Hmm... lemme think this out. The story opens with a cliched (what else) and forced romance
between, err, I think his name is Mamoru... and Princess Usagi. He is holding her in his
"harms." Suddenly, for no real reason, all hell breaks loose. Usagi survives, and goes to tell
Mamoru of her survival. She also tells him that she will not survive the next fight. In the
second part, called "Imperium Silver Crystal Destroyed!" there is no Crystal, or silver. There
is some destruction. And some big monsters get beaten up by Usagi, minus her superpowers. The
"victorious" Usagi then dies as the monsters get chewed out by the Grand High Monsta-Masher, or
whatever. I think. I don't really remember. Very bland.
I'd have to say n/a. This is a three part fic with NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, going on at
all. Compared to this, The Starfighters was nothing but nonstop, nail biting action.
In the first part, it's Christmas. Makoto is making fudge. Judging by the way everyone is
acting, YES, it *is* that kind of "fudge." Though I doubt The Crystal Knight got this joke.
Santa Claus comes and Crystallina helps him deliver presents. The end. Really. No
complications, the entire journey with Santa is handled in about a paragraph.
In the second part, it's Valentine's Day. Crystallina wakes up and asks what Valentine's Day
is. She then delivers love to all the people... no, wait, sorry, that's just my wistful mind at
work. IF SHE HAD DONE ANYTHING I'd be satisfied, but instead she... umm... I think she kisses
Mamoru. The end.
Finally, the grand finale. you'd expect, after all the downtime, Crystal Knight would surprise
us with a huge drawn out battle of death and destruction. You know what? HE DOESN'T!!!!!
Instead, it's just another day in the boring life of Princess Crystallina. Seriously. NOTHING
Turn down your lights...
...but beware of eyestrain.
WT-03: Magic Holidays
In the not-too-distant future
Way down in Deep 13
Dr. Forrester
And Tv's Frank
Were hatching an Evil Scheme
They hired a temp by the name of Mike
Just a regular Joe they didn't like
Their experiment needed a new test case
So they conked him on the noggin and they shot him into space... (get me down!!!!!!)
"We're sending him awful fanfics
The worst
That were written (la la la)
He'll have to sit and watch them all
[spoken](Frank, PUT BACK that mitten!)
Now keep in mind
He can't control
When the story begins or ends
He's fighting for his sanity
To the amusement of his robot friends-"
CAMBOT (Elusive fellow)
GYPSY (What's with Basehart?)
TOM SERVO (Sarcastic little--)
CRO-O-O-O-W! (Nutball!)
If you're wondering how he eats and breaths
And other science facts (la la la)
Just repeat to yourself:
It's just a 'fic
I should really just relax!
For Mystery Fanfic Theater: 3000!