TOM: That was as close to the abyss as I ever care to get...
>Chapter Five
MIKE: I think when you put this chapter and the next together, they'll be
CROW: No, Mike.
MIKE: It's funny! Chapter eleven! Bankruptcy!
TOM: No, Mike.
MIKE: It's funny!
> Lieutenant Commander Picard walked on to the bridge. Captain
>T'Gwen Washington was standing by the center seat. "Commander, what is
>the status of our fighter wings?"
CROW: (as Marrissa) Still in my iron fist of authority, Captain!
> "We've got three and a half wings," Picard stated.
TOM: (as Marrissa) We can't fly very well.
> "I'll rate
>Red Wing as Excellent, Blue and Green and Good, but Yellow, which is our
>half wing, has never worked together before and lacks a wing commander."
MIKE: (as Marrissa) Hobbes was in charge, but he defected.
> "Dukat is still on DS9 isn't he," Washington asked.
CROW: No, he's the one who's taken over Cardassia. Pay attention!
MIKE: I think he means Mikor/Mekor Dukat, Crow.
CROW: Oh well.
TOM: How did you do that?
MIKE: I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.
> "Yes, he resigned from Cardassian Central Command and is staying
>with his half- sister," Marrissa stated.
> "See if you can get him to come back, I'll offer him an acting
>commission," Washington said. "What does that do to our forces?"
CROW: (as Marrissa) Puts them under the command of someone you're asking to
fire on his own people. Great move, Captain!
> "If I put Yellow under Dukat, it brings them up to being just 2
>down," Marrissa said. "And I'll rate that wing as Good."
MIKE: This rating system must do wonders for pilot morale.
> "Then, Number One, get Dukat aboard and get those fighters out
>there," Washington ordered. "We'll see if the Dominion hasn't learnt
>what the Maquis have been learning."
CROW: Never use expendable bit players as your leaders?
TOM: The most treacherous thing to do is have elections?
MIKE: Never use a gas which affects only adults as the centerpiece of your
master plan?
> "Never ignore the gnats," Marrissa completed. "I'll get right
>on it."
> Washington watched the viewscreen. The Klingons were arrayed
>around the base along with a sizable Star Fleet prescience.
CROW: Starfleet can predict the future?
> Then
>suddenly Romulan warbirds decloaked. That was only logical to the
>half-Vulcan Captain. When the whole quadrant was threatened, it must
>band together. It reminded her of an old American Revolutionary War
>quote. 'United we stand. Divided we fall.'
TOM: And, of course, every species in the galaxy studies American History.
> "Comm traffic from the Gamma Quadrant," Lieutenant Ross Lochard
>responded. "Captain Sisko is answering it. He's dispatched Major Kira
>on the Defiant to go after a runabout."
> "The Defiant is going to warp," Lavelle announced.
> "Is that Bajoran crazy," Lieutenant Kathy Lochard wondered from
>the helm.
> As they watched the Defiant arrived at the Bajoran Sun and
>tractored the runabout away. The runabout exploded as the Defiant
>vectored away.
> "I'd say she's quite smart," Marrissa said, from Fighter
MIKE: Thanks to her, Hotblack Desiato's concert came off perfectly!
> "The warp traces are gone," Lochard announced. "Deep Space Nine
> "Take us down to condition 3," Washington ordered.
> "The Enterprise is entering the system," Lochard announced. "I
>guess Admiral Ellis will be getting his court-martial now."
CROW: Huh? Did Lochard see the CNN schedule for today or something?
TOM: Only four linefeeds? Ratliff's slipping a bit....
>Chapter Six
> Princess Marrissa Picard entered the large tent where the
>reception for President Inno's arrival was being held.
MIKE: It was at a navel base. You know? Inno? Navel?
CROW: Mike, stop it!
> She was wearing
>her new blue spring dress with a matching wide brimmed hat. Marrissa
>was probably the only Star Fleet officer not in uniform, but she wasn't
>attending as a representative of Star Fleet.
TOM: She was attending in her role of supreme goddess.
> That was her father's and
>Captain Sisko's job. She was there for her home planet of Essex. It
>was the twentieth such reception she had attended since she had become
>heir to the throne. She didn't like them, but was a lot more
>comfortable at them now.
MIKE: Once she realized she'd be asked to recite her titles each time, she
was fine.
> Marrissa proceeded across the tent, greeting those she knew, and
>making her way towards her father. He was talking to Captain Sisko and
>President Inno when Marrissa came up. Captain Sisko was saying, "I
>don't think Gul Dukat is going to back down from his threats."
> "What if we give him the DMZ in exchange for giving up on
>Bajor," Inno asked.
CROW: (as Inno) Then, what if we give him Pacific and North Carolina for
> "Appeasement," Marrissa commented.
> The President turned to the young girl and asked, "Pardon?"
TOM: (as Inno) How dare you interrupt me, waitress?
> "Appeasement, that's what that type of policy is called,"
>Marrissa replied. "It's not a historically successful policy."
> "Oh?" Inno remarked.
> "One of my ancestors had a Prime Minister that used that
MIKE: (as Marrissa) One of my ancestor's brother's father's step-aunt's
cousins, actually.
> Marrissa explained. "He gave the local aggressor a part of
>another country. When he came back he proclaimed 'Peace in our
>time.' Two years later Britain was at war with Hitler's Germany and
>Chamberlain was no longer Prime Minister. Millions of people died in
>that war."
CROW: (as Marrissa) They simply didn't realize that they needed to lock the
diplomats in a room and threaten them with physical violence. Poor,
pathetic fools.
> "Then what can I do?" Inno wondered. "Every one wants me to do
>something about it now. I've got to announce some policy soon."
TOM: (as Marrissa) Tell your attorney-general not to appoint a special
> "Try Containment," Rear-Admiral Jean-Luc Picard suggested.
> "How does that work?" Inno asked.
MIKE: You buy Tupperware and give it to the Dominion! Sheesh! How could
anyone be President of the Federation and not know what
Containment was?
> "You support all the governments around Cardassia," Sisko
>explained. "Helping them defend their borders and resist Changeling
> "What about Cardassia itself?" Inno inquired.
CROW: (as Inno) Do I help them defend their borders as well?
> "You inform everyone that you have a plan underway," Picard
>suggested. "Of course you may want to hold that and just give a knowing
TOM: Telling your constiuency you have a plan when you don't. A proven
Presidential tactic.
> "One thing is for certain, we can't attack now," Sisko said.
>"The Jem'Hadar are arrayed to prevent an attack from the Federation
> "But if we get everyone on there borders against them," Picard
> "They won't know which side to turn to," Inno concluded. "I'll
>take it under consideration. Now if you don't mind I better circulate."
MIKE: (as Inno) I think I've let Marrissa dictate enough Federation policy
for today.
> "Mister President, have you met Ambassador Fargos of Hiros,"
>Marrissa asked.
> "No I've never met the 'Jolly Hiros,'" Inno asked. "Would
>you introduce me, your highness."
> "Certainly," Princess Marrissa said, leading the President over
>to a tall laughing man.
CROW: (as man) HEY-O! You are correct, sir!
> Alexander was waiting for his father in Quark's.
TOM: Despite being horribly underaged.
> Quark had just
>delivered his root beer, muttering something about the end of something
>civilization. Alex took in the view of the bar. Some off-duty fleet
>officers and Bajorans were playing daubo. Doctor Bashir was ascending
>the stairs to the holosuites dressed in a tuxedo.
MIKE: Well, we can see which episodes Ratliff likes.
> Just entering the bar, were three Klingon warriors who must have
>been drinking somewhere else before. "Bloodwine for us all," the lead
>warrior ordered, his fist crashing on the bar. Quark hurried to serve
> Picking up their drinks, they turned toward Alexander's table.
>"Well if it isn't the son of a traitor from a family of traitors."
>Alexander calmly sipped his drink. "Oh look, he's drinking pond scum,
>the drink of the dishonored."
CROW: Hmmm... must be Hires.
> "Gentlemen, I suggest you rephrase that," Alexander stated.
>"It's root beer, and as for traitors, look in the mirror instead of
>smearing the honor of an Ambassador."
TOM: (as Alexander) I know you are, but what am I?
> "Oh, the Star Fleet pla'tok is trying to be insulting," the lead
>Klingon replied.
> "If I wanted to be insulting, you'd know," Alexander stated.
>"Now you have two choices, sit down and act with the honor you have been
>sadly lacking, or act like the drunken disgraces you are."
MIKE: (as lead Klingon) We'll vote on it and get back to you.
> The Klingon moved toward Alex, intending to grab the young
>Klingon. Alexander stood up, and dodged the arm. The Klingons pursued
>him, but Alexander artfully dodged him.
CROW: How much pursuing and dodging can you do inside a bar?
> As one of them got below the
>upper level, a chair came down on his head, knocking him out. From the
>balcony, came a voice, "Is this a private fight, or can I join in?"
TOM: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!
> Alexander looked up to see Clara Sutter, descending the stairs.
TOM: It's a pre-teen girl!
>"Go right ahead, Clara," Alexander replied as more Klingons arrived on
>the scene. Alexander dodged another punch and kicked his opponent in
>the stomach. Two ganged up on the young boy, limiting his dodges.
MIKE: I think Ratliff has played "Double Dragon".
>Suddenly, another Klingon was at his side, bringing his fist down on one
>opponent. Alexander looked up.
> "Its been a while since I was in a good bar fight," Gowron
>remarked, slamming his opponent up against the wall.
CROW: Uh huh. Gowron is going to intervene on the side of the son of a man
whom he considers a traitor against his own people.
> "I image that leading the high council doesn't leave much time,"
>Alexander said, giving his opponent an upper cut that sent him falling
> "No, but I really should reserve some time for the more
>important things in life," Gowron replied, tossing another Klingon over
>the bar.
TOM: Klingons would really like professional wrestling.
> Alexander then spied Odo and his security guards approaching.
>"I suggest we take a break, before Odo forces us too," Alexander
>remarked, ducking and gesturing towards his table, with his root beer
>still sitting on it. Three bloodwines were also there. "Clara!"
> Clara ducked out from her opponents grasp, and did a flip into a
>chair. "Bar tender, a milkshake please," She cried out as Alexander and
>Gowron sat down.
MIKE: (as Clara) I'm sure he'll fall for this!
CROW: Shouldn't a few people suddenly notice they don't have opponents
> Odo and his security guards entered Quarks and began subduing
>the riotous patrons. Odo came up too the table and said, "Now this is a
>surprise. Two Klingons sitting out a bar fight with a young lady. Wait
>a minute, the young lady appears to have a black eye, I wonder how she
>got it. And the Klingons have ridge bruising. Perhaps they'd better
>come down to security."
> Gowron turned around and said, "Constable, I have a feeling that
>you have more than enough people filling up security. For all you know
>I could have just been challenged, and this young couple could have been
>engaged in personal manners." Clara blushed.
TOM: OJ tried that alibi.
> "You have a point, but you really should see Doctor Bashir," Odo
>said gruffly and turned to supervise the removal of the rest of the
>drunken Klingons.
MIKE: This has to be illegal.
[Commercials. Fast forward past Hour of Power. Fast forward past Cool Stuff
from the Cosmos. Fast forward past MST3K. Rewind back to MST3K. Wonder why
they're showing commercials for it *while* you're watching it.]
>Chapter Seven
CROW: (singing) All good children go to heaven!
> Marrissa was readying the Stargazer to depart for Earth. The
>ship was taking the Space Ship Stargazer and the President Home. This
>wasn't a mission that the Stargazer was designed for, the President
>would be staying in the former First Officer's Quarters and most of his
>staff would be taking alternate transportation. That wasn't Marrissa's
>main worry though. She really needed more personnel. The departure of
>the Cardassian crew members had reduced the compliment of the Stargazer
>by forty percent.
> "Washington to Picard," the Vulcan Captain's voice said.
> Marrissa put down here PADD and answered, "Picard here."
> "I've obtained four officers and a cadet heading to the Academy
>for our trip. Meet them at the docking port."
TOM: (as Washington) I've traded away two of our practice squad and a draft
choice to be named later.
> "Can I hope for Operations and Engineering help?"
> "Two of each and a pilot."
ALL: (singing) And a partridge in a pear tree...
> "That should be enough."
> "Understood, Washington out."
> Marrissa stood by the docking port. The first to arrive was a
>Ferengi in Cadet's Uniform. "Cadet Second Class Nog reporting for duty,
> "Welcome aboard, Cadet," Marrissa stated. "Your quarters are on
>deck 9, room 140. Your duty schedule is in the computer."
> "Aye sir," Nog replied and walked down the hall towards the
MIKE: (as Nog) I wonder who she paid off for that rank...
> Next to appear in the docking port were a girl with long black
>hair, and another girl with medium length brown hair.
CROW: Xena and Dana Scully, reporting for duty!
> Both wore
>Star Fleet Engineering Uniforms. "Lieutenant junior grade Clara
>Sutter..." the first began.
> "... and Ensign Shayna Sachs," the second chimed in, and then
>both finished, "Assistant Engineers, reporting for duty."
> "Welcome aboard," Marrissa said. "I'll put you two together on
>deck 7, room 70. Come by my office on deck 8, room 47 latter.
TOM: (as Marrissa) We'll have a slumber party!
> Your
>duty schedules are in the computer."
> "We'll be by," Clara replied.
> "And no practical jokes, Shayna," Marrissa ordered, as the two
>walked down the hall.
> Suddenly Marrissa felt a hand on her back.
MIKE: And then a knife in her back.
> She found herself
>being tilted down to the floor. Jay Gordon's face appeared, and he gave
>her a deep kiss on her lips. Then he tilted her back up to a standing
>position and said. "Lieutenant Jay Gordon, Chief of Operations
>reporting for duty."
CROW: How did he kiss her when he pushed her facefirst to the floor?
> "That was a most interesting way to report aboard, and a great
>first kiss," Marrissa commented, her violet eyes sparkling. "Though I
>don't think I'd let anyone else get away with it."
TOM: (as Marrissa) ...much.
> "Thank you, Marrissa," Jay responded.
> "Just wait until after you disembark to do it again," Marrissa
>said. Then turning to business she continued, "Your quarters are on
>Deck 8, room 45. As for Duty Schedule, your a department head, you make
>it up."
MIKE: (as Jay) Great! Sleep till 11:00. Lunch at noon. Coffee break until
three, then take the rest of the day off!
> "Aye, sir."
> Marrissa turned back to discover the last new crew member,
>"Ensign Alexander Rozhenko reporting for duty, sir."
> "Your quarters are on Deck 7, room 70," Marrissa informed.
>"Your duty schedule will be in the computer as soon as Jay makes it up."
CROW: (as Marrissa) Most of it will probably involve running laps.
>Alexander moved off. "Picard to Washington."
> "Washington here."
> "The last officer is aboard, and the ship is ready to go out."
> "Noted, report to the bridge."
> "Aye, sir, Picard out."
> Marrissa sat at her desk, PADDs arrayed around her. "Reports,
>and more reports," she grumbled, as her yeoman dropped some more on her
>desk. "What does Star Fleet think I am?"
TOM: Just a guess... its employee?
> "A first officer, Commander," Yeoman Pearson responded. "And
>you don't have to go over each report like a school teacher. We do have
>a spell checker and grammar checker as well. Let them take care of
MIKE: This would be Ratliff's dream job.
> "Thank you, Yeoman," Marrissa said, pulling another PADD up.
>Pearson left. Moments later, the door chimed. "Come."
> Clara, Shayna, Alexander, and Jay entered. "I see Doctor
>Johnson and Yeoman Pearson where right," Clara remarked.
> "About what?" Marrissa asked, not looking up from her work.
> "You're over working yourself again," Clara commented.
> "She does this often?" Jay asked.
> "Oh yes, every time she gets a new position she throws herself
>into it and doesn't come up for days to even sleep," Clara remarked.
CROW: It's about time someone did an intervention for Marrissa.
> "She's never been good at removing things from her schedule or
>relaxing," Shayna remarked.
> "Stop talking about me like I'm not in the room," Marrissa said,
>switching PADDs.
TOM: (as Marrissa) I MUST be the center of attention!
> "You might as well not be," Shayna remarked.
> "Fortunately, we have some standing orders on such a situation,"
>Clara stated. "Alex, her legs; Jay, her arms. We'll be going to
>holodeck 4."
MIKE: (as Clara) Computer, run program "Cement Overshoes 1"!
> As Jay pulled the PADD out of her hand, Marrissa exclaimed,
>"Hey, I wasn't done with that. Who gave you those orders?"
> "Your father," Clara responded.
CROW: (as Jean-Luc Picard) Kidnap my daughter!
> "Now cooperate, or I'll have
>Shayna tickle that right foot of yours until you do. Resistance is
TOM: But I don't think the Borg will be wanting to add her distinctiveness
to their own.
> "She's ticklish there?" Jay asked.
> "Deathly, tickle her long enough and she'll do anything," Shayna
> "You promised you wouldn't tell," Marrissa accused.
> "Well you promised not to over work yourself,"
MIKE: (as Clara) And that makes it alright!
> Clara replied.
>"Are you coming, or are we going to have to carry you?"
CROW: (as Clara) ...or do you call Security and have us arrested? Oops.
Forget I said that.
TOM: Hey guys, we're surviving this far! This one wasn't all bad!
MIKE: Give Ratliff time.
> Marrissa was on the bridge as they entered the Terran System.
>After her friends had dragged her off to the holodeck, her life had once
>again settled into a comfortable pattern.
CROW: However, the story swiftly left any sort of linear pattern.
> They had taken her to an old
>swimming hole, which Jay said was from near his grandfather's house.
>She'd never skinny-dipped before,
> but they hadn't given her time to get
>her swimming suit, and none of them wore anything.
> It had been fun,
>and she fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow that night.
> Since then, she'd managed to schedule a couple hours of time with
>her friends when they were off duty. Being First Officer enabled her to
>make sure that all of them were free at the same time. She had enjoyed
>the two week cruise, but it was almost over, and all of her friends
>would be at the Academy for the next couple years. She wouldn't even
>have a date with Jay when the Stargazer and Independence were in port
>again. She was going to miss those dates.
TOM: But we won't. Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick.
> "Commander, Captain Clinton reports ready," an officer
MIKE: If she ends up naked, I'll hound you until the day I die, Ratliff!
> "Release tractor beams on the spaceship," Marrissa ordered.
>"Launch Red Wing fighter escort."
CROW: C'mon Red Wing, fire. You know you want to.
> "Tractor beams released," the officer responded. "Red Wing
>assuming formation."
> Ahead of the starship Stargazer, the spaceship Stargazer moved
>into place. A wing of seven fighters formed a 'V' around it as they
>proceeded into orbit. A Nebula class Starship blinked a salute to the
>21st century ship as she passed.
TOM: It was amazing, really. It's not every crew that can moon an outside
> They entered orbit, on a coarse to
>Starbase One. They passed an open space dock, with a new Intrepid class
>starship awaiting launch. Marrissa glanced at her display, wondering
>what they'd named this one. She smiled. Inside the dock was the USS
>Chelsea Clinton.
MIKE: She knew that the USS Marrissa was coming out next week.
CROW: And we are coming out... and up... right now!
[*...1...2...3...4...5...6...SoL Control room. Tom is rubbing himself
against a power-buffer. Crow is dipping parts of himself in a bucket marked
"benzene", and Mike is taking a shower in a portable rig a la "The Karate
Kid" or "Kazaam". The female 18-35 demographics undergo another sharp rise.]
TOM: Mike, when do the feelings of dirtiness go away?
MIKE: I'm not sure. I'll want to devote at least a day to this, though.
CROW: Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick.
[Mad light flashes. Mike taps it. CP.]
PEARL: Got you this time, Nelson! You're on the ropes now! You're only a few
more experiments away from being french vanilla pudding!
[The Observer suddenly falters, and stumbles a little.]
BOBO: Brain guy, what's wrong?
OBSERVER: Don't call me that. I sense something...
OBSERVER: A presence I haven't felt since...
BOBO: Yes?
OBSERVER: Since...
PEARL and BOBO: *Yes?!*
OBSERVER: Since the middle of the fanfic!
PEARL: Now, who.... oh *no*!
[Marrissa suddenly appears.]
MARRISSA: Mortals, that was a very dirty trick to play on me! I was
*expecting* another reward, and got nothing.
PEARL: Well, sorry about that. We...
MARRISSA: I sense that you and this Nelstone fellow are having some sort of
PEARL: Well, you could say that. I...
MARRISSA: Say no more! I know how to settle disputes!
[Pearl disappears. SoL. Mike disappears. SoL Theatre. Shadows of Pearl, Mike
and Marrissa appear.]
MARRISSA: Now, you two will stay in here until you can settle your dispute.
MIKE: Now, hold on a minute. I...
[Marrissa disappears. SoL control room.]
TOM: We have to do something!
CROW: We have to do something!
BOBO: We have to do something!
OBSERVER: Indeed we do. Let's send them G.I. Jane!
CROW: Hmmm... Good plan...
TOM: Mmm-hmm!
[Fade and cue end credits as we hear Mike and Pearl screaming.]
Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations are
trademarks of and (c) 1994 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of
copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no
infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by Best Brains,
Inc. is intended or should be inferred. Also, no personal insult is intended
against Stephen Ratliff, who is a great sport about this treatment of his
work, and is thus admired by Internet MiSTies everywhere. Nevertheless, Mr.
Ratliff should expect therapy bills over that ending. Much personal insult
is intended against Mattel, Inc. for introducing two new dolls to their
Barbie line, Barbie's sister Skipper's friends, CHELSEA and MARRISSA, and
causing me nightmares galore during this MiSTing.
> "Give me a minute," Shoemate responded. "I think we can blame
>this on Venci, her foot seems to have knocked the Power Supply
>Controller out of it's socket."
-Dave Hines
Hurm. It would seem Ratliff has added "Dark Marrissa"'s distinctiveness
to his own. Now if only I can get him to copy the baby-eating scene...
Adam Cadre, Durham, NC
Stephen Ratliff
Stephen Ratliff CS Major, Radford University. Radford, Virginia 24142-7496's polite target. Marrissa Stories Author
FAQ Maintainer for alt.startrek.creative FAQs/
Index Maintainer as well index/
"Counselor, I've run starships for almost 30 years, faced Klingons,
Cardassians, Romulans, and Borg. I hardly think one twelve year old
girl could be much more trouble."
-CPT Jean-Luc Picard, "Battle For Bajor"
before he adopted Marrissa (famous last words)