"Unfortunately"? I think making one any *other* way would ruin things.
Sorry folks, but I have to reply to this one...
Hershaw, beyond the eight exclimation marks there is nothing new.
The Fidonet MST3K is a waste of time. I think they're waiting for
season five to end. I'll bet they don't know that season six exists.
Kinda plan for a 'thing' in Minneapolis in early September, say the weekend
after Labor Day...
Don't be sorry, Mike. I wish people would follow the group quietly
for a while before they posted questions/comments. Crazy idea: READ
over and out,
Pat Gomes
Admitting you read anything on Fidonet is worse than posting from Delphi.
:) <-- smile-captioned for the humor-impaired
John Mechalas \ If you can read this, you are too close.
Project Gutenberg \ "Okay I love you, bye-bye!" --Mindy
jo...@jg.cso.uiuc.edu \ These are my opinions. Mine! You can't
mech...@expert.cc.purdue.edu \ have them! They're mine!
On 20 Feb 1994 22:44:56 -0800, Hershaw Al-Barazi (hal...@eis.calstate.edu) surmised:
+ I just heard on Fidonet
CROW Woof, woof! Good boy!
MIKE This is gonna be painful!!!!!!!!!!!
TOM Too many exclamation points, Mike. *You* used 11.
+ that there is giong to be
TOM And now, the Giong Show, with your host.... Chuck Berris!
+ a MST3k movie! It is due to be finished in August
CROW Yes, DEAR, I'm doing it, DEAR...
+ and , unfortunately, will
+ justbe like any other episode.
MIKE Do be a justbe, don't be a wannabe.
TOM Like there's something *wrong* about being like *our* experiments?
MIKE I dunno, I might have something to say about that.
+ Can't wait! I have my doubts though...i
CROW About this post.
+ --
+ Another treasured thought from... WISEMAN. (In San Francisco)
MIKE Ar, me hearties, here's another treasurrrrrrrrred thought from
the WIIIIIIIIIIIIISEMAN. Shiver me timbers and all that.
+ Proudly mail to:hal...@eis.calstate.edu
TOM Where can we proudly send flames to?
+ "If you don't give a damn, you're welcome to keep it."--T.C.S.
MIKE Thanks!
+ "I wanna decide who lives and who dies."
CROW De-ja-fricking-VU, man!
+ "Luke, join me or star in Corvette Summer..."--Mike, M.S.T.3k
MIKE Hey.... I remember saying that!
TOM Probably because he *quoted* you?
CROW Well, guys, there's only one thing we can say:
ALL [unison] RTFFAQ! Argh!
Michael Sensor |Support your local anarcho-capitalist. Eschew
Duquesne Looniversity |collectivism. Dilute! Dilute! OK! OK!
School of Law |"Stay pink, soft, and oily!"
Pittsburgh, PA | -- Crow T. Robot
"Once with heads held up high they sang up to the sky/
Why do their shadows bow in fear?" -- N. Peart
It's actually nice for a change of flavor, kind of like ST:TNG and DS9.
(My apologies for the geeky analogy, I think everyone will understand
my meaning, though). They have a tighter community there, and they can
be surprisingly organized. It was their halloween party that you saw
featured on last year's Thanksgiving marathon, for instance. However,
you won't get any "steam in space" threads there. ;)
I agree with you about the Delphi prob...ahem...issue.
Hate to split hairs on this one, but only one person from Fidonet was
in attendance at TV's MSTieWeen '93. It was primarily AOL and Prodigy
people, and a couple of us I'net-types!<G> (Shh...good thing you said
it before AOL got USENET access....... okay, just kidding!;)
Ouch! I guess this isn't "Be Kind To Newbies Week" here at a.t.m. ;)
Actually, he got on my nerves too, so I mailed the FAQ/lists to him.
Hey if you can recall who they were (Erhardt, Larry Trujillo, etc...)
e-me! Sure would be nice to find out where all of 'em have run off to!
>over and out,
>Pat Gomes
FLYNN/Moonkitten sis...@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu
(A closet AOLer-turned-I'net-addict;)
[Gypsy voice] "You're evil! EEEEEEEEEVIIIL!!!!!" ;)