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Various Thoughts on Selfless.....

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Oct 23, 2002, 4:45:06 PM10/23/02
Mandatory Spoiler Space

I think the first thing I want to say is, "Wow!" What a great episode. I
knew it was great because it was over in just minutes, or so it seemed, and
I wanted to watch it again immediately. I missed some of the Olaf dialogue
in the beginning cause the popcorn hadn't popped, so I'll definitely be
watching the whole thing again.

I don't like Buffy anymore. I am not sure if I ever did. But I know I like
her a whole lot less. Even if the thing with Spike wasn't real, she's still
a bitch. I think Buffy is going to be the bad guy this year. She's just
not very nice and she goes on these insano power trips. Sitting there
listening to her comparing Angel to Anya, I just got completely disgusted.
Talk about a false comparison. Everyone around her exhausted every
possibility to get Angel's soul back, and what else could she do once the
hole was opened. Buffy hates everyone around her who might have a chance of
a normal life, because she can't be happy. Well I shouldn't say everyone.
Xander was a big fat jerk in that episode. He was on an insane power trip
just like a certain Buffy we all know.

And it's not like SMG is this wonderful person either. On the one hand I
hope she doesn't come back next season because I don't like Buffy at all.
On the other hand is my fear of no show at all without her, so I tolerate

I guess what made this episode so poignant for me is I know people like
Anya. People who find new people who they get along with, then they just
absorb those people's ideals without even thinking about them. And then
they coast until the next good thing comes along. Hell, even I am like that
sometimes. I'll tell people what I think they want to hear so they'll like
me. I guess in the wish fulfillment business that's a very positive trait,
because you can just give people what they think they want.

As corny as it sounds, Anya needs to find herself. Just like one of my
closest friends, who's gone from boyfriend to boyfriend, from religion to
religion, just to make other people happy. Just like me who isn't quite
sure what to do with her life.

Knowing who you are, and what you stand for is a precious gift. And I'm not
saying that a person can't change, but knowing who you are and what you want
to be allows you to change in a more principled and fulfilling manner.
Knowing who you are guarantees you won't ever get lost in a relationship.
Anya needs to find her identity, and once she does, she'll be ready to
forgive herself and be happy.

"What a day, eh, Milhouse? The sun is out, birds are singing, bees are
trying to have sex with them---as is my understanding..." --Bart Simpson

"No decision like this is wholly without flaws, but at the same time there
exists a universal morality that demands that we relieve human suffering
when we can." --Ségolčne Royal

"Thank the Lord? Thank the Lord?!? That sounded like a prayer. A prayer.
A prayer in a public school. God has no place within these walls just like
facts have no place within organized religion. Simpson, you get your wish.
Flanders is history!" --Superintendent Chalmers

"Above the titles of wife and mother, which, although dear, are transitory
and accidental, there is the title human being, which precedes and out-ranks
every other." --Mary Ashton Livermore

"If wishes were horses, I could make a killing in glue and hot dogs." --
Josh Penn


Oct 23, 2002, 4:52:27 PM10/23/02
<<I don't like Buffy anymore. I am not sure if I ever did. But I know I
her a whole lot less. Even if the thing with Spike wasn't real, she's still
a bitch. I think Buffy is going to be the bad guy this year. She's just
not very nice and she goes on these insano power trips. Sitting there
listening to her comparing Angel to Anya, I just got completely disgusted.
Talk about a false comparison. Everyone around her exhausted every
possibility to get Angel's soul back, and what else could she do once the
hole was opened. Buffy hates everyone around her who might have a chance of
a normal life, because she can't be happy. Well I shouldn't say everyone.
Xander was a big fat jerk in that episode. He was on an insane power trip
just like a certain Buffy we all know.>>

Uhm, in the that last post I forgot to specify that in the second paragraph,
I was refering to the hole being opened and Xander being on an insano power
trip in the second season ender, Becoming part 2, I believe.



Oct 24, 2002, 4:21:10 AM10/24/02
>Subject: Various Thoughts on Selfless.....
>From: "Amanda"
>Date: 10/23/2002 12:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <mmAt9.14824$>

>Mandatory Spoiler Space
>I think the first thing I want to say is, "Wow!" What a great episode. I
>knew it was great because it was over in just minutes, or so it seemed, and
>I wanted to watch it again immediately. I missed some of the Olaf dialogue
>in the beginning cause the popcorn hadn't popped, so I'll definitely be
>watching the whole thing again.

I'll agree here. Great episode.

>I don't like Buffy anymore. I am not sure if I ever did.

Why do you dislike the Buffster so?

But I know I like
>her a whole lot less. Even if the thing with Spike wasn't real, she's still
>a bitch.

Why? She is trying to help a guy that nearly raped her. She is trying to help
him help himself.

I think Buffy is going to be the bad guy this year.

Who knows in Jossland, but what has lead you to believe that? What has she done
this season that is not heroic and good?

She's just
>not very nice and she goes on these insano power trips.

Not so insano....she is the slayer. Using her powers is what she is supposed to
do and has to do. Which part of her speech to Xander do you disagree with?

Sitting there
>listening to her comparing Angel to Anya, I just got completely disgusted.

Angel was/is(?) her one true love.

>Talk about a false comparison. Everyone around her exhausted every
>possibility to get Angel's soul back, and what else could she do once the
>hole was opened.

Doesn't mean it didn't hurt and doesn't mean that she wasn't giving up her

Buffy hates everyone around her who might have a chance of
>a normal life, because she can't be happy.

Huh? What evidence do you have of this? Buffy has saved so many people. She
does so because she WANTS others to have normal lives. She takes on the burden
herself. She has had slayerness thrust upon her, but there is no COW or watcher
to tell her what to do now. She slays because she feels an inner obligation to
do so. Because it is what must be done. Because it is right. Simple as that.
That is the mark of a hero.

Well I shouldn't say everyone.
>Xander was a big fat jerk in that episode. He was on an insane power trip
>just like a certain Buffy we all know.

>And it's not like SMG is this wonderful person either.

Ok, now it is personal. :)

But seriously, why do you dislike SMG? Sarah *IS*, from all accounts and from
some personal experiences and observations, a wonderful person. She loves her
true fans (not the autograph hounds out to make a quick buck from a signature
nor the papperazzi). She gives a lot to charity (she gave a lot to the 911 fund
and gives regularly to many others) and does hands on work for Habitat for the
Humanities. She is an excellent role model---she doesn't take drugs or live the
stereotypical "young Hollywood" lifestyle. She is very friendly and easy going,
yet driven to succeed in her craft. She is an amazing actress. She stands up
for what she believes in and has strong opinions--she is a lot like Buffy in
some ways. She fights for her fellow actors and for the crew. She fights for
the artistic integrity of the show. Sarah loves animals and gives to animal
charities. She has adopted 2 dogs of her own.

The worst thing the press has said about her is that she acted "diva-like"
because she supposedly didn't want to eat burgers and hot dogs all week at the
hotel MTV provided in Cancun when she did that Spring Break show. Well, if all
they could dig up on her is ordering out to get healthy food, then that says

I've posted before about my encounters with Sarah during her Scooby Doo promo
tour and how impressed I was, not just because of her looks (I find her
stunning---even more so in person than on TV, if you can believe that) but also
for her inner beauty. She is proof that good things do, on occasion, happen to
good people. She is a New York girl who, while enjoying her well earned and
hard gained success, hasn't let success go to her head. I find her to be a true
inspiration. Trust me, she is one of the good guys---both on the show and in
real life.

On the one hand I
>hope she doesn't come back next season because I don't like Buffy at all.
>On the other hand is my fear of no show at all without her, so I tolerate

Again, why the dislike?


Oct 26, 2002, 1:32:17 AM10/26/02

"Amanda" <> wrote in message

Wow someone that dislikes Buffy even more then me, I didn't think it was
possible. Welcome to the club.

I don't have anything against SMG just don't like her acting. And have never
heard anyone of her co-stars ever talk bad about her.


Oct 26, 2002, 1:58:27 AM10/26/02

"DanielArmato" <> wrote in message

Dan why should we like her? Give me five things about her that are likeable.
(and heroic can't be one of them)

> But I know I like
> >her a whole lot less. Even if the thing with Spike wasn't real, she's
> >a bitch.
> Why? She is trying to help a guy that nearly raped her. She is trying to
> him help himself.

Yup she's helping him right into Morphy's hands. I think it's better for her
to get him out of the basement and have an ally than hope he can help
himself and if he fails she gets a foe that knows her weaknesses. Seems
pretty clear to me.

> I think Buffy is going to be the bad guy this year.
> Who knows in Jossland, but what has lead you to believe that? What has she
> this season that is not heroic and good?

She's not exactly Miss Congeniality. She's gotten cold and uncaring that
is kind of scary.

> She's just
> >not very nice and she goes on these insano power trips.
> Not so insano....she is the slayer. Using her powers is what she is
supposed to
> do and has to do. Which part of her speech to Xander do you disagree with?

I don't have any problems with her speech to Xander other than she really
didn't look for any other way with Anya other than kill.

> Sitting there
> >listening to her comparing Angel to Anya, I just got completely
> Angel was/is(?) her one true love.

Which is really pitiful that she feels that she can never love anyone more
than what she did at 17.

> >Talk about a false comparison. Everyone around her exhausted every
> >possibility to get Angel's soul back, and what else could she do once the
> >hole was opened.
> Doesn't mean it didn't hurt and doesn't mean that she wasn't giving up her
> love.
> Buffy hates everyone around her who might have a chance of
> >a normal life, because she can't be happy.
> Huh? What evidence do you have of this? Buffy has saved so many people.

She may save them but she doesn't care about them. When Willow told her
about the frat boys she was more interested in finding out about Willow
getting into college. She didn't care about the people she didn't save in
Lessons (I know she can't save anyone, but she didn't care)

> does so because she WANTS others to have normal lives. She takes on the
> herself. She has had slayerness thrust upon her, but there is no COW or
> to tell her what to do now. She slays because she feels an inner
obligation to
> do so. Because it is what must be done. Because it is right. Simple as
> That is the mark of a hero.

Sorry I think Buffy ceased being a hero in S5. She didn't care about
Jonathan and Andrews lives just Willows. She didn't care about using Spike
just what it did to her. She didn't care about the frat boys in Selfless.
She was a hero at one time, but killing something just because you can is
not a hero.

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