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Anyone know when the new eps will air?

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Not You

Sep 5, 2001, 4:15:52 PM9/5/01
Sometime in November last I heard, that still the word?


Nov 18, 2001, 1:57:51 PM11/18/01
it airs today I think the new ones at 6:00 central
"Not You" <> wrote in message

Chris Savino

Nov 20, 2001, 12:30:50 AM11/20/01

Hey All, I'd like to know what you think of the new episides. Good or bad
comments welcome.

Chris Savino
Supervising Director
Dexter's Lab

Tim the

Nov 20, 2001, 7:18:59 AM11/20/01

I thought "Momdark" was kind of disappointing. It seemed too much of
a 'one-joke' show, whereas earlier episodes were renown for their
wackiness, with several small plots occurring ar the same time.
"Momdark" just wasn't the same-each of the characters seemed a bit too
obnoxous and the plot was way too short for the length of the cartoon.

I liked the Monkey episode, but I wonder what Agent Honeydew will seems a bit out-of-character for Monkey to cheat on his

or am I reading too much into a cartoon?

Thanks for asking,
Tim the DeadHead

Chibi Maverick

Nov 20, 2001, 4:06:09 PM11/20/01
I think Honeydew is more an admirer than a girlfriend. ^.^


<Tim the (Tim the DeadHead)> wrote in message



Dec 1, 2001, 2:54:10 AM12/1/01
Any Dexter is godsend, but good gravy! did the writing staff changed?
It seems to be on a whole new humor level. Before it satirized all
that it was to be a fun kid at heart, but now... It just doesn't have
the classic Dexter that I'm used to. The classic openings, and the
classic dad, (sniff) ah they will be missed. I'm all for change, but
I think the way episodes are heading, they're losing in touch in a
way. PPG Meet The Beat Alls is a great example of the humor that I
saw in classic Dexter, oh if I had only not hit the stop button when I
accidentally started recording it =)


On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 05:30:50 GMT, Chris Savino


Dec 1, 2001, 3:08:07 AM12/1/01
spoilers for latest ep 11/30 if u havent seen it yet!

Of the three friday episodes, 11/30, the granddaddy of inventions
seemed to be the most humorous, albeit not by much. The
bed/thighmaster bit was totally classic =) but dexter, looking
everywhere for the secret entrance and failing was almost on the edge
of depressing! and when he finally saw the invention dexter's face was
the same look I had when I was watching it; finally, when the rube
goldberg device produced "free energy" =) it had a little lighter
ending, but not by much; still, all in all a good episode.

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 05:30:50 GMT, Chris Savino
<> wrote:

Chris Savino

Dec 3, 2001, 1:19:44 AM12/3/01
Whoa...didn't think there would be so much negativity. I guess you can't
please everybody. Unfortunatey you guys have to sit through an entire 13
episodes. I hope they grow on you and make you laugh. They really are good
cartoons. We have been green lit to do another 13. I will certainly keep
all of your suggestions and complaints in mind. As for the "brightness" to
the show this is because we are using the computer to color them. You lose
the warmth of film. And ther is nothing wrong with the old shows. Sometimes
things need change to make them fresh. I guess not a great idea in this


Chris Savino

Dec 3, 2001, 1:23:37 AM12/3/01
One more item as far as the new designs go... the reason for that change was
to bring a uniformity to the characters. If you look at the old eps Mom and
Dad didn't have the same design style as Dexter.



Dec 3, 2001, 5:59:55 AM12/3/01
I for one, and my kids for three, are all happy to see the new eps. Great job,
and thanks for posting here Chris.

Delirious Writer

Dec 3, 2001, 2:49:00 PM12/3/01
Alright! A 4th season? Amazing.

Looks like Dexter might actually outlive the Powerpuff Girls..


Dec 3, 2001, 8:58:08 PM12/3/01
Absolutely... Dexter is a great show, and after rethinking my
criticisms I think I came off too harsh on my opinions. But
subjectively, the show has changed, and change will take a little time
to adjust. I was expecting something different, but this still
outclasses many other cartoons. Might we still see homages to other
shows, ie Flinstones, A-Team, Speed Racer and etc? Those little 80's
throwbacks were what just made this show classic.



Dec 3, 2001, 10:05:50 PM12/3/01

When I first saw these new character designs and backgrounds, I surmised
that I must be watching some really old Dexter episodes. I was musing
to myself how nicely Dexter has evolved over the years; however, after
doing some research, I come to realize that this is the NEW DEXTER.

To be honest, I find the whole new look to be rather disappointing; I
cannot imagine why you felt the need for such a drastic change. The
character designs for the father and mother look so off that I find them
very unpleasing to the eye, and the backgrounds seem so
simplistic...almost child-like.

I have tried to sit and watch through these new episodes, but I cannot
seem to get past the new look. I'm all for change, but I think you may
have made too drastic of change in the artwork.

I will still endeavor to watch the new episodes, but I cannot see the
new artwork growing on me, especially when I was so found of the old
look (remember what happened to 'new coke').

Still a Dexter fan


Dec 4, 2001, 5:35:17 PM12/4/01
Hey Chris, it's all good. Dexter is still one of the best toons on tv, keep up
the good work. We appreciate you and your staff's efforts.

Joe Niffen

Dec 5, 2001, 12:29:29 AM12/5/01
Hi Chris:

I was wondering if you would know, is there any plan to release Dexter
to DVDs? I do remember a Subway Shop contest with the grand prize being
a DVD player with the complete (at the time) Dexter series on DVD.
Also, I think I saw PPG on DVD but no Dexter.

Thanks for you time on this matter.

By the way, I no kid (in early 40's) love the show. It took me about
three episodes to "get it". It is one of my favorite series. Haven't
seen the new episodes, took out cable, I didn't feel I was getting my
money's worth per month.

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