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Proof "Medicine" is Witchcraft and condemened in the Holy Scriptures.

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Jan 14, 2006, 2:41:13 AM1/14/06
This would include all laboratory made preperations and "medicinal
plants" also.


Interesting: Evil Freemasons and Thelemites and other occultits in the
United States Federal Government erased similar contents to what you
see below from the servers of Usenet trying to protect the "staus quo"
which means the "generally excepted view-point that is almost always
wrong". It was these occultists in the United States Government that
presured Bill Gates of Microsoft into giving the Federal Government a
Back Door into everyone's computers and the internet to alter anything
on any computer connected to the internet. This back door is now in the

hands of the occultists on the internet and I have seen the evidence
that this is so.


The original word translated doctor or physician from greek in the Holy

Scriptures meant "healer" and they healed with Holy Spirit not
Witchdoctor potions. The Almighty Father YEHOVAH will answer prayers to

Him to heal you if you put full trust in Him to be healed and have
patience. King Hezekiah in the Holy Scriptures was healed from a
terminal illness gradually the Holy Scriptures says because he begged
the Almighty Father YEHOVAH to heal Him.

The word translated Sorcery in Revelation in the King James Bible is
the Greek word "pharmachea" and this is the same word that the English
word pharmacy comes from. In the New World Translation this word is
translated Spritism. If you look up in the Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance of the King James Bible and refernece the word in the Greek

dictionary in the back it will say the word means; "Druggest, Poisoner,

Witch, Sorceror, Maggi. Mage, Wizard, Shaman" and this is the same word

that the English word "pharmacist" comes from and a doctor or a
physician works hand in hand with the pharmacist. Especially dangerous
is today is the psychiatrist or the psychologist who prescribes drugs.

I posted similar info to this eariler and it was removed from the News
Groups that i am posting from. Evil people do not want you to know
these truths.

The word translated "Maggi" in the King James Version of the Bible
means "oriental scientist" and the English word "physician" means
"scientist". Of cource Maggi are Witches or Wizards or Sorcers or
Shaman and the Holy Scriptures makes it very clear that they serve
Satan's interests. But they can repent!
See this link that psych drugs are poison from a venimous snake!

Below is what I left to a person on alt.freemasonry a place where
occultits hang out who believe in magick = witchcraft.


The Un-Rev. 11D Meow! high preist in the Masonic Thelemic Church of the

Sub-Genius said: "Poisonally, I prefer Pop Rocks, thank very much."
If you really desire poison then drink your own semen because all
occultists do that. If you willfully unrepentently practice this then
you have truly damned. Consuming pharmacuticals is no different then
consuming semen because these pharmacuticals sprung from the minds of
those you practiced sex magick drinking semen. Pharmacuticals =
Medicine = Drugs is poison just like semen. Look the Baphomet is the
medical symbol the caduceus. Notice the two venemous serpants wrapping
his phallus and how his wings become the wings of the medical symbol
the caduceus. Witchdoctors have always been highly respected men in
their cultures among the pagans. Do you think it would be any different

among today's modern witchdoctors who are physicions? Adam and Eve did
eat the apple which was sexual fluids and the poison really did kill
them but Satan continues to promote the lie that you survive death as
an immortal spirit. He promotes this lie along with his demons by
pretending to be your dead ancestors and pretending to be "Ghosts".
Semen is loaded with the biochemical substances of Putricine (or
Putrecine) Spermidine and Spermine. Spermidine and Spermine are
involved in Nucleic acid replication in the body and especially the
brain. The brain is a DNA computer and all thought processes and
memories are encoded on the DNA of every cell in your brain. The
altered DNA of mankind from consuming the poison from the tree of the
knowlege of good and bad Adam's Penis which was also the original
serpent gave mankind the proclivity and drive to invent and construct
things and delve into science. This poison knowledge of Satan is
leading man into self destruction and collective suicide as he destroys

the very planet he lives on because all manufacturing processes are
raping the Earth and creating polutents that are destroying the very
planet we lived on. Yes Satan's poison knowledge from the forbidden
fruit is leading man into self destruction. And they do not have a good

heart to stop themselves because vaginal secretions and menustration
that occultists also consume in their sex magick rituals effect the
heart and corrupt it. The only this that can trun a man around and
remove this Adamic sin is to fear the Almighty Father YEHOVAH and
resolve in your heart to practice righteousness and accept His Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH as your personal Savious for forgiveness of your
sins. Say the prayer below that will change your live and lead in on
the road to salvation.


Here is a prayer that will change your life and so you can get
protection from the most powerful body guard in the universe. It is
important not to replace the titles "Lord" and "God" with the Holy name

YEHOVAH when saying this prayer. And continue to ask for these things
day after day to make sure you are protected and not blind in anyway.

Dear YEHOVAH Elohim heavenly Father All Powerful One who created all
things. Please hear my prayer. I accept the sacrifice of your male
offspring YEHOSHUVAH for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me of
all the bad things I have done in my life. Please fill me with Holy
Spirit in the same manner as John the Baptist. Please make me do your
will so I can endure to the end so I can be saved. I know I have free
will but I give you permission to make me do your will because I want
to live forever. Please lift my blinders so that I am not blinded by
Satan in anyway. Please lead me to the truth in all things. Please give

me true wisdom, true understanding and true knowledge. Please remove
all the defilement from my body. Please give me a pure heart and a pure

mind. Please rewrite my heart and mind so that I love you compleately.
Please may your Holy Name YEHOVAH be viewed as Holy before everyone.
Please may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Please
protect me from Satan and his demons and bad people and those who serve

Satan and his demons so that they can not cause me harm or trouble for
either me or my family. Please protect me from poisons and drugs and
medications and chemicals that I unknowingly consume or are forced upon

me. Please guide me to the truth in all things. Again please forgive me

of all my past wrongdoings because I accept the sacrifice of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH. Please give me faith beyond faith. Please give me

armors or righteousness. Please give me a sword of truth. Please give
me the helment of salvation. Please give me the fruitages of the
spirit. Please remove all the defilement from my body. I love you dear
Father YEHOVAH. Again please make me do your will because I want to
live forever. I pray these things through the name of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH who died for my sins so that I can be saved when I

endure to the end. Amen.

At the link above it will show you who are responsible for the
degridation of society and that is the Freemasons and other occultists
and false religions like Jesuit Catholics who also promote
pharmacutical drugging of the people and have huge amounts of stock in
the pharmacutical industry.

Note to the argument that the "other sheep" or the "little flock"
should be born again and are in the Kingdom but on Earth are also
spiritual jews and should partake of the emblems. It may be argued that

there is a scriptures that says; "Flesh and blood can not inherit the
Kingdom of God". To inherit means to take possetion (sic) as property
from a Father. That can only be said of the 144,000 since they will be
in charge ruling as Kings and Preists in heaven. But the Kingdom of
YEHOVAH is both heavenly and Earthly and the other sheep will survive
Armagedon and live forever on the Earth.


Here is a prayer that will change your life and so you can get
protection from the most powerful body guard in the universe. It is
important not to replace the titles "Lord" and "God" with the Holy name

YEHOVAH when saying this prayer. And continue to ask for these things
day after day to make sure you are protected and not blind in anyway.

Dear YEHOVAH Elohim heavenly Father All Powerful One who created all
things. Please hear my prayer. I accept the sacrifice of your male
offspring YEHOSHUVAH for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me of
all the bad things I have done in my life. Please fill me with Holy
Spirit in the same manner as John the Baptist. Please make me do your
will so I can endure to the end so I can be saved. I know I have free
will but I give you permission to make me do your will because I want
to live forever. Please lift my blinders so that I am not blinded by
Satan in anyway. Please lead me to the truth in all things. Please give

me true wisdom, true understanding and true knowledge. Please remove
all the defilement from my body. Please give me a pure heart and a pure

mind. Please rewrite my heart and mind so that I love you compleately.
Please may your Holy Name YEHOVAH be viewed as Holy before everyone.
Please may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Please
protect me from Satan and his demons and bad people and those who serve

Satan and his demons so that they can not cause me harm or trouble for
either me or my family. Please protect me from poisons and drugs and
medications and chemicals that I unknowingly consume or are forced upon

me. Please guide me to the truth in all things. Again please forgive me

of all my past wrongdoings because I accept the sacrifice of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH. Please give me faith beyond faith. Please give me

armors or righteousness. Please give me a sword of truth. Please give
me the helment of salvation. Please give me the fruitages of the
spirit. Please remove all the defilement from my body. I love you dear
Father YEHOVAH. Again please make me do your will because I want to
live forever. I pray these things through the name of your Male
Offspring YEHOSHUVAH who died for my sins so that I can be saved when I

endure to the end. Amen.

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