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Daria and Drugs

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Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
Hmm, don't you think its odd that none of the characters on Daria!
even ever mention taking drugs, lets alone drinking or smoking
(acceptable drugs)?

I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little

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Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
>Subject: Daria and Drugs
>From: " Affinity " <>
>Date: Sun, 05 September 1999 12:41 AM EDT
>Message-id: <>

>Hmm, don't you think its odd that none of the characters on Daria!
>even ever mention taking drugs, lets alone drinking or smoking
>(acceptable drugs)?

Just out of curiousity, have you seen any of the shows? There are several
episodes that have everything you are asking about. For instance, "ILL" has
Jake freaking because he thinks Daria is using drugs, "Road Worrier" has
several references to drug use, and "Teachings of Don Jake" has Jake, Helen,
and Quinn eating berries containing hallucinogens. Mr. Demartino smokes in "The
Big House", and the episodes I can name that show alcohol use are "Cafe
Disaffecto" (Andrea), "Pinch Sitter" (Jake), "The Daria Hunter" (Mr D, Jake),
and "That Was Then, This is Dumb" (Coyote, Jake) just off the top of my head.

>I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
>Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

This could be one of those "future plots" ideas - Andrea was drinking in "Cafe
Disaffecto", maybe something with her?

>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little

Maybe they do - why would it be necessary to show this? It doesn't add to the
plot line, not so far anyway, so there is no real reason to throw gratuitous
drug use in.



Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99

Wammy2 wrote:

> Just out of curiousity, have you seen any of the shows?

Yeah of course, I watch it the four days of the week that its on here.

> There are several
> episodes that have everything you are asking about. For instance, "ILL" has
> Jake freaking because he thinks Daria is using drugs, "Road Worrier" has
> several references to drug use, and "Teachings of Don Jake" has Jake, Helen,
> and Quinn eating berries containing hallucinogens.

I do remember drug references in "Teachings of Don Jake", that incidentally was a
really funny episode. Kinda Simpsonesque in it's hallucinogenic meets domestic
plot line.

> Mr. Demartino smokes in "The
> Big House", and the episodes I can name that show alcohol use are "Cafe
> Disaffecto" (Andrea), "Pinch Sitter" (Jake), "The Daria Hunter" (Mr D, Jake),
> and "That Was Then, This is Dumb" (Coyote, Jake) just off the top of my head.

I stand corrected.

> >
> >I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
> >Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.
> This could be one of those "future plots" ideas - Andrea was drinking in "Cafe
> Disaffecto", maybe something with her?

No, I would like to see a non 'alternative' character, like Quinn or even Brittany
experiment with drugs.

> >And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little
> >pot.
> >
> Maybe they do - why would it be necessary to show this? It doesn't add to the
> plot line, not so far anyway, so there is no real reason to throw gratuitous
> drug use in.

I would like to see a little gratuitous drug use personally, or at least a bong on
a coffee table or something.

> DJ

Dagny Scott

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
>> Maybe they do - why would it be necessary to show this? It doesn't add to
>> plot line, not so far anyway, so there is no real reason to throw
>> drug use in.
>I would like to see a little gratuitous drug use personally, or at least a
>bong on
>a coffee table or something.

the thing you've got to remember is that this is a suburban school, and while
drug use is present, it is rarely obvious and doesn't occur in public, at least
at school, or the pizza parlor, two places Daria is most likely to be (this is
about Daria, remember)... I think that "uuh... we're talking about us" guy in
"Esteemsters" was a little "out there", so it's pretty much that drug use
occurs, but not necessarily in the circle of the main characters.

Also, people trying to be "cool" in a suburban setting like the fashion club
rarely use drugs as a means to that end. That would cut into their money for a
new spring wardrobe, anyway. And do you see the way those junkies dress? Eww...


"I'm not different for the sake of being different, only for the desperate sake
of being myself. I can't join your gang: you'd think I was a phony and I'd know
it." Vivian Stanshall

Lone Wolf

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
If they wanted to tackle (pardon the pun) a more serious subject, they
could have one or more of the football players trying steroids.

On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 15:11:40 +1030, "<Affinity>"
<> wrote:

>Hmm, don't you think its odd that none of the characters on Daria!
>even ever mention taking drugs, lets alone drinking or smoking
>(acceptable drugs)?

>I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
>Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little

Lone Wolf
I'm rooting for the crocodile.

"You are American?"
"No, I'm Canadian... that's like an American without
the gun."
- KitH

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
Affinity said:

>Hmm, don't you think its odd that none of the characters on Daria!
>even ever mention taking drugs, lets alone drinking or smoking
>(acceptable drugs)?

1) It's been established that there are drug dealers at Lawndale High.

2) We've seen Andrea drink. And lots of people were drinking at the party in

3) Trent smokes.

Having said that, I agree that any drug use is downplayed, for two big reasons:

1) Daria's the VP character, and she doesn't use drugs, drink, or smoke, and

2) This is American TV, and we're damned puritanical about showing that kind of

My great fear is that if Daria ever had an episode hinge on or even seriously
mention drug use, either it would degenerate into an After-School Special or it
would arouse serious controversy ("everyone knows" that Daria is a show for
"teens") and lead to the show's cancellation.

>I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
>Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

I could easily see this happen given their personalities (and Sandi's
manipulative nature, if she controls the supply). But they would NEVER do this
plot on the show.

>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little pot.

I think they all do.

Sincerely Yours,

"Man is a god in ruins" (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
Dagny said:

>the thing you've got to remember is that this is a suburban school, and while
>drug use is present, it is rarely obvious and doesn't occur in public, at
>least at school, or the pizza parlor, two places Daria is most likely to be
>is about Daria, remember)...

Yes. And Daria's personality is such that it would be very out of character for
her to seek drugs out. The only way I can see her getting into a situation
where she would encounter them would be 1) if one of her friends was really
messing themselves up with drugs, but that's a VERY dark sort of story if done
seriously rather than in After-School Special mode, or 2) if Daria had to
descend into a Den of Iniquity (skeevy hangout sort of place) for some plot
related reason (which could be funny).

>I think that "uuh... we're talking about us" guy in
>"Esteemsters" was a little "out there", so it's pretty much that drug use
>occurs, but not necessarily in the circle of the main characters.

Of the main circle of characters, in terms of drug use:

Daria ... no way.

Jane ... she's probably experimented at some point, but she would never do it
around Daria.

Trent ... he's almost definitely experimented, and could be smoking pot (it
would suit his personality), but again, he would avoid doing this around Daria.

Quinn ... no way. Her morals are rather similar to Daria's in most regards.

Jake and Helen ... we KNOW that they did drugs in their hippie phase, it's been
mentioned in more than one episode.

The FC ... they would do anything that seemed "cool", but as Dagny pointed out,
in their circle, drugs wouldn't be "cool". I could easily see Stacy getting
into drugs, though.

Jodie, Mack ... no way.

Kevin, Brittany ... Probably not, but if they did who would be able to tell the

Andrea ... definitely at risk. We know she drinks, and is probably not a happy

Upchuck ... probably not.

Tom ... we don't know enough about him to be sure, but probably not.

>Also, people trying to be "cool" in a suburban setting like the fashion club
>rarely use drugs as a means to that end. That would cut into their money for
>a new spring wardrobe, anyway. And do you see the way those junkies dress?

Yeah. When they get older they might get into "uppers", up to and including
cocaine, for the weight loss and overall perkiness effect. Stacy and Tiffany,
especially Stacy, would be the ones at risk here.

endless, nameless

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
"" wrote:
> Hmm, don't you think its odd that none of the characters on Daria!
> even ever mention taking drugs, lets alone drinking or smoking
> (acceptable drugs)?

yes, but it's a tv show.

> I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
> Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

buuuuut, don't drugs, like, give you zits?

> And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little
> pot.

·•alli•· { }
{ }
~*cool - groovey - morning - fine*~

Daria Code v1.1
Ap D T6 Wl Q+ FN^Fr
O++ Ow+OH+Of m c
MV-- C5--
F:108 BB FCD -DT- q fN

Howling Lunatic

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
On 05 Sep 1999 15:30:18 GMT, (Jordan S. Bassior)

>My great fear is that if Daria ever had an episode hinge on or even seriously
>mention drug use, either it would degenerate into an After-School Special or it
>would arouse serious controversy ("everyone knows" that Daria is a show for
>"teens") and lead to the show's cancellation.

That's kinda paranoid? Lot's of people yell and scream about lots of
things in America, but when was the last time a show actually got
cancelled because of it?

>>I would like to see Quinn and the fashion club members experiment with
>>Ecstasy and do the whole 'drugs are cool thing'.

>I could easily see this happen given their personalities (and Sandi's
>manipulative nature, if she controls the supply). But they would NEVER do this
>plot on the show.

I don't see it. I really don't. They have everything they want.
What advantage does drugs have for them?

>>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little pot.

>I think they all do.

Kyle, The Manny Alexander of

"Kissing is touching your lips to the better end of 66 feet of intestine"

Martin J. Pollard

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 20:20:08 GMT, (Tarvok)

>>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little

>BOTH of her parents could use a little relaxing. ;p

If Amanda Lane was any more relaxed, she'd be in a coma. :-)

(send all e-mail to "")
| Quinn: When they got nervous, they'd drink cocoa. |
| Helen: Now, sweetie, there's nothing to worry about. (door slams) |
| Looters! |
Outpost Daria: Your Online Database for All Things Daria! -OR-

Dagny Scott

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
>>BOTH of her parents could use a little relaxing. ;p
>If Amanda Lane was any more relaxed, she'd be in a coma. :-)

I think that the sister with the parrot (sorry, forgot her name, too lazy to
look it up, blah blah) could use to be a little more relaxed "Hey, man, forget
about the volcano, here, smoke some weed"

"hey, what volcano?"

Martin J. Pollard

Sep 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/5/99
On 05 Sep 1999 21:08:10 GMT, eccle...@aol.comenospam (Dagny Scott)

>>If Amanda Lane was any more relaxed, she'd be in a coma. :-)
>I think that the sister with the parrot (sorry, forgot her name, too lazy to
>look it up, blah blah) could use to be a little more relaxed "Hey, man, forget
>about the volcano, here, smoke some weed"
>"hey, what volcano?"

I'll buy that. If anyone needs relaxing, it's Penny. Anyone who's so
tightly wound that they don't even notice they're pouring themselves a
glass of silver nitrate *needs* some mind-altering chemicals. :-)


Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99
Upchuck s a prime candidate for smart drugs. I bet he grows up to be a
part time chemist, spending extraordinary amounts of hours in his
laboratory trying to create the drug to enable him to take over the

Just on a tangent, could you imagine the offspring of Daria and

Most amusing.

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99
Affinity said:

>Upchuck s a prime candidate for smart drugs. I bet he grows up to be a
>part time chemist, spending extraordinary amounts of hours in his
>laboratory trying to create the drug to enable him to take over the

Heh-heh-heh, actually I have no problem seeing Upchuck as a mad scientist ;-)

>Just on a tangent, could you imagine the offspring of Daria and

Terrifying thought.

Matthias Benkmann

Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99
On 05 Sep 1999 15:30:18 GMT, (Jordan S. Bassior)

>3) Trent smokes.

In what episode? MSB

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/6/99
Matthias Benkmann said:

>In what episode? MSB

"Road Worriers", I think. Though I might be fooled by his odd little cough,
which makes him sound like a smoker.

Tice Rust

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
In article <>, (Jordan S. Bassior) wrote:
> Matthias Benkmann said:
> >In what episode? MSB
> "Road Worriers", I think. Though I might be fooled by his odd little
> which makes him sound like a smoker.
And the cough reappears in a lot of subsequent Trent episodes, too.
Then, he has that lighter to hold up concert-goer style at Jane's track
meet in "See Jane Run".

Tice Rust

Daria code: A D+ T2 W- Q++ Fn^Fr O+ Oo+Os m++ c++ MV
F:111,210,313 BB FCJ -DT- q+ fJ^fD

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
I think Quinn would be an obvious candidate to take Ecstasy.
Also -- to resurrect the sex thing -- to turn out to be a lesbian.
After all, she's resisted taking any of her male admirers seriously.
I can just imagine her and Sandi hitting it off.... classic butch/fem pair!


I can't understand why a person will take a year or two to write a
novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars. -- Fred Allen
Take a break at the Last Stop Cafe at <URL:>

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
Shez said:

>I think Quinn would be an obvious candidate to take Ecstasy.

Perhaps. I think Stacy's more likely though.

>Also -- to resurrect the sex thing -- to turn out to be a lesbian.


>After all, she's resisted taking any of her male admirers seriously.

True. Though that could be simple immaturity. She doesn't see guys as people.

>I can just imagine her and Sandi hitting it off.... classic butch/fem pair!


Sandy ... ewww ...

I could see Quinn and Stacy though.


Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
> (Jordan S. Bassior) wrote:
>> Matthias Benkmann said:
>> >In what episode? MSB
>> "Road Worriers", I think. Though I might be fooled by his odd little
>> which makes him sound like a smoker.
>And the cough reappears in a lot of subsequent Trent episodes, too.
>Then, he has that lighter to hold up concert-goer style at Jane's track
>meet in "See Jane Run".

This may go back to the earlier speculation of whether or not any Lanes smoke
pot - but there are no episodes with clear evidence supporting Trent as a
smoker. The only smoking I recall is Mr. Demartino and Heather (this name is
coming up quite a bit) who was the tour guide in "College Bored".


William Fowler

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
Tice Rust wrote:

> In article <>,

> (Jordan S. Bassior) wrote:
> > Matthias Benkmann said:
> >
> > >In what episode? MSB
> >
> > "Road Worriers", I think. Though I might be fooled by his odd little
> cough,
> > which makes him sound like a smoker.
> >
> And the cough reappears in a lot of subsequent Trent episodes, too.
> Then, he has that lighter to hold up concert-goer style at Jane's track
> meet in "See Jane Run".


So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
to light the barbecue grill.

Not saying he *doesn't* smoke, but we've never seen it. He wouldn't do it
around Daria in any case.


Charter Member, Secret Underground Bummer Culture
Silver Grove, KY Chapter

Check out The Definitive Daria!

Li: When the public eye is turned on our little corner of the universe, how
do we want to look?
Daria: Blecch.
Li: Blecch?
Daria: Giant eyeballs... creepy.

Daria Code v1.1
A D T2 Ww Q++ Fn^Fr
O+ Of+Os m- c++ MV-- C5X
F:110,203,313 BB++ FCD -DT+ q+ fD+10^fa

Get paid to surf the Web!

William Fowler

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
"Jordan S. Bassior" wrote:

> Shez said:
> <snip>

> >I can just imagine her and Sandi hitting it off.... classic butch/fem pair!
> <shudder>
> Sandy ... ewww ...

This has already been done in fanfic... or at least hinted at. Can't remember
the title of the story but I *know* I've seen this somewhere. If anyone knows
the one I mean please post the title here.

> I could see Quinn and Stacy though.

Stacy, yeah. She craves acceptance so much she might resort to it. Quinn, OTOH,
probably wouldn't go for it. Seems to me that she shares at least some of
Daria's morals.

Either way, I don't think we'll see it from Glenn & Co.

Greg Pallis

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
>This has already been done in fanfic... or at least hinted at. Can't
>the title of the story but I *know* I've seen this somewhere. If anyone
>the one I mean please post the title here.

Freiends Can be So Alarming. Dunno who wrote it.

Greg Pallis

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
>>I can just imagine her and Sandi hitting it off.... classic butch/fem

Wow! A Quinn-Sandy 'Shipper!
Oy - go and sit with the Upchuck - Daria 'Shippers in the naughty corner :P

Howling Lunatic

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99

They kicked me out of the naughty corner for being too dolphin-y.

Martin J. Pollard

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
On Tue, 07 Sep 1999 14:11:48 -0400, William Fowler <>

>"Jordan S. Bassior" wrote:
>> Sandy ... ewww ...

>This has already been done in fanfic... or at least hinted at. Can't remember
>the title of the story but I *know* I've seen this somewhere. If anyone knows
>the one I mean please post the title here.

"Friends Are So Alarming," <SHAMELESS-PLUG> online at Outpost Daria.


Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99

Martin J. Pollard <> wrote

> >"Jordan S. Bassior" wrote:
> >
> >> Sandy ... ewww ...
> >
> >This has already been done in fanfic... or at least hinted at. Can't
> >the title of the story but I *know* I've seen this somewhere. If anyone
> >the one I mean please post the title here.

Yeah, the Quinn-Sandi sniping is really sexual tension ;-)~
Don't you see it????

"... Jane, have you considered homeopathy? " - O'Neill
" I'm going to stick with guys for now, but thanks for asking." - Jane

Dagny Scott

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
>So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
>lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
>to light the barbecue grill.

I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use them
for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.

Hallucinating Elvis Lady

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
endless, nameless wrote:

> one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
> sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
> cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.

How is that hypocrisy? The guy obviously wants to hurt INANIMATE objects, not
objects that could and would say "ouch".

LOL, but that is quite the quotable thing. Kyle, interested in this little bit?

Diane, who's really going right now
Diane Aguilar
See me on -- Duran Duran
"Duran Duran are in the best form they've ever been!"
-- Nicole/LeBonGirl in Dallas, 1999

endless, nameless

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Dagny Scott wrote:
> >
> >So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
> >lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
> >to light the barbecue grill.
> I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use them
> for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.

one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and

sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Dagny said:

>I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use
>them for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.

A-ha! Now we know what happened to Stephen's school's bathroom :D

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Alli said:

>one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
>sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
>cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.

Why did you want to burn yourself, Alli?

endless, nameless

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Hallucinating Elvis Lady wrote:

> endless, nameless wrote:
> > one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
> > sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
> > cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.
> How is that hypocrisy? The guy obviously wants to hurt INANIMATE objects, not
> objects that could and would say "ouch".

i wouldn't say "ouch". ok, so i was drunk, but i still knew
approximately what i was doing. ;) my self-harm problems are
not completely gone yet. ;)

endless, nameless

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
"Jordan S. Bassior" wrote:

> Alli said:
> >one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
> >sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
> >cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.
> >
> Why did you want to burn yourself, Alli?

i like that sort of thing. and after a few drinks common sense
kind of dissipates... ie, we had a fire going, i could have
used that. lol. ;)


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99

Dagny Scott wrote:

> >
> >So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
> >lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
> >to light the barbecue grill.

> I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use them
> for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.

Im a smoker without a lighter.. so go figure..

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\:\/:/ \/__/
\:\ \

\/__/ Daria Code:
Ap(new) DT's (huh?) Wl Q-- FN^F1
O++ -1+(saving throw) Oa(ll the above) m+++ c+++ MVX C5X
F BB-- FCQ -DT-- (i)q+ fn


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99

endless, nameless wrote:

> Dagny Scott wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
> > >lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
> > >to light the barbecue grill.
> >
> > I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use them
> > for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.

> one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
> sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
> cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.

erm.. why would you want to go do a silly thing like burn yourself with a
cigarette?Hell, if your into self mutilation try acid and leave the cigs for us

William Fowler

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Greg Pallis wrote:

> >This has already been done in fanfic... or at least hinted at. Can't
> remember
> >the title of the story but I *know* I've seen this somewhere. If anyone
> knows
> >the one I mean please post the title here.

> Friends Can be So Alarming. Dunno who wrote it.

Yeah, that's the one.

endless, nameless

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
"" wrote:
> endless, nameless wrote:
> > Dagny Scott wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >So, just because he has a lighter, he's automatically a smoker? I have a
> > > >lighter as well (got three of 'em, actually) yet I don't smoke. I use 'em
> > > >to light the barbecue grill.
> > >
> > > I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use them
> > > for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.
> >
> > one of my friends is a smoker and a pyro. he melts plastic, and
> > sets light to things, and stuff. but he wouldn't lend me his
> > cigarette the other night so i could burn myself. the hypocrite.
> >
> >
> erm.. why would you want to go do a silly thing like burn yourself with a
> cigarette?

why not? it's less silly than *smoking* the thing, for fuck's
sake! :)

>Hell, if your into self mutilation try acid and leave the cigs for us
> smokers..

yeah, you're in the middle of a wood and you just happen to
stumble upon some acid. ;P

Dagny Scott

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
>>I know a bunch of non-smokers with lighters. They're just pyros. They use
>>them for lighting creamer on fire in the youth group room.
>A-ha! Now we know what happened to Stephen's school's bathroom :D

No... that was Jake. Our bathroom hasn't lit on fire yet, luckily. Since I'd be
blamed for it. Because they can, and I'm expendable: that is to say, not in any

Matthias Benkmann

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
On Tue, 07 Sep 1999 00:15:41 GMT, Tice Rust <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> (Jordan S. Bassior) wrote:
>> Matthias Benkmann said:
>> >In what episode? MSB
>> "Road Worriers", I think.

I've just rewatched it. It has a smoking monkey in SSW but besides
that, no cigarettes.

>And the cough reappears in a lot of subsequent Trent episodes, too.
>Then, he has that lighter to hold up concert-goer style at Jane's track
>meet in "See Jane Run".

Dammit, why does everyone take you for a smoker if you have a lighter.
Happened to me a couple of times already. I carry a lighter in my
pocket all the time because it is very handy sometimes like when the
waiter forgot to light the candle at your table and whenever I take it
out, people get this look and say "I didn't know you were a smoker."

p.s.: Whenever a smoker asks me "Do you have fire?" I answer
"Yeah, but I ain't givin' you any." Being able to do this makes it
worth carrying a lighter around.

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Dagny said:

>No... that was Jake. Our bathroom hasn't lit on fire yet, luckily. Since I'd
>be blamed for it. Because they can, and I'm expendable: that is to say, not in
>any sports.

Plus you haven't built any porches. Or Porsches, for that matter.

Dagny Scott

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>Plus you haven't built any porches. Or Porsches, for that matter.

I like Porsches. I think the youth group should start building porsches for the
underpriveleged. They can start with me, I'm obviously underpriveleged
because... mother never gave me a credit card at the mall and said
"Don't spend more than $500" (like Connie's...) and she makes me eat cheap
rotten food from Save -a-Lot

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Dagny Scott said:

>I like Porsches. I think the youth group should start building porsches for
>the underpriveleged.

Well ... I already have three porches, including a second floor deck, so if you
come into my neck of my woods build me a Porsche, ok?

>and she makes me eat cheap
>rotten food from Save -a-Lot

Ooh ... are there like maggots squirming in it?


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>Dagny said:
>>the thing you've got to remember is that this is a suburban school, and
>>drug use is present, it is rarely obvious and doesn't occur in public, at
>>least at school, or the pizza parlor, two places Daria is most likely to be
>>is about Daria, remember)...

How are things different? Are there cameras in the rest rooms now? I certainly
went on in my school.

>Yes. And Daria's personality is such that it would be very out of character
>her to seek drugs out. The only way I can see her getting into a situation
>where she would encounter them would be 1) if one of her friends was really
>messing themselves up with drugs, but that's a VERY dark sort of story if
>seriously rather than in After-School Special mode, or 2) if Daria had to
>descend into a Den of Iniquity (skeevy hangout sort of place) for some plot
>related reason (which could be funny).

The clubs she and Jane go to to see Trent play in probably have their share of
drugs. But unless the users are incredibly stupid, you have to know wht to look
for. I can't see where anything we've seen in Daria's life could have really
clued her in.

>>I think that "uuh... we're talking about us" guy in
>>"Esteemsters" was a little "out there", so it's pretty much that drug use
>>occurs, but not necessarily in the circle of the main characters.
>Of the main circle of characters, in terms of drug use:
>Daria ... no way.
>Jane ... she's probably experimented at some point, but she would never do it
>around Daria.
>Trent ... he's almost definitely experimented, and could be smoking pot (it
>would suit his personality), but again, he would avoid doing this around
>Quinn ... no way. Her morals are rather similar to Daria's in most regards.
>Jake and Helen ... we KNOW that they did drugs in their hippie phase, it's
>mentioned in more than one episode.
>The FC ... they would do anything that seemed "cool", but as Dagny pointed
>in their circle, drugs wouldn't be "cool". I could easily see Stacy getting
>into drugs, though.
>Jodie, Mack ... no way.
>Kevin, Brittany ... Probably not, but if they did who would be able to tell
>Andrea ... definitely at risk. We know she drinks, and is probably not a
>Upchuck ... probably not.
>Tom ... we don't know enough about him to be sure, but probably not.
>>Also, people trying to be "cool" in a suburban setting like the fashion club
>>rarely use drugs as a means to that end. That would cut into their money for
>>a new spring wardrobe, anyway. And do you see the way those junkies dress?

The FC definately would not be the type to do drugs... It's the cash issue,
plus have you noticed how druggies look in general? Bloodshot eyes, sniffing,
smelling like weed... not the image they're going for... maybe later, in
college they might get in to some rec. drugs like coke when they start to
realize how empty their lives are.
As for Jane and Trent, I agree that they probably experimented a bit, it would
have been easy.
Why would Daria and Quinn do something that their parents did? That would be
like so uncool...
Kev and Brittney, and Mack and Jodie probably do drink beer. All the football
players (and their girlfriends) did in my school, anyway.
UpChuck? Yeah, right, he'd be the one smoking the fake oregano joint and
getting so high...
Andrea? Wouldn't surprise me...

>Yeah. When they get older they might get into "uppers", up to and including
>cocaine, for the weight loss and overall perkiness effect. Stacy and Tiffany,
>especially Stacy, would be the ones at risk here.
For the record, Jordan, Coke is not an upper... it's actually a downer which is
why you're not supposed to drink if you do it, being as alcohol is a downer too
and the two together supposedly pose a risk to your heart... even if you're
young and healthy. (Can you tell I had a lot of friends in HS who were
No recreational drug (I am not talking about Heroin, angeldust, pcp, acid,
etc.) that I can think of makes you perky... that's a myth... Mostly what they
do is make you not care for awhile but it's fleeting and it all comes back down
doubled. Frankly, I never understood the craze for most of the rec. drugs... it
was mostly hype and a waste of money... A bottle of vodka was always much more
effective and cheaper...


"I quote others in order to better express my own self." -Montaigne


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>> erm.. why would you want to go do a silly thing like burn yourself with a
>> cigarette?
>why not? it's less silly than *smoking* the thing, for fuck's
>sake! :)
>>Hell, if your into self mutilation try acid and leave the cigs for us
>> smokers..
>yeah, you're in the middle of a wood and you just happen to
>stumble upon some acid. ;P

I had a friend in school who used candle wax... no permanent scars that way...
Of course, I knew another girl who used to carve boys names and things into her
arms, legs, stomach, etc with a razor blade... She got locked away in an
institution... I think she's still there...


"When I was born I did lament and cry
And now each day doth shew the reason why." -Richard Watkyns


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Tarvok said:

>Not really. MTV's doing the censoring, remember? All sex, but no drugs
>and rock and roll. ;p

What sex? Who had sex? Where? When? Damn, I missed that episode!
Wow, Jordan, you were finally right...


"Sex is the great amateur art." -David Cort


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>>>If Amanda Lane was any more relaxed, she'd be in a coma. :-)
>>I think that the sister with the parrot (sorry, forgot her name, too lazy to
>>look it up, blah blah) could use to be a little more relaxed "Hey, man,
>>about the volcano, here, smoke some weed"
>>"hey, what volcano?"
>I'll buy that. If anyone needs relaxing, it's Penny. Anyone who's so
>tightly wound that they don't even notice they're pouring themselves a
>glass of silver nitrate *needs* some mind-altering chemicals. :-)

Glitterberries for all!!!

Jordan S. Bassior

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Marie Ross said:

>How are things different? Are there cameras in the rest rooms now? I
>certainly went on in my school.

I think Dagny's point was that Lawndale isn't the sort of school where you
could hang out in full view of everyone smoking pot or worse. Among other
things, it's run by a paranoid fond of snap inspections.

>The clubs she and Jane go to to see Trent play in probably have their share
>of drugs. But unless the users are incredibly stupid, you have to know wht to
>look for. I can't see where anything we've seen in Daria's life could have
>clued her in.

Well, Daria is a very perceptive person. My point is that if she noticed
someone using drugs she would tend to avoid them socially (which is wise), and
as a result they would have very little impact upon her adventure at the club.

>The FC definately would not be the type to do drugs... It's the cash issue,
>plus have you noticed how druggies look in general? Bloodshot eyes, sniffing,
>smelling like weed... not the image they're going for...

Very good point.

> maybe later, in
>college they might get in to some rec. drugs like coke when they start to
>realize how empty their lives are.

Heh heh heh ... yes, plus it can help you stay thin. (At the cost of wrecking
your health, particularly cardiac).

>As for Jane and Trent, I agree that they probably experimented a bit, it
>would have been easy.

Heck, their parents probably left drugs lying around the house at one point.

>Why would Daria and Quinn do something that their parents did? That would be
>like so uncool...

Heh ... didn't think of that angle but yes :)

>Kev and Brittney, and Mack and Jodie probably do drink beer.

Absolutely. Kevin and Brittany would get wasted, Mack and Jodie would consume
more moderately.

>UpChuck? Yeah, right, he'd be the one smoking the fake oregano joint and
>getting so high...

ROFL! This I could see ...

>Andrea? Wouldn't surprise me...

We know she drinks, and probably hard liquor because she bothered to brown-bag

>For the record, Jordan, Coke is not an upper... it's actually a downer

I did not know that. Then why does it elevate heart rate?

>alcohol is a downer too
>and the two together supposedly pose a risk to your heart... even if you're
>young and healthy.

Horrendously so. Cocaine is a scary drug, for one so commonly used. If you have
any kind of cardiac weakness, it can kill you within a matter of minutes; even
without it, a large dose or synergism with other drugs can induce a fatal heart
attack. Prolonged use is very likely to weaken one's heart and increase the
likelihood of a later heart attack.

It's true that there are some native Andean cultures which chew coca, but the
dosage they ingest in this manner is much lower than you would get from
sniffing powdered cocaine, and they live in an environment where the air is so
rarefied that an elevation of metabolic rate is necessary to do anything
extremely strenuous (like be a foot courier, the traditional Inca use for the

>A bottle of vodka was always much more
>effective and cheaper...

Here speaks a woman who requires ludicrous amounts of alcohol to actually get
drunk. (Coming from a man who gets tipsy on a couple of wine coolers) :)

endless, nameless

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
MarieRoss wrote:
> >> erm.. why would you want to go do a silly thing like burn yourself with a
> >> cigarette?
> >
> >why not? it's less silly than *smoking* the thing, for fuck's
> >sake! :)
> >
> >>Hell, if your into self mutilation try acid and leave the cigs for us
> >> smokers..
> >
> >yeah, you're in the middle of a wood and you just happen to
> >stumble upon some acid. ;P
> >
> >--
> >キ病lli聞

> I had a friend in school who used candle wax... no permanent scars that way...

that might work..

> Of course, I knew another girl who used to carve boys names and things into her
> arms, legs, stomach, etc with a razor blade... She got locked away in an
> institution... I think she's still there...

poor girl..

on a completely unrelated note, does anyone in the UK here get
Meridian? my french class is on the news at 6pm today. the school
won an award languages for 16-19-year-olds or something... so they
had the 6th form spend their lunch time and half their afternoon
lesson sitting in the computer centre thingie, being filmed. fun.

キ病lli聞 { }

R. K. Henry

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
MarieRoss <mari...@aol.competative> wrote in message

> For the record, Jordan, Coke is not an upper... it's actually a downer
which is
> why you're not supposed to drink if you do it, being as alcohol is a
downer too
> and the two together supposedly pose a risk to your heart... even if
> young and healthy. (Can you tell I had a lot of friends in HS who were
> druggies?)
> No recreational drug (I am not talking about Heroin, angeldust, pcp,
> etc.) that I can think of makes you perky... that's a myth... Mostly
what they
> do is make you not care for awhile but it's fleeting and it all comes
back down
> doubled. Frankly, I never understood the craze for most of the rec.
drugs... it
> was mostly hype and a waste of money... A bottle of vodka was always
much more
> effective and cheaper...

Better check the record again. Cocaine is a stimulant, working by
inhibiting re-uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. It has much
the same effect as amphetamines. After a while you crash, sometimes
developing depression in the process. In that sense
it certainly is a downer.

I've never tried it myself. I've never even known anyone who used it. If
you read the material on the drug it ought to be enough to scare the
hell out of you.

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Dagny Scott

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>>How are things different? Are there cameras in the rest rooms now? I
>>certainly went on in my school.
>I think Dagny's point was that Lawndale isn't the sort of school where you
>could hang out in full view of everyone smoking pot or worse. Among other
>things, it's run by a paranoid fond of snap inspections.

Well there's a large range of difference in terms of things like drugs at
school. At Kelloggsville, a sorta lower-middle-class school in this area, it
would be very present, as would many other things. But Lawndale is more like
Grandville. There is no drug use OBVIOUS in the school. Besides maybe underage
drinking-- Kevin's beer can thing from one of the books implies drinking beer,
etc, and Andrea was seen drinking. But besides drinking and cigarettes, DRUG
USE IS NOT OBVIOUSLY SEEN. If one is using drugs it is as far seperated from
the school as possible, because 1.) druggies are not the majority and would
stick out 2.) security from the fascist principal

>Here speaks a woman who requires ludicrous amounts of alcohol to actually get

so does Alley. I just thought I'd mention that.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99

There is often a great difference between how drugs are supposed to work and
how they actually do... If technically coke is a stimulant... it certainly
isn't in practice... Most users consider it a downer, it also acts just like a
Drugs that are labeled (loosely) as _downers_ do not make the user especially
depressed or even necessarily tired (right away, anyway)... Even ludes and
valium don't necessarily do that. What they usually do in practice is relax
you... sometimes, extremely so...
One of the more popular "cocktails" that some of my friends did when I was in
HS was to mix coke and crank (not crack! crank is an extreme, extreme upper
that can keep you awake for days). The biggest reason for doing this was
because it would have you "up" one minute then "down" the next... of course,
the fact that it was very dangerous and sometimes caused heart attacks and such
in kids was, I think, part of the attraction... IMO, people that do drugs
either have a death wish or honestly don't care whether they die or not...
I knew alot of people who did drugs often and most of them knew all about what
the drugs could do to them (we all had drug education in 5th grade) but it
never mattered really... Teenagers had a tendancy to be fearless and to believe
nothing bad could ever happen to them... With today's culture, I don't know if
this is true anymore...
Drugs are a lot more dangerous nowadays then they used to be... if the drugs
themselves don't hurt you then the pesticides and other things they spray on
them will... not to mention some of the downright posionous chemicals they cut
them with now...

Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
to (Martin J. Pollard) wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 20:20:08 GMT, (Tarvok)
> wrote:
> >>And surely someone in the Lane household could at least smoke a little
> >>pot.
> >
> >BOTH of her parents could use a little relaxing. ;p

> If Amanda Lane was any more relaxed, she'd be in a coma. :-)

Mrs. Lane strikes me as the type who did *far* too much
acid as a teen.

Jon Armstrong
The Space Ranger
Graveyard gives one a unique outlook on life.
A dark one.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
Whew boy! As a survivor of the Chemical Wars, I gotta wade in here.

mari...@aol.competative (MarieRoss) wrote:

> There is often a great difference between how drugs are supposed to work and
> how they actually do... If technically coke is a stimulant... it certainly
> isn't in practice... Most users consider it a downer, it also acts just like a
> downer...

As explained before, coke is a stimulant and works as one. The
downer part comes along as the effects wear off. If you've got
cokehead friends that think of coke as a downer, I would suggest that
you tell them to find a more reputable dealer.

> Drugs that are labeled (loosely) as _downers_ do not make the user especially
> depressed or even necessarily tired (right away, anyway)... Even ludes and
> valium don't necessarily do that. What they usually do in practice is relax
> you... sometimes, extremely so...
> One of the more popular "cocktails" that some of my friends did when I was in
> HS was to mix coke and crank (not crack! crank is an extreme, extreme upper
> that can keep you awake for days).

Hmmm... Meth-amphetimene(sp?) aka crank in my neck of the woods is
also known as 'Poor Mans Coke'. I don't think your friends knew what
they were trying to do.

> The biggest reason for doing this was
> because it would have you "up" one minute then "down" the next... of course,
> the fact that it was very dangerous and sometimes caused heart attacks and such
> in kids was, I think, part of the attraction... IMO, people that do drugs
> either have a death wish or honestly don't care whether they die or not...

Mixing uppers and downers is like playing russian roulette with a
.45 automatic. The human body can take a lot of abuse and can be
pushed either up or down, within reason, but the body tends to become
confused when told to go both ways at the same time and will shut
itself down until the brain makes up it's mind. The trouble comes when
the brain dies due to lack of blood flow before telling the body which
way to go.

> I knew alot of people who did drugs often and most of them knew all about what
> the drugs could do to them (we all had drug education in 5th grade) but it
> never mattered really... Teenagers had a tendancy to be fearless and to believe
> nothing bad could ever happen to them... With today's culture, I don't know if
> this is true anymore...

I don't think it's changed at all. Teenagers today act pretty much as
I did back in my misspent youth, around the time of the taming of fire.

> Drugs are a lot more dangerous nowadays then they used to be...

Whoo boy, I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you here. I would agree
that *part* of the nature of the danger has shifted. When was the last
time anyone heard of some kid pulling a Janis by downing a fistful of
Mother's Little Helpers and washing them down with a fifth of dad's
booze? I haven't heard or read about some kid jumping off a building
thinking he could fly simply because the acid suppliers have cut the
dosage down to 10 to 20 percent of what it once was (on this one,

The only shift that I can see is that the chemists have gotten fancier
in that there are far more types of designer drugs around now than
before. The basic danger of putting an unknown substance of unknown
origin and unknown quality into your body remains the same.

Jon Armstrong
The Space Ranger

One pill makes you smaller and one pill makes you tall
And the one that mother gives you doesn't do anything at all.
Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit

Insptr Maz

Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
>Hmmm... Meth-amphetimene(sp?) aka crank in my neck of the woods is
>also known as 'Poor Mans Coke'. I don't think your friends knew what
>they were trying to do.

That's sort of weird. Where i'm from, meth is known as ..well meth, you are
refering to crystal meth, right? Crank was something a bit different then meth,
a snortable powder which wasn't half as good as coke, and yup, crank was known
as the "poor mans coke".

Meth was a huge problem where I lived. (Hawaii). I believe 5 years ago (give or
take a year) we were voted one of the top 3 places where there was a big meth
problem. Other 2 areas I believe were San Diego and some place in Texas. Of
course they blamed it all on the Koreans, but that's a whole nother story. :)


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
Jon Armstrong said:

> Whew boy! As a survivor of the Chemical Wars, I gotta wade in here.
> mari...@aol.competative (MarieRoss) wrote:
> <snip>
>> There is often a great difference between how drugs are supposed to work
>> how they actually do... If technically coke is a stimulant... it certainly
>> isn't in practice... Most users consider it a downer, it also acts just
>like a
>> downer...
> As explained before, coke is a stimulant and works as one. The
>downer part comes along as the effects wear off. If you've got
>cokehead friends that think of coke as a downer, I would suggest that
>you tell them to find a more reputable dealer.

Sorry, I can only go on my own experiences... A number of my friends were
dealers so I do know something about the quality and cutting... But I did grow
up in Jersey so who knows if the chemicals used here are normal for other
places... Maybe we just had a different idea of uppers and downers then
normal... most people I know who did coke did it for recreational use, to
relax... When they wanted an upper, they did speed...

>> Drugs that are labeled (loosely) as _downers_ do not make the user
>> depressed or even necessarily tired (right away, anyway)... Even ludes and
>> valium don't necessarily do that. What they usually do in practice is relax
>> you... sometimes, extremely so...
>> One of the more popular "cocktails" that some of my friends did when I was
>> HS was to mix coke and crank (not crack! crank is an extreme, extreme upper
>> that can keep you awake for days).

> Hmmm... Meth-amphetimene(sp?) aka crank in my neck of the woods is

>also known as Poor Man's Coke'. I don't think your friends knew what

>they were trying to do.

No, not meth... that is different... Crank was a powder... it was like Diet
pills to the 100th power... You could not eat on it... you could not sleep on
it... you felt like a robot (completely without emotions) if you did too
much... It was never known in my area as "Poor Man's Coke." Hell, it cost
almost as much as coke... Maybe it's a regional thing...

>> The biggest reason for doing this was
>> because it would have you "up" one minute then "down" the next... of
>> the fact that it was very dangerous and sometimes caused heart attacks and
>> in kids was, I think, part of the attraction... IMO, people that do drugs
>> either have a death wish or honestly don't care whether they die or not...
> Mixing uppers and downers is like playing russian roulette with a
>.45 automatic. The human body can take a lot of abuse and can be
>pushed either up or down, within reason, but the body tends to become
>confused when told to go both ways at the same time and will shut
>itself down until the brain makes up it's mind. The trouble comes when
>the brain dies due to lack of blood flow before telling the body which
>way to go.

I agree... fortunately none of my friends ever had any real problems with it...
though they generally shot it up, which I always thought was a questionable
thing and much more dangerous then simply snorting it... The sensations were
supposed to be much more enhanced...
I will point out that I avoided people who did drugs... by this, I mean heroin,
angeldust, crack, etc... So my experience with drugs is limited...

>> I knew alot of people who did drugs often and most of them knew all about
>> the drugs could do to them (we all had drug education in 5th grade) but it
>> never mattered really... Teenagers had a tendancy to be fearless and to
>> nothing bad could ever happen to them... With today's culture, I don't know
>> this is true anymore...
> I don't think it's changed at all. Teenagers today act pretty much as
>I did back in my misspent youth, around the time of the taming of fire.

Unfortunately, this is probably true... I was a teenager back in the mid-late
80's and most of the drug users I knew then have moved on to more healthy
lifestyles... I guess I just keep hoping that the next generation will learn
from the past ones...

>> Drugs are a lot more dangerous nowadays then they used to be...
> Whoo boy, I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you here. I would agree
>that *part* of the nature of the danger has shifted. When was the last
>time anyone heard of some kid pulling a Janis by downing a fistful of
>Mother's Little Helpers and washing them down with a fifth of dad's
>booze? I haven't heard or read about some kid jumping off a building
>thinking he could fly simply because the acid suppliers have cut the
>dosage down to 10 to 20 percent of what it once was (on this one,

It still happens... it's just not as news worthy anymore... a sign of the

> The only shift that I can see is that the chemists have gotten fancier
>in that there are far more types of designer drugs around now than

My point was that reletively harmless drugs, like pot, are more dangerous (and
sometimes lethal) now because of the chemicals that are sprayed on them in the
fields... illegal pesticides are used alot on these crops and some governments
spray the fields with toxins to try to contol the drug traffic, but the growers
sell it anyway...
As for designer drugs... I don't even know how anyone can keep up with them
all, anymore...

>The basic danger of putting an unknown substance of unknown
>origin and unknown quality into your body remains the same.

>Jon Armstrong

We do this every day as it is, simply by eating food... But I agree with your
original meaning.


"If you do not live what you believe, you will believe what you live." -Kanti


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
Insptrmaz said:

>Meth was a huge problem where I lived. (Hawaii). I believe 5 years ago (give
>take a year) we were voted one of the top 3 places where there was a big meth
>problem. Other 2 areas I believe were San Diego and some place in Texas. Of
>course they blamed it all on the Koreans, but that's a whole nother story. :)

Where I grew up, there was a lot of drugs... Our town bordered Camden, one of
the worse (if not the worst) cities in South Jersey... (North Jersey is a whole
nother country...) But oddly enough, we didn't have a real big problem with
serious drug use... It was just a boring town I think... The adults (ie
parents, school, police) were all worried about pot and alcohol and would have
these big marijuana busts, which was funny, considering the other _real_ drugs
kids used more often... Camden, on the other hand, had a huge heroin problem...


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
Marie said:

>I will point out that I avoided people who did drugs... by this, I mean
>angeldust, crack, etc... So my experience with drugs is limited...

Marie meant to say:

I will point out that I avoided people who did _serious_ drugs... by this, I

Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99

mari...@aol.communicate (MarieRoss) wrote:
> Jon Armstrong said:
<Beware, falling snippage ahead>

> > As explained before, coke is a stimulant and works as one. The
> >downer part comes along as the effects wear off. If you've got
> >cokehead friends that think of coke as a downer, I would suggest that
> >you tell them to find a more reputable dealer.
> Sorry, I can only go on my own experiences... A number of my friends were
> dealers so I do know something about the quality and cutting... But I did grow
> up in Jersey so who knows if the chemicals used here are normal for other
> places...

You're right, it's probably a regional thing.

> > Hmmm... Meth-amphetimene(sp?) aka crank in my neck of the woods is
> >also known as Poor Man's Coke'. I don't think your friends knew what
> >they were trying to do.
> >
> No, not meth... that is different... Crank was a powder...

Same here.

> I will point out that I avoided people who did drugs... by this, I mean heroin,
> angeldust, crack, etc... So my experience with drugs is limited...

Good. The Chemical Wars were nasty.

> > The only shift that I can see is that the chemists have gotten fancier
> >in that there are far more types of designer drugs around now than
> >before.
> My point was that reletively harmless drugs, like pot, are more dangerous (and
> sometimes lethal) now because of the chemicals that are sprayed on them in the
> fields... illegal pesticides are used alot on these crops and some governments
> spray the fields with toxins to try to contol the drug traffic, but the growers
> sell it anyway...

Another regional thing. Not much importing here, the local stuff
is usually grown organicly, very potent, and plentiful. Or so I've
been told...

> >The basic danger of putting an unknown substance of unknown
> >origin and unknown quality into your body remains the same.

> We do this every day as it is, simply by eating food... But I agree with your
> original meaning.

Egads! If you can't trust your grocer, how can you ever trust
your dealer? ;)

Jon Armstrong
The Space Ranger

Graveyard gives one a unique outlook on life.
A dark one.


Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99
And the paramedic checks in to say....

I haven't seen any major shift in drug use over the years, at least not since
crack took off back in the '80s. We don't see as much Quaalude use since it was
pulled off the commercial market. But heroin is still there. Coke is still
there. (And, believe me, physiologocally it *is* a stimulant. I've seen it
cause MIs in twenty-five year olds.) Speed is there. Downers are there. Kids
still huff paint. Acid is still there. Out here in the Lawndale-like 'burbs,
it's not a major, every day thing, but it's there. You'd think these kids would
take a look at their parents and decide to do better. Guess not.


Isaac Rikelme

Oct 19, 2020, 1:12:55 PM10/19/20
wow this chat room is old , if any of you are still active message me back XD
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