The Babylon 5 FAQ (1993 07 02)
Yes I know its short, but the first question is driving me crazy, so I
figure that perhaps I ought to do something about it. There is much
room for growth, if anyone want to send further information, send
it to me, and I will add it.
1.0 When is Babylon 5 on? I saw the premiere, but I can't find the episodes
1.1 What network is it on, FOX?
1.0 When is Babylon 5 on? I saw the premiere, but I can't find the episodes
Babylon 5 started as a 2-hour pilot, shown as part of Warner Brothers'
Prime Time Entertainment. The pilot was aired in January (?), and got
very good ratings, beating out Deep Space 9 that week. In April/May
Warner's gave the go ahead for the first season of 22 episodes.
Pre-production is now underway, the first episode should be shown in January
1994. Babylon 5 is getting the slot Time Trax held this season.
1.1 What network is it on, FOX?
Babylon 5 is syndicated, similar to Star Trek-The Next Generation, Deep Space
9 and Time Trax. In some cities it may be on a FOX channel, in others
it may be on an ABC channel and others may have it on an independent station.
It is probably going to be part of the same programming package as Time Trax
and Kung-Fu-The Legend Continues, so it should be on the same channel.
All corrections and additions should be sent to
Nicholas Fitzpatrick (
-Troy (Founder of the B5 Mailing list,all around ::koff:: nice guy)
-Troy Rutter, Project Vincent, Iowa State University
"If they could kill the President,will they think twice to kill me?"
"It's hard to be right when the government is wrong."
In all fairness, Troy, you will probably agree that the "Real" FAQ should
be the sum of all the questions that are frequently asked, and any
compiler of such lists would probably benefit from accumulating as much
information about such as possible. Besides, you'd figure that most
people that provide such services would probably be as interested in
more information regardless of the source. Why not ask Lee if you
can post it here for those of us that don't access GEnie?
Troy, is your mailing list still active? I started one a while back on my
bbs system, but after a major crash with the mailing list software (more like
an incompatability to my bbs's software update), I was forced to take it
offline... it's still running, but no one seems to use it since it went down..
Any info on yours?
//-n-\\ Paul A. Leclair |Sysop of The
_____---=======---_____ lim...@tka.uucp |Kobayashi Alt. BBS
====____\ /.. ..\ /____==== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=
// ---\__O__/--- \\ Enterprise... Surrender or we'll
\_\ /_/ send back your *&^$% tribbles !!