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OT: Michael Penn and Aimee Mann

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Vicki Dzurinko

Jun 23, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/23/00
i know that this is way off topic, but i often see mention of these two, so
i thought i would pass this tidbit along. In this week's entertainment
weekly, Penn and Mann are today's "It Rebels" (pg 81). Nice little blurb
and picture. I didn't know this, but they plan to tour together in the near
future. Happy reading!!!!!


Scott: Darling! Don't talk to me of thermodynamics, talk to me only of love.


Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
I'm there, man. Thanks for posting this.

Especially considering Michael Penn is my New One True Love (just under Dave,


Whatever news you have, whatever shoes you have,

Tavie (rhymes with GRAVY, not savvy)
"Welcome to LA; follow this ASS!" -Dave Foley

"Don't you know that you're a fucking freak in this world?" -Aimee Mann


Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
vicki said:

>i know that this is way off topic, but i often see mention of these two, so
>i thought i would pass this tidbit along. In this week's entertainment
>weekly, Penn and Mann are today's "It Rebels"

this is so funny.

every newsgroup i've visited tonight has had a post about this issue.
apparently i'm going to have to go out and find it tommorrow because so far
there are five different people i love featured in it...and those are just the
ones i know about. :-)

"i can't believe i came out of the coma for this shit!!!"--dave/tom, 4/20/00

oscar thecat

Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
On the subject of Amiee Mann, is there _really_ no newsgroup?

I just did a search and came up with nothing. After downloading
an acoustic "Stupid Thing", I realized I was an absolutely huge
drooling fan, and the first thing I wanted to do was find the
newsgroup and announce the good news.

Alas... alack,



Got questions? Get answers over the phone at
Up to 100 minutes free!

oscar thecat

Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
Oh what an ass - I accidentally got my spell checker to change
all the Aimees to well - my apologies!


Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
Celia said:

>On the subject of Amiee Mann, is there _really_ no newsgroup?

Something really should be done about that, eh? ;)

>I just did a search and came up with nothing. After downloading
>an acoustic "Stupid Thing", I realized I was an absolutely huge
>drooling fan, and the first thing I wanted to do was find the
>newsgroup and announce the good news.

Now buy the albums, pronto.

Seriously, there's not one song on any of them that I don't absolutely adore.


Jun 24, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/24/00
ta...@aol.complaintbx (Tay-vee) wrote:

>Celia said:
>>On the subject of Amiee Mann, is there _really_ no newsgroup?
> Something really should be done about that, eh? ;)
>>I just did a search and came up with nothing. After downloading
>>an acoustic "Stupid Thing", I realized I was an absolutely huge
>>drooling fan, and the first thing I wanted to do was find the
>>newsgroup and announce the good news.
> Now buy the albums, pronto.
> Seriously, there's not one song on any of them that I don't absolutely adore.

So all you Aimee Mann fans, did you hear her hour long interview on
Fresh Air the other day? It's a public radio show. If not, they have
the real audio you can listen to. It's on Choose the 6/13/2000 show. :)
It wasn't one of the better interviews I've heard on that show, but it
was interesting nonetheless.



Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00
The couple have a show about every Thursday IN L.A., and every so often they
take the show on the road, The show was, June 13th and 14th at the Town
Hall(yes the same one the KITH were at) The show was incredible, and lucky for
some, I was able to record about 70 mins of the concert, more Michael Penn
stuff came out than Aimee Mann



Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00

the sonic youth/stereolab show in atlanta already happened, too.

anybody else got any shows that are over? <eg>

sonic death monkey

Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00
>the sonic youth/stereolab show in atlanta already happened, too.

i would give my right eye...

wait... has the toronto show happened yet?

::dashes off to pollstar::

"here's a picture of pikachu.. and here's a picture of pikachu on mars.
it's called photoshop, jon." -- vance degeneres, tds


Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00
>"here's a picture of pikachu.. and here's a picture of pikachu on mars.
>it's called photoshop, jon." -- vance degeneres, tds

okay, i did *not* see this, but this quote has me giggling hysterically right

Vicki Dzurinko

Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00

AMYSA <am...@aol.comasutra> wrote in message

> >"here's a picture of pikachu.. and here's a picture of pikachu on mars.
> >it's called photoshop, jon." -- vance degeneres, tds
> okay, i did *not* see this, but this quote has me giggling hysterically
> now.

go to and click on the daily show, click on the story
entitled "we it be" this whole bit is hysterical
the daily show just keeps getting better (craig who?)

"...these guys couldn't find water in the crack of a sweating dennis
"Look john, now i'm on mars!"
vance is slowly becoming one of my new heroes

"I'm sitting on the edge of my coma"
Stephen Colbert

Message has been deleted

oscar thecat

Jun 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/25/00
Tavie said:

> Now buy the albums, pronto.
> Seriously, there's not one song on any of them that I don't
> absolutely adore.

I'm on it dude! (one down -lots to go...dreaming happily of my
forthcoming student loan installment)

Kitana Ananda

Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Shannon wrote:

> So all you Aimee Mann fans, did you hear her hour long interview on
> Fresh Air the other day? It's a public radio show. If not, they have
> the real audio you can listen to. It's on
> Choose the 6/13/2000 show. :)
> It wasn't one of the better interviews I've heard on that show, but it
> was interesting nonetheless.

Thanks for posting that, Shannon! :)

The Acoustic Vaudeville shows at Town Hall were breathtakingly
beautiful and hilarious. Anyone who has the chance to go MUST see it
-- you won't be disappointed. :)

Oh, I'm in SUCH a mood to listen to "No Myth", now,

"Oh, well, you can mock me, too." ~ Kevin
"Well, we're all supposed to be friends here, right?" ~ Dave
"That's *almost* too dirty for me." ~ Bruce

Sent via
Before you buy.

oscar Thecat

Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00

Kitana said:

> Oh, I'm in SUCH a mood to listen to "No Myth", now,

This is a completely pointless post in which I will do nothing but sing
the praises of Michael Penn's "No Myth".

LOVE that song. Love it Love it Loooooooove it.

I could only afford to buy the single and not the album with my meager
baby-sitting earnings, and so have never actually heard the album
"March" (at least I think its March - it's all going a bit fuzzy for me)
"No Myth" I've listened to so many times it's probably altered the
structure of my DNA.

"Sheeeeeeeeee, she says it's time she goes
But wanted to be sure I know
She hopes we can be friends"

I'm tempted to keep going but I'll stop.


("I'm between the poles and the equator, don't send a private
investigator to find me please...less he speaks Chinese..."
I'm stopping now - I am.)


"I wish I'd been a movie comedian...and had never heard of physics"
Wolfgang Pauli


Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Kitana Ananda <> wrote:

>Oh, I'm in SUCH a mood to listen to "No Myth", now,

You know, it's funny...I'm not a big fan of Michael Penn. But that
song...I LOVE that song. I mean, I don't just enjoy it, it's one of
those 'drop everything you are doing to bask in the glory of this
song' kind of songs.

I love those kinds of songs. :)



Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
shannon says of 'no myth'...

>You know, it's funny...I'm not a big fan of Michael Penn. But that
>song...I LOVE that song. I mean, I don't just enjoy it, it's one of
>those 'drop everything you are doing to bask in the glory of this
>song' kind of songs.

Gaah, now I have to go download it from napster and eat up more of the tiny
remaining sliver of hard drive space.

Damn your people and your excellent music reccomendations.

-gleebs, who is solving the mp3 problem by purchasing a cd burner this week,
...fro ho for life...
"Give him a haircut like Jon Lovitz."


Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Kitana said:

>Oh, I'm in SUCH a mood to listen to "No Myth", now,

I dreamed last night that I walked into a classroom where a readheaded girl
was playing a guitar and singing "No Myth" and I joined her. It was a very nice

Try "Evenfall", I'm listening to it now and it's a great song.

P.S. Everything Kitana said about the Town Hall show is true. (I said that in
the "Letting the monkeys loose" Mark voice, of course.)


Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Celia said:

>I'm on it dude! (one down -lots to go...dreaming happily of my
>forthcoming student loan installment)

And, just to extend this thread as much as possible, my favourites on each
album are:

Whatever - "I've Had It"
I'm With Stupid - "Frankenstein"
Bachelor No. 2 - "Susan" or "Ghost World". No, "Susan". No, wait...

And that was very difficult to pick, seeing as I adore each and every song.

Also, on 'Til Tuesday's last album, "Everything's Different Now", which you
need to get as well, "Telescope".

Don't get me started on Michael Penn's albums. We'll be here all night. (Just,
just, just get everything. Join my little cult. <g>)


Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Celia said:

>This is a completely pointless post in which I will do nothing but sing
>the praises of Michael Penn's "No Myth".
>LOVE that song. Love it Love it Loooooooove it.

I like you more and more. <g>

>"Sheeeeeeeeee, she says it's time she goes
>But wanted to be sure I know
>She hopes we can be friends"

You should hear Aimee singing it... it's fabulous. Lately they've been playing
it as an encore, with Aimee singing the first verse and then joining in the
choruses, and finishing the song up with her Ethel Merman impression ("Some-one
to DONCE with!")

Kitana Ananda

Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00
Tavie wrote:

> You should hear Aimee singing it... it's fabulous. Lately they've
> been playing it as an encore, with Aimee singing the first verse and
> then joining in the choruses, and finishing the song up with her
> Ethel Merman impression ("Some-one to DONCE with!")

Once you hear it, it's one of those things that just randomly pops up
in your mind. I find myself singing it at odd moments.

Goddammit. <g>

Shannon wrote:

> You know, it's funny...I'm not a big fan of Michael Penn. But that
> song...I LOVE that song. I mean, I don't just enjoy it, it's one of
> those 'drop everything you are doing to bask in the glory of this
> song' kind of songs.

> I love those kinds of songs. :)

Me too. :) I love the way you described it -- it's exactly that kind
of song. You can't *do* anything else when you listen to those songs.
There's a quote from Tom Verlaine that describes that feeling... I
can't remember it word-for-word, but it's a "crashing on the waves of
the song, as you listen to it" sort of thing. I love that feeling so

> Try "Evenfall", I'm listening to it now and it's a great song.

They're all great songs. I found myself fooling around with my dad's
speakers at 3 am last night because I _had_ to listen to "March" at
that very moment. <g>

> P.S. Everything Kitana said about the Town Hall show is true. (I
> said that in the "Letting the monkeys loose" Mark voice, of course.)

Of course. ;)

"Oh, well, you can mock me, too." ~ Kevin
"Well, we're all supposed to be friends here, right?" ~ Dave
"That's *almost* too dirty for me." ~ Bruce

oscar Thecat

Jun 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/26/00

Gleebs wrote:

> _I'm With Stupid_-Gah, I don't have this one yet. I'm trying to hold off so
> that I can savour it more. That's pathetic, isn't it? I thought so.

Good gobstoppers no!

I do this all the time. It's fun. "Let's see, the new so-and-so album's out in
June... I figure I'll be ready for it in, oh, say, December". Then it's sweet sweet
torture, and a fuller richer appreciation of the material, whatever it may be, when
I finally do hear it.

Well _I _don't think that's pathetic.

::looks around room nervously::



Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00

> just to extend this thread as much as possible, my favourites on each
>album are:
>Whatever - "I've Had It"
>I'm With Stupid - "Frankenstein"
>Bachelor No. 2 - "Susan" or "Ghost World". No, "Susan". No, wait...
> And that was very difficult to pick, seeing as I adore each and every song.

Well since we're already off topic and you want to extend this thread anyway, I
feel like sharing my favourites on each album. <g>

_Whatever_- Ok, that's just impossible. I love every song on that as though it
were my child...but I guess "I've Had It" and "Mr. Harris" are the favourites.
I guess.

_I'm With Stupid_-Gah, I don't have this one yet. I'm trying to hold off so
that I can savour it more. That's pathetic, isn't it? I thought so.

_Bachelor No. 2_-"Deathly", just because it totally sumerizes my juniour year
of high school.

That was hard.

-gleebs, who is watching some really stupid show on USA...bleh.

oscar Thecat

Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
I was invited to join Tavie's church of the very bright lights thusly:

> Join my little cult. <g>

And was guided through a maze of Aimee Mann & Michael Penn music suchly:

> my favourites on each album are:
> Whatever - "I've Had It"
> I'm With Stupid - "Frankenstein"
> Bachelor No. 2 - "Susan" or "Ghost World". No, "Susan". No, wait...
> And that was very difficult to pick, seeing as I adore each and every
> song.<g>

> Also, on 'Til Tuesday's last album, "Everything's Different Now",
> which you need to get as well, "Telescope".
> Don't get me started on Michael Penn's albums. We'll be here all
> night.

> ( Just, just just get them all...

Thanks for the info Tavie!

Do you recommend acquiring albums in a particular order? I've got
Magnolia (which is pretty obvious I suppose - if a person is going to
admit to owning just one Aimee album, then that's likely to be it huh?)
I know Magnolia spans quite a few years worth of material, but if there
is an order to approaching "the catalogue" that is optimal, I'd like to
try and do that ;)

Hey, this cult thing is not going to have to involve me cooking kraft
dinner while you swan around in bed sheets and bad sunglasses is it?


"I wish I'd been a movie comedian...and had never heard of physics"
Wolfgang Pauli

oscar Thecat

Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
Sorry, I'm nitpicky - Tavie said:

"(Just,just, just get everything." not "Just, just, just get them all"

~Celia ;)

oscar Thecat

Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
Tavie said:

> I like you more and more. <g>

I like to think of myself as Sushi...I'm fun, easy to manipulate with
chop sticks, and no matter how much you have of me, there's never any of
that heavy bloated feeling. <g> which leads me to ponder...if Tavie
were a food, what would she be? Hmmm, perhaps I'll leave this to the
people who know her best. ...although Macadamia nuts and White
Chocolate are coming to mind. As are Asparagus and Strawberries ;)

>You should hear Aimee singing it... it's fabulous. Lately they've
>been playing it as an encore, with Aimee singing the first verse and
>then joining in the choruses, and finishing the song up with her Ethel
>Merman impression

>("Some-one to DONCE with!")

Whoa...I'm in stun mode.I'm definitely going to have to check this out.
My sister used to do Ethel Merman impressions when she was like 5. It
was so cute hearing her do "no business like show business" in her
little mini-pops 5 yr. old voice.

The concept of Aimee Mann and Michael Penn singing _anything_ together
is intriguing enough; the concept of them singing "No Myth" is hella-

must go have snack now!



Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
Celia said:

>Do you recommend acquiring albums in a particular order?

If you want to do them in order of release, which is a good way to do it,
start with "Everything's Different Now" (last 'Til Tuesday album), then do
"Whatever", "I'm With Stupid" and "Bachelor No. 2".

I didn't do it that way-- I actually did "I'm With Stupid" first, then
"Whatever", then "Everything's Different Now" and then B#2.

I have no perspective now, you see, since they're all so damn good.

>Hey, this cult thing is not going to have to involve me cooking kraft
>dinner while you swan around in bed sheets and bad sunglasses is it?

Of... of course not. ::innocently switches on halo-lamp behind me::


Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
Celia said:

>I like to think of myself as Sushi...I'm fun, easy to manipulate with
>chop sticks, and no matter how much you have of me, there's never any of
>that heavy bloated feeling. <g>

I used to love sushi until I discovered that I am allergic to it. (Can't have
any raw or even undercooked fish-- and I LOVE it, dammit.)

>which leads me to ponder...if Tavie
>were a food, what would she be?

I played this game a few years ago with some people who used to post a lot on
this newsgroup (I miss the Pardillas)... I don't remember what I pronounced
them all, but I remember that Ade is a pomegranate.

>.although Macadamia nuts and White
>Chocolate are coming to mind.

This would be appropriate, since I hate white chocolate and sometimes I hate
And macademia nuts are extremely high in calories, as am I.

> As are Asparagus and Strawberries ;)

Funny thing about asparagus... I used to love it, but now I don't.
I'm the anti-Kevin?

But I AM Kevin...

>The concept of Aimee Mann and Michael Penn singing _anything_ together
>is intriguing enough; the concept of them singing "No Myth" is hella-

Have you heard their duet "Christmastime"? That's the first thing I ever heard
them sing together.

>must go have snack now!

Bring me back some apricots and green grapes if'n you please. And Havarti.

I think if I were a food I'd be a Hostess Snoball. Bright and round and full
of promise, but when you bite into it-- ewwwww! Gross!

m. badass

Jun 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/27/00
Tay-vee wrote:
> I think if I were a food I'd be a Hostess Snoball. Bright and round and full
> of promise, but when you bite into it-- ewwwww! Gross!

If I were a beverage, I'd be Dr Pepper. Looks like any number of other
carbonated beverages, tastes sickly sweet at first but has that evil
bitter aftertaste.

I just wrote that because I couldn't think of any food that wears
unnecessary frou-frou and makes snarky comments to generally undeserving

"Get to know Canada or shut up!" -Mike Ford

oscar Thecat

Jun 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/28/00
Tavie said:

> ::sigh::
> I used to love sushi until I discovered that I am allergic to it.
> (Can't have any raw or even undercooked fish-- and I LOVE it,dammit.)

eegads! my condolences.(I can't eat apples). Perhaps one day you'll find
yourself having the last laugh, as a roomful of recently seafood sushi
poisoned people collapse in a vomitous mass in front of your avocado and
grated carrot sushi eating self. (It could happen. At a wedding, a
conference, a Miss Sara Rose American Teen Princess pageant. You never
know). Thank Scott wasabi and pickled ginger aren't made from raw fish.

> >which leads me to ponder...if Tavie
> >were a food, what would she be?
> I played this game a few years ago with some people who used to post
> a lot on this newsgroup (I miss the Pardillas)... I don't remember
> what I pronounced them all, but I remember that Ade is a pomegranate.

Cool. I'll have to take a stroll through the deja archives some time;
keyword search "pomegranate". I remember trying a pomegranate in grade
6. Someone had one for lunch. I couldn't understand what all the fuss
over a bunch of seeds was. I like the name though. Maybe I was eating it
wrong 'cause I know I like pomegranate juice.

> >.although Macadamia nuts and White Chocolate are coming to mind.
> This would be appropriate, since I hate white chocolate and sometimes
> I hate myself.

Hey now, I'll have you know that when I originally started thinking of
you as a food, my first thought was "cookie". But not just any cookie, a
gourmet swellegant high class cookie <g>. Then I was thinking how do I
properly convey that I think of Tavie as a quality cookie, and not a
"grab it outa the bag" cookie? Naturally White Chocolate and Macadamia
nuts came to mind. But by no means must you be defined by White
Chocolate if you hate it! Let me just substitute some good 'ol Belgian
chocolate into that cookie...unless you::shudder::, hate chocolate in
general (but that just wouldn't be right). White Chocolate definitely
can't define you ( now that I know you hate it) for I am hoping to
define the essential you, and there can't possibly be anything to hate
about that ;)

...Although I certainly have moments when I feel like "tongue" (that's
the most detestable food I can think of right now). Its funny how so
many people hate white chocolate; I think it's the mystical ethereal
yummy cousin of regular chocolate. But it has to be real white

>And macadamia nuts are extremely high in calories, as am I.

anything good is <g>

> > As are Asparagus and Strawberries ;)
> Funny thing about asparagus... I used to love it, but now I don't.
> I'm the anti-Kevin?
> But I AM Kevin...

LOL...the anti Kevin...chorttle chortle. It this is true, it follows
that you are in no way funny when you eat spaghetti.

> Have you heard their duet "Christmastime"? That's the first thing I
> ever heard them sing together.

you're joking right,? "Christmastime" ? Is this to be found on a Paul
Anka and friends type album?

> >must go have snack now!
> Bring me back some apricots and green grapes if'n you please. And
> Havarti.

ooh, you know your snacks girlfriend! grapes 'n Havarti - yummerific.
Here...uh, I saved ya a stem, and there should be one more piece of
Havarti there...oops. ::runs back downstairs::

> I think if I were a food I'd be a Hostess Snoball. Bright and round
> and full of promise, but when you bite into it-- ewwwww! Gross!

No no no! You bite into it-- Belgian chocolate, yuuuuuumm!

O.K. I think as penance for writing such long off off topic post about
food, I should redeem myself by transcribing a sketch or a talk show
appearance or something.


Jun 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/29/00
Celia said:

>eegads! my condolences.(I can't eat apples).

So I guess you're not a schoolteacher? :(

>Thank Scott wasabi and pickled ginger aren't made from raw fish.

I loves pickled ginger. I loves pickled anything!

>keyword search "pomegranate". I remember trying a pomegranate in grade
>6. Someone had one for lunch. I couldn't understand what all the fuss
>over a bunch of seeds was. I like the name though. Maybe I was eating it
>wrong 'cause I know I like pomegranate juice.

They can be annoying and messy, but they're also delicious. (Wait, that first
part doesn't describe Ade at ALL. ARGHH!) AND, you can pretend you're Queen of
the Underworld when you eat them!

>Hey now, I'll have you know that when I originally started thinking of
>you as a food, my first thought was "cookie".

You've got yourself some Tavie... right here in alt.kith... with a capital "T"
and that rhymes with "C" and that stands for "Cookie" (is good enough for me!)

>Then I was thinking how do I
>properly convey that I think of Tavie as a quality cookie, and not a
>"grab it outa the bag" cookie?

Pepperidge farm brownie-nut cookies?

>Let me just substitute some good 'ol Belgian
>chocolate into that cookie...unless you::shudder::, hate chocolate in
>general (but that just wouldn't be right).

No, Celia, that would be downright *sick*.

>...Although I certainly have moments when I feel like "tongue" (that's
>the most detestable food I can think of right now).

Did you ever read the Ramona book where Beezus and Ramona refuse to eat tongue
so their mom and dad make them cook dinner? I love that one.

>LOL...the anti Kevin...chorttle chortle. It this is true, it follows
>that you are in no way funny when you eat spaghetti.

It's true. Oh, I AM the anti-Kevin!

>you're joking right,? "Christmastime" ? Is this to be found on a Paul
>Anka and friends type album?

Sounds like it, doesn't it? It's on some Christmas compilation album, the name
of which I can't remember at the moment. You can find it on Napster. It's a
good song. Weird, catchy melody. Nice, weird Christmas song.

>ooh, you know your snacks girlfriend! grapes 'n Havarti - yummerific.
>Here...uh, I saved ya a stem, and there should be one more piece of
>Havarti there...oops. ::runs back downstairs::

Did you peel these for me like I asked? ;)

>No no no! You bite into it-- Belgian chocolate, yuuuuuumm!


>O.K. I think as penance for writing such long off off topic post about
>food, I should redeem myself by transcribing a sketch or a talk show
>appearance or something.

It needs to be said:


Now, go! Shoo! Transcribe!

Kitana Ananda

Jun 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/29/00
(More talking about fooooooood, ahead. You have been warned. <g>)

Celia wrote:

> Cool. I'll have to take a stroll through the deja archives some time;
> keyword search "pomegranate".

Haven't they eliminated some of the deja archives during this last
cleaning out? For more room for their "discussions"? Or, something
like that? <g>

> I remember trying a pomegranate in grade
> 6. Someone had one for lunch. I couldn't understand what all the fuss
> over a bunch of seeds was. I like the name though. Maybe I was eating
> it wrong 'cause I know I like pomegranate juice.

Well, I can't really think of a "wrong" way to eat a pomegranate. :)
You put the seeds in your mouth, you crunch away.

My mum used to break 'em open and peel out the seeds for my brother and
I when we were younger. Which is not a good idea when you're dealing
with little kids -- the juice would always end up all over our clothes.
<g> But that was part of the fun of it, I guess. :)

Don't know why I'm sharing that. But, I love me those pomegranates. :)

(Tavie, you ARE thinking of the story of Persephone now, right? ;))

> ...Although I certainly have moments when I feel like "tongue" (that's
> the most detestable food I can think of right now).

Chicken livers. Ick, ick, ick.

> Its funny how so
> many people hate white chocolate; I think it's the mystical ethereal
> yummy cousin of regular chocolate. But it has to be real white
> chocolate.

I'm a chocolate fiend, so I love it all, including white chocolate
(which is really cocoa butter, but, damn. DAMN.) From those cheap 99
cent Easter bunny things to a box of Laura Secord's to homemade fudge.
I just love it all.

But, white chocolate always makes me think of evil Daniel Pancer, the
guy who would bribe our grade nine science teacher into giving him
preferential treatment (and A's) by bringing her a box of white
chocolate almond bark every now and then.

Tavie wrote:

> Did you ever read the Ramona book where Beezus and Ramona refuse to
> eat tongue so their mom and dad make them cook dinner? I love that
> one.

I don't know why, but I needed to quote that again. <g>

Ramona references amuse me. :)

> It needs to be said:

I was wondering why it hasn't been said until now! ;)

"Oh, well, you can mock me, too." ~ Kevin
"Well, we're all supposed to be friends here, right?" ~ Dave
"That's *almost* too dirty for me." ~ Bruce


Jun 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/29/00
Kitana said:

>Well, I can't really think of a "wrong" way to eat a pomegranate. :)
>You put the seeds in your mouth, you crunch away.

I like to suck the juice individually from around the seeds and then spit 'em

>(Tavie, you ARE thinking of the story of Persephone now, right? ;))

Yes'm!! How could she eat only six??

(Also, when I read the story of Zeus and Danae, I thought of Goose. Golden
shower, you know. <eg>)

>I'm a chocolate fiend, so I love it all, including white chocolate



Jun 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/29/00
ta...@aol.complaintbx (Tay-vee) wrote:

>>(Tavie, you ARE thinking of the story of Persephone now, right? ;))
> Yes'm!! How could she eat only six??
> (Also, when I read the story of Zeus and Danae, I thought of Goose. Golden
>shower, you know. <eg>)

Ooh, Persephone is my favorite of all myths, right up there with
Orpheus and Eurydice. :) Geez, I seem to have something for the
underworld....hardly surprising, is it?


Stephana Monsoon

Jun 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/29/00
<<...Although I certainly have moments when I feel like "tongue" (that's
the most detestable food I can think of right now). >>

::almost makes naughty comment, then stops::

"It seems to be the perfect number for me, but [there's] no sexual content
whatsoever." --Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean, on his new '69' tattoo.

Kitana Ananda

Jun 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/30/00
Tavie wrote:

> (Also, when I read the story of Zeus and Danae, I thought of Goose.
> Golden shower, you know. <eg>)

For some reason, I found myself watching "In Living Colour" today*, and
I thought of Goose when Damon Wayans' homeless-guy-on-the-subway
character did a sketch with a jar of his own urine.

Okay, so that's a slightly more obvious allusion. <g>

(*I spent the entire day watching television today. I'm so mind-
numbingly bored right now. KITH, Night Court, In Living Colour/TRL,
Alf, Muppets, Doogie Howser, Friends, Seinfeld. And I *still* feel
like watching MORE TV. This is crazy... I'm involved in craziness....)

oscar Thecat

Jun 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/30/00
Tavie said:

> I said:
> >eegads! my condolences.(I can't eat apples).
> So I guess you're not a schoolteacher? :(

LOL nope - but my family are all school teachers. There are so many of
them, we're practically a cult of school teachers...maybe _that's_ why
I'm allergic!

> >Then I was thinking how do I
> >properly convey that I think of Tavie as a quality cookie, and not a
> >"grab it outa the bag" cookie?
> Pepperidge farm brownie-nut cookies?
> ::drool::

oh yeah, ::double drool::

> Did you ever read the Ramona book where Beezus and Ramona refuse to
> eat tongue so their mom and dad make them cook dinner? I love that
> one.

No, but I sure wish I'd had it when my grandparents came over for lunch
with all that tongue. Ewwww. I have this crystal clear memory of being 7
years old and eye level with all the conducts on the table. ugh.

> >you're joking right,? "Christmastime" ? Is this to be found on a Paul
> >Anka and friends type album?
> Sounds like it, doesn't it? It's on some Christmas compilation album,
> the name of which I can't remember at the moment. You can find it on
> Napster. It's a good song. Weird, catchy melody. Nice, weird Christmas
> song.

I've seen it - haven't successfully downloaded it yet, but I will.

> >ooh, you know your snacks girlfriend! grapes 'n Havarti - yummerific.
> >Here...uh, I saved ya a stem, and there should be one more piece of
> >Havarti there...oops. ::runs back downstairs::
> Did you peel these for me like I asked? ;)

yup! here ya go, bon apetit, dig in!

:: presents Tavie with an elegant platter of grape skins::

gee ya know this worked out real well cause I just love the inside parts

> It needs to be said:

Well I have PMS... That's my excuse ;)

> Now, go! Shoo! Transcribe!

Actually, has anyone transcribed the muchmusic thing that was shown at
the beginning of the tour?


"I wish I'd been a movie comedian...and had never heard of physics"
Wolfgang Pauli

oscar Thecat

Jun 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/30/00
Kitana strolled into the food court and said:

> Haven't they eliminated some of the deja archives during this last
> cleaning out? For more room for their "discussions"? Or, something
> like that? <g>

I hope not permanently. I remember reading something to the effect of
"certain archives may be unavailable for up to 6 months while we move
our server". It has just occurred to me that I've been visualizing
people in white jump suits moving a giant 1960's computer out of one
office building and into another. <g>

oscar Thecat

Jun 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/30/00
"eye level with all the conducts on the table."



Jun 30, 2000, 7:00:00 AM6/30/00
Celia said:

>LOL nope - but my family are all school teachers.

See, I just got this teacher vibe off you. You were also "the reason I got
into teaching" for more than one teacher as a youngster, yes?

>yup! here ya go, bon apetit, dig in!
>:: presents Tavie with an elegant platter of grape skins::

ROTFL!!! My favourite part! See, I'm all about appearances, all about the
outside, the insignificant containter, the MASK, if you will. I'm completely
superficial, and, man, I love me some grape skins.

>gee ya know this worked out real well cause I just love the inside parts

The soul of the grape. Highly overrated. All jelly-like.

>Actually, has anyone transcribed the muchmusic thing that was shown at
>the beginning of the tour?

Muchmusic thing? ::sob::

I really should make a list of all the things I don't have so I can beg
someone to tape them all for me one day...


oscar Thecat

Jul 1, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/1/00
Tavie said:

> See, I just got this teacher vibe off you. You were also "the reason
> I got into teaching" for more than one teacher as a youngster, yes?

Ha ha! Well maybe at the beginning ...but weren't we all? By grade 6 I
figured out that the world was a monstrously unfair place so I became a
bitter bitter little girl who derived passive aggressive satisfaction
from torturing her teachers. If they weren't throwing chalk at me, they
were kicking me out of class, and if they weren't doing that they were
most likely engaging me in some stupid futile debate. And if they
weren't doing that then I was hanging out on St.Catherine Street and
sneaking into movies. <g>

And as for "teacher vibe" - I'm so doomed! My mother ran a nursery
school, and my father taught university. So basically whomever decides
to get into a relationship with me is going to get applause when they
tie their shoes, rigorous debate over the merits of deconstructionism,
and their face wiped with dirty tissues covered in my own saliva! (who's
gonna marry me???)

> >yup! here ya go, bon apetit, dig in!
> >
> >:: presents Tavie with an elegant platter of grape skins::
> ROTFL!!! My favourite part! See, I'm all about appearances, all about
> the outside, the insignificant containter, the MASK, if you will. I'm
> completely superficial, and, man, I love me some grape skins.
> >gee ya know this worked out real well cause I just love the inside >
> >:)
> The soul of the grape. Highly overrated. All jelly-like.

We're a grape eating match made in heaven. Where were you when all those
skins were tickling my sensitive little throat?

> >Actually, has anyone transcribed the muchmusic thing that was shown
> >at the beginning of the tour?
> Muchmusic thing? ::sob::
> I really should make a list of all the things I don't have so I can
> beg someone to tape them all for me one day...

ROFL! Yes Ma'am - but first I gotta go play with my friend. And honey -
you don't ever have to beg! In fact you'd better just watch out because
I think you're going to be seeing a lot of Mr. Mailman in the near

::Gah:: ! It's 4:am for Christ's sake. Why am I still awake? Go sleep
now silly girl so you no crash car when you drive into town tomorrow.

~Celia, punch drunk from Dave love

"I wish I'd been a movie comedian...and had never heard of physics"
Wolfgang Pauli

Kitana Ananda

Jul 1, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/1/00
Celia wrote:

> Actually, has anyone transcribed the muchmusic thing that was shown at
> the beginning of the tour?

There was a Muchmusic thing at the beginning of the tour? <g>

What, did they do something on Fax?

Oh, I never ever catch these things -- my VCR fucked up, so even if
they did air the StarTV rerun, I didn't get it. I also missed the time
they talked to Mark (caught the last two minutes) and the time they
visited Scott's house.


Would it be possible to get a copy of this, perchance? <g>

"Oh, well, you can mock me, too." ~ Kevin
"Well, we're all supposed to be friends here, right?" ~ Dave
"That's *almost* too dirty for me." ~ Bruce


Jul 9, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/9/00
more old stuff...........

kitana wrote that tavie wrote:
>> Did you ever read the Ramona book where Beezus and Ramona refuse to
>>eat tongue so their mom and dad make them cook dinner? I love that
>> one.

>I don't know why, but I needed to quote that again. <g>

>Ramona references amuse me. :)

ugh. i couldn't touch oatmeal for years after reading that book. years and
years. it scarred me. i had a very vivid imagination.



hear, hear. white chocolate does not even deserve the name "chocolate." it
should be....white....stuff. i don't know.


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