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Escape From Kadavo Online Free

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Владимир Галимов

Dec 6, 2023, 7:13:45 AM12/6/23
CC-2009, nicknamed Typhuss, was a clone marshal commander, who became an Advanced Recon Commando before the Battle of Kamino. He commanded the 52nd Star Corps during the Clone Wars, and also served in the 501st Legion from the Battle of Kamino, leaving it in 19 BBY after the Battle of Coruscant. Typhuss apparently knew about Project 239, a top-secret Republic project to develop transporter technology. Following Order 66, Typhuss joined the Galactic Empire, in 19 BBY Typhuss rejoined the 501st Legion. But later betrayed it and transferred his allegiance to the Brotherhood of Loyalists, although he later returned to the Galactic Empire after Coruscant Guard Commander Fox showed him two dead 52nd troopers after the battle on Ando Prime, which convinced him that it was an error to join the Brotherhood. During the Rebel attack on Kamino, Typhuss and a squad of Stormtroopers fought against Rebel commandos and Rebel troopers, killing many of them. Later Typhuss served in the New Republic, the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation of Free Planets, still wearing his clone trooper armor. Typhuss met a Twi'lek named Leeta, whom he married in 22 BBY, on Naboo. In 7 ABY, Leeta was visiting her family on Ryloth when a Corellian fighter crashed and destroyed their house after losing a dogfight with a LAAT gunship, supposedly killing her and her family. Typhuss took her death hard after a battle on Ryloth. Several days later Leeta was found alive by Theeda Marson, a Confederate Intelligence agent. In 15 ABY, Typhuss's son Jonathan Heron was born on Ryloth. In 15 ABY, after landing on Ryloth, Typhuss and the others found the base. After killing the guards, they freed Leeta and Tarna, and several other Twi'leks and stormtroopers. Typhuss and Fox stayed behind to destroy the reactor core. They were able to destroy the reactor core and were killed.

Cody noticed the prolonged absence of Waxer and Boil, and sent a transmission to them before they moved out. Upon reentering the city, the group was attacked by gutkurrs, but Obi-Wan managed to lure the creatures with the Force into an alley. He instructed Cody, Typhuss and his men to fire at a bridge above the entrance to the alley, and the creatures were trapped. After Obi-Wan jumped over the rubble, Cody handed him back his lightsaber. Waxer and Boil them emerged out of an underground tunnel with the young Twi'lek girl Numa. Cody was initially displeased with their absence, but after he learned of their discovery of the tunnels, he softened up a bit. Cody led a diversion to distract the droids, while Obi-Wan went with Waxer, Boil and Numa through the tunnels to free the Twi'lek hostages. After everyone was in position, Cody led the attack, and Obi-Wan was able to free the prisoners. After heavy fire from the AATs began to harass them, Cody ordered his men to fall back, and the droids pursued them. However, the tactical droid commander TX-20 was alerted to the rescue, and after Obi-Wan managed to destroy the proton cannons with the help of Waxer and Boil, the tactical droid's tank attacked them. Before TX-20 could destroy Obi-Wan and Numa, however, the former Twi'lek prisoners overran the tank and destroyed the droid. Mace and the transports were then able to land, and the Republic forces headed to the capital city of Lessu to retake it and free the planet. Cody, Typhuss and General Kenobi led their forces and took the Jixuan desert, thus securing Ryloth's southern hemisphere for the Republic.

Escape From Kadavo Online Free

The group boarded the cruiser, prompting its pilot to head for the Resolute. Aboard the flagship, Admiral Wullf Yularen advised Secura against docking in the middle of a battle, but Secura realized that the severity of Skywalker's injuries meant that he needed better medical care than what their tiny cruiser could provide. As the ship began docking operations, it was attacked by Vulture droid fighters. When the ship was struck by their fire, the pilot was thrown onto the controls, accidentally activating the ship's hyperdrive. Despite Bly's best efforts, he was unable to disengage, but Yularen, acting quickly, had the Resolute move away from the cruiser, leaving it free to engage its hyperdrive and depart Quell prematurely. Despite the overwhelming odds against surviving a hyperspace jump in a gravity well, the cruiser, and all aboard it, survived. As it traveled through hyperspace, Bly learned that the ship was on a direct collision course with a star. As the clones tried desperately to disengage the hyperdrive, Secura ordered that they power down all the ship's systems. They did so, bringing the cruiser into realspace just short of the corona. Secura then powered the ship back up again, allowing it to maneuver around the star, which in turn allowed Tano to slingshot the craft around it into a crash landing on the planet of Maridun.

As the wreckage of the ship burned on the planet's surface, all evacuated through its emergency escape hatches. Once the fires had burned out, the group used the wreckage as a makeshift shelter. Skywalker's condition, however, continued to deteriorate, and the group began to realize that he needed swift medical attention. Tano suggested that Bly and Secura scout in a southerly fashion while she and Rex would stay and watch over Skywalker, but Secura disagreed, insisting that she and Tano work together as Jedi. In a cursory search of the area surrounding the wreck, Bly discovered a carved tablet depicting a humanoid battling some sort of predator. The group realized that the tablet indicated that there was an intelligent species dwelling on the world, and set themselves upon the task of finding said species. Also depicted on the carving were large trees, which Bly, Typhuss, Secura, and Tano decided to look for, as a clue to the species' location. Setting out with Typhuss, Cameron, Flash and Lucky, and leaving Rex behind with Skywalker, the group found one of the trees by nightfall. Falling seed pods from the trees nearly killed the six off-worlders, but Secura spotted a path in the grass that had been used to drag the pods away, presumably by a member of the intelligent species. As the scouting party followed the path, they were set upon by two large mastiff phalones. Bly was able to kill one of the creatures, which scared the other away, but the pair had been able to kill Cameron, Lucky, and Flash.

The Jedi quickly realized that Durd's target would be the Lurmen, and Skywalker devised a plan of attack: first, they would eliminate the Confederate communications station, steal the shuttle, and then return to aid the Lurmen. When night fell, the group approached the base, and together they covertly dispatched the guards. Tano and Secura were able to enter the outpost, wherein Tano proceeded to open the main door, allowing Bly, Typhuss, Rex, and Skywalker to join the others. The rest of the guard droids dispatched, the group made their way toward the parked shuttle. Before they boarded, the clones gathered two shield generators to take with them. The group then flew the shuttle to the Lurmen village. Although Kaa still refused to accept the aid of the Jedi, Skywalker went about ordering the clones to set up the shield generators, in preparation for the defense of the village. In addition, the Jedi and the clones began moving the large pods into place, forming a makeshift barrier. When the Confederate forces were close enough to the village, Durd fired his new weapon. In response, Skywalker had the shield generators activated, which protected the village from the blast. Durd's next move was to have his army of droids charge the village, prompting Skywalker, Tano, Secura, Typhuss, Bly and Rex to move outside the shield and engage the attackers. They were able to successfully dispatch the first wave of droids, but the second and third waves were able to make through the shield perimeter, forcing Typhuss, Bly and Rex to retreat behind the pod barrier. Skywalker set off on his own to neutralize the weapon, leaving Tano and Secura free to battle the droids that were moving into the village. Unfortunately for the defenders, the droids took out both shield generators. Skywalker was able to destroy the weapon, however, and the Lurmen, under the leadership of Too, banded together, and helped the clones and the Jedi round up the attacking droids. Durd was later arrested by Skywalker, and Admiral Yularen's cruisers arrived at Maridun to extract the clones and the Jedi.

Typhuss accompanied Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli and Aayla Secura, and clone commanders CC-5052, CC-1004 to investigate the planet Alzoc III, where Separatist activity had been reported by the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The Republic squad took several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers which, after scaling a cliff face, were able to reach the coordinates of the location provided by Jabba. Upon arriving, both the Jedi and the clone troopers witnessed a crash site of a large capital ship and were stunned by the view of huge masses of ice and numerous starship parts floating freely in the air. Deciding to investigate the unusual phenomena, Gree and several clone troopers used their jetpacks to reach what remained of the ship's hangar, while the Jedi followed them by using the Force to navigate through debris. When the group rendezvoused at the hangar, it was attacked by a Vulture droid and it became apparent that the crash site attracted Separatist interest as well. The Jedi quickly defeated the droid and ordered the clones to scout ahead and find the ship's data recorder, while they themselves engaged the battle droids and followed by an alternate route. After reaching the remains of the ship's bridge, Gree began to slice the vessel's data recorder, while the Jedi and the clone troopers protected him from the attacking droids. Once the battle droids were successfully neutralized, Gree was able to show his generals the record of the ship's final moments. It became apparent that an individual had used a Telgorn dropship to board a Munificent-class star frigate carrying two classified weapons, stole one of them, and then departed shortly before the frigate was hit by an explosion. The vessel had then crashed on the planet, where the weapon created a gravity anomaly. Soon, Gree also discovered that Asajj Ventress had already visited the crash site and set the remains of the frigate for self-destruct. The Jedi ordered the clone troopers to safety and then briefly dueled the Dark Acolyte. Eventually, Secura and Unduli trapped the Dark Jedi under the bulk of ice before leaving the crash site and reporting to the Jedi High Council.

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