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Eileen Davidson A Man???

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May 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/15/98

My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.


May 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/15/98

It's not true. The rumour originated when she was on Y&R and it was a joke by
another actor. Then it got blown out of proportion and thought to be reality.
There are pics of her as a little girl at Beth's page--there isn't any way it's

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Rainie S 1

May 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/15/98

> Marshall wrote:

>My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
>Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
>believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
>the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
>heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

Here we go again! The rumor is false.

Kimberly Matthieu

May 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/15/98

The rumor started back when she was on "Y&R". There was a talk show (I
think Springer) that had transexuals on it (big surprise) and there was
a "man" who supposedly looked just like Eileen Davidson. The rumor
started from there. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. That's just all
I know about it.

May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

Although I see that other people have already replied to this message, I just
feel I should answer it anyways! Eileen Davidson is not and never has been a
man. Years ago on DONAHUE there was a transsexual--or was it transvestite?--
who looked somewhat like Eileen Davidson, and the rumor has been flying ever

I repeat, she is NOT a man.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading


May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

>My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
>Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
>believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
>the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
>heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.
AAARRRRRGGGGG! ! ! I thought this rumor had died a long time ago. Her and her
husband are trying to have a baby. Period. Paragraph.

Bonbon (aka Bonzilla, Bonfire and Bonzo)
Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive! ;-)


May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

In on Fri, 15 May 1998 16:51:31 -0400,

Marshall <> plopped down in the porch swing & said:

| My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
| Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
| believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
| the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
| heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

- - - - - Begin FAQ:

DOOL Frequently Asked Question: I heard the actress who plays Kristen
used to be a this true?

Answer: Not that it should matter one way or the other
Eileen Davidson has repeatedly denied the rumor (in print and on TV)
that she was once a man. In an appearance on PURE SOAP toward the end
of May, 1994 she said (in essence...this is not verbatim):

1. I've never been a man.
2. I don't know how this rumor got started.
3. Some people say I appeared on the Phil Donahue show to tell "my"
sex change story but I've never appeared on his show for any reason
... not even as a member of the studio audience.

She even joked about the rumor by appearing in a skit during her
appearance on PURE SOAP that made fun of it.

In addition, when this rumor cropped up on the net in 1993, one of the
netters called the Phil Donahue show to ask if Eileen Davidson had
ever been on their show and they said she hadn't and they didn't have
any idea how that rumor had started.

BTW, PURE SOAP used to be a daily show seen on the E! Entertainment
cable channel.

As to where (or why) the rumor started...what difference does it make?
It's false and that's all there is to it.

- - - - - end FAQ.

And, then, there is this:

From the 8/4/92 issue of SOD: Soaps' Wildest Rumors

One of the most persistent is that Eileen Davidson is a man. Sources
say that it started when Eric Braeden (Victor, YR) was said to have
gone on DONAHUE and said that then co-star Davidson had undergone a
sex change. "I called DONAHUE and pitched Eric Braeden, and the person
who answered the phone said, 'Oh, he's our second most popular rumor.'
And he had never even been on the show!" says a spokesperson for
Braeden. "For the record, Eric went on DONAHUE years later and talked
about how popular the show is, and his character. And that was all
that was discussed," she says. "It's so strange how this rumor has
persisted over the years. He has never said anything even remotely
related to this."

Braeden's response to this particular rumor is somewhat stronger: "I
would like to get my hands on the person who started this rumor. It's
one of the most vicious rumors ever disseminated about an actress or
actor. It's as vicious, mean and horrendous as it is untrue," says the
angry Braeden. "It staggers the mind that someone would spread a rumor
like this."

-----End of SOD excerpt

And, furthermore, I was personally privileged to happen to be watching
DONAHUE the day, years ago, that Tula was on discussing her life, her
very successful career as a high fashion model, losing her lucrative
contracts when someone 'outed' her as a transsexual woman, etc. She is
knock down gorgeous & I, of course, would never have known from
looking at her. She just sounds like someone who would be a great
person to know. Unfortunately, she's had to go through a lot, but you
don't see or hear any bitterness out of her. Personally, I feel
confident that people have mistaken her for Eileen. As I have said
many times before, I don't see the resemblance. To me, the only thing
they have in common is that they are both real lookers with fantastic
cheekbones. Tula was born as Barry Cossey & now goes by Caroline
Cossey, except professionally. I thought I heard that they were making
a movie of her life. I hope so as it would likely be very

Now, I don't know why this won't go away, but it won't. Do we need to
have a regular posting on this?

And, it is not good for anyone to have anything said about them that
is not true except in the spirit of fun-filled gossip, where it
doesn't matter one whit. But, it is equally not good that something
like this could conceivably matter to anyone, or, heaven forbid, cause
someone loss of work and income. The FAQ is right, when all is said,
it doesn't matter that it's untrue - even though it is untrue.


May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

In article <6jimdl$ppa$>, writes:

>Although I see that other people have already replied to this message, I just
>feel I should answer it anyways! Eileen Davidson is not and never has been a
>man. Years ago on DONAHUE there was a transsexual--or was it transvestite?--
>who looked somewhat like Eileen Davidson, and the rumor has been flying ever
>I repeat, she is NOT a man.

What about the person, named Faith something, who played Ivan and Viv's smoking
landlady? Now there was a transvestite if I've ever seen one. Did you see the
shoulders on her/him? (I know it's been awhile.)

Cheers, Mary

"My idea of an agreeable person is someone who agrees with me"--Disraeli

May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

In article <>,

Marshall <> wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.
I think this is only a rumor but if it happens to be true, i think Eileen is
too good an actress to be dragged through the mud. that is the trouble with
rumors, we always have a different view of our favorite people once something
like this gets leaked out. I say LEAVE IT ALONE!!! :o)

Vivian J.

May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

> What about the person, named Faith something, who played Ivan and Viv's
> landlady? Now there was a transvestite if I've ever seen one. Did you see
> shoulders on her/him? (I know it's been awhile.)

Hmmmm, that's interesting. Was that "Big Bertha"? The one who thought
Vivian looked cute dressed as Elvis? I do remember she was kind of tall
and big built to be a woman, so your idea makes sense. (*sigh... we need
some big and tall real women on this show*)

I do not think Eileen Davidson could have been a man; her build is too
slender. The shoulders are a dead giveaway for a transvestite/transsexual,
and also low voice, masculine face shape, and chest that looks like it's
out of place somehow... none of that describes Eileen...



May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

In article <01bd8076$bd0416e0$>, "Vivian J."
<no-...@my.mailbox> writes:

>Hmmmm, that's interesting. Was that "Big Bertha"? The one who thought
>Vivian looked cute dressed as Elvis? I do remember she was kind of tall
>and big built to be a woman, so your idea makes sense. (*sigh... we need
>some big and tall real women on this show*)

The character's name was Bertha, the actor/actress was Faith or Faye something
I think.

Sep 3, 2014, 1:06:05 PM9/3/14
I read years ago about 1979 or earlier that she had a sex change and the showed her picture along with her was no confusion or mistaken identity or another look was not denied then so why start now


Sep 3, 2014, 1:32:42 PM9/3/14

<> wrote in message
> I read years ago about 1979 or earlier that she had a sex change and the
> showed her picture along with her was no confusion or mistaken
> identity or another look was not denied then so why start now

Don't believe everything you read. This rather silly rumor was disproven
many years ago:

Dec 3, 2014, 7:23:45 AM12/3/14
On Friday, May 15, 1998 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Marshall wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I itdidn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

Yes I did hear it several years ago

David Amicus

Dec 3, 2014, 5:52:33 PM12/3/14
Here is her bio. They can do a lot with gender realignment but she gave birth to a son. Science hasn't gone that far yet. She's always been a woman.


Dec 3, 2014, 5:56:34 PM12/3/14

"David Amicus" <> wrote in message
This is an old, long disproven allegation. I would prefer we just drop
this thread and not keep responding to it.

David Amicus

Dec 3, 2014, 6:33:34 PM12/3/14
Sorry. I'll try to remember.

Dec 5, 2014, 9:49:54 PM12/5/14
On Friday, May 15, 1998 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Marshall wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.


D Nice

Dec 28, 2014, 4:16:25 PM12/28/14
On Friday, May 15, 1998 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Marshall wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

Thank Bon Bon for spelling out the word period when the sentence already ended with the symbol for period. We weren't sure that you were finished talking.

I heard the rumor about 20 years ago and I still believe it's true.

Apr 16, 2015, 12:05:47 AM4/16/15
The rumor was that she was born with both male and female organs, and she decided to be female at a young age. That is why the surgery was effective(because she was still developing). It also explains her ability to have a child. It was discussed in the 1980's well before Tula's interview which took place in the 90's. It was stated that Eric Braeden did not take well to the news(it was revealed when Victor and Ashley first had their love affair), and this led to Eileen leaving Y and R the first time.


Apr 16, 2015, 5:15:55 PM4/16/15
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 8:05:47 PM UTC-4, wrote:

If this would be true, why would this be anyone's business?
I would be a private matter, right?


Apr 16, 2015, 5:29:54 PM4/16/15

"Koko" <> wrote in message
Yes, but in fact it's not true anyway, it was debunked years ago, and there
is no reason to respond to the trolls who continue to bring it up.


Apr 16, 2015, 7:31:16 PM4/16/15
In article <>, says...
> On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 8:05:47 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> If this would be true, why would this be anyone's business?
> I would be a private matter, right?

This was debunked years ago anyway.


Apr 17, 2015, 2:15:46 PM4/17/15
This story has a longer half life than Plutonium-238!


Apr 17, 2015, 3:49:31 PM4/17/15
Trolls to the right of us.....Trolls to the left of us. They're all around!

Aug 19, 2015, 5:19:55 PM8/19/15
On Friday, May 15, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Marshall wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

I distinctly remember reading a story in the 1970's-80's in one of my father's National Enquirer or STAR magazines about a transgender named David something or another. The story claimed that he was now a she, and I am pretty sure it was Eileen Davidson. Perhaps that's how the rumor got started? The Enquirer is infamous for making stuff up. It is curious that she has such a pronounced adams apple but if she physically gave birth to a child, then that should put this to bed for good! But I clearly remmeber this article at the time. My mom watched Y&R at the time and I remember talking with her about it then!

Jan 11, 2016, 5:52:40 PM1/11/16
On matter she's fine

Jan 22, 2016, 2:12:37 AM1/22/16
On Friday, May 15, 1998 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Marshall wrote:
> My wife and I are having this huge debate. She claims she read that
> Eileen Davidson was born male and had a sex change years ago. I didn't
> believe this until the other day at work when someone else brought up
> the same subject. I know no one knows for sure but has anyone else
> heard this ridiculous rumor? Any info on this subject is appreciated.

yes, that is so true. I remember reading about it back then and one of the male actors didn't want to do a sex seam with her.. So yes,

May 2, 2017, 6:47:37 PM5/2/17
Yeessss this is the same thing I heard and wondered if it were true!!!


May 2, 2017, 6:57:15 PM5/2/17
On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 2:47:37 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Yeessss this is the same thing I heard and wondered if it were true!!!

Well, if she has transitioned, it was years ago and she definitely is a woman now and if this BS story is true, it is none of YOUR business!

Primula N

May 2, 2017, 7:28:02 PM5/2/17
In article <>, says...
> On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 2:47:37 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> > Yeessss this is the same thing I heard and wondered if it were true!!!
> Well, if she has transitioned, it was years ago and she definitely is a woman now and if this BS story is true, it is none of YOUR business!

She was never a man, it was always a rumor.


May 2, 2017, 7:49:21 PM5/2/17
"Koko" wrote in message
This has been talked about pretty extensively. There is no truth to the
story, and anyone who repeats a rumor like that without additional facts is
not only an idiot, but is committing slander.

Here is a pretty definitive refutation of the story:


May 14, 2017, 4:53:18 AM5/14/17
A lot of people are saying the rumour started after Tula was on Donahue but I remember being told that Eillen Davidson was transgender waàaaayyy before that. I believe it was in the early 80's a friend's said "She (Ashley) used to be a can tell by her hands" Apparently there was a funeral and "Ashley" was kneeling beside the coffin with black lace gloves on (supposedly bc her hands were "manly" {God that is SO stupid lol}. This person also told me that the reason WHY Eillen quit Y&R (another actress replaced her for a few years) was bc the upcoming scenes had a lot of sexual leading moments with Eric (Victor) and that Eric REUFUSED to touch her bc he was disgusted that she used to be a man.
Of COURSE NONE of that was true but rumours are like that kid's game "Telephone" the lie starts out small then it gets bigger and bigger bc each person adds their own 2 cents worth. TERRIBLE that ANY false rumour would follow ANYONE for almost 30 YEARS!!!!

Jun 25, 2017, 3:53:01 AM6/25/17
In every disgusting rumor lies a little bit of truth. She clearly has a scar across her neck which suggests that there was surgery done to the Adams apple. Regardless she's a beautiful woman a great actress and I wish her well.

Allen Prunty

Jun 25, 2017, 7:57:34 PM6/25/17
to All
wb> wa|aaaayyy before that. I believe it was in the early 80's a friend's
wb> said "She (Ashley) used to be a can tell by her hands"
wb> Apparently there was a funeral and "Ashley" was kneeling beside the
wb> coffin with black lace gloves on (supposedly bc her hands were "manly"
wb> {God that is SO stupid lol}. This person also told me that the reason

However, Eileen did play a man in the mix of the Susan / Kristen mess... she
had three characters going at the same time once.


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Jun 26, 2017, 1:52:51 AM6/26/17
"Allen Prunty" wrote in message
This is a long since discredited rumor, and you do a disservice to Eileen
Davidson by responding to the troll or trolls that continually bring this


David Amicus

Jun 26, 2017, 5:21:23 AM6/26/17
On the New Zealand soap opera "Shortland Street" there is a teen female to male transgender character played by a transgender person. The character is heterosexual i.e. attracted to females.

On the British soap opera "Hollyoaks" there is a male to female transgender person. She had the surgery. She is a lesbian.

And on the British soap opera "Coronation Street" there was a much beloved male to female transgender character Haley. She had the surgery. She was heterosexual. The character was played by a woman.

Dec 24, 2017, 10:32:13 AM12/24/17
I arrived at the suspicion that she is/was male without hearing any rumors. I always noticed her very pronounced Adam’s apple and manly facial features, and then read that she played a male role once on days of our lives. Then I got curious and looked up some pictures. Notice the facial hair when she played the role of a man. If that’s a Hollywood fake, then they did a damn good job.‭

Dec 24, 2017, 10:47:52 AM12/24/17
I would like to see these pictures of her as a little girl. I clicked on your link, and the link was no good.

Aug 2, 2018, 2:28:24 AM8/2/18
Not correct. The show aired 2 years after the rumors started.

May 20, 2020, 5:00:49 PM5/20/20
We she he whatever is gorgeous
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