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Oct 3, 2012, 8:04:35 PM10/3/12
Sábado, 29 de Septiembre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

express our condolences, prayers and love to the families of the
victims that lost their loved ones and friends on Thursday afternoon
as a disgruntled worker, and probably mentally ill, returned to the
sing-making business to settle his differences with his boss and
others that happen to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
We lament such a terrible lose of precious lives at the hands of a
disgruntled worker—things like this should never happen at any working
place—disputes should be settled by seeking help from others
We know that our heavenly Father sent His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ to save the lost of the world, and to settle once-in-for-all
the sin problem that had not only destroyed Adam and Eve’s life in
paradise but also their children, so they may return to heaven in the
last day of their lives on earth.
All of them ascended to our heavenly Father’s holy presence because
the atoning-blood price that our Lord Jesus Christ paid for their
souls eternal salvation at Jerusalem’s holy hill claimed them
immediately for our heavenly Father’s new glories in heaven, so they
may return to Him to continue to be His legitimate children liberated
from sin, Satan, and hell forever into eternity.
For the moment that our Lord Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin
daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit, then their new lives were
born too with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of
their newly divine body that each one of them will receive as they
ascend to heaven to enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence
forever saved.
For our Lord Jesus Christ lived a very holy life not only to please
the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments and of the blessed name but
also to save the living soul of every man, woman and child within
Israel and of the nations, so they may return to the home of their
birth from the Holy Spirit, in heaven.
And as our Lord Jesus Christ was unjustly judged and condemned by
those that had seen him do our heavenly Father’s works thus to teach
them words of life to become born from the Holy Spirit, so they may
abandon their sinful bodies to the grave and, simultaneously, receive
his glorified body to reenter heaven forever saved, then he did not
condemn anyone.
Instead, our Lord Jesus Christ said: Father, forgive them because they
do not know what they are doing!
Here, our Lord Jesus Christ blessed with eternal blessings and
salvation every living soul within Israel and the nations as well, so
they may become saved from the power of sin and its terrible darkness
that blinds the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man,
woman and child on earth.
Here, our Lord Jesus Christ blessed into everlasting the living souls
of the last Thursday afternoon Minneapolis shooting, and we trust in
our heavenly Father that He will not only continue to console the
hearts of the families and friends that have been impacted with this
tragic event but also bless them mightily every day by the power of
His name.
Truly, our heavenly Father wants you to know that He has received in
paradise the precious living souls, bought by the power of the Lamb’s
atoning-blood (Jesus Christ) shed since Creation day, so they may walk
the way, truth and life that leads every one on earth and angels in
heaven through perfect righteousness to conquer glories for His
blessed name. Amen!

expresar nuestro amor incondicional, oraciones y condolencias a cada
una de las familias de las victimas de éste terrible diluvio que en el
sur de España ha sufrido recientemente, como en Málaga, Andalucía y
Murcia, por ejemplo, en donde el agua ha llegado a las familias
malagueñas y murcianas con gran destrucción traicionera.
Pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado de su Hijo
Jesucristo, que bendiga grandemente a cada una de estas familias
sufridas por las aguas crecidas que han desbordado el río inmediato,
inundado así sus casas para destruir todo lo que tenían y hasta
llevarse la vida preciosa de sus muy amados y amistades de siempre,
Al presente, los desaparecidos se encuentran en la presencia gloriosa
de nuestro Padre celestial, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo los compró
con su sangre santísima cuando la derramó gloriosamente clavado a los
árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva y sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en
Israel, para perdonar sus pecados y escribir sus nombres en el libro
de la vida.
Por lo tanto, ellos caminan con nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el reino
de los cielos para hacer muchas cosas gloriosas que nuestro Padre
celestial requiere de cada uno de ellos y de sus ángeles gloriosos,
Ellos son felices en su nueva vida infinita del reino angelical,
porque al fin no solamente conocen cara a cara a nuestro Padre
celestial y a su Hijo Jesucristo, sino que también están llenos del
Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos infinitamente glorificados en
la tierra de Israel para gloria y honra infinita del nombre santísimo
de nuestro Padre celestial.
Ellos gozan de gran felicidad paradisíaca porque ya no viven más en
tinieblas sino en la luz gloriosa de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de su
Espíritu Santo, para servir perpetuamente, así como los ángeles lo han
hecho desde la eternidad, a nuestro Padre celestial y a su nombre
eternamente bendito, para alcanzar nuevas santidades aún no alcanzadas
por las huestes angelicales.
Por eso, nuestro amor incondicional es para cada una de las familias
de las victimas del diluvio que les ha causado grandes estragos, pero
aunque esto es cierto, nuestro Padre celestial es infinitamente
Todopoderoso a cada hora de nuestras vidas para no solamente
consolarlos de tanto dolor y sufrimiento sino para llenarlos de
bendiciones sobrecogedoras celestiales y terrenales, también, para
Y estas son bendiciones milagrosas, para enriquecer sus vidas en estos
días en la tierra y en la eternidad venidera, dado que aunque nuestro
enemigo con sus secuaces de las tinieblas de siempre nos quieren
empobrecer traicioneramente, nuestro Padre celestial es aún
infinitamente rico por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu
Santo para darnos muchas cosas cada día.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial nos enriquecerá con riquezas del
cielo y de la tierra para enriquecernos a cada hora de nuestras vidas
y hasta que ya no nos falte ningún bien jamás, porque sus milagros
vienen a nosotros uno tras otro, como gotas de lluvia, y sin que nos
demos cuenta de nada hasta que nos vemos transformados
Hoy, gózate mucho porque tus muy amados y hasta tus vecinos de siempre
que se los llevó el agua cruel y traicionero han vencido a la muerte
para vivir perpetuamente felices en su hogar angelical con nuestro
Padre celestial y su árbol de la vida, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para
comer y beber diariamente de su fruto de vida, su Espíritu Santo.

Obediently, if in these days you follow our heavenly Father’s
instructions, then His glory will appear before you because He loves
you with the same love that He has always felt for His Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach and His holy angels in heaven, and this is since the
early days of eternity. For it is our heavenly Father’s will to
manifest His glory before you so you may know Him as your personal God
and eternal savior through His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit later to manifest eternally
before the nations over Jerusalem’s holy hill.

Truly, our heavenly Father can only speak to you these days just as He
personally spoke to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for example, through the
glorious perfection and sanctity of His blessed Son’s sacrificed life,
sacrificed before His Altar in heaven previous to the creation of the
world, so He may bless you mightily immediately on earth and in
paradise forever. For our heavenly Father is a very holy God and He
will never manifest Himself before any one on earth much less in
heaven unless is through the perfection and holiness of His Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he not only is His perfect Lamb with
the atoning-blood but also priest and King of His people forever into

Moreover, our heavenly Father has given birth to each one us in His
image thus to live according to His perfect and holy likeness on earth
and in heaven forever into eternity only to know love, peace,
prosperity, and endless joys of the heart that loves Him through the
atoning-blood of His continuous celestial-sacrifice from heaven above,
our Lord Jesus Christ! Surely, without His celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai lastly to manifest in our days over Jerusalem’s holy hill,
our heavenly Father would have never given birth to any of us in His
image in heaven to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness
on earth and forever into eternity.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to conduct first
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the
Holy of Holiest’s Altar in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock
later to be manifested over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may finally
give birth in His image Adam and Eve, so they may have children for
His name’s glory. Furthermore, our heavenly Father has made His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven our perfect salvation over Mount Sinai’s summit
and over Jerusalem’s holy hill these days, so we may become born from
the Holy Spirit of His anointed name and eternal Ten Commandments thus
to enter into eternal life instantaneously forever saved.

In good time, from Mount Sinai’s summit, and probably at great
distances, Moses saw first our heavenly Father’s glory manifested
within His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that
was crying out for Israel deliverance from Egypt’s eternal slavery to
escape to the Chosen Land where the Messiah would be born with
everyone’s eternal salvation to ascend to heaven forever saved. And
this is power and authority crying out from heaven not only for
Israel’s freedom from Egypt’s slavery but also for the salvation of
every nation on earth because He is the God of the heavens and earth,
as well, so He loves every living human being just as much as He has
always loved His blessed Son Jesus Christ.

Moreover, our heavenly Father desires constantly that we should be
living with Him already saved by His Chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood and
filled with the Holy Spirit of our first birth in heaven and from our
second birth on earth by invoking His Son Jesus Christ thus to enter
eternal life to reclaim our divine life lost in paradise to Satan’s
lies. For there are amazing powers and authorities these days within
our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed since Creation day thus to subdue every darkness on earth
so every man, woman and child may be born into the world from heaven
above to know the glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son
Jesus Christ as King of Salem, Melchizedek, so he may not only be a
Lamb and priest to ancient Israel but also to the people that He had
chosen to serve Him forever, beginning with Abram and Sarah his wife.
For Melchizedek as God’s Righteousness in heaven and on earth was to
serve the bread and wine of the Lord’s Table to Abram and his allies,
so not only a new nation may be born into the world to honor His Son’s
sacrificed life perpetually but also grant us a new divine-body with
the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood for everyone’s
sinless life.

For this is the glory that our heavenly Father has not only given to
Israel but also to the nations so they may all know Him through the
glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, born
from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter to glorify His
name and commandments within every one’s heart, forever into all
eternity. And as Abram with his friends ate and drank from the Lord’s
Table the bread and wine, then they were eating and drinking from the
hand of Melchizedek his broken body and atoning-blood shed initially
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai later to be
manifested worldwide over Jerusalem’s holy hill for people to believe
in him everlastingly.

For it is necessary these days for every one to eat and drink from him
the bread of life and the wine that blesses our hearts and eternal
souls, so we may have a healthy body and happy human spirit ready to
love, serve and glorify His blessed name and honorable commandments on
earth and in heaven forever into eternity. Moreover, the Holy Spirit
that began to descend from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over Mount Sinai’s injured rock continues to this day to shed not only
over Jerusalem’s holy hill within every one’s heart but also
throughout the land for darkness must die for the world to shine
brilliantly as heaven shines into all eternity these days.

For it is our heavenly Father’ s will that His Holy Spirit may never
stop descending from within the Holy of Holiest and from His
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood not only
until Israel recognizes His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
as His appointed King and savior but also until the nations shine with
salvation into eternity. For our heavenly Father’s will is to save the
entire world from darkness but also turn it into a glorious land, so
glorious as heaven itself with perfection and sanctities everywhere
for His angels to live with His children from Israel and the nations
thus to become one big family that will love Him only through His
Son’s sacrificed-life into eternity.

Accordingly, our heavenly Father will never cease to send His Holy
Spirit with abundant power and authority directly from His first
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that took place
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured
rock later to manifest over Jerusalem’s holy hill until His glory is
manifested in Israel and within you, too. Meaning also that our
heavenly Father has given you birth into His image thus to manifest
the glory of His likeness within you but only through the fruit of
life from His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood
shed since Creation day, so you may glorify His name in the midst of
darkness that is ready to take the nations into perdition.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has made you part of His
eternal continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that
not only erases your sins forever before His glorious presence but
also gives you eternal life thus to manifest our heavenly Father’s
glory here on earth these days and in heaven forever with His holy
angels. Because, in heaven the angels are going to glorify our
heavenly Father well into all eternity by praising and exalting His
blessed name over your entire new life because of all the glorious
things that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach has not only conquered for you
but also granted you his personal blessings of perfection and
righteousness so you may shine everlastingly.

For this is the glory within you coming directly from the fruit of
life from His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed since Creation day that will cause you to be born from the
Holy Spirit to live a miracle life that has fulfilled, glorified,
exalted our heavenly Father’s blessed name and eternal commandments
only to conquer new glories into eternity. It is here where our
heavenly Father needs to see you, reconciled to Him with your sins
forgiven forever, enriched by the every day blessing from the gifts of
His Holy Spirit, so you may finally find that glorious life, filled
with endless miracles and marvels works that can only manifest before
you amazing prodigies to startled your heart for all time.

It is here where you belong before our heavenly Father’s presence
always attached to His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day so you may live apart from the
spirit of error that will never glorify the Holy Spirit of His blessed
name much less exalt His honorable commandments—nonetheless, all these
are possible already today through His Holy Spirit. For in the spirit
of error you were born in Satan’s rebellious-life only to stumble
always before our heavenly Father’s works that through His Holy Spirit
and His Son Jesus Christ’s glorious life has established not only
within Israel but also within every nation, however, with the Holy
Spirit in you, you will never stumble but enjoy every work done by

That is to say, also that within the spirit of error you will live
forever a failed-life because you are completely blind just as Satan
is blind before our heavenly Father and His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day in heaven
and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but with the Holy Spirit in you, you
will always see everything. With the Holy Spirit in you, you will not
only see that you are forgiving from your sins by our heavenly
Father’s grace manifested through His Son Jesus Christ’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice in heaven within the Holy of Holiest and on earth
over Jerusalem’s holy hill but also you will see every blessing coming
into your life every day forever into eternity.

Utterly, with the spirit of error in you, you will remain always blind
to all things, nothing you will be able to hear with your ears, your
understanding will be forever limited, you will be absent from even
the Sun’s light to live in darkness until you die, however, with the
Holy Spirit you are completely awaken to our heavenly Father’s
fullness. And this is our heavenly Father’s glory manifested within
your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit because you have been
born again to return to the Holy Spirit’s glory that our heavenly
Father established in heaven as you were born in His image to live
according to His likeness always dressed in the richness of His Holy

That is true: You are our heavenly Father’s glory on earth and in
heaven, and all thanks to the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit that
brought our Lord Jesus Christ into the Promised Land, so he may become
the milk and honey that flows forever thus to feed us the bread and
wine that pleases our heavenly Father today and everlastingly. And who
knows our heavenly Father’s fullness? You may say, however, that there
is no one on earth that knows our heavenly Father’s fullness.

Nevertheless, you could never be more wrong than ever today, because
someone great and amazing has been born in the midst of men by the
power of the Holy Spirit and through the virgin womb of one of David’s
daughter that knows our heavenly Father’s fullness as no one else will
in heaven, and this is His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach! And there
is someone else in heaven and that abides with faithful men on earth
also that knows our heavenly Father’s fullness, and this is the Holy
Spirit—the Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father that gave you birth
initially into His image to live according to His likeness, so you may
know these days and everlastingly His majestic fullness.

That is correct: Our heavenly Father has given you powers and
authority through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s glorious life by the
ever present anointment of the Holy Spirit to know His fullness by
being born from His Holy Spirit that will lead you into an every day
victorious life won over the Jerusalem’s holy hill wooden cross
against Satan’s deadly lies. Moreover, our heavenly Father has done
these wonderful and amazing works of salvation by the amazing powers
of the Holy Spirit and the victorious life of His Son Jesus Christ
over Satan’s lies not only because He had to—given that He is your
constant affectionate Father—but, because He loves you beyond all
human understanding on earth and in heaven forever.

This is the reason that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had to enter into
the Promised Land not as Joshua did with the Israelite armies but
through the virgin womb of David’s daughter, so he may fulfill the
Holy Spirit of the commandments furthermore pay for you sins with
death on the cross thus conquer everyone’s personal salvation on earth
and in heaven. And this majestic work of salvation could have only be
accomplished on earth by the amazing power of our heavenly Father’s
personal love not only to His blessed Son Jesus Christ but because of
the trustworthy love that He feels with that amazing power within His
holy heart for each one of us on earth these days and forever into

This means that as our heavenly Father sees you from heaven, then He
is not only seeing you through His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day but also He sees you with
the same ancient power of His unfailing love for you, so you may
someday soon, as these days, return to Him to stay forever saved. That
is why that you must return to His arms today, the sooner the better,
because of the salvation work that He has personally done through the
years in heaven and on earth with the glorious life of His Holy Spirit
and blessed Son Jesus Christ, the righteousness of God in heaven for
the angels and on earth for humankind perpetually.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father wants to see you now
living within the glorious life of the new world from heaven above,
while you are still living on earth, by being born quickly from the
Holy Spirit, so He will not have to cry and suffer anymore because of
you nor His Son and His Holy Spirit. Really, our heavenly Father wants
you in heaven today, because He has cried and suffered because of you
and your rebellious loved ones since even before Israel and the
nations were born on this earth, so you may live the life, and not the
one that you want to but, instead His perfect and righteous life on
earth and in heaven forever.

For in heaven our heavenly Father has been crying and sufferings the
pains that you cause His righteous heart by rejecting His glorious
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
that He personally executed over His sacrificial table before His
angelic host at Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may return to Him today
forever saved because He loves you everlastingly. If truth be told:
our heavenly Father has anointed you with the Holy Spirit of His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy
of Holiest’s Altar even before you were born in His image to live
according to His likeness forever, therefore you have powers and
authorities working always in your favor, regardless where you may
live in these days.

Duly, these days you have powers from the Holy Spirit that our
heavenly Father has granted to you so you may live a glorious life
always above Satan’s lie that he has spoken against you in paradise to
blind you never to know the divine person filled with love, talents,
power, and endless happiness that you truly are today and forevermore.
Because, the person that you truly are before our heavenly Father,
indeed, is someone just like Him, from head to foot: divine, loving
and humble to do always that which is right, true and justice for any
one that may need that divine assistance in moments of great need thus
to live a pleasant life on earth and in heaven forever blessed.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father has provided abundantly the Holy
Spirit of love, truth and justice through His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day so you
may have it today, and this is to have His glorious life that He has
personally implanted in you as His image thus to live according to His
likeness for His name’s glory. And it is here where you find the love,
peace, prosperity and endless happiness that our heavenly Father has
granted you to possess and enjoy in the days of your entire life on
earth and in heaven forever, so you may love, serve and worship Him
with endless richness that your soul will give out always, thanks to
Jesus Christ’s salvation-work!

For this is our heavenly Father’s glory that He personally wants you
to receive these days directly from His supreme celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so His glory may
shine within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit in the
midst of Satan’s darkness on this earth that rebelled against Him
initially in heaven. And this rebellion caused that one third of all
the angels in heaven would believe a lie against our heavenly Father
and His Son Jesus Christ, so the Holy Spirit cast them out from the
holy presence of our heavenly Father—never again to enjoy the amazing
daily blessings of heaven because of their eternal rebellion against
love, truth, and justice.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needs to defeat Satan’s
darkness and his terrible lies within your entire being so He may be
honored and glorified in heaven by His faithful angels for the great
salvation work that His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, has
done in you by the power of the Holy Spirit. And once you glorify and
honor our heavenly Father within your heart by invoking Jesus Christ
as your personal redeemer then His glory will come into you thus to
stay for the rest of your entire life on earth by performing miracles
and wonderful things for you and others, too, so people may know that
you are His rightful child heavenly bound forever.

Straightforwardly, this is a glorious blessing that angels would love
to have received from our heavenly Father through His blessed Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and the amazing power of the Holy Spirit, but
they have not yet—giving that they were never born from our heavenly
Father’s image to live according to His likeness however, instead they
are created angelic spirits. Yet, we have received these wonderful
blessings from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ since we
were born from His image to live according to His likeness on earth
and in heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments, so we may live as especial people within His
holy presence forever saved.

This means that we are entitled to receive every blessing of love,
power, increase, and amazing endless joys of our hearts, souls, minds,
bodies and human spirit these days just as our heavenly Father is
blessed continuously in heaven from everlasting to everlasting by His
faithful angels and His blessed Son Jesus Christ within the ever
presence of the Holy Spirit. These are powerful blessings that Satan
does not want you to know much less receive them within your heart so
you may live a life that our heavenly Father has given you to live in
this world, so you may defeat every darkness that may come against you
and your loved ones, including your friends, moreover glorify Him at
last forever.

For Satan know that as you pray in faith before our heavenly Father to
forgive your sins through the glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood shed over the sacrificial table in heaven within the
Holy of Holiest and over Mount Sinai’s summit later to be shed over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, then: blessings enter into your life without
measure. For our heavenly Father’s glory in you is that you may not
only become born again from the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments but also that you may be from head to foot as His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may do the duties of
his priesthood for your loved ones and friends from everywhere.

That is the glory that our heavenly Father is looking to see in you
these days that you may become as perfect and as holy as His Son Jesus
Christ is in heaven before Him and His angelic hosts, always doing His
will, so new glories may be conquered for His blessed name and eternal
commandments into all eternity. For there is no greater possible glory
in heaven much less on earth than to be from head to foot as His
blessed Son Jesus Christ filled with perfection and holiness thus to
do always His perfect will awakening this way infinite glories to His
blessed name and glorified commandments on earth and within the New
Jerusalem from heaven above.

Amazingly, in heaven you will always enjoy all the blessings of
prayers and good deeds that you may have done before our heavenly
Father in the name of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because all the
things you do, beginning with prayers and services to His blessed
name, truthfully are registered eternally in heaven never to be
forgotten into all eternity. Because, it is our heavenly Father’s will
that every one within Israel and the families of the nations may
become as perfect and as holy as His blessed Son Jesus Christ is
through a glorious initial birth from the Holy Spirit, so He may have
children of His own righteously born from His divine-seed always
willing to please Him everywhere forever.

For sure, no one can ever say before our heavenly Father that he will
never be able to bring glory to His blessed name and glorified
commandments, because our heavenly Father has diligently commanded His
Holy Spirit since Creation day to pour all over the earth from within
the Holy of Holiest and directly from His Altar, so to subdue
darkness. And this is darkness of every one that is held back by
Satan’s lies so the spirit of error may never allow him/her to escape
from the way of lies, curses, and death to be born again from the Holy
Spirit’s glory that gave him/her initially birth from our heavenly
Father’s image to live according to His likeness forever into

Definitely, it is within this glorious birth from the Holy Spirit that
you will not only escape Satan’s lies, curses, and the sure grave in
hell, but also you will awaken into the life of our Lord Jesus Christ
that is filled with perfection and holiness that pleases our heavenly
Father’s righteous heart these days and well into all eternity in
heaven. Because, as you believe within your heart for justice to
confess with your lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ’s anointed
name, then, you are removed immediately from the spirit of error that
caused you to believe in Satan’s lies, curses, and eternal death in
hell thus to ascend into our Lord Jesus Christ’s life filled with
love, truth and justice forever.

For this is our heavenly Father’s glory that you will be perfect as He
is (perfect), and that you will be holy as He is (holy), and this
perfection and holiness that our heavenly Father is looking to find in
you can only come within a new birth from the Holy Spirit to be born
into His blessed Son’s glorious life. Because, every one that is born
from the Holy Spirit is for the purpose to escape Satan’s sinful-life
filled with the spirit of error that is craving to take you always
into a new lie, curse, infirmity, and finally death, so you will never
know much less feel what really is to please our heavenly Father by
living His Son’s victorious resurrected-life.

Now, you may abandon Satan’s sinful-life filled with the spirit of
error that will never fulfill much less glorify our heavenly Father’s
Holy Spirit of the commandments by being born from the Holy Spirit
that descends incessantly from within the Holy of Holiest’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, so you
may live in perpetual happiness starting today. For this is the
glorious life that our heavenly Father has not only given to you the
day you were born from the Holy Spirit in His image to live according
to His likeness forever in heaven, but this is the only true life that
your heart, soul, mind, body, and human spirit know to enjoy these
days and forever into eternity.

This is the glory that your heart has always searched for since day
one on earth, and that it has always asked you to find it anywhere
possible thus to enjoy the every day blessing that descends
progressively from our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood from heaven above, but you have constantly
failed to obtain it until now. And you will never find this glorious
life from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ no matter where
you may search for it on earth, because the spirit of error from which
you were born from your mother’s womb does not know it much less
possesses it, however the Holy Spirit knows where to find it for you,
in Jesus Christ!

Definitely, the moment you believe within your heart for justice to
confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ who died on
Jerusalem’s holy hill wooden cross to resurrect on the third day by
ascending to open heaven’s gates for eternal life, then you are Holy
Spirit’s born into a divine life that belongs to you since time
without end. These days, as you may receive our heavenly Father’s
glory by being born from the Holy Spirit to escape Satan’s sinful-life
by entering immediately into our Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation-life
that has always fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
glorified commandments, then you will live your life as you have never
live it before, filled with joy into perpetuity.

Then, do not look around anymore because the life that you have always
searched for, richly blessed by our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit through the fruit of life that initially was offered to Adam in
heaven, certainly it is here with us so we may eat from it to live
life to the full for our soul’s newly found happiness. It is here
where our heavenly Father will do away with your problems,
difficulties, infirmities, and threats of death, because now you are
walking in the path of perfection and righteousness that our Lord
Jesus Christ granted us to have as he said to everyone: I am that I

Listen to me: I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can come
into my Father’s holy presence except he comes through me first. This
is the path that led Israel out of Egypt, and that our heavenly Father
has granted for us to walk in this world always ascending into the
next one to come as within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where
He is loved, exalted, and glorified by His holy angels for the honor
of His blessed name and eternal commandments.

Incontrovertibly, as you walk in this glorious path that our heavenly
Father has granted each one to walk in hand-to-hand with His blessed
Son Jesus Christ, then Satan’s lies, sickness, and curses will
disappear little-by-little until they are gone, because it is the Holy
Spirit that fights constantly against Satan and his hidden cronies
until they are completely destroyed in hell. This is our heavenly
Father’s glory in you life these days that you may be born from the
Holy Spirit that will always lead you into victory not only against
Satan but also against any other foe hidden in the darkness until they
are defeated forever in eternal judgment—never to know love, truth,
and justice because of their senseless and wicked-deeds.

Therefore, living your new life that Satan has failed to touch before,
and that he will never be able to know, then you will find the
blissful happiness that your heart has always asked you to provide
instantly, so you will never again live a sinful day with the spirit
of error but only glorious days of the Holy Spirit into eternity.
Inasmuch as, a life without Satan is always a glorious life, now think
how much glorious your life will be as you are born from the Holy
Spirit to enter into our Lord Jesus Christ’s victorious-life that has
always been successful against Satan’s lies and every one of his
terrible attacks against our heavenly Father and His blessed name.

Truly, this is a perfect life living in eternal holiness as you are
born from the Holy Spirit to escape Satan’s shame to enter immediately
into our Lord Jesus Christ’s victorious life that has never known
defeat before any of our heavenly Father’s ancients foes but, instead
he has only known victory after victory in all battles. That is to say
that our heavenly Father has made you victorious over Satan’s fallen
angels, moreover He has granted you powers and authorities from the
Holy Spirit to receive and enjoy every blessing from heaven that will
defeat problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even threats of death,
as well, so with Jesus Christ living in you, you are living in eternal
happiness already.

Certainly, with our Lord Jesus Christ living in you, you have been
born from the Holy Spirit not only to escape Satan’s sinful-life that
it is always cursed to believe lies, infirmities, tricks, deception,
curses, and threats of death from wicked devils, however you will
always enjoy the freedom from eternal darkness and hell only to know
love, peace, and everlasting glories. Unfortunately, if you live one
more day away from our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit and the
victorious life of His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that has not
only fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the eternal commandments but also
exalted the blessed name on earth and in heaven, then you will never
know the blissful life that only knows blessings and endless

Really, you will live in darkness deceived constantly by the spirit of
error from which Adam and Eve were born in paradise the day they both
ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and
evil, thus you will eventually succumb into perdition never to know
our heavenly Father’s love for His Son Jesus Christ and for you, too.
Therefore, these days our heavenly Father has divinely chosen you, so
you may receive the Holy Spirit of love that He has always felt for
his Son Jesus Christ, and He wants you to know His personal love for
His Son because He has loved you with this powerful love since even
before you were born from His image in heaven.

Certainly, to live these days in our heavenly Father’s love that He
has always felt for His Son Yeshua HaMoshiach, then Satan will never
see you much less know you since you are no longer living within his
spirit of error but, instead within the love that blesses constantly
our heavenly Father and His Son on earth and in heaven everlastingly.
Undoubtedly, the day you are born from the Holy Spirit then you will
be removed instantly from the spirit of error that is always bringing
defeat into your life to live within the new world from heaven above
where Satan has never been into much less touch our heavenly Father’s
glory, so you may live eternally loved, blessed, and cared by Him.

For you are our heavenly Father’s glory that has been born initially
on earth to know His personal love for His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may not only be born into His life by the
power of the Holy Spirit but also enjoy all the blessings and
privileges of His eternal life divinely conquered for you forever.
Therefore, you are our heavenly Father’s glory that has to be
manifested through His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because he has not
only been born from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter
but also brought into the world your sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and
atoning-blood to dress immediately with perfection and eternal
holiness thus to ascend into heaven as His lawful child.

Safely, this means that you will return to eternal life in heaven just
as it was in the ancient days filled with the eternal life from our
heavenly Father that you received directly from Him the day you were
born into His image to live according to His likeness forever into
eternity always conquering new glories for His great name. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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