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"A Flight to Remember (1ACV10)" Episode Capsule Part Two

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Jordan Eisenberg

Oct 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/10/99
= Voice Credits =

>> Starring

Billy West ........................... Fry, Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg,
Zapp Brannigan, Leo Wong
Katey Sagal ................................................... Leela
John DiMaggio ................................................ Bender

>> Guest Starring

Tress MacNeille .................... Countess De La Roca, Kid, Hattie
Maurice LaMarche ................... Kif, Croupier, Olympic Announcer
Phil LaMarre ........................................... Hermes, iZac
Lauren Tom ........................................... Amy, Inez Wong
Dawnn Lewis ............................................... LaBarbara
Dave Herman (uncredited) .......................... Mayor Poopenmeyer

= Quotes and Scene Summaries =

% All the way from outer space to the big New New York skyline flies the
% Planet Express ship, before landing safely inside its hangar at the
% edge of the city. Leela, Fry and Bender exit the ship single-file,
% each covered in bruise-marks and prepared with a complaint:

Leela: That was the worst delivery ever.
Fry: Yeah. I'm never going to another planet called "Cannibalon."
Bender: Me neither. [straightens up] The food was good, though.
[Farnsworth sits nearby at his table]
Prof.: Ooh, great news, everyone!
Bender: Shove it! We quit.
Prof.: In that case, I'll have to hire a _new_ crew to go on our
company vacation.
Leela: Vacation?
[Fry high-fives Bender; they both cheer]
Fry: This is great! I haven't had time off since I was 21 through
Prof.: It's just my way of thanking you for not reporting my
countless violations of safety and minimum-wage laws.
Bender: [coy] Aww, you. [punches Farnsworth playfully in the arm]
Prof.: I've booked us all on the maiden voyage of the largest, most
luxorious space cruise ship ever built: the _Titanic_!

% Yep ... the 'Titanic' pamphelet he holds up to show the crew is
% underscored by an ominious blast of music, and all anyone has to say
% for it is Leela's comment that it "looks nice." Another blast of
% music, and another and another, each moving the view to a different
% angle, implying their doom, then a final blast which is actually the
% beginning of the title sequence.

% End of Act One (0:58)

% At South Street Spaceport, the entire PE payroll is carrying its
% luggage inside. Fry is the last to arrive at the building via a
% pneumatic tube, several seconds before his suitcase arrives and hits
% him in the back. Meanwhile, the luxorious Titanic is docked outside,
% amidst a crowd of anxious people, with Mayor Poopenmeyer at the podium
% addressing his public.

Mayor: As mayor of New New York, it's my pleasure to introduce the
honorary captain for the Titanic's maiden voyage. A man who
singlehandedly defeated the retiree people of the Assisted-
Living Nebula ... Zapp Brannigan!
[Zapp struts onstage to much applause]

[The crew is now part of the crowd]
Leela: Oh, God ... not Zapp Brannigan!
Zoidberg: _You_ know Zapp Brannigan?
Leela: Let's just say we've "crossed paths."
Bender: Was that _before_ or _after_ you slept with him?

Zapp: She's a beautiful ship, alright. Shapely. Seductive. I'm
gonna fly her brains out.
Zapp: And now, without further adieu, I christen this ship ...

% From offscreen, Kif hands Zapp a jar containing the disembodied head
% of Leonardo DiCaprio. Zapp throws Leo directly at the hull of the
% ship, where his glass breaks and scatters, and his head tumbles off
% into infinity. (Let me remind the reader that South Street Spaceport
% is suspended high above the ground ... ) At this moment, confetti and
% streamers fill the air, and we cut to Zapp and Kif greeting passengers
% at the ship's entrance. Zapp spots Leela next in line.

Zapp: Well, well, well ... the Lady Leela! [to Kif] Take notes, Kif.
You're about to witness the subtle waltz known as 'seduction.'
[Kif groans]
Zapp: [to Leela] So ... trapped on a ship with me! What say you and
I knock some very sensual boots?

% Leela tells Zapp that she has a fiance now, and turns to her friends
% to choose among them. She hesitantly decides on Fry, and pulls him
% towards Zapp. "Fry, darling, meet Zapp Brannigan." A jab in the arm
% prompts him to mutter "How do you do?" and Zapp pays him a very
% suspicious glance. Once all passengers are on-board, the Titanic
% lifts itself in the air, making its exit known with a double-honk. We
% rejoin the ship as it leaves Earth's atmosphere, and inside the crew
% walks through the Titanic's main foyer to the Professor's stateroom.
% He invites everyone inside.

% Bender, lagging behind, catches out of the corner of his eye an
% elegant fem-bot dress in lavish clothing, and the two exchange eye
% zooms until Bender's eyes fall out of their sockets and topple to the
% floor. By the time he's able to cram one back in, she's disappeared
% out of sight. ... he rejoins the crew while Professor Farnsworth
% explains their living arrangements.

Prof.: Now, Hermes, you and your lovely wife LaBarbara have the suit
through there, and, Dr. Zoidberg, your marble tank is on the
other side.
Fry: Man! First Class seems nice.
Prof.: It'll seem even nicer once you've seen _your_ room.

% Farnsworth hands Amy their room key. While she, Fry, Leela and Bender
% head to the elevator, she reads aloud that they're staying at the
% "Fiesta Deck." The elevator marks the titles of the floors between
% them and their destination: "First Class," "Second Class," "Steerage,"
% "Laundry," "Bowels of Ship" and finally "Fiesta Deck." [For a
% description of these floors, see "Freeze Frame Fanaticism."]

% The Fiesta Deck turns out to be a dank maze of steel and iron,
% dripping pipes and vault-like rooms. Our crew's room is furnished
% with beds made out of metal tubes and rags, with trash and puddles on
% the floor. Fry notes that they at least have a window, but doesn't
% notice it's labelled "Reactor Exhaust: Stand Clear" before the steamy
% gas blows in his face.

Bender: Well, I'm tired of this room and everyone in it. If you'll
excuse me, I'm gonna pop over to the casino for the next 135
Amy: I think I'll go fill up on bisque at the buffet.
[they close the door behind them as they leave]
Fry: [cool] I guess that just leaves you and your "fake fiance."
All alone. On a romantic cruise.
[he wraps his arm around Leela's shoulders]
Leela: [sternly] Take it off or I'll break it off.
Fry: _Okay_! [he does so]

% Just then, Zapp Brannigan pokes his head into the room and announces
% "Captain's inspection!" Leela nervously replaces Fry's arm around
% her. Meanwhile, Bender (clad with a purple bow-tie) is shooting craps
% in the ship's casino. He uses x-ray vision to spy on the dice
% enclosed in his hand, and a complex data interface inside his own head
% computes their probable outcome. The computer flashes "SURE THING"
% after its calculations are through, and Bender pours a mountain of
% chips onto the table.

Bender: Come on! Baby needs a new pair of feet!
[he rolls two "ones"]
Croupier: Snake eyes.
Bemder: Wait, my cheating unit malfunctioned. You gotta give me a
Croupier: Sorry, the house limit is three do-overs. Next shooter!
[Bender groans and mopes over to the bar]
Bender: Gimme your biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.

% The bartender turns and points both fingers at Bender, saying "You got
% it!" It should be mentioned that the bartender is actually a robot
% modelled after Isaac from "The Love Boat" with the word "iZac" printed
% on his chest. IZac takes a large bucket and begins filling it, while
% Bender turns and spots his luxorious fembot from before. (Romantic
% music accompanies the scene.) He walks over to the craps table where
% she's standing and introduces himself.

Bender: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bender.
Countess: Charmed. I'm the Countess De La Roca. I was surprised to
see another robot staying in First Class. Most of the
robots I meet are laborers.
Bender: [high-brow] I assure you I barely know the meaning of the
word "labor."
Countess: [laughs] Oh, Mr. Bender!
Bender: Please ... call me Bender.

% Bender leans and kisses her hand. While she closes her eyes and gasps
% with joy and exhasperation, he reaches behind her and snatches a few
% bills out of her purse. Far away, in his private steering room, Zapp
% Brannigan is hard at work at the Titanic's controls (consisting of a
% large, old-fashioned wooden wheel) whlie Kif exits the restroom.

Zapp: Kif, I'm feeling the "Captain's Itch."
Kif: I'll get the powder, sir.
Zapp: Noooo ... the itch for adventure! Prepare to change course.
Kif: Sir, this is a leisure cruise. Our path was set by the travel

% Kif presses a button and a map appears on the wall, showing Earth, an
% unidentified planet, and a large, red arrow between the two. Zapp
% dismisses it as a map for school-girls, and scribbles an insanely
% twisted white line all over the map, ending at their original
% destination.

Zapp: Now here's a route with some chest-hair.
Kif: But that course leads directly through a swarm of comets!
Zapp: Yes, Comets! The icebergs of the sky. By jackknifing from one
to the next at breakneck speed, we just might get some kind of
gravity-boost. Or something.
[Kif groans]
Zapp: It's time to shove a japeno up this ship's tailpipe. Divert
power from the shields ... Full speed ahead!

% As Zapp satisfies his "Captain's Itch," Amy is scooping herself a
% second helping of bisque at the buffet, but drops her plate on the
% floor when she turns around and sees her parents standing there.
% [NOTE: Her parents are named Leo (Dad) and Inez (Mom).]

Inez: Amy! Hello!
Amy: [loudly] Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?
Leo: We were planning on enjoying a relaxing vacation. But, since
_you're_ here, we'll have to do some meddling.
Inez: We met the nicest boy in the cabin next to ours.
Leo: He's not _very_ ugly.
Inez: You should marry him ... or at least use him to conceive a
grandchild for us.
Leo: There he is, at the buffet!

% A grotesquely fat boy in odd-colored shorts is scooping bisque into
% his mouth with his hands at the buffet. Amy is obviously hesitant.

Amy: [lying] Uh ... he seems really nice, but ... well, I already
have a boyfriend.
Inez: Really? Where is he?
Leo: And why isn't he here right now fathering our grandchild?

% While Amy's face grows more and more stress-worn, Fry and Leela are on
% the observation deck looking at the passing stars.

Leela: Well, our accomodations aren't great, but it sure is beautiful
out here.
Fry: Yeah, it's pretty romantic ... [he bites his tongue] ... I
mean, "platonic!" That sure is one platonic view.
Leela: [exhasperated] Fry, just be quiet. I'm beginning to think
this whole 'fake fiance' thing was a terrible, terrible ...

% In mid-sentence, Leela shuts up and wraps her lips around Fry's, and
% Fry just mutters in confusion. He sees why she did this, though, when
% Captain Brannigan makes his presence known.

Zapp: Leela, perhaps this is an awkward time, but if things don't
work out with this pip-squeak here, I just want you to know
I'll be there to score you on the rebound.
[Zapp gives her hungry look and strolls off]
Leela: [to Fry] Uh, look, before you get any crazy ideas ... that was
for _Zapp_.
Fry: Wow. You got anything else for him?
Leela: Alright, can we try not to complicate this?

% As if on cue, Amy and her parents walk up behind them. Amy wraps her
% arms around Fry: "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Fry ... my
% boyfriend!" She then passionately kisses Fry, who is more confused
% than ever, but quickly finds enjoyment in the situation. Leela, on
% the other hand, seems to be a tad jealous ...

% End of Act Two (6:45)

% As the Titanic's body nears a deadly region of icy comets, the
% passengers on the main deck seem blissfully unaware. While Leela
% sunbathes in the pool area, she observes Amy kissing Fry goodbye, and
% leaving with her parents. Fry approaches the empty beach-chair next
% to Leela's.

Leela: It would've been nice if you'd _told_ me you were going out
with Amy.
Fry: I'm not going out with Amy. It's just to fool her parents.
Hey, you're not jealous, are you?
Leela: [nervous] What? No, no. Of course not.
Fry: Good. Because I consider my fake relationship with _you_ a lot
more meaningful.
[Leela grunts]

% Elsewhere on the ship, Bender has been invited into his girlfriend's
% First Class bedroom. She excuses herself to the lady's room to
% 'freshen up' before they go out and Bender quips "I was just about to
% suggest the same thing!" She blows a kiss to him and closes the door,
% at which point we hear some loud, mechanical noises coming from
% inside. Bender, oblivious, jumps into action and begins sifting
% through her drawers looking for things to steal.

% The things stored in her dresser prove uninteresting, but Bender
% catches his eye on a gigantic blue diamond bracelet sparkling on the
% table next to her canopy bed. "Pay dirt!" He reaches to put it in
% his chest compartment, but hesitates at the last second, and takes a
% second look at the diamond inside. At this moment, Bender hears the
% voice of the Countess, who has been standing behind him.

Countess: Lovely, isn't it?
Bender: Yeah. But only 93% as lovely as you.
Countess: Oh, Bender ... either that was a computing error or you're
the most romantic robot I've ever met.

% Bender smirks. Later, in the casino, she is occupying herself with a
% slot machine, and Bender is dejectedly pouring his hard drive out to
% iZac the Bartender.

Bender: I don't get it, iZac. That bracelet had a diamond the size of
a raccoon's brain. Why couldn't I steal it?
IZac: It's obvious, Mr. B! You're in love.
Bender: Oh, it's true ... but we're star-crossed robots. She, a
Countess, built with a silver spoon in her mouth, and me, a
regular honest Joe.
[Bender walks away with his drinks]
IZac: Hey, are you gonna pay for those?
Bender: Hell no.

% IZac immediately activates a radio built into his chest and requests
% security to the bar area ... two yellow circles in the carpet pattern
% sweep upward to reveal bulky, cylindrical Security robots, who grab
% onto Bender. Bender pleads "Fellows, please! I'm in love." but iZac
% orders them to rough him up. As Bender is getting the bricks kicked
% out of him, the Countess runs over to put a stop to it.

Bender: [guilty] Fellows, please! I'm in love!
IZac: Rough him up.
[they do so; the Countess runs up to put a stop to it]
Countess: What are you doing?
IZac: This penniless chump was stealing drinks, Ma'am.
Countess: I see. [she hands over some money] Here you are, sir.
Keep the change.
IZac: You got it!

% IZac gives her his trademark two-finger wink. She walks over to
% Bender -- who's just been severely harrased with kicks and punches
% from the departed Security robots -- and Bender lowers his head in
% shame. Meanwhile, a limbo contest is going forth in the pool area,
% with much of the crew (all clad in their swimsuits) participating.
% Kif and the fat boy from the buffet are holding the limbo bar. Dr.
% Zoidberg has just had his turn, and Professor Farnsworth is up next.
% Fry yells "Go, Professor!", but the old man is only able to lean back
% a few inches, and knocks the bar to the floor, yelping "Ow!" Hermes
% is being comforted by his wife LaBarbara in the corner.

LaBarbara: Come on, Hermes. You could out-limbo all of these people.
Hermes: Don't be a dog-heart, woman. You know I can't. Not after
what happened ...

% Flashback to the 2980 Olympics, in which Hermes is the star player on
% Earth's Olympic limbo team. He's on the field, preparing for his
% feat, when a young boy with a shirt bearing his likeness jumps from
% the stands. The boy cheers that Hermes is his hero, and he wants to
% be just like him ... to the point where he runs out onto the field
% towards the limbo-bar and screams "I'm just like Hermes!" Hermes begs
% for him to stop, claiming that the bar is too low for his young
% backbone to sustain, but it's too late! He hears a loud -*crack*- and
% yells "Nooo!" at the sky. Back in the present, he weeps by his wife's
% side.

LaBarbara: There, there, now you don't have to limbo if you don't
want to. It doesn't make you any less of a man.
[Farnsworth walks by with an old lady (Hattie)]
Farnsworth: Though it did get _me_ some.
Hattie: I like a man who's "flexible!"
[Zapp Brannigan makes his presence known yet again]
Zapp: Your attention, please! As captain of this vessel, the
terrible burden of naming a limbo contest winner is mine
and mine alone.
Kif: Shouldn't you be steering between the comets?
Zapp: [oblivious] And the winner is ... Leela!
[Leela is still sunbathing; everyone claps]
Leela: But I didn't even limbo.
Zapp: No matter. I know from personal experience how
'horizontal' you can get. As your reward, you and that
hair-pile [Fry] are invited to dine at the Captain's table
this evening.

% After a moment's pause, Fry cheers. Back on the observation deck,
% Bender and his Countess are now the ones looking out at the stars.
% They seem to have been talking for some time.

Bender: Well, now you know ... I'm not actually rich. I'm a fraud.
A poor, lazy, sexy fraud. [takes off his bow-tie] This
isn't even a real bow-tie. It's magnetic!
[he lets go of it and it locks onto a nearby wall]
Countess: Bender, I don't care whether you have money. I love you for
your artificial intelligence and your sincerity-simulator.
Bender: You do? Really?

% They lean over to kiss, and the camera pans full-circle around them.
% A soft musical interlude begins, and short clips are shown of Bender
% drawing a nude picture of her (consisting of circuit diagrams), Bender
% holding her in the air at the ship's mast (but collapsing under her
% weight and sending her crashing through the floor below them) and the
% two of them sneaking into a hovercar in the ship's cargo area and
% "making sparks." Afterwards, we join the scene at the ship's dining
% area that evening, where Fry, Leela, Professor Farnsworth, Hattie and
% Zapp are eating at a circular table (with three empty places
% remaining).

Zapp: I like your style, Fry. You remind me of a young me. Not
_much_ younger, mind you. Perhaps even a couple years _older_.
Fry: Thank you, sir.
Zapp: But as a gentleman, I must warn you ... If you so much as
glance at another woman, I'll be all over Leela like a fly on a
pile of very seductive manure.
Fry: Well, rest assured Leela's the only girl for me.
[Amy and her parents enter]
Amy: Hey, Fry.
Leela: Amy!?
Amy: Leela!?
Zapp: Ah, the family Wong! Our party is complete.
[Leela, Fry and Amy join heads and whisper]
Leela: What are we gonna do? Fry can't pretend to be _both_ our
Fry: Sure I can. I learned how to handle delicate social situations
from a little show called "Three's Company."
[Zapp taps his fork on his glass]
Zapp: I'd like to impose a toast on the happy couple. Down the
Inez: Here-here! Now let's have a kiss!
Zapp: [sly] Yes, Fry. Plant one on your woman.

% Fry hesitates, and asks for a moment to think to himself. He
% desperately tries to find a solution to his dilemma by reciting the
% "Three's Company" theme song quietly to himself.

Leo: [angry] What's the hold-up? Kiss my daughter already!
Farnsworth: Now wait, I'm confused. Tell me, Fry, which one of these
ladies are you involved with?
[Fry sweats and hums the theme once more; Kif enters]
Kif: Captain, may I have a word with you?
Zapp: [dismissive] No.
Kif: It's an _emergency_, sir.
Zapp: Come back when it's a catastrophy.
[the ship rumbles and Zapp's drink spills]
Zapp: Oh, very well ...
[he leaves the room impatiently with Kif]
Amy: [after a pause] Well, with Zapp gone and my parents still
here, I suggest Fry give me a nice, convincing kiss.
Fry: Ah. Now there's something we can all enjoy.

% Fry and Amy embrace each other once again, while Leela sits
% uncomfortably. Zapp is back in the ship's control room half-heartedly
% heeding Kif's observations, while outside their quarters the icy
% comets shoot past them with a more dangerous speed and proximity than
% before.

Kif: Sir, remember your course correction?
Zapp: No.
Kif: Well, it's proving somewhat more suicidal than we'd initially
Zapp: Kif, old freind, I don't know which disgusts me more ... your
cowardice or your stupidity. [points out at the sky] We'll
simply set a new course for that empty region over there, near
that blackish, hole-ish thing.

% In the region of the sky Zapp points to, there is indeed a large
% blackish, hole-ish thing, stirring slowly. Kif is not pleased.
% Meanwhile, Leela is alone on the observation deck, watching the
% passing stars. The door opens wide behind her and Fry steps out onto
% the deck with her.

Fry: Hey, Leela, why'd you run off from dinner?
Leela: I didn't run off. I had plenty of time to finish eating and
stroll away while you were kissing Amy.
Fry: Aww, look, I'm not actually interested in her if that's what's
bothering you.
Leela: [stubborn] Uh-huh. Are you sure? I mean, she has two eyes,
you have two eyes ...
Fry: I know, we seem like the perfect match, but I just don't feel
that way about her.

% Some soft music plays. They look up, and in the sky a softly glowing
% orange nebula is burning. They both agree that it's a nice nebula.
% On the two decks below theirs, we can see half a dozen happy couples
% (all very familiar ... ) gazing similarly at the stars. Leela sighs.

Leela: [dreamy] Looks like everybody's got somebody. Except me ...
Fry: And me ...

% Their eyes lock, and they slowly turn to kiss. But before their lips
% can meet, a violent shake of the floor sends them both toppling to it.
% Fry crawls to get back up, and Leela rushes back to the railing, where
% she spots a black hole growing ever-nearer.

Leela: Oh, my God! We're heading straight into a black hole!
[bird's-eye view of the ship]
Fry: Talk about a mood-killer.

% End of Act Three (7:08)

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