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Is Jeff Clark the worst actor or what?

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May 17, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/17/96

Man, I cringe everytime he comes on. He is trying to be sooooo intense,
but it all comes out panting, angry, and yelling. Even the love scenes.
What audition did he go through to get this part??

And what about when he saw the body in the basement at the the end of the
episode (not the beginning, as they reworked it Thank God!) He grabs his
head and acts like someone smacked him (not a bad idea!!)

Steve Mihelcic

May 18, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/18/96

He's a baddass, and he don't take take no shit from no-one!

Michael J. Solomon

May 18, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/18/96

On 17 May 1996 18:23:20 -0400, (Tickle) wrote:

>Man, I cringe everytime he comes on. He is trying to be sooooo intense,
>but it all comes out panting, angry, and yelling. Even the love scenes.
>What audition did he go through to get this part??

Actually, I think the guy who plays Tom Jennings is the WORST actor on DS.

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

I agree with Tom Jennings getting the worst actor on DS award, with Dr.
Lang as honorable mention! But even some of the best actors came off bad
because of material or no time to learn the script, i.e. Frid, who is an
excellent actor, but certainly had his share of trouble getting the lines
out on the show. I am amazed at Nicholas and Angelique's rarely missing
lines and give them all the credit in the world.

Pat Noone

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

I think that woman who replaced Nancy Barret as Caroline in yesterday's
show has to rank up there. But definitely Dr. Lang must be noted!

Sammi Ridgeway

May 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/21/96

Hi, I've been lurking around for some time and I'm new to this so I may have my characters
mixed up, but....isn't Jeff Clark the guy who went on to ruin Alias Smith and Jones?

Like I said, I may be mixed up. I know one of the actors on Dark Shadows was in Alias
Smith and Jones after one of the actors (not Ben Murphy, obviously) killed himself. It was
one of my favorite shows until he took over - ratings dropped and the show was eventually
cancelled (the guy was the touch of death).

Anyway, I agree, he is absolutely horrible. I'm surprised he could find work at all -
especially on two of the most popular series of that time.

Donal Fagan

May 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/23/96

In article <4nsov1$>, says...

I think it was Pete Duel who killed himself. I thought Alias was such a bad
version of Butch & Sundance that I never watched it after the pilot.

I don't remember Jeff Clark being that bad; we haven't caught up to him in the
videotapes. I remember something about him being hung by Trask, but not much

We just saw the appearance of Jerry Lacy as Tony Richardson. I only remembered
him as Trask (and Bogart's ghost). He's pretty good.

Donal Fagan

James Briggs

May 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/24/96

In article <4o0fjh$>, (Donal Fagan) wrote:
]In article <4nsov1$>, says...

]>Hi, I've been lurking around for some time and I'm new to this so I may have
]my characters
]>mixed up, but....isn't Jeff Clark the guy who went on to ruin Alias Smith and
]>Like I said, I may be mixed up. I know one of the actors on Dark Shadows was
]in Alias
]>Smith and Jones after one of the actors (not Ben Murphy, obviously) killed
]himself. It was
]>one of my favorite shows until he took over - ratings dropped and the show was
]>cancelled (the guy was the touch of death).
]>Anyway, I agree, he is absolutely horrible. I'm surprised he could find work
]at all -
]>especially on two of the most popular series of that time.
]I think it was Pete Duel who killed himself. I thought Alias was such a bad
]version of Butch & Sundance that I never watched it after the pilot.
Pete Duel is the one who commited suicide, and he was replaced by another
actor during the second season of ASAJ, however the Internet Movie Database
lists Roger Davis as the narrator for the ASAJ pilot.

Incidentally, Sci Fi Channel was showing The Magician with Bill Bixby a few
months ago, and John Karlen turned up as one of the villians! I also noticed
that this is not mentioned in the FAQ.

"I have so often in my life been mistaken that I no longer blush for it."
-- Napoleon Bonaparte

May 25, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/25/96

On this notable date in history Fri, 24 May 96 02:21:28 GMT, (James Briggs) shared with all present:

>Pete Duel is the one who commited suicide, and he was replaced by another
>actor during the second season of ASAJ, however the Internet Movie Database
>lists Roger Davis as the narrator for the ASAJ pilot.

Roger Davis did replace Pete Duel, after Pete's suicide. I seem to
recall *he* was then replaced by Pete's brother Geoff Deuel (who
spelled their last name in the original fashion), but my memory is not
what it once was...and it never was all that much to begin with. :-)

The opening credits' (the "Henry Fonda-esque" voice) voice-over was
done by Roger Davis...he did quite a few voice overs back then (and
still, I guess).

>Incidentally, Sci Fi Channel was showing The Magician with Bill Bixby a few
>months ago, and John Karlen turned up as one of the villians! I also noticed
>that this is not mentioned in the FAQ.
> Jim

It would take a human computer to keep track of *all* the appearances
of DS actors - I'm amazed that the guys are as comprehensive as they

May 25, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/25/96
to (James Briggs) wrote:

>In article <4o0fjh$>,
> (Donal Fagan) wrote:
>]In article <4nsov1$>, says...
>]>Hi, I've been lurking around for some time and I'm new to this so I may have
>]my characters
>]>mixed up, but....isn't Jeff Clark the guy who went on to ruin Alias Smith and
>]>Like I said, I may be mixed up. I know one of the actors on Dark Shadows was
>]in Alias
>]>Smith and Jones after one of the actors (not Ben Murphy, obviously) killed

>Pete Duel is the one who commited suicide, and he was replaced by another

>actor during the second season of ASAJ, however the Internet Movie Database
>lists Roger Davis as the narrator for the ASAJ pilot.

He was the narrator for the series. However he is the actor how also
replaced Pete Duel. If my memory serves, he was also in an early ASAJ
episode where he was a very fast draw and smiled alot. I didn't like
his acting, but I liked his voice in the narration.

Malfouf al-Makboos

May 26, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/26/96

NO!! Just wait a few months. When Donna McKechnie makes
her appearance in the 1895 storyline, she'll make the guy
who plays Jeff Clark (Roger Davis) look like Oscar material!

"What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, to possess what was theirs, and to
hear the lamentation of their women. That is best".
-Genghis Khan, Mongol Philosopher

R clay Ballard

May 27, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/27/96

In a cast that includes such stellar performances as Louis Edmonds as the
father of a child, Alexandra Moltke as anything other than the
correspondent in divorce cases, Jonathan Frid as anything at all, to
single out Roger Davis as Jeff Clark is redundant.

And besides, I like Jenny....

The quality of acting on Dark Shadows is entirely beside the point.

Clay Daniel

May 28, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/28/96

In article <4ocffb$>,
(Megan Mcgory) wrote:
> P.S. I've been lurking around the newsgroup and every time Jeff Clark
> speaks
> I break out laughing because of that voice of his!!!

Am I the only person here that's reminded of Dick Sargent every time
Roger Davis speaks (he even looks a little like him), or just the first (I
think) to mention it? :)

Clay Daniel ( "He was once a little green ball of clay..."

Graeme Cree

May 28, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/28/96

Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall? That
would be saying something.
Even Roger Davis isn't that bad. Oh, his voice is irritating, and he's
miscast as the hero. He would be much better as a weasely type. But his
actual acting isn't that terrible.

Malfouf al-Makboos

May 28, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/28/96

> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson
>Hall? That
>would be saying something.

YES!!! MUCH worse. At least she was on DS. I've never
seen her in anything else, but I understand she later achieved
some measure of fame on "A Chorus Line". Either she improved
a lot, or maybe "A Chorus Line" was mostly singing and dancing,
which she may have been better at. Her work on DS, on the
other hand, was atrocious. She sounded a lot like someone
without any acting training whatsoever just reading cue cards


May 28, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/28/96

In article <4og17k$jj7$>, Graeme says...

> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall? That
>would be saying something.
> Even Roger Davis isn't that bad. Oh, his voice is irritating, and he's
>miscast as the hero. He would be much better as a weasely type. But his
>actual acting isn't that terrible.

I don't know if Donna McKechnie is a bad actress because I haven't seen
her acting yet, but to compare the boring Jeff Clark to Grayson Hall? I
must come to the defense of Grayson. I thought she was truly interesting
and one of the best actors on the show.

W. Boyd

May 29, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/29/96

Graeme Cree (7263...@CompuServe.COM) wrote:
: Even Roger Davis isn't that bad. Oh, his voice is irritating, and he's
: miscast as the hero. He would be much better as a weasely type. But his
: actual acting isn't that terrible.

My thoughts exactly. He would have been perfect as a Lieutenant
Forbes-like character.

Michael J. Solomon

May 29, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/29/96

On 28 May 1996 23:37:03 GMT, Malfouf al-Makboos <10233...@CompuServe.COM>

>> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson
>>Hall? That
>>would be saying something.

> YES!!! MUCH worse. At least she was on DS. I've never
>seen her in anything else, but I understand she later achieved
>some measure of fame on "A Chorus Line". Either she improved
>a lot, or maybe "A Chorus Line" was mostly singing and dancing,
>which she may have been better at. Her work on DS, on the
>other hand, was atrocious. She sounded a lot like someone
>without any acting training whatsoever just reading cue cards

Which character did she play?

May 29, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/29/96

>Roger Davis did replace Pete Duel, after Pete's suicide. I seem to
>recall *he* was then replaced by Pete's brother Geoff Deuel (who
>spelled their last name in the original fashion), but my memory is not
>what it once was...and it never was all that much to begin with. :-)
>The opening credits' (the "Henry Fonda-esque" voice) voice-over was
>done by Roger Davis...he did quite a few voice overs back then (and
>still, I guess).

Yes, Davis did the voice-over (I still have it on tape) and then replaced
Duel after the latter's suicide. No, he wasn't replaced in turn. I believe
the negative associations the show received, coupled with the fact that
Peter Duel was a fan favorite and *anyone* attempting to replace him
would have been seen as second-rate, were what led to the show's

FWIW, I think Davis was much better as Peter Bradford than he is as
Jeff Clark. At least Peter Bradford was allowed to be tender. Jeff
just gets to be angst-ridden, and clutch his head a lot.

-- Eleanor Kennedy


Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

Graeme Cree wrote:
> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall?

NOBODY is a worse actress than Grayson Hall!!!


Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <>, Steve says...

>Graeme Cree wrote:
>> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall?
>NOBODY is a worse actress than Grayson Hall!!!
It is funny how some think she is the best actress on the show, while
others think she is the worst. I can't think of any other DS actresses
who fit this category. I think she was great.

Ethan Harvey

Jun 4, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/4/96

Steve ( wrote:

: Graeme Cree wrote:
: >
: > Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall?

: NOBODY is a worse actress than Grayson Hall!!!

I don't know, Ali McGraw might be a close second, but I agree that Grayson
Hall was the worst on DS. I was amazed to learn that she won an Oscar 2 years
before DS came into being.

W. Boyd

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

KarenLeclair wrote:
: It is funny how some think she is the best actress on the show, while

: others think she is the worst. I can't think of any other DS actresses
: who fit this category. I think she was great.

I think she has to be near the bottom as far as the actresses go, but you
have to admire the way she could pick up the ball for Jonathon Frid when
he screwed up. By the way the best actress in my opinion would probably
have to be Kathryn Leigh Scott.

Anne Flack

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

No, Grayson was NOMINATED for an Oscar--best supporting actress for Night
of the Iguana (1964), but she did not win...

Malfouf al-Makboos

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

>I don't know, Ali McGraw might be a close second, but I agree
>that Grayson
>Hall was the worst on DS. I was amazed to learn that she won an
>Oscar 2 years
>before DS came into being.

It could be she was just a "slow study" (i.e. needed a
long time and a lot of rehearsals to learn lines properly).
If she was, this would tend to make her more suited to
movie acting than day-to-day soap acting.

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

On this notable date in history 28 May 1996 23:11:48 GMT, Graeme Cree
<7263...@CompuServe.COM> shared with all present:
> Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall? That
>would be saying something.

Well, I think the question of whether Grayson Hall was a good actress
in general, and whether she was good on DS, are two entirely different
things. Grayson was a greatly respected stage actress; she was
terrific in Night of the Iguana. In general, she was, however, very
broad and over-drawn on DS. I still liked very much her quiet moments
on the show, but she did get very bad in some of the more, well,
vividly drawn scenes. Much of that has to be laid on Dan Curtis'
shoulders, though. He directed it that way.

> Even Roger Davis isn't that bad. Oh, his voice is irritating, and he's
>miscast as the hero. He would be much better as a weasely type. But his
>actual acting isn't that terrible.

Oh, he wasn't that bad an actor - he's just a big jerk in "real life".

Bill Lewis

Jun 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/6/96

Steve wrote:

> Graeme Cree wrote:
> >
> > Yes, but is Donna McKechnie a worse actress than Grayson Hall?
> NOBODY is a worse actress than Grayson Hall!!!

Nobody except maybe the second Burke Devlin (Anthony George?) and Nancy
Barrett especially when she sings.



Jun 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/7/96

Worst actor?????

OH MY GAWD! I can NOT believe that you would consider Jeff Clark worse

| You should never look any further than your own |
| back yard, because if it isn't there, you never |
| really lost it to begin with. |

Russ and Mary

Jun 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/7/96


I enjoy your posts very much. I am interested why you said Roger Davis
is a jerk in real life. Please fill us in!


Bill Lewis

Jun 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/7/96

Anne Flack wrote:
> No, Grayson was NOMINATED for an Oscar--best supporting actress for Night
> of the Iguana (1964), but she did not win...

Wasn't she also the 'hostage' in That Darn Cat?


Anne Flack

Jun 8, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/8/96

I think you are right, Bill...

Eric Newman

Jun 8, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/8/96

KarenLeclair wrote:
>: It is funny how some think she is the best actress on the show, while
>: others think she is the worst. I can't think of any other DS actresses
>: who fit this category. I think she was great.

For those who've just arrived, "she" refers to Grayson Hall.

There must be a difference between being technically competent as an
actress and getting the job done or pleasing the audience. I agree
that from a technical point of view Ms. Hall left something to be be
desired, but still she was vastly entertaining to watch.

Eric Newman


Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96

W. Boyd wrote:

> he screwed up. By the way the best actress in my opinion would probably
> have to be Kathryn Leigh Scott.

She was a great screemer yes, but for our money, Lara Parker was by far
the best actress on DS.

Steve & Dora

Michael J. Solomon

Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96

I think Thayer David (Stokes) was the best actor. He played very different roles
and he played them very well.

Graeme Cree

Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96

It could have something to do with the soap opera schedule, but Grayson
Hall's problem on DS is not getting her lines wrong, it's her terribly
limited range of emotions. Like whenever something startling happens, she'll
just stare at the camera with her mouth open.
I don't know if you've ever seen the Mystery Science Theater 3000
episode where they watched Alien From L.A. During one of the intermissions
they put together a quiz game based on what emotion Kathy Ireland would use
in a variety of fictional situations, and the answer to every question was
"Dull Surprise". That's what I think of whenever I watch Grayson Hall act.

Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96


>W. Boyd wrote:
>> he screwed up. By the way the best actress in my opinion would probably
>> have to be Kathryn Leigh Scott.
>She was a great screemer yes, but for our money, Lara Parker was by far
>the best actress on DS.
> Steve & Dora

I'm a newbie here, but I was raised on DS. Indeed, when I was five, I
learned to tell time by the fact that WHERE THE ACTION IS was on at 3:30,
and DARK SHADOWS follwed at 4.

I think the reason a lot of us love DS to this day has to do with the
fact that the acting is hammy. If it were better the camp value of the
show would be zero. Those bad special effects helped a lot too (Who can
forget Rev. Trask condeming Angelaque to death by fire, and a blow torch
coming on the screen!). Roger Davis is not a great actor, but I gather
both he and nearly everyone on the show had the time of their lives doing it.
When I see the show nowadays I get an even bigger kick out of it.

When they did the revival and souped up both the effects and the acting,
the show became dreary. More bad acting and F/X, that's what TV needs

Jeff Zang


Jun 9, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/9/96

Grayson Hall was an extremely talented actress who had to play several roles on Dark
Shadows. She had to play scientific coldness, submerged jealousy, guilt over killing
her friend Dave, abject fear, and authorititavie control (over Willie) -- and that was just
as Julia Hoffman. Plus she was great as the snobbish Natalie DuPres, fabulous as the
gypsy Magda, and memorable as the evil Julia of parallel time.

It is to her tribute that she is one of the most remembed actors or actresses from Dark
Shadows -- after the Roger Davises and Mitchel Ryans of the series dropped into
oblivion. The characters Grayson played burned brightly in me memories and I am
having fun reliving them.

Pat Noone

Jun 10, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/10/96

Not only that--she makes a great contrast to those doe-eyed ingenues,
like Maggie and Vicki, who do nothing but sit around waiting to be
kidnapped by the next villian!

Eric Newman

Jun 11, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/11/96

Graeme Cree <7263...@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

The thing which convinced me that Miss Hall's range was limited was
that every character she played (Julia, Magda, the Countess, and the
others) showed fear in *exactly* the same way--by putting her elbow
out to her side and the back of her hand in front of her mouth. (When
we were kids, we used to joke that she was trying to ward off evil
spirits with her underarm odor.)

Still, as I said in an earlier post, she may not have *technically*
been a good actress, but she was sure entertaining to watch. And
sometimes, that's all that counts.

Jonathan Frid was probably fortunate in that he had to play only one
role for most of the series, whereas the other cast members had to
play multiple characters and try (well, not in Roger Davis's case) to
come up with different interpretations for them. I must say that in
the brief period in which I saw Jonathan Frid's Bramwell, he did a
creditable job of making a character quite different from Barnabas.

Eric Newman /

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

On this notable date in history 9 Jun 1996 14:49:33 GMT, Graeme Cree

<7263...@CompuServe.COM> shared with all present:
> It could have something to do with the soap opera schedule, but Grayson
>Hall's problem on DS is not getting her lines wrong, it's her terribly
>limited range of emotions. Like whenever something startling happens, she'll
>just stare at the camera with her mouth open.

Well, to be fair, these folk had no idea their work on DS was going to
be preserved and re-watched thirty years down the road. Also, it was
shot live and no one got to go back and do a second take. The more
lines one had, the harder it was to adjust one's performance - Grayson
had tons of dialogue and a large storyline.

Anyway, just like the "classic musicals" look stagey and mannered to
the sophisticated 90s eyes, DS was meant for a more limited audience
than the one that exists today.

We all fall short in various areas of our lives...more to her credit,
she was a good person. That's the important thing - more important,
to me, than the brilliance of the artist is the "brilliance" of the
decent human being.

And I don't mean this as a downer on the conversation :-) - speak your
peace. I just wanted to make the point.

RIP, Grogs.


"Do what thy manhood bids thee do,
From none but self expect applause.
He noblest lives, and noblest does,
Who makes and keeps his self-made laws."
Sir Richard Francis Burton

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

On this notable date in history Fri, 07 Jun 1996 16:25:23 -0400, Bill
Lewis <> shared with all present:


Yup. She did a number of different films.

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

On this notable date in history Fri, 07 Jun 1996 16:14:04 -0700, Russ
and Mary <> shared with all present:


Hi, Mary,

Thanks. Wish I could post more often.

Actually, Roger is something of a jerk at the conventions (to Festival
staff), he's always been perfectly civil to me...and to others.
Still, one can tell a lot about people in how they treat people who
can't do anything for them, and I've never much cared for him since I
encountered him howling at a young fan volunteer (and making her cry).


Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

Graeme Cree wrote:
> It could have something to do with the soap opera schedule, but Grayson
> Hall's problem on DS is not getting her lines wrong, it's her terribly
> limited range of emotions. Like whenever something startling happens, she'll
> just stare at the camera with her mouth open.

We always called that her, "Fish Face".

Steve & Dora

Anne Flack

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

I LOOVVE Bramwell, myself...

Pat Noone

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

I agree with Melody--I've always reserved judgement on most of my
colleagues/peers at the university until I see how they treat secretaries.
Roger Davis sounds like a jerk of the first class according to your
anecdote! --Pat


Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

I haven't seen Jonathan do Bramwell yet. Looking forward to it. (But ya
gotta love his hair in the photographs. I didn't know he actually had a


Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

I remember Grayson in the TV movie Gargoyles, too. I never thought she
was THAT bad an actress. She was always good in character roles. And of
course we all loved that scream!

Michael F. Miozza

Jun 12, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/12/96

In article <4pmbc3$>, says...
And Roger doesn't even try to interact with the fans either. I remember one
Fest I went to he had already autographed copies of his page from the Fest
program, and he handed them out to everyone in the autograph line, whether
you wanted it or not (which I didn't!) Then he just up and left.
It makes you wonder why he even bothers to show up!

John T. Folden

Jun 13, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/13/96

>When they did the revival and souped up both the effects and the acting,
>the show became dreary. More bad acting and F/X, that's what TV needs

It might suprise you, but some people actually LIKE(dare I say LOVE) the '91
remake. I love both the original and the remake...they each have their place.

Anne Flack

Jun 13, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/13/96

I think you will enjoy Bramwell--he is pretty hotttt!!

Jun 13, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/13/96

>>When they did the revival and souped up both the effects and the acting,
>>the show became dreary. More bad acting and F/X, that's what TV needs
>It might suprise you, but some people actually LIKE(dare I say LOVE) the '91
>remake. I love both the original and the remake...they each have their place.

Yeah, I understand you liking the remake. I still prefer the original
show, it still gives me a kick after 30 years.


Michael F. Miozza

Jun 13, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/13/96

In article <4podvh$>, says...

>In <4pf5th$>, writes:
>>When they did the revival and souped up both the effects and the acting,
>>the show became dreary. More bad acting and F/X, that's what TV needs
>It might suprise you, but some people actually LIKE(dare I say LOVE) the '91
>remake. I love both the original and the remake...they each have their place.

I totally agree with you, John. And I'd even be so blasphemous asto say that
there are some aspects of the '91 DS that I like better than the original. As
far as the complete storyline goes, the new DS can't compare with the richness
and complexity of the old show, but then the new DS didn't have the luxury of
daytime's pacing. But there were a *few* twists and turns that were improvements
- like having a Josette doppleganger attack Barnabas and then transform into
the vampire bat. That was inventive.

Steve Mihelcic

Jun 14, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/14/96

In article <4podvh$>, wrote:

> In <4pf5th$>, writes:
> >When they did the revival and souped up both the effects and the acting,
> >the show became dreary. More bad acting and F/X, that's what TV needs
> >now!
> It might suprise you, but some people actually LIKE(dare I say LOVE) the '91
> remake. I love both the original and the remake...they each have their place.

Yeah, it sucks that they cancelled the new show so soon. I think the old
and new show were at least equals. The 1795 scenes in the new show seemed
more authentic. It's weird that the young actors and actresses in the 91
show are probably younger than me, while I was just a little kid(younger
than David) when the original show was on.

Steve M.

Jun 14, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/14/96

In article , says...
The new show had more class in the technical areas, and some of the relationships
between characters was a little more intense, but look at the facts:
the new series was on once a week and had a bigger budget and the backing
of NBC. The old series was lucky if they had the money for one good take,
and color film! Remember the jarring inconsistencies of getting used to
seeing the show in color only to--BOOM--suddenly have it shot one episode
in black and white (and not even a good quality b/w film)!
On the subject of bad acting,what annoyed me more about Roger Davis was
that whiny nasal voice of his. Lara Parker was, by far and away, the best
actress on the show (and her character the most interesting female).
And Jonathan Frid will always be the only Barnabas. (Did anyone else bu
me think Ben Cross spent an awful lot of time just chewing up scenery)?

Jun 15, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/15/96

On this notable date in history 12 Jun 1996 11:34:47 -0700, Michael F.
Miozza <> shared with all present:

This is very true. I imagine the primary reason he shows up at
conventions is to sell his butt-ugly T-shirts. One year, he was
refusing to give autographs to anyone who didn't buy if...

Then again, it just makes us all the more grateful for the good folk
in DS fandom who are nice whether or not there is a camera to catch it
or not...most of the actors are that way. We're quite fortunate in
that respect. Even if they are occasionally in an off-mood (they're
human beings, after all), most of them genuinely care about the fans.

John T. Folden

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96

>Yeah, it sucks that they cancelled the new show so soon. I think the old
>and new show were at least equals. The 1795 scenes in the new show seemed
>more authentic. It's weird that the young actors and actresses in the 91

The original has always struck me as more of a "play" feel to it rather than a
TV show. The way it was filmed, with little preparation and never stopping the
tape (no matter who fouled up what line or what part of the scenery fell over)
once it started, always gave it a more "honest" and "original" feel. The fact
that it wasn't a "perfect" show may be one of the reasons it's been continually
enjoyed over the years - In between all the mistakes and misguided/forgotten
storylines you can see a diamond in the rough, with everybody trying their
hardest to put on a good show...(wonder what it might have looked like if
they all knew we'd be watching it 30 years later?)

The remake, in my mind, is an exact opposite. With an expensive budget and
Dan Curtis' experience carrying over from the original he had the chance to
lay everything out in the form of a perfectly polished diamond. He learned
from the past what storylines worked and which ones didn't, and he could
take the time to reshoot when something didn't work out. On flip side,
there was little spontaneity(sp?), and I've been told that some people
were unable to identify with the new actors(maybe they were just used to
the old series) though I had no problem with it. :) Although, I think they were a
bit skimpy with the budget on one very important scene - In one of the early
episodes where Barnabas has been transformed into an old man and bitten
Carolyn, he is shown sitting in a chair being "rejuvenated" into his normal
young self from the fresh intake of blood. The special FX were skipped in favor
of some kind of simple frame by frame attempt at creativity.


John T. Folden

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96

In <4ppran$>, Michael F. Miozza <> writes:

>I totally agree with you, John. And I'd even be so blasphemous as to say that

>there are some aspects of the '91 DS that I like better than the original. As
>far as the complete storyline goes, the new DS can't compare with the richness
>and complexity of the old show, but then the new DS didn't have the luxury of
>daytime's pacing. But there were a *few* twists and turns that were improvements

Or a boradcast run even half as long! :(

>- like having a Josette doppleganger attack Barnabas and then transform into
>the vampire bat. That was inventive.

Yeah, I liked that bit, as well! The episode with Jeremiah's zombie was a rather
effective peice as well - though not original to the '91 version. I also liked the
fact that Victoria was the look-alike for Josette(possibly a re-incarnation)
and also Barnabas' love interest in the story. In the original it seemed like any dark
haired girl looked like Josette and Barnabas jumped from Maggie to Victoria, etc...

As far as the actors go, I actually prefer Ben Cross and Joanna Going in the roles
of Barnabas and Victoria Winters/Josette DuPres. I think Lysette Anthony did
an incredible job filling Lara Parker's shoes(Though in my mind LP was and always
will be the "real" Angleique). The same goes for the new Carolyn, as well.
I think I tend to like Grayson Hall's portrayal of Julia Hoffman better,
though. Grayson played the character as an odd but interesting person(though,
I think her acting was a bit "strained" on occasion) where Barbara Steele simply
came accross as "odd" despite the fact that I think she's a rather good actress.
I don't think Jean Simmons brought Elizabeth to the screen nearly as well as
Joan Bennett did. She simply lacked a certain "sophistication" I feel the part
required. The other roles(Roger, etc...) never really had much of a chance
to develop in the new series and I can't say I like one version any better than
the other. The one exception would be Kathryn Leigh Scott. I always enjoy seeing
her on the screen and love every minute she appeared in the old series. If I had
the chance to meet one person from the old series, she'd be it. I can't really
decide why I'm so fond of her, though she does have a lovely smile and one of
the best pair of eyes I've ever seen(the pic of her in the 30th Ann. Almanac
was great, BTW).


John T. Folden

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96

In <4psdhm$>, writes:
>The new show had more class in the technical areas, and some of the relationships
>between characters was a little more intense, but look at the facts:

I think the newer show had the benefit of having a focus and a "paved" road
to follow. The original always gave me the feeling they were drving around
wondering where to go next(remember all those forgotten plot lines/conflicts).

>On the subject of bad acting,what annoyed me more about Roger Davis was
>that whiny nasal voice of his. Lara Parker was, by far and away, the best
>actress on the show (and her character the most interesting female).

I'd have to agree with you on this.... I always wished they'd give Vicki more
to do, as well.

>And Jonathan Frid will always be the only Barnabas. (Did anyone else bu
>me think Ben Cross spent an awful lot of time just chewing up scenery)?

Personally, I prefer Ben Cross but that's only my opinion. I always felt
like the older series had a bit of "Beauty and The Beast" aspect to it.
I often wondered why the women would bother being so interested in
an ecentric, older, rather plain-looking gentleman when you had
people like Burke and Joe wandering around... At least in the new one I
could understand why Victoria was attracted to Barnabas...

Despite everything else, I think Ben turned in a rather effect portayal
of the "darker Barnabas", more in line with the character from the
1st Dark Shdaows movie...


John T. Folden

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96

>>It might suprise you, but some people actually LIKE(dare I say LOVE) the '91
>>remake. I love both the original and the remake...they each have their place.

>Yeah, I understand you liking the remake. I still prefer the original

>show, it still gives me a kick after 30 years.

I never saw the original during it's first run(I wasn't born until 1969).
In fact, I got attracted to the original shortly after I saw the '91 remake.
Ask my opinion 30 years from now and we'll see which one stood
the test of time better in my mind. :)


Glen Gum

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96
to wrote:
: The new show had more class in the technical areas, and some of the
: relationships between characters was a little more intense, but look at
: the facts: the new series was on once a week and had a bigger budget and

: the backing of NBC. The old series was lucky if they had the money for
: one good take, and color film! Remember the jarring inconsistencies of
: getting used to seeing the show in color only to--BOOM--suddenly have it
: shot one episode in black and white (and not even a good quality b/w
: film)!

Actually, the entire original series was shot on videotape, and always
aired in color from August of '67 until its cancellation. In the reruns
and on the home video releases, the episodes shown in B/W from that point
on are kinescopes--filmed copies of the show (shot directly from a TV
monitor), which were used by some ABC affiliates at the time to air the
series on a delay basis. They're used today because the original network
videotapes of those episodes were lost or damaged.

(Some fans may remember an interesting "patch" job done to one episode
from the 1897 storyline, where there was apparently about a half-minute of
tape that was unusable during a scene with Nancy Barrett and Jerry Lacy.
The color videotape fades seamlessly into the B/W kinescope of the
episode--with a nice sepia tint--then back to the videotape. Very nicely
handled, I thought.)

Glen Gum <> or <>
"I am not an atheist but an earthiest. Be true to the earth."
--Edward Abbey, _Desert Solitaire_

David Walker

Jun 16, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/16/96

There's also the "lost" episode in the final storyline, which is
"recreated" on video tape and was offered for sale with the rest of the
series. They plugged this "exclusive opportunity" to see this lost show -
even during the day they broadcast it on the air.


Jun 17, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/17/96

I saw the 1991 DS before we finally got Sci-Fi Channel, and IMHO, Ben
Cross IS NOT Jonathan Frid.


Jun 17, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/17/96

Melody writes

>This is very true. I imagine the primary reason he shows >up at
conventions is to sell his butt-ugly T-shirts. One >year, he was refusing
to give autographs to anyone who >didn't buy if... <g>

Aw Melody, don't mince words, tell us how you really feel! :-) I do agree
the guy'll probably never be voted Mr. Congeniality, but I confess that I
did find a T-shirt that I thought was nice enough to be worth $5.

BTW, I noticed a couple of other people at last year's fest as well who
weren't signing unless people bought something. As Melody adds,

>Then again, it just makes us all the more grateful for the >good folk in
DS fandom

Just to comment on the original thread here-- I do cringe every time Roger
clutches his head, but my vote for the worst actor has to go to Geoffrey
Scott, who played Sky Rumson on the show. Egad! :-)


Michael F. Miozza

Jun 17, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/17/96

In article <4pv80d$>, says...

>On this notable date in history 12 Jun 1996 11:34:47 -0700, Michael F.
>Miozza <> shared with all present:
>>And Roger doesn't even try to interact with the fans either. I remember one
>>Fest I went to he had already autographed copies of his page from the Fest
>>program, and he handed them out to everyone in the autograph line, whether
>>you wanted it or not (which I didn't!) Then he just up and left.
>>It makes you wonder why he even bothers to show up!
>This is very true. I imagine the primary reason he shows up at
>conventions is to sell his butt-ugly T-shirts. One year, he was
>refusing to give autographs to anyone who didn't buy if...
Yes, Melody, I recall that year. Needless to say, I wasn't someone
who bought one either.
You know, Lara Parker is such a wonderful person - it kind of makes
you wonder what she sees in the man. I suppose his good qualities are
reserved only for his friends.

>Then again, it just makes us all the more grateful for the good folk
>in DS fandom who are nice whether or not there is a camera to catch it
>or not...most of the actors are that way. We're quite fortunate in
>that respect. Even if they are occasionally in an off-mood (they're
>human beings, after all), most of them genuinely care about the fans.
Most definitely!

BTW, it's good to see you posting here more often. Your input's been

Michael F. Miozza

Jun 17, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/17/96

In article <4q00nk$>, says...

>In <4ppran$>, Michael F. Miozza <> writes:
>>I totally agree with you, John. And I'd even be so blasphemous as to say that
>>there are some aspects of the '91 DS that I like better than the original. As
>>far as the complete storyline goes, the new DS can't compare with the richness
>>and complexity of the old show, but then the new DS didn't have the luxury of
>>daytime's pacing. But there were a *few* twists and turns that were improvements
>Or a boradcast run even half as long! :(
>>- like having a Josette doppleganger attack Barnabas and then transform into
>>the vampire bat. That was inventive.
>Yeah, I liked that bit, as well! The episode with Jeremiah's zombie was a rather
>effective peice as well - though not original to the '91 version. I also liked the
>fact that Victoria was the look-alike for Josette(possibly a re-incarnation)
>and also Barnabas' love interest in the story. In the original it seemed like any dark
>haired girl looked like Josette and Barnabas jumped from Maggie to Victoria, etc...

Yes, I thought the Vicki/Josette relationship was more effective also.

>As far as the actors go, I actually prefer Ben Cross and Joanna Going in the roles
>of Barnabas and Victoria Winters/Josette DuPres. I think Lysette Anthony did
>an incredible job filling Lara Parker's shoes(Though in my mind LP was and always
>will be the "real" Angleique).

Most definitely!

>The same goes for the new Carolyn, as well.

Well, I think Nancy Barrett is an incredible actress. As far as I'm concerned,
she could play anything, and it would be great. But Barbara Blackburn made
a far more sensual Carolyn. I, for one, couldn't take my eyes off her! Her
Millicent left a lot to be desired, but then that Millicent wasn't as complex
as the original.

>I think I tend to like Grayson Hall's portrayal of Julia Hoffman better,
>though. Grayson played the character as an odd but interesting person(though,
>I think her acting was a bit "strained" on occasion) where Barbara Steele simply
>came accross as "odd" despite the fact that I think she's a rather good actress.
>I don't think Jean Simmons brought Elizabeth to the screen nearly as well as
>Joan Bennett did. She simply lacked a certain "sophistication" I feel the part

And also, the new Liz had very little to do on the show, whereas the writers gave
Joan some great scenes to play. To be fair, it's hard to be effective when there's
little to work with.

>The other roles(Roger, etc...) never really had much of a chance
>to develop in the new series and I can't say I like one version any better than
>the other. The one exception would be Kathryn Leigh Scott. I always enjoy seeing
>her on the screen and love every minute she appeared in the old series. If I had
>the chance to meet one person from the old series, she'd be it. I can't really
>decide why I'm so fond of her, though she does have a lovely smile and one of
>the best pair of eyes I've ever seen(the pic of her in the 30th Ann. Almanac
>was great, BTW).

KLS is really great in person - I hope you get the chance to meet her!

John T. Folden

Jun 18, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/18/96

In <4q48j3$>, (CaineAGoGo) writes:
>I saw the 1991 DS before we finally got Sci-Fi Channel, and IMHO, Ben
>Cross IS NOT Jonathan Frid.

Depending on your opinion of Mr. Frid in the role, that could be either a
good or a bad thing... <g> Seriously, though; Everybody has their own opinion
about who they prefer in whatever role, etc, etc... And one of the nice things
about opinions, is that they are personal ideas that don't depend or rely
on what anyone else thinks..



Jun 18, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/18/96

On this notable date in history 17 Jun 1996 11:06:11 -0700, Michael F.

Miozza <> shared with all present:

>BTW, it's good to see you posting here more often. Your input's been

Thanks, my friend. BTW, I know I owe you (and everyone) e-mail...I've
just come back from my northern cloms, and found out my e-mail
"pinging" wasn't work. Oh, well... I could send but I couldn't get a
lot of it back. The main net companies - like AOL - seemed to work
fine, but the private providers didn't.

Anyway, I'll be around...I love Usenet.

Melody, stuck here in the desert


Jun 18, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/18/96

On this notable date in history 17 Jun 1996 21:11:03 -0400, (MadScntst) shared with all present:

>Aw Melody, don't mince words, tell us how you really feel! :-) I do agree
>the guy'll probably never be voted Mr. Congeniality, but I confess that I
>did find a T-shirt that I thought was nice enough to be worth $5.

Yikes, sorry, sometimes I should just stand on my hands. I have no
tact. :-} And some of his early orange crate ones were pretty -
it's just the later ones that, well, weren' least to me, but
then I wear old sweatshirts...I ain't a one to give fashion advice.

David Walker

Jun 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/19/96

Even trying to be nice to what was then a child, the girl who played Sara
was absolutely awful. Made David sound like a Shakespearean actor...

W. Boyd

Jun 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/19/96

David Walker ( wrote:
: Even trying to be nice to what was then a child, the girl who played Sara
: was absolutely awful. Made David sound like a Shakespearean actor...

Just wait for Hallie (sp?) Stokes!

Majhool al-Kabeer

Jun 20, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/20/96

:the other. The one exception would be Kathryn Leigh Scott. I

:always enjoy seeing
:her on the screen and love every minute she appeared in the old
:series. If I had
:the chance to meet one person from the old series, she'd be it.
:I can't really
:decide why I'm so fond of her, though she does have a lovely
:smile and one of
:the best pair of eyes I've ever seen(the pic of her in the 30th

Better than Lara Parker's ?!?!? Are you blind?????

Donal Fagan

Jun 20, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/20/96

>>>And Roger doesn't even try to interact with the fans either.
>You know, Lara Parker is such a wonderful person - it kind of makes
>you wonder what she sees in the man. I suppose his good qualities are
>reserved only for his friends.

Are you saying Roger and Lara...? Please say I'm misinterpreting.


James Briggs

Jun 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/21/96

In article <4qc89q$ags$>,
Majhool al-Kabeer <10233...@CompuServe.COM> wrote:
]:the other. The one exception would be Kathryn Leigh Scott. I

Perhaps I am blind. I find Lara's gaze ... unnerving.
KLS has my vote too!


Jun 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/21/96

With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you
that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at
all? I mean, the man has given up precious time to deal with fans who
keep asking him the same questions over and over again about a series
that he made several years ago and because he's not Mr. Perfect he's
automatically dismissed as a reprobate and a scoundrel.

Roger Davis is Roger Davis, NOT Jeff Clark or Charles Delaware Tate. He
is not the model of perfection. He is a human being completely separate
from his character and he has no obligation to speak with his fans.

Fans should mellow out.

My two cents,
-Edward Champion "Political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible." - George Orwell
"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." - GB Shaw
-Michael Moore FAQ Compiler, Filmmaker, Writer, Guitar Player, Artist

Anne Flack

Jun 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/21/96

No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife. I am not sure
Lara is really all that fond of Roger either, though they did do that
vampire sketch together in 1989..

The only thing I know, is the segment of ROger's I attended at the 1993
Fest was a very tedious dialog with the audience about what colors he
should use on his new shirt designs....


Jun 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/21/96

In <4qd33e$> (James Briggs)

I think I have to vote for Lara. She's got that "Come hither"
look in those eyes!
* *
* Diplomacy is the art of saying "I feel your pain" until *
* you can find a rock large enough to hit them over the *
* head with. *
* *
* lurks in alt.books.dean-koontz *
* Jerry (Scorch) Shannon *
* Peoria, IL rec.arts.sf.movies *


Jun 21, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/21/96

(Anne Flack) writes:

>The only thing I know, is the segment of ROger's I attended at the 1993
>Fest was a very tedious dialog with the audience about what colors he
>should use on his new shirt designs....


Can I get the video?? <g>

I usually like RD as an actor but when he grabs his head and does
"the Roger Davis Stomp", then I do wince a bit. <g>


David Walker

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96
>With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you

>that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at

>all? I mean, the man has given up precious time to deal with fans who
>keep asking him the same questions over and over again about a series
>that he made several years ago and because he's not Mr. Perfect he's
>automatically dismissed as a reprobate and a scoundrel.

If he's being compensated, he owes them courtesy. He can stay home - I
think the fans would survive.

PM Watch

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96

In article <4qdd5u$>,
(Anne Flack) writes about Roger Davis bad attitude at Fests:

>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife.

Well at least he was nice to at least one fan! :-)

PM Watch

Elizabeth K. Rickmon

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96

> With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you
> that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at
> all?

No, he isn't obligated to go to the Festivals, but he did make the
decision to go to them. This all started with a story about the way he
treats people. I don't think people should be ugly to other people.
This may sound simplistic and idealistic, but it's just not nice.
Everyone who's been posting here is not upset because, Roger Davis isn't
the characters he played on TV. Their upset, because he makes the
decision to go to the events(which are specifically arranged so fans get
together with each other and so fans can interact with some of the cast
members) for self serving purposes and then is rude and in some
cases downright ugly to people on top of it. I think it's fine if he
wants to tell people about his business and ever have his things
available for sale, because that is part of his life now, but there is no
reason for him to behave that way. I meam he decided to go and he knew
what to expect. I hope I've made my point, I didn't really know how to
put it.


Michael F. Miozza

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96

In article <4q79la$>, says...

>On this notable date in history 17 Jun 1996 11:06:11 -0700, Michael F.
>Miozza <> shared with all present:
>>BTW, it's good to see you posting here more often. Your input's been
>Thanks, my friend. BTW, I know I owe you (and everyone) e-mail...I've
>just come back from my northern cloms, and found out my e-mail
>"pinging" wasn't work. Oh, well... I could send but I couldn't get a
>lot of it back. The main net companies - like AOL - seemed to work
>fine, but the private providers didn't.
>Anyway, I'll be around...I love Usenet.
>Melody, stuck here in the desert

Don't give it a second thought! I'm behind on at least ten different
things - I guess it just happens at this stage in our lives - nothing
gets done as quickly as it once did! LOL!

Michael F. Miozza

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96

In article <4qdd5u$>, says...

>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife. I am not sure
>Lara is really all that fond of Roger either, though they did do that
>vampire sketch together in 1989..
>The only thing I know, is the segment of ROger's I attended at the 1993
>Fest was a very tedious dialog with the audience about what colors he
>should use on his new shirt designs....

As far as I've heard and observed, Lara and Roger have been good friends -
something about them both growing up in the south or other. But I've
never seen them together outside of a Fest event, so that could have changed.

Michael F. Miozza

Jun 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/22/96

In article <4qdj5d$>, says...

>With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you
>that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at
>all? I mean, the man has given up precious time to deal with fans who
>keep asking him the same questions over and over again about a series
>that he made several years ago and because he's not Mr. Perfect he's
>automatically dismissed as a reprobate and a scoundrel.
>Roger Davis is Roger Davis, NOT Jeff Clark or Charles Delaware Tate. He
>is not the model of perfection. He is a human being completely separate
>from his character and he has no obligation to speak with his fans.
>Fans should mellow out.
>My two cents,

When an actor is approached by a fan in their everyday normal life, true,
they have absolutely no obligation to them whatsoever. However, when one
agrees to appear at a fan event, of which the sole purpose is to interact
with those fans, and the actor is fully aware of that fact, then it is
indeed their responsibility to treat those fans with grace and civility.
No one is forcing them to show up.

My two cents.

Anne Flack

Jun 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/23/96

Actually, I believe the stars get reimbursed for room, board and expenses,
but I also agree that if the stars can't be gracious to the fans (I am
not talking about pesky fans, and they show up at the Fests, too), then
maybe those stars should not be there....

Jun 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/23/96

On this notable date in history 22 Jun 1996 17:57:07 -0400, (PM Watch) shared with all present:
>(Anne Flack) writes about Roger Davis bad attitude at Fests:

>>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a

>>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife.

>Well at least he was nice to at least one fan! :-)

>PM Watch

That depends upon how you look at it. :-)

Melody (not learning, yet again, to keep her mouth shut<g>

Jun 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/23/96

>> With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you
>> that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at
>> all?

No, he's not obligated -- and neither am I obligated to think he's a
nice man when he scares a 13 year old girl into tears. Or when he
sets up a dealers table in the hallways of the Marriott (to get a leap
on the sales) and pounds carpenters nails into the, or snaps at a shy
Fest gopher for asking him a question in too low a voice, etc.

Everyone has bad days...but not *that* bad. As I said, Roger has
always been nice to me, but always in a situation where he doubtless
thought it politic *to* be nice.

Speaking as someone who (along with Marcy, Kathy, Janet Meehan, Jo Ann
Christy, Maria Mayer Barbosa, Jim Pierson and Co.) schlepped boxes,
backboards, zines, tables, etc, etc, into Goddess knows how many hotel
banquet rooms, with very little sleep between days...all the while
being as nice as I could be to people...all the while paying for my
own hotel room and food (as did we *all*, in the old days), all to
make possible these days of paid stars and staff, well...

And I also think of the grace and kindness of Johnny Karlen, Louie
Edmonds, Jonathan Frid, and all the ladies, who -- when they weren't
reimbursed anything but expenses -- were *always* kind and gracious.

Roger gets fed, feted, treated like a star (which he otherwise
wouldn't be), gets to stage his "plays" and such, can drink to his
heart's content, and it's all on the Festival's tab. I think he owes
- at least - occasional courtesy to the fans. Staff/committee (which
I never was...I was always a gopher, because I hate organization and
am awful at it, and always just attended to hang with my friends, so
maybe I can sympathize with the gophers) are accustomed to dealing
with goes with the job. The fans deserve more, IMHO.

No, he's not obligated to attend -- he definitely is *not*.


Speaking only for herself, and for no one else. I have all manner of
friends who disagree with me on numerous issues. :-)

Melody "Runs with Scissors" Clark...admitted Yank,potter,
writer, recovered grad student, Scots-Irish-AmerIndian
of humble Appalachian stock, Beatles fan (Paul AND
John), science fiction fan, Robert Anton Wilson reader,
deconstructionist, agnostic, born again by Zoloft,
ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, child
of unrepentant southerners, numerous other labels at
other places and times. Not a participant in alt.nuke.
the.usa or British conversation, or any other online
blood sport. Any other quandaries? E me.

Michael F. Miozza

Jun 23, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/23/96

In article <>, "Elizabeth says...

>> With regard to this whole Roger Davis business, did it ever occur to you
>> that the man is under no obligation to come out to these conventions at
>> all?
>No, he isn't obligated to go to the Festivals, but he did make the
>decision to go to them. This all started with a story about the way he
>treats people. I don't think people should be ugly to other people.
>This may sound simplistic and idealistic, but it's just not nice.
>Everyone who's been posting here is not upset because, Roger Davis isn't
>the characters he played on TV. Their upset, because he makes the
>decision to go to the events(which are specifically arranged so fans get
>together with each other and so fans can interact with some of the cast
>members) for self serving purposes and then is rude and in some
>cases downright ugly to people on top of it. I think it's fine if he
>wants to tell people about his business and ever have his things
>available for sale, because that is part of his life now, but there is no
>reason for him to behave that way. I meam he decided to go and he knew
>what to expect. I hope I've made my point, I didn't really know how to
>put it.

You've summed up exactly what we've been saying, Kim.

Jun 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/24/96

You're so right, Kim. He seems to be always unpleasant and if he's
so sick of answering the same questions then why does he bother to
come at all? I'm sure he's not getting paid all that much money to
appear. Stay at home or get a life, Roger! Don't take out your
frustrations of an unfulfilled life on the fans. We didn't hold a gun
to your head to come to our festivities!


Anne Flack

Jun 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/24/96

Hi, Melody, nice to "see you again"...

To be fair, I have also heard that Jonathan and Lara have both gotten
moody at the cons from time to time, but based on what I saw in 1993
there can also be some rather eccentric fans at tha Fests ala Star Trek,
and I think that can be trying to ANY actor--I still cringe when I
remember the poor handicapped girl that begged Jonathan to bite her
during the Q&A s during his panel with Lara, and he handled that
situation with great finesse....
All in all, their panel together was GREAT, and I got so spoiled that
that is why I won't go to a "non-Jon" con.....

Jun 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/24/96

On this notable date in history 24 Jun 1996 03:34:24 GMT, (Anne Flack) shared with all present:

>Hi, Melody, nice to "see you again"...

Hi, Anne...please give my best to my old friends in the Blue Whale on

>To be fair, I have also heard that Jonathan and Lara have both gotten
>moody at the cons from time to time, but based on what I saw in 1993
>there can also be some rather eccentric fans at tha Fests ala Star Trek,

No, Jonathan and Lara have gotten *much more* than moody at
cons...they've gotten downright jerkish. So have Kathryn, David
Selby, et al. They're human beings. As the other person said, it's an
intense environment...there's a lot of demands...and I've gotten
bitchy myself at times. It's like trying to be perky in a pressure
cooker. :-)

There's a great difference, as I know you know, between normal
moodiness and being a jerk.

>and I think that can be trying to ANY actor--I still cringe when I
>remember the poor handicapped girl that begged Jonathan to bite her
>during the Q&A s during his panel with Lara, and he handled that
>situation with great finesse....
>All in all, their panel together was GREAT, and I got so spoiled that
>that is why I won't go to a "non-Jon" con.....

The actors really do get sidewalled with the most ludicrous
questions... There's the famous "what was Collinwood insulated with?"
for instance. the hi des, where it's way too hot to sleep, there's
nothing on telly, I'm too jittery to read...but there's always Usenet.
Thanks guys. :-)

"Does this elevator go all the way to hell, or do I
have to get off in the lobby?"

Richard, "Caroline in the City"

Anne Flack

Jun 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/24/96

That is true--the Fests can be a good venue for people watching (though I
liked the star panels best myself)

Are you going to the Fest, Melody??

Jun 25, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/25/96
to (PM Watch) wrote:

>In article <4qdd5u$>,
>(Anne Flack) writes about Roger Davis bad attitude at Fests:

>>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
>>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife.

>Well at least he was nice to at least one fan! :-)

>PM Watch

Hee! Hee! Good one!!


Majhool al-Kabeer

Jun 25, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/25/96

No, without doubt the worst actor on DS is the guy who
plays Tom/Chris Jennings, Don Briscoe. He seems to just
mutter his lines.
The worst actress is Donna Mckechnie.

Robert Malthus

Jun 26, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/26/96

>No, he's not obligated -- and neither am I obligated to think he's a
>nice man when he scares a 13 year old girl into tears.

I never heard that one. Could you please tell what Roger did?

Thanks. Dr. M

Eric Newman

Jun 26, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/26/96

Michael F. Miozza <> wrote:

>In article <4qdd5u$>, says...

>>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
>>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife.

One of Roger's wives was Jaclyn Smith (who later "worked" with DSer
Kate Jackson in "Charlie's Angels").

Eric Newman /

John T. Folden

Jun 26, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/26/96
>(Anne Flack) writes about Roger Davis bad attitude at Fests:
>>No, no, Roger and Lara are both happily married (to others), Roger to a
>>fan he met at a Fest--I think she is like his fourth wife.
>Well at least he was nice to at least one fan! :-)

Must have bought a shirt...

Jun 27, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/27/96
On this notable date in history 26 Jun 1996 20:44:56 GMT, shared with all present:

>In <4qkml4$>, writes:
>>No, he's not obligated to attend -- he definitely is *not*.
>Um, forgive me but, if he's such a pain in the ... neck to have around,
>why does he keep getting invited to attend? Or isn't he anymore?

> -- Eleanor Kennedy

Because the Fest is headed by a man with the patience of Job. Also, I
don't know that the regulars are formally invited any longer.

Rudy Caine

Jun 29, 1996, 7:00:00 AM6/29/96
My gosh! Here's my vote for Lara's eyes!!!! :)

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