?
<SAAVIK: Negative, lieutenant.
Servo (Saavik): Of course, I don’t know if the sensors were on…
<Fascinating. (Moves to
the captain’s chair.) The <log buoy was jettisoned, but it must have been
destroyed by the Romulan assault.
<HARRIS: Quick, clean, simple. The Romulans attack it, scrap the log buoy, and
no <one could tell which ones did it.
All (like crazed mob): Dirty Romulans, die!
<SAAVIK (Opening communicator): Saavik to ENTERPRISE. Saavik to <ENTERPRISE,
<JAMES: This is ENTERPRISE, Lieutenant James here.
Crow (James): Wasn’t sure if you wanted me to respond or not.
<SAAVIK: There isn’t much we can do for the PEGASUS, recommend beam out <and
<JAMES: ENTERPRISE confirms. Stand-by to beam out.
<Shot: Enterprise curving behind Pegasus.
<RILEY: Fleet Log, Stardate 10012.4. As captain of the Starship ENTERPRISE, I
<commit the fallen Starship PEGASUS to the space dust from which it was built,
<and her crew to the stars and their heavens.
<Shot: Enterprise fires torpedo spread, Pegasus detonates.
Mike (Pegasus): Wow, I feel incredibly detonated!
<Shot: Conference room, Riley is looking out through the window at the Pegasus
<explosion. Saavik enters with Neharat.
<RILEY (Sadly, almost broken):
Servo: Of course, if your Riley breaks, you can always trade him in for a new
<Report, Saavik.
<SAAVIK: The only evidence we have is the Romulan style weapons used against
<the Pegasus, sir. That could be enough to take precautions, we would be
<RILEY: Justified in aiding Orion?
Mike (Riley): But they don’t bathe!
<I don’t know if I
agree with that. We just <attained a truce, Saavik. And it clearly states that
third-party involvements would <reignite the war. That’s a hell of a risk.
<NEHARAT: But the Romulans have destroyed one of our ships near those
<colonies. Isn’t that the same thing?
Servo (Riley): Who ARE you?
<RILEY: For all we know, PEGASUS could have attacked the Romulans and got
<defeated. The Romulans would definitely take that stance and there’s no way to
<disprove it, not without the log buoy.
<SAAVIK: I’ve taken the liberty of informing Starfleet of the incident. We
don’t have their reply as yet. You’re acting on your own.
Crow: FINALLY, someone’s going to start acting.
<RILEY: As always. All right, set course to Orion, warp six. I’m going to my
<SAAVIK (Motioning Neharat to leave but talking to Riley): Captain, may I talk
<with you?
<RILEY (As Neharat leaves and the door shuts): What’s on your mind, <Commander?
Mike: Y’know, stuff.
<SAAVIK: You are, T’Salek. I know something is bothering you, you always come
<into here when you’re upset.
<RILEY: You know me too well, Saavik’m. It’s just when I was looking at the
<PEGASUS out there, it didn’t take much imagination to think that that could
have <been the ENTERPRISE. And that some captain was scattering my ship. I’m
just <of that one mistake, that one error.
<SAAVIK (Approaching her Captain slowly):
Servo: With a knife in her hand.
<What error? What do you mean?
<RILEY: The error which costs all of us our lives, Saavik’m. The one fatal
<Shot: Enterprise orbiting planet, preferably with planet at left and
Enterprise <coming in from the right from off screen.
Crow: Oh, another "preferable" shot.
<DAVIS: Now approaching Orion, captain.
<Shot: Bridge Scene
<RILEY: Standard orbit, if you please, Mister Davis.
<DAVIS: Aye sir, readying standard orbit.
<RILEY: Open hailing frequencies, Mister James.
<JAMES: Aye, sir. Hailing frequencies are open.
<RILEY: Orion, this is ENTERPRISE. We’ve set up a parking orbit above you.
<What is it that you’d like to discuss?
<ARGAN (Appearing on viewer):
Mike (Argan): Nanu.
<This is Argan,
coordinator of stellar actions of the <Orion Colonies.
Servo (Argan): I also make up .9% of Earth’s atomosphere!
<This is a matter of great difficulty, Captain. We
are in dire need of <protection.
<RILEY: From the Romulans? I thought your worlds have declared their neutrality
<in our conflict, why should they attack you?
<ARGAN: We have the richest worlds in this quadrant, Captain.
Crow (Argan): They seek our sizzling Euro dance moves.
<Certainly you can <appreciate how much of a
target that could make us.
<RILEY: I can appreciate it, but the Romulans are more generally concerned with
<strategy. The taking of your world would break that line of thinking. Orion is
<dozens of parsecs from The Zone, nevertheless their empire.
<ARGAN: You are unconvinced still? We have lost eight of our own ships, and we
<haven’t yet heard from your previous courier. I tell you that the Romulans are
out <here.
Servo: Boy, Romulans are everywhere these days.
<RILEY: Very well, we’ll arrange something as quickly as possible. Meanwhile,
the <Federation could only spare this ship to aid you.
<ARGAN: Only one ship? You’d be destroyed by them as well as us.
<RILEY: Take it or leave it, Argan, we don’t have to stay here.
<ARGAN: Very well, ENTERPRISE, we have no choice.
<RILEY: Good day, Argan. (Motions to turn the viewer off.) Opinions, gentlemen?
Mike: Way to finally show a spine, sir!
<SAAVIK: Your attitude toward them was highly nondiplomatic.
Crow: That’s not even a word!
<But the Orions <did seem extremely anxious to
get our help.
<HARRIS: The computer’s right, Rob, they did seem a bit eager. That’s not like
<RILEY: Well, conclusions, Saavik?
Mike (Saavik): I think you should be shot, sir.
<SAAVIK: Given all the data so far, I’d say that the Orions were overwhelmed
with <the Romulans, and are facing a very serious threat.
Servo: NO WAY!
Crow: Y’think?
<RILEY: Logically, I would agree. But something isn’t right here. Why would the
<Romulans want to break the cease-fire in the middle of truce-talks? I don’t
like it, <and I don’t know why...
Mike: Which question was he answering?
<HARRIS: Could be Klingons, they’ve got enough ships resembling the Romulan
<ones. Also, their empire is much closer than the Romulans as well.
<RILEY: I’m keeping that in mind. I don’t know yet.
Crow (Harris): What do you know sir?
Servo (Riley): I don’t know.
<Shot: computer library, a console is on.
<COMP: Subject, USS PEGASUS, NCC 1855, reference Stardate 10010.
<ALYA: Go.
Mike: Hey, a new character, I think.
Servo: Probably won’t be any better than the ones we have.
<COMP: Mission Status, courier route to Orion Colonies to investigate possible
<Romulan assaults there. Under orders not to fire on any vessel unless directly
fired <upon.
<ALYA: Computer, access ship’s logs, reference Stardate to current.
(Commercials for Xena products and genital herpes medicine.)
<COMP: Working, logs are unable to accessed from Stardate 10011.9. Other logs
<are accessible. Request security clearance of level four.
<ALYA: Initiate security scan, voice print.
<COMP: Accepted, do you wish to access logs?
Servo: Read, as Alya….accesses!
<ALYA: Yes, specific entries on Romulan vessels and combat.
<COMP: Working, last entry, Stardate 10011.89.
<ALYA (drawing a deep breath): Proceed.
<GARREN (Image on console is tape from log): Captain’s Log, Stardate 10011.89.
<We are about four days from Orion, so far we haven’t seen any signs of Romulan
Mike: Man, this story just doesn’t slow down, does it?
<R-SHIRT (Also on image): Sir, detecting magnetic disturbance, range of
seventy-<four a.u. It just appeared there.
<GARREN: What? Check again.
<R-SHIRT: It’s not there now, can’t be sure what it was.
<GARREN: Keep looking. (Suddenly distracted)
Mike (Garren): Hey, WWF Monday Night Raw’s on!
<R-SHIRT: Romulan Bird-of-Prey firin-
<COMP (image goes off): End of logs. No further log transmissions from USS
Servo: No further story transmissions wanted.
<Shot: Enterprise orbiting planet, typical left to right with planet on bottom.
Mike: Yeah, I’d say that’s a fairly typical shot.
<RILEY: Captain’s Log, supplemental. I’ve just received word about the last
<transmitted log of the PEGASUS. It apparently confirms the suspicions of
<Romulan attack.
Crow: Yes, we have an attack, ladies and gentlemen!
<However, I am uneasy to dismiss this as such.
<Shot: Bridge Scene
<SAAVIK: Captain, Romulan vessel entering quadrant, NOVA class battleship. Her
<weapons are coming to bear.
<RILEY: A conflict? Now of all times? Raise shields, Mister Thomas.
<THOMAS: Shields up.
<HARRIS: The ship’s gonna object if you keep treating the shields like a yo-yo.
Servo: And I’M gonna object to this story if this keeps up.
<RILEY: Please, doctor, not now. Mister James, open a channel to them, priority
<JAMES: Aye, sir. We also have an incoming message from Orion. Shall I punch it
<up for you?
<RILEY: Negative, I know what they want.
Crow (Riley): They wanna see my one man show!
<Helm, if
she fires then ready torpedoes. <Don’t arm weapons otherwise.
<HARRIS: Wouldn’t it be prudent to get something to shoot at them with? We
<know what they did to PEGASUS, and to several others.
<RILEY: Calm yourself doctor, they’re just being prudent themselves.
<JAMES: Getting message from Romulan, RISS AERONAUGHT, NOVA class <battleship,
requesting visual communications.
<RILEY: Do it.
Mike (James): "Ha ha, you guys are morons". Well I can- hey!
<REYAN (female Romulan, on viewscreen): Federation Battleship, surrender
<yourselves or be destroyed.
<RILEY: What grounds?
Mike: Extreme idiocy?
Servo: Whimpering cowardice?
<REYAN: Dishonourable destruction of Imperial property, namely our
Bird-of-<Prey TALANUS. It was destroyed by a Federation Cruiser.
<RILEY: Where did this incident take place? The last destroyed Roml’nz vessel
we <know of was the DARKWING orbiting Kernar. We don’t have a record of
Mike: Roml’nz?
Servo: Boy, it’s nice to see such an articulate captain.
<REYAN: Your lies don’t cover your dishonour, human.
<RILEY: I’m not human, I’m not lying, and I know much more of honour than <most
<REYAN: You...I see, Captain Robert Thomas Riley, is it? My apologies. You
<would not provoke an assault.
<HARRIS: How do they know you?
<RILEY: Doctor, I think I have a reputation.
Crow: I don’t think he should be proud of it either.
<Shot: Transporter room, Reyan and two guards beam into Enterprise.
<MAXIM: The Captain will be here shortly. He sends his regards.
<REYAN: I’m quite sure that he does, Lieutenant, yes, correct rank. You have an
<impressive ship, almost as impressive as my own.
<RILEY (Door opens as he enters): More so, I’ve seen your battleships from the
<Inside before. (Gestures the Romulan salute)
Servo: Hey, stop giving him the finger!
Crow: I’d like to give this story a Romulan salute…
<REYAN: You are the one, I was told about you. You should know that the Empire
<holds you in respect, even as a foe. It is a honour to meet you.
<RILEY: I’m flattered, Commander Reyan. Your reaction to me is surprising. I
<was unaware that I was so public.
<REYAN: Shall we get to the matter at hand? I believe that you have a
conference <room on your ship, will you escort me there?
<MAXIM: What do I do with these two? Keep them in here?
<RILEY: Assign Reyan a room and give these two rooms flanking her.
Servo: Again, Riley shows his genius by allowing his enemy on his ship.
<Shot: Corridor
<RILEY: That’s a matter of perspective, Commander.
Mike: Um, I think he skipped a couple lines…
<Racial bias isn’t strong on <this ship, but it does exist. This
Federation ship, what information do you have?
<REYAN (Smiling): Interrogation? Lack of charm on your part, Captain.
Crow: More charm than she’ll ever see from him though.
<RILEY (Taken aback): Commander, forgive me, something is dreadfully wrong
<here, and I’m not sure what. It could be individual ships taking their own
<measures, but I just don’t know.
<Shot: Conference Room, Doors open, Riley and Reyan walk in.
<SAAVIK: Greetings Commander. There is a seat for you at the end of the table.
<Captain, we have another message from Argan. He wants to know why we <haven’t
taken action.
<RILEY: Tell him that I’m
Crow (Riley): Going to the bathroom.
<stalling. (Sitting down) My
assessment of this situation <is confused by lack of information. Apparently a
Federation Cruiser has attacked a <Romulan Bird-of-Prey. This attack would take
place before the loss of the <PEGASUS, and without consent of the Federation.
It is possible that we have a <rogue ship attempting to reignite the war. We
simply can’t have this. Commander <Reyan, I ask that you show us the log buoy,
and copy it for our study.
<REYAN: Acceptable, Captain.
Servo (Reyan): Right after I drink your blood!
<Our log buoy is visual
only, something happened to <it, we don’t know exactly what, but the images are
quite clear.
(Commercials for the Dominion, National Geographic, and a Sci-Fi original
<SAAVIK: Readying screen. (The computer shows a log, showing a ship like the
<Enterprise-A attacking. The view is from the bridge of the Bird-of-Prey.)
<RILEY: Enough, computer. What about the name of the ship, did you get it,
<REYAN: No, the ship’s name wasn’t visible, and since the vocals are gone we
<lost the chance there.
<RILEY (After a long, angry pause):
Servo: Is it possible for a pause to be angry?
<I’ll be on the bridge. (Leaves)
<SAAVIK: The Captain gets extremely emotional at times, Commander. Please
<forgive him.
<REYAN (standing to leave): He is intriguing, Commander Saavik. What do you
<know about him, personally?
Crow (Saavik): Well, he has a WEIRD odor…
<SAAVIK: Enough to understand him, Commander.
<REYAN: Yes, members of the same race tend to do that. (Leaves and smiles at
<Shot: Bridge, main viewer shows Argan.
<ARGAN: You have a Romulan aboard your own vessel? How could you do such <an
outlandish thing?
<RILEY: Actually we technically have five Romulans aboard. They are capable of
<controlling themselves and I have my faith in them.
Servo (Riley): Even though one of them is charging me with a hatchet.
<ARGAN: You have faith in your enemy? You must be crazier than I have heard
<about you.
Crow (Riley, sobbing): That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
<RILEY: That’s a vague compliment. You have my word that no trouble will occur
<while they are aboard. Riley out. (Screen cuts off.)
<HARRIS: Well, Rob, what now? We’re no better off than we were before the
<Romulans popped on by, and now we’re ticking of the Orion Colonies.
<RILEY: The feeling is mutual. Mister James, punch up the Romulan log. Time I
<start acting like I know something.
Mike: Yeah, he better start acting sooner or later.
Crow: Well, at least Riley admits that he’s stupid.
<JAMES: Log on screen, sir. (Viewer shows the same log again.)
<RILEY (When a good view of the Federation ship is in tune): Freeze image,
<enhance, and magnify. (The ship view is expanded, damage and burn marks litter
<the hulls.)
Servo: Geez, it looks like Roseanne sat on it…
Mike: Be nice.
<The main name’s covered with burn marks, can’t get a good
look <there. Computer, focus on ship primary hull, specifically, port side
torpedo bay. <(Screen changes, and the torpedo bay is visible, as are the words
<HARRIS: FARRAGUT? Impossible, she was destroyed by the FIERY RAVEN, we <saw
it. It doesn’t make sense.
<RILEY: It may just make sense after all doctor.
Servo: Well, would you mind telling US how?
<We’ve got a jigsaw puzzle, but we <have the edges done. I want a meeting
with Reyan in a hour in my quarters.
Mike: Boy, finally a rest from the break-neck pace that is this fanfic!