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[MiSTing] A Brother, Captain, and King 8/11 [NC-17]

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Kaitou Juliet

Jul 30, 2003, 11:28:53 PM7/30/03
CONTINUED from part 7

> Boromir kissed me again, then, and trailed down with his lips along my
> throat, down on my chest.

Joel: [Aragorn] Leaving a long, slobbery, wet trail. Oh, ick!

> Lying there, listening to the rustle of the
> wind in the leaves of Lorien, watching the few stars that managed to
> pierce the ever-green roof above us, I realised to my utter surprise
> that

Crow: [Aragorn] I was having sexual feelings for Boromir. I swore off
Hobbit weed from that night forward.

> my body did not mind its former mistreatment, contrary, I felt
> desire being slowly rekindled.

Joel: When was it kindled in the first place? The man was *raped*, for
Criminey's sake!

> Like the returning tide slowly lifts a stranded boat,

Crow: And then dashes it on the rocks?

> my Lovers kisses
> removed me from my former gloom,

Tom: [Aragorn] And plunged me into an entirely new and blacker one.

> revived my body with vigor from
> before unknown and unexpected stocks.

Joel: [Aragorn] I'd been very depressed since I lost a bundle on those
Isengard Lumber shares.

> I knew I wanted him,

Tom: Dead.

> wanted to
> see his face

Tom: ...mashed into a bloody pulp.

> filled with utter pleasure, wanted to feel his body

Tom: ...go limp as he expired.
Joel: Tom, what did I tell you?...

> moving against mine--even if this included to offer myself.

Crow: It'd be hard to feel his body moving against yours if you
*didn't* offer yourself, wouldn't it?
Tom: Actually, if you base the deduction on earlier behavior, not

> Beginning to return my Lovers caresses,

Joel: [Aragorn] --I threw a hard right hook, which he returned in kind.

> I leaned closer into his
> embrace, pressing our bodies against each other,

Tom: [singing] Yooooou are my speeeeecial angel....

> feeling the heat
> welling up in him once more, too.

Crow: [Aragorn] Boromir, I think your thermostat needs adjusting.

> "Will you try again?", I asked,

Tom: Do or do not--there is no try.

> looking at him with only a hint of the
> insecurity I felt. "Just be gentle this time."

Joel: When did they secretly replace Aragorn with a teenage girl?

> Gently I kissed him again, indulging in the sweet taste of his lips
> once more.

Tom: [Homer Simpson] Mmmm...lips.

> His sure embrace was so different from what I had know
> until that night,

Joel: [Aragorn] he was all hard and muscley, unlike Arwen...

> and my whole body began to answer his every touch.

Crow: First his ear said "hello," and then his nose asked, "How are
you?", and then his right eyelid said...

> In spite of my Lovers caresses I left our embrace to kneel next to
> him,

Crow: Sure that's not "in front of him"?

> eyeing his remaining clothing like a foe before battle.

Tom: [Aragorn] Stand and deliver, foul undergarments!
Crow: Yeah, the battle of the codpiece lasted well into the night.

> Boromirs
> seedy smile left me alone with the challenge,

Joel: Didn't they undress, like, four scenes ago?
Tom: Maybe this is a Pepsi Twist commercial.

> and with some effort I
> managed to pry him out of his leathern trousers,

Joel: Boromir wears lederhosen?
Crow: [Aragorn] Phew! You really should change these more than once a

> discarding any other
> rest of clothing on him on the way.

Crow: Jerkin' the jerkin!
Tom: So Aragorn's throwing random clothes on Boromir?

> We were there, in this little nightly grove,

Crow: So it shows up once a night and then disappears, or what?
Tom: Kinda like Brigadoon.

> now both wholly unclad,
> watching each other in trembling anticipation.

Joel: [Aragorn] I see you quiver with anticip...ation.
Crow: [Boromir] Yeah, well, so are you.

> He lay before me, his
> legs apart, as if offering me his most vulnerable parts.

Joel: [Aragorn] But hey, parts is parts.

> And what a
> tempting offer it was.

Tom: [Aragorn] I reached for my blade and emasculated him in one fell
Joel: You're liking this a little too much, Tom.

> I watched him, soaking up this picture to forever preserve it

Joel: He must be soaking it in formaldehyde.

> in my
> memory. Once more fascinated by the soft golden curls that surrounded
> the centre of my attention,

Crow: The face of Shirley Temple?

> I laid my hands between his legs, touching
> him, caressing him, watching his passionately sparkling eyes turn out
> of focus in match with my movements.

Joel: That must be an amusing focus! Out of focus! In
focus! Out of focus!

> So I bent down to kiss him, placing my lips onto the tip of his hilt,
> surprised by the odd sensation of strangeness and familiarity alike.

Crow: Joel, is Aragorn kissing Boromir's sword?
Joel: Sure, Crow...sure...

> Kissing him, caressing him, curiously trying to use my tongue,

Tom: If Aragorn doesn't know how to use his tongue, how does he talk?
Crow: He could always take lessons from Boromir. He's never really
had to talk much before, anyhow.

> I soon
> had to realise that I would still need some training

Tom: [Aragorn] Well, I'm off to the mountains to train with my
swordmaster! Keep things together while I'm gone, OK?

> until I could
> match my Lovers skills with this kind of weapon.

Joel: [sings, as Aragorn] Stop using sex as a weapon...

> Releasing him with a last smacking kiss,

Crow: Go Aragorn! Smack Boromir around as repayment!

> I raised my head to catch his
> look and asked:
> "What now?"

Joel: [Boromir] Let's go to DISNEYLAND!

> Boromir needed a moment to refocus enough to answer.

Tom: We don't have all night!
Joel: Is he blacking out again?

> Then he gestured
> me to move up to him and willingly I obeyed.

Crow: [Aragorn] yes,, Master...

> For a short while, we
> again lay in each others arms, kissing, caressing.

Joel: Haven't we been here before?

> Boromir carefully
> turned the two of us around, so that I came to lay upon him, my back
> on his chest, feeling his every breath.

Tom: Does Boromir have gills? He seems to be breathing out of his

> His hands covered my body with gentle strokes,

Crow: [Bob Ross] Happy little strokes! Making happy little trees and

> caressing my chest, my
> stomach, firmly yet gently holding my eagerly expecting manhood.

Tom: His manhood's expecting? Is it a boy or a girl?

> I
> could feel his own hardness hot between my buttocks, pressed against
> me with soft rhythmic motions.

Crow: [Aragorn] Then I realized it was Morse Code!
Tom: [Aragorn, deciphering]'t...breathe....

> Feeling my Lovers desire with all my
> Body,

Crow: Leave Jesse Ventura out of this!

> hearing his breath go unsteady and short so close to my ears
> made me twitch with anticipation.

Joel: [Aragorn] Or maybe it was the nervous tic I developed after being
raped and then convincing myself it was all good. Who knows?

> One of his hands then wandered deeper between my legs, gently probing,
> carefully preparing this time.

Joel: This reminds me of a proctologist's visit I had once...

> Filled with anticipation as I was, the
> memory of the pain endured such a short while ago was only a mere
> wraith

Tom: What do you mean, "mere"? Those Ringwraiths are scary!

> compared to the warm glowing sun of my Lovers passion, and my
> reaction when he finally entered me with his fingers was one of uneasy
> unfamiliarity, not one of pain.

Tom: The same can be said of frostbite or heavy industral chemical
Joel: When touching feels funny, it's hard to know what to do.

> Trying to relax was unexpectedly hard,

Crow: You think he'd expect *that*, of all things...

> though, as my body wanted to go
> tense with desire, anticipating passionate thrusting movements, not
> the gentle ease of someone giving himself.

Tom: A headache?

> But Boromir took great care
> this time, and under his hands I mellowed more and more, slowly
> getting used to this utterly unfamiliar sensation.

Tom: I'd say Aragorn inhaled, eh?
Crow: Boromir's a shiatsu massage master.
Joel: How is this unfamiliar? It just happened ten minutes ago!

> "Just say 'no', if I'm to quick", he whispered, gently nibbling at my
> ear.

Crow: Yeah, 'cause you listened to that *so* well the first time.

> And then, before I had the time to

Crow: [Aragorn] Come to my senses and say no

> tense up again, he entered my body
> once more.

Joel: Boromir's on a "Fantastic Voyage".

> Not in a single thrust, but in a steady, gliding motion,
> allowing me to concentrate on the feel of him filling me more and
> more,

Crow: [Dr. Smith] Oh, the *paiiiiiin*....

> my senses, over-sensitive as they were,

Tom: Aragorn IS Jim Ellison IN "The Sentinel of the Rings"!

> enhancing the intruding
> length to a giant's proportion.

Joel: That's a trick millions of men would pay top dollar for!

> Boromir let out a deep rumbling sound,

Tom: Is he *purring* now?
Crow: [Boromir] Sorry, I didn't have any lunch.

> shuddering with pleasure, and I
> have to admit that I probably accompanied him with my own assortment
> of ill-bred noises.

Tom: So they're both burping and farting during sex?
Joel: Boy, that sure is romantic...

> The sensation when he finally started moving was
> odd, not unpleasant, yet so unfamiliar it took some time to make sense
> out of it.

Tom: [Aragorn] Then I realized it was like biting into a York
Peppermint Pattie.

> Yet while my head still struggled with the concept,

Crow: [Aragorn] Boromir's...der...doing...uhh...

> my body and heart
> had already decided they liked what happened. My heart, for one, felt
> Boromirs pleasure,

Tom: [Aragorn/Bill Clinton] I feel your pleasure!

> his movements screaming with carefully harnessed
> desire. My body, unexpectedly and not really understandably,

Joel: Ah--someone's finally speaking some sense.

> reacted
> with waves of pleasure of surprising magnitude.

Tom: 7.5 on the Richter scale!

> My mind, being
> confronted with its allies on both sides running over to the enemy,
> decided to give in and followed the herd,

Crow: Well, the metaphors are mixing with such urgency, I'm not sure I
can keep up.

> and soon I lay on top of my
> Lover, groaning, sweating, catching for breath, grunting silly
> confirmations into Boromirs ear.

Joel: [Aragorn] Your boat trip to the Grey Havens is set for Saturday.
Oh, wait. You're human.

> I felt his passion mount in him, building up like pressure in a barrel
> of young wine, waiting to be released, screaming for freedom.

All: [William Wallace] FREEEEEEDOM!

> It was a
> marvelling experience to feel the tense passion of a man approaching
> his peak,

Crow: So we're getting to the top of Mount Boromir.
Joel: I'm not sure if I should yell at you for that or not, Crow.
Tom: You can't, Joel. It works on so many levels.

> feeling the whole of Boromirs body underneath me growing
> tense and jerky,

Crow: "Growing"? He's been tense and jerky this whole story.
Tom: Jerky, at least.
Joel: I'm suddenly hungry for some dried beef.

> his breath more and more rapid. And though my own
> body was nowhere as aroused as he was, when his barrel finally burst,

Joel: --dousing us both with cold water.
Tom: These two could use that about now.

> I felt so close to his mind that I thought

Tom: [Aragorn] Oh, wait. If I'm close to Boromir's mind, then I
couldn't have thought.

> I could feel with him,
> feeling him contract to a singular point of pure passion,

Tom: And then imploding into nothing, the resultant black hole
destroying Aragorn as well?

> exploding
> into sparks, ebbing away into utter pleasure.

Crow: Udder pleasure?
Tom: MoooOOOOoooo!

> Breathing heavily, I lay on top of him, still reliving the moment of
> his highest passion again and again,

Joel: Like a pornographic _Groundhog Day_.

> until he finally withdrew himself
> from my body. I rolled down of my Lover,

Tom: [Aragorn] I figured I could stuff a quilt with the down later.

> welcoming the cooling feel
> of sweat on my skin.

Joel: Sounds great, huh?

> Boromir lay there, eyes still half-closed, but smiling and so benignly
> beautiful I could hardly believe him to be the same man that almost
> raped me but some time ago.

Joel: Me, neither. And what's with the "almost"?
Crow: Aragorn's mastered the art of denial.
Tom: Yet to come is the "eating Ben & Jerry's in the dark" phase. But
the healing will go on.

> His sweat-covered body shone in the
> starlight, his heaving chest glittering as if covered with crystals.

Tom: I keep expecting him to leap up and start dancing.

> Opening his eyes, he looked at me, full of love, and pulled me up to
> meet his lips in one more, passionate kiss, his body radiating almost
> searing heat.

Joel: The part of Boromir will now be played by Makoto Shishio.

> "Your turn, now?", he asked when our lips finally parted.

Crow: [Aragorn] I'll take the dare. The truth is just too painful.

> "I'm not sure I know what to do", I answered,

Tom: C'mon, Tab A goes into Slot B. How hard is that?!

> cheekily raising one
> eyebrow.

Joel: That's almost a "Tom Swiftie", isn't it?

> "But you'd want to, don't you?"

Crow: [Boromir] You know you want me, Baby.

> And how I wanted to! All my body still prickled with the aftertaste of
> my Lovers peaking emotions, craving to burst a barrel myself,

Crow: [Aragorn] Ye gods, how I crave beer right now!
Tom: A drunken stupor might be his only saving grace, at this point.

> craving
> to return to at least something remotely familiar in this kind of
> making love.

Crow: If it involves Care Bears, we're leaving.

> Nodding empathetically,

Joel: [Aragorn] Just call me Aragorn Troi.

> I rose on my elbows, showing my
> outstanding readiness to Boromir and all else who might have been
> spying.

Crow: [Aragorn] I'm talking about YOU, Gimli! I see you hiding in
the bushes there!

> Boromir in turn laughed out loud,

Joel: Sure to inspire confidance in any man.

> turned on his side and
> motioned me to lay behind him.
> "Come", he said,

Tom: [Aragorn] That was the plan, you git.

> "I shall help you. And don't worry, it will come most
> naturally."

Crow: Again, with the riffing itself...

> I did as I had been told, cuddling myself to his back, sneaking my
> arms around his shoulders.

Tom: Piggyback rides!
Crow: [Aragorn] Giddy-up, Boromir!

> Feeling his firm buttocks

Joel: [Aragorn] You've been doing that "buns of steel" workout, haven't

> pressing
> invitingly into my lap, I understood what he ment when he said it
> would come naturally.

Crow: Okay, we got that, like, ten lines ago...

> I knew very well where to go next, though I
> shied back from making a move myself, still remembering the pain such
> unprepared an intrusion could bring.

Tom: Oh, you mean like during the RAPE!!?

> But he did as he promised and took care of himself,

Crow: So Boromir apparently didn't even wait for Aragorn, then.

> all the while I
> was caressing his chest, covering his back with gentle bites.

Tom: [Aragorn] I'd gotten tired of waiting for that sandwich he'd
promised me, so I just decided he would have to sate my hunger

> Then he
> reached behind him, through the gap between his opened legs, gently
> showing me the way to go.

Joel: I'd like to show them both where to go.

> Trusting his guidance, I carefully increased my pressure,
> unnecessarily fearing I might accidentally hurt him.

Tom: [Aragorn] Instead of purposely hurting him, as I most wanted to

> But then,
> suddenly, I felt him open,

Crow: For a special one-day sale!

> taking me in, slowly accepting a part of my
> body into himself. The sensation was odd at first, then slightly
> tight,

Tom: [Aragorn] --then *very* tight. Oops, I think I'm stuck.

> and finally surprising familiar. Familiar enough for even my
> body to remember what to do.

Joel: Aragorn's body and Boromir's brain are on about the same speed.

> I started moving in him gently, slowly,
> carefully. Boromir drew in his breath sharply, and I halted myself.

Crow: [Aragorn] He's still breathing. I must be doing something wrong.

> "All right?", I asked him, my voice betraying far more of my passion
> then I had hoped.

Tom: Yes, heaven forbid in this situation that you show you might
actually *like* the guy...

> He nodded jerkily,

Joel: He's rude, even now.

> firmly cupping my buttocks with his hands. "Will
> you go on, bloody hell!", he gasped,

Crow: He's so impatient! What happened to savoring the moment?

> his breath short and his voice
> coarse, yet very far from being filled with pain. "Don't you dare to
> stop, you--", he added, his last comment being cut short when he
> sharply sucked

Tom: This whole story sharply sucks.

> in air in answer to a passionate thrust of my loins.
> I didn't stop again. Not too soon, anyway.

Crow: He's such a tease!

> Tightening my embrace
> around him, I slowly increased my speed,

Tom: [Aragorn] Going from "blend" to "mix" and finally up to "puree"!

> feeling his body move with
> mine, feeling me inside of him, luxuriating in every move.

Tom: Boromir has morphed into a hot tub.

> I knew I
> must have started growling of passion before long, moving ferociously,
> Boromir in my arms answering with noises not unlike those of a
> laughing orc.

Joel: ...and this, my friends, is what we call a "mood-killer".
Tom: Funny, I thought "mood-killer" is what we called Boromir...

CONTINUED in part 9

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