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Am I Alone? Pseudo-Poll

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Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
kindred spirits...

1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
antagonist on the show?

4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
answer to Luke and Laura?

Someone reassure me. ;-)


Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Rose wrote:

>I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of
>a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
>kindred spirits...

>1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
>the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I disliked "I Fall To Pieces" more. There was very little besides Angel that
was redeemable about that episode.

"Bachelor Party" comes in at a close second. I don't like the guy that played
Richard ( ? ). He creeped me out enough in "Anne" to ruin me on him forever.

>2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know
>it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
>third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

I like Doyle and I'm going to miss him, but I think the character has run it's
course if they're dredging up details like that. I liked him better when he
was edgy and a borderline problem child.

>3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and
>cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
>antagonist on the show?

She's abrasive, I'll give her that. I just hope that they give her a
reasonable background to go along with all that power. If she's going to be
this season's Big Brewin' Evil, at least give us a decent explanation why as
well as the dignity of remaining evil to the bitter end.

Personally, I think she's going to turn out like CSM (TXF ref); dangerous,
convinced of the necessity of her work, irrevocably tied to Buffy in some way,
yet still worthy of some sympathy.

I've never really been exposed to Lindsey Crouse before; I'd heard of her, but
had never seen her acting. She's very good and I like her.

>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>answer to Luke and Laura?

When I was in junior high/high school, the huge storyline involving Luke,
Laura, the "island", Robert Scorpio (*ssssiiiiigggghhhh*), the Constantines
(?), and Demi Moore/Janine Turner was just getting started. Luke and Laura had
just gotten back together and it was the hugest romance on daytime television.
It nauseated me, because you don't get much grosser than Tony Geary. The very
idea of Laura getting raped by this guy, then falling in love with him was

I don't see any relationship of Luke and Laura to Willow and Spike here. I did
think that their scene in the dorm room was edgy and definitely filmed in such
a way as to make us fear that she was going to be violated (rape/bite). Rape
isn't Spike's style and never has it been alluded to in his past exploits. I
think he is attracted to her on a male/female level (Why choose her to kill?
Why not Xander? Or Giles?), but maybe not to the extent that he is to Buffy.
Or appears to be ;-)

>Someone reassure me. ;-)

Always thrilled to...



Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Rose <fyl...@aol.comdrusilla> wrote in message

> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I'm with you there - Bachelor Party was lame. I enjoyed the Doyle
revelations, but there was so many things that didn't work, that it was
worse than IFtP, which had a good concept with poor execution.

I've been silent about BP because even though it wasn't good, it wasn't
resoundingly bad. It was sort of eh - there's really nothing to say about
it, except, couldn't they have gotten someone else to play Richard? I kept
thinking he was Ken from "Anne".

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't
know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the

I felt for him. So I disagree with you here. Plus, anyone named "Francis" is
okay by me. Though how he was teaching 3rd grade before the age of 20, I
don't know.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress
and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful
> antagonist on the show?

No, I'm with you here.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

I think you know how I feel about the "Luke and Laura" storyline [unless
it's a satire], though I'm not completely against Spike/Willow. I'm
patiently waiting for Xander/Willow to reunite.

> Someone reassure me. ;-)

There, there. Would you like some little marshmallows with your hot cocoa?

victoria p.
Miss July

PS: What's with the name change? Did I miss something? E me, if you like.


The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
_Paradise Lost_, John Milton

Prophecy Girl

Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
>1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode
ofthe Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?
I'm still going with "I fall to pieces" as the worst. But Bachelor party
wasn't one of the better ones IMHO

>2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know
if it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

Agree again, I think Doyle's character is so far removed from the thought
of him being a teacher, I just find it hard to swallow.

>3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and
a cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
antagonist on the show?

I think the Professor kicks ass, she is a true Bitca.

>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
answer to Luke and Laura?

Spike is so yummy, but the image I get with him on top of Willow is
not the kind I want to see develop into a relationship.

>Someone reassure me. ;-)

From: Jennifer Dowling
Date: Sun, 21 November 1999 03:18 PM EST
Message-id: <>

>I KNOW you are not as old as I am Rose, so I fear you do not >remember THAT
rape scene with Luke and Laura. With some disco >song in the background, but
without coffee I cannot remember which >it was. Yep, *I* am that old, and I
still remember it. Anyway, that's >how THAT couple started. And although I am a
true GH fan, the >pairing of Luke and Laura still bothers me because of it.
(Oh, and >Scorpio was SOOO cool).

MMmm, 'k this is going to really show *My* age but the rape/scene song from the
Luke & Laura trauma was Herb Alperts "Rise" and to this day when I hear that
song on the oldies station it gives me wiggins.



Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Krissy wrote:

>I don't see any relationship of Luke and >Laura to Willow and Spike here.

Oh, me neither...what I really meant is that I don't want them to fall in
lurve. I didn't mean to dredge up the Rape Metaphor Controversy again.

I too watched General Hospital when I was a teen. I didn't mind the Luke and
Laura thing because I didn't start watching until after the rape scene. My
friend told me about it but I just pretended it didn't happen. I've always
loved good girl/bad boy and bad girl/good boy plots. So why not Spike and
Willow, you ask? Because Willow is too cute and cuddly for Spike. He needs a
woman with more edge. Not Vamp Willow though. She'd shag him for two weeks
then stake him and go find herself a girl...hence no more Spike.

Rose, keeping a light in the window for Drusilla and Cool!Xander
If you don't know my e-mail address and want to e-mail me, post a request and I
might e-mail you my address.

Shadowy Moon

Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Rose <fyl...@aol.comdrusilla> wrote in message
> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I thought it was poor, but not as bad as I Fall To Pieces. However, I think
I'm more disappointed with TBP because it had an interesting set-up and a
chance to really dig into Doyle's past, but the payoff was boring.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't
know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the

I agree about the character. However, I think Glenn did some really
fantastic work in TBP and that's the one thing that saved the episode. He's
got such a wonderfully expressive face.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress
and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful
> antagonist on the show?

Is Faith chopped liver now? =P No, I see where you're coming from, but I'm
not quite ready to sign off on Walsh yet. I love Lindsay Crouse and the idea
of The Initiative has possibilities, but I want to learn more before I
decide if she's a worthy adversary.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

Definitely not. AH and JM have great chemistry, but I'd rather see a wary
friendship develop between them than anything romantic. Besides, everyone
knows that Spike is desperately in love with Buffy. <g>

"This desperation, dislocation, separation,
condemnation, revelation, in temptation,
isolation, desolation... let it go..."
---Bad, *U2*


Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
>Though how he was teaching 3rd grade before the age of 20, I
>don't know.

My best guess is maybe he was a teacher's aide and Harry was sort of fudging
the "teaching credentials" thing, or else she was just fuzzy on that part.

Second-best guess is maybe the requirements are less strict in Ireland...
(Anyone know about this?)

As for his character- yeah, i kinda liked it when he was Dark Mystery Guy
better. That's what grabbed me about him in "City of". But (and i'm probably
the only one) it doesn't seem all that sudden to me. Doyle was showing flashes
of being A Sweet Guy, Really since at *least* "In the Dark", probably earlier.
He's kind of been drifting in that direction.

So I'm a little disappointed, but not overly. And I wanna know what he *did* in
those 4 years since! ;-p

And I liked the ep. So count me out for that one.

Walsh- could be interesting. I withhold judgement for now.

Spike'n'Willow- I'm with you there. Not a good idea. I would like to see them
become some bizarre sort of friends, but on levels of Wrongness, S&W as a
couple is almost up there with Spike'n'Harmony.... But then, Dru's a hard act
to follow, isn't she? :-) Remember when Spike and Dru were the most stable
relationship in Sunnydale? Ah, those were the days.



Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99

Rose wrote:

> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

While I can't say you're the only one, I can say there is at least one opposing
vote. "I Fall To Pieces" still ranks as the lowest of the low in my book -
although "Bachelor Party" did give it some competition in a few areas. At least
"Bachelor Party" had some important character and plot developments, "I Fall To
Pieces" wasn't much more than a MOTW ep as far as I'm concerned. I do think the
whole brain eating thing was kinda corny. Does anyone else notice that some plot
points seem to be a little overdone: "make a connection", "eat his brain"? Dear
Joss, after the first ten times we get it already. The best parts of "Bachelor
Party" were the conversations between the three main characters.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

I thought "Bachelor Party" was Doyle's best ep. IMHO, we get to see that his jaded
past may have been the result of choices he made, in other words it happened on
purpose as the result of the whole failed half-demon/failed marriage. They seemed
to be making a point of how great Doyle's life was before the marriage. Actually,
they made TOO much of how great Doyle was before the marriage (see my comments for
#1). And what about his haircut? It seems very fitting for the character ;)

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?

Agreed, the Prof does seem to be a good actress. Although I'm still undecided
about the situation they've put her in. It seems, once again, to be a good idea
that Joss & Co. have taken a bit too far (see #1, again). The same project on a
smaller scale would have been better IMHO. On the other hand, I'm not making any
final decisions until we get to see a bit more of the big picture and the motives
behind it all.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

> Someone reassure me. ;-)

Ian J. Ball

Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
In article <>,
fyl...@aol.comdrusilla (Rose) wrote:

> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

It wasn't "poor", and I liked it more than "In the Dark". But it was
probably the second 'weakest' episode, so far.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party?

Apparently. I thought Quinn was excellent in this one.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress
> and a cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful
> female antagonist on the show?

Yes, and no. I like Crouse a lot, but I'm not looking forward to her being
a 'bad guy'. I hope they don't go that route.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

Well, not being a big Spike booster (and I'm sure you know how I feel
about Willow!), I couldn't be less interested in seeing them get together.

Ian J. Ball | "When it comes to dating, *I'm* the Slayer!"
Ph.D. Chemist, | -Cordelia Chase, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
& TV lover | Want to get my FAQs or TV episode guides? Try: |

C. Barrans

Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Okay, I'll play.

Rose wrote:

> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I enjoyed it, though I thought it paled in comparison to "The
Initiative," which is my favorite _Buffy_ episode of the season so far.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

I loved Doyle, but I agree with Cordy that the image of him teaching
third grade doesn't--quite--work. BTW, he didn't run the soup kitchen,
he just volunteered.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?

I'm really enjoying the character so far.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

I don't want them to have a romantic relationship, but wouldn't have a
problem with a little nasty flirting.

-- CB
Science is not the way to find answers to all our questions.
Science is a way to find better questions.

Ralph Cramden

Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
Rose wrote:
> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

Bachelor Party was poor, I didn't like the concept
that the demons who were trying to kill Doyle got
off scot-free (wondering about the origin
of that phrase). But worse than Dr. Stalker with
the detachable, flying body parts, no not by a
long shot.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

I liked Doyle, particularly his killing of the vamp
thereby causing Cordelia to question her beliefs. But
we still don't know what he's really trying to atone
for yet. So even though he taught 3rd grade, and
volunteered at a soup kitchen, we know that he still
has a dark side. Still an air of mystery.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?

Prof. Walsh has had about 3 lines per episode
(sarcasm: she's had a greater role than Giles/Xander)
so I doubt that we can judge her as a great actress
solely on that (and while I realize that she's appeared
in other things, I can't remember any, so she didn't
make much of an impression). As for a cool character,
no, her role in the underground lab seems inconsistent
with her teaching of freshman psych, and her near
attack by the two werewolves, while she was alone,
at night, and unarmed, in Sunnydale, is another
strike against "coolness." As for finally having
a powerful female antagonist, has it been so long
that we've all forgotten Faith (Darla (the only
vamp smart enough to go after Buffy with a gun),
or Drusilla (killer of Kendra). In the Buffyverse,
no villain (assuming our speculations are correct)
should ever announce herself as "The Evil Bitch
Monster of Death", Buffy's spider sense should
have shot thru the roof (wishing they'd shown
Buffy searching for weapons in her purse/backpack,
immediately after the Prof. introduced herself).

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

The Luke/Laura reference lost me, but even though
Spike is insane (to come back to Sunnydale, which
has seen some major kickings of his ass (paraphrase)),
I can't imagine him not making the connection
between the pain in his head, the lab, and his
violence, and yet still stick around to discuss
things with Willow, when Buffy could return to
her room at any minute. I don't think we have
anything to worry about on the Spike/Willow front.

> Someone reassure me. ;-)


Nov 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/21/99
On 21 Nov 1999 19:03:37 GMT, fyl...@aol.comdrusilla (Rose) wrote:

>I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
>a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
>kindred spirits...

Don't know if I'm even supposed to answer since you were just asking
for people that agree, but..

>1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
>the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

Nope, didn't think it poor. Certainly not great, but far from poor.
Cordelia alone would have kept this episode from being bad. :-)

>2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
>it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
>third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

Didn't notice the haircut, so I guess I don't think that it was bad.
I thought the acting on both GQ's and DB's part was well done.
And his pining here was nothing to what we've been treated to in the
past from Angel over Buffy (just ask Tom Brenton).

What we learned about Doyle here didn't really fit with anything I had
imagined it would be.
Not that I really object to the kind of past they gave him, but the
fact that he supposedly left that normal life behind no more then four
years ago... somehow I expected him to be older and have been on his
own on the streets for a lot longer.

What I'm really wondering now though, is were he got all that detailed
information on Angel that he was reeling off in "City of.."?

>3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
>cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
>antagonist on the show?

For one thing I'm not sure that Prof. Walsh will turn out to be this
season's big bad guy, and for the other I'm not all that impressed by
her 'stone (or was it iron?) b*tch monster of death' persona.

>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>answer to Luke and Laura?

Don't know who Luke and/or Laura are/were, though I gather that they
were a couple on some soap.

If that is your way of asking what I think of Spike and Willow as a
couple: I don't see that happening myself. Spike is just not
Willow's type. She'd be more likely to hook up with Riley.

As for Spike falling for Willow: Maybe. He does seem to have a taste
for women that are a curious mix between helplessness and danger,
judging from his attraction to Dru.
>Someone reassure me. ;-)

I hope that didn't unsettle you even more. :-)


Jennifer Dowling

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Rose wrote:

<snippedy doo-dah>

Can't comment on some of it but .....

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

I KNOW you are not as old as I am Rose, so I fear you do not remember THAT rape

scene with Luke and Laura. With some disco song in the background, but without
coffee I cannot remember which it was. Yep, *I* am that old, and I still remember
it. Anyway, that's how THAT couple started. And although I am a true GH fan, the
pairing of Luke and Laura still bothers me because of it. (Oh, and Scorpio was
SOOO cool).

IMO, Willow and Spike would be 'orrible together. The personality gap is too much
for me. So rest assured, you are not alone.

Feel better whipper-snapper? 8^)

Jennifer Dowling

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Prophecy Girl wrote:

> >I KNOW you are not as old as I am Rose, so I fear you do not >remember THAT
> rape scene with Luke and Laura. With some disco >song in the background, but
> without coffee I cannot remember which >it was. Yep, *I* am that old, and I
> still remember it. Anyway, that's >how THAT couple started. And although I am a
> true GH fan, the >pairing of Luke and Laura still bothers me because of it.
> (Oh, and >Scorpio was SOOO cool).

> MMmm, 'k this is going to really show *My* age but the rape/scene song from the
> Luke & Laura trauma was Herb Alperts "Rise" and to this day when I hear that
> song on the oldies station it gives me wiggins.

Thanks (not) for reminding me of that song (;-)) It doesn't show our age really
unless we tell what grade we were in (or year in college) when we saw that scene.
And not on the flashbacks either. My Nana, who was a staunch GH supporter, LOVED
Herb Alpert, shudder. And totally out of the B/A realm--my son has a girl in his
class -- thin, tall, long blondish-brown hair (he dislikes her btw) named -- Lucy
Quartermaine! HA HA HA

Jennifer Dowling

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Rose wrote:

> So why not Spike and
> Willow, you ask? Because Willow is too cute and cuddly for Spike. He needs a
> woman with more edge. Not Vamp Willow though. She'd shag him for two weeks
> then stake him and go find herself a girl...hence no more Spike.

I finally figured out what would bother *me* about a Willow/Spike pairing. Been
there done that. It sounds too much like a shadow B/A thing and I am sick of that
one (sorry folks). I like the idea of Vamp Willow with Spike, even if temporary,
partially to see Regular Willow's reaction.

Well, that and I *liked* VW! She was nasty...

Jennifer Dowling

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Maya wrote:

> Second-best guess is maybe the requirements are less strict in Ireland...
> (Anyone know about this?)

Don't know for sure about Ireland, but in other parts of the realm it is not
beyond a possiblity. He would have to take and finish his high school exams 16/17;
do the three year course and then get a job right away.

It is a possibility. Outside of North America, most uni degrees are only three
year courses.

Molly Moloney

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Rose wrote:

>I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of
>a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
>kindred spirits...

Sorry, I won't be of too much help here . . .

>1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
>the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I definitely didn't think it was the worst of the season (I Fall to Pieces
still retains that honor). It would probably be near the bottom of my ranking
of the episodes, though. But, though I didn't think it was great, I thought it
was kind of cute, and it did entertain me.

>2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know
>it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
>third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

This is where you and I definitely part company. I found the character more
rather than less intriguing after watching the Bachelor party. It wasn't so
much due to the love (or whatever) of Harry and definitely not because of the
saintly past (which didn't ring true, to me) but more because of his
self-loathing of his demonic side. This is an interesting aspect of the
character that I think would have been illuminating to see develop along side
of Angel's own similar, but not identical issues (to see where they diverge and
converge for instance). You mention his hair--but I can't really remember it.

>3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and
>cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
>antagonist on the show?

We agree. Yea! I think she's great. I wasn't as familiar with Lindsay Crouse
as many of the people on the ngs appear to be, but I've really liked her and am
looking forward to seeing what they do with her. The character has interesting
possibilities and the actress seems great. And ITA on the issue of her as a
powerful woman antagonist being especially refreshing.

>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>answer to Luke and Laura?

I don't feel as strongly about this issue as I think that you do, but I do
agree, up to a point. For one thing, I definitely find Spike/Buffy UST to be
much more exciting/intriguing than anything between Spike and Willow. I also
agree with something you said in an earlier post-- that Spike/Willow would have
deleterious effects on where they take Spike. Willow just isn't a proper match
for a sexual/romantic partner with Spike. However, I do love their chemistry
and really would like to see more of them together. But there's together and
there's together . . .

>Someone reassure me. ;-)
There, there Rose ;-)



Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Ralph wrote:

>As for finally having
> a powerful female antagonist, has it been so long
> that we've all forgotten Faith (Darla (the only
> vamp smart enough to go after Buffy with a gun),
> or Drusilla (killer of Kendra).

Of the three, only Darla had any power to speak of, being a kind of first mate
to the Master. But Faith and Drusilla, while physically strong and quite
crafty, were not powerful characters. Drusilla was little more than window
dressing for Angel in the second half of S2 (killing of Kendra being the only
deviation) and Faith was the Mayor's henchman and daughter-figure. The primary
villain in S1 was male (the Master), the primary of the 1st and 2nd half of S2
(Spike and Angel) were male, the main villains of the first and 2nd half of S3
(Mr. Trick and The Mayor) were also male.

If BMoD is the primary villain for the 1st half of S4, it's a gender first for
the show.

Christine Marie

Nov 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/22/99
Rose wrote:
> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...

Dang. Ya go out of town for a few days, and even a newsgroup of civilized
size, such as this one, becomes a little unmanageable...

> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

Can't help you on this one--it wasn't my favorite, but I liked it.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't
know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the

I thought they screwed up the continuity something fierce, but apart from
that, I like that Doyle has some depth and isn't just a loser who can't keep
it together.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress
and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful
> antagonist on the show?

I agree completely. I like her, bitchiness and all. I had a prof kind of
like her (well, without the secret identity. I think. If it was secret, I
wouldn't know, though...) and I adored her. She was definitely a "love her
or hate her" kind of person.

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

I don't see Spike and Willow at all. I just can't even get my brain wrapped
around it. Willow is very cool, and I love her, but she does that baby-talk
thing which would, I would think, drive Spike completely mad. And I don't
see Willow getting turned on by his violence the way Harmony does. Willow
seems to like nicer guys than Buffy does. Spike is many wonderful things,
but nice is not one of them.

So I can give you half-agreement--does that help? ;)


Angel McCreedy

Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
Rose <fyl...@aol.comdrusilla> wrote:
: I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
: a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
: kindred spirits...
: 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of

: the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

- I am so with you! This episode is even worse than 'I Fall to Pieces.'

: 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know

: it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
: third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

- Still with you. I didn't like this episode at all. Well, I can't say 'at
all' I did like the part Angel kicks down the door in Vamp mode.

: 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and

: cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
: antagonist on the show?

- Never gave that much thought to this character.

: 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'

: answer to Luke and Laura?

- Who's Luke and Laura?


Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99

On 21 Nov 1999 19:03:37 GMT, fyl...@aol.comdrusilla (Rose) wrote:

>I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
>a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
>kindred spirits...
>1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
>the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

Well, I don't agree with you.

>2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
>it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
>third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

Again, you're on your own.

>3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
>cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
>antagonist on the show?

No, she isn't the best actress I've ever seen. No, she's definitely
not cool. And exactly what makes her powerful?

>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>answer to Luke and Laura?

You lost me.


Heart of the Slayer | | AOL IM: LilyHOTS
Angel ~ Passages |

::Remove FIREMOON to e-mail me::

Captain Average

Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99
1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst
episode of the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I didn't think BP was the worst ep so far, but I almost agree with you
that it was poor. The problem for me is that the cast's performances
were far better than the material warranted. I think I have to call BP
a rousing example of the sort of mediocrity one doesn't usually
associate with Whedon & Co. Still, there was the high concept line:
"You invited a *vampire* to my brother's bachelor party?"

2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party?

I loved Glen Quinn's performance but had a problem with the instant
Great Guy/Cute-sification of the character provided by the script.
Angel was the best thing about the ep - even Cordy seemed to get short
shrift from the script (but Charisma Carpenter *still* managed to
provide her usual flair). Thank TPTB that BP seems to be a blip - I
Will Remember was far better.

3. Am I the only one who thinks that the female professor on BtVS is a
great actress and a cool character and who is thrilled that we

*finally* have a powerful female antagonist on the show?

I've been a fan of Lindsay Crouse for years (very few woman can hold
their own in a Mamet-scripted movie but she did in House of Games) and
like the edge she gives BtVS. As for there finally being a powerful
female antagonist, Faith wasn't exactly chopped liver (though she
didn't start out as an antagonist). The prof is definitely being set
up as an antagonist - if only because she's operating in Buffy's Town.
I hope she's around for awile.

4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become
BtVS' answer to Luke and Laura?

As a non-soaps person (with the exception of Twin Peaks and The West
Wing), I never watched the whole Luke & Laura thing. I do, however
know several women who have been raped - and none of them became
fascinated/fell in love with their rapists. In the case of Spike and
Willow, there is some evidence of affectionfor Willow from Spike (he
really didn't have to offer her eternal unlife) and, of course, Willow
is ever the sympathetic ear. Even had Spike not attempted to feed on
her, I can't see Willow ever being romantically involved with Spike.
Then again, opposites attract... (But I'm all in favor of this not
being a direction taken by the show's writers.)

Captain Average, The Superhero-Who-Has-Shaken-Off-His-CFS-Because-of-

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
Lily is not on my wavelength:

>>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>>answer to Luke and Laura?

>You lost me.

Luke & Laura: sorta good girl plus very bad boy equals Forbidden Love
(General Hospital, circa 1980).


Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
Rose wrote:

>>>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>>>answer to Luke and Laura?
>>You lost me.
>Luke & Laura: sorta good girl plus very bad boy equals Forbidden Love
>(General Hospital, circa 1980).

Has it really been that long ago? Damn, I'm getting old.

BTB, whatever happend to the dude that played Robert Scorpio? He defined

Krissy ;-)


Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
Le Buni que c'est rosiette wrote:

>BTB, whatever happend to the dude that played Robert Scorpio? He defined

He looked a lot like 80's-era Malcolm McDowell.

I was a Thaao Phenglis fan myself (Victor, Victor Victor!) and I even went to
see him when he appeared to answer fan questions at a mall! I asked him what
other stuff he had acted in so I wouldn't seem like a fangirl. Worried about
my image, even then.


Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
Rose wrote:

>Le Buni que c'est rosiette wrote:
>>BTB, whatever happend to the dude that played Robert Scorpio? He defined
>He looked a lot like 80's-era Malcolm McDowell.
>I was a Thaao Phenglis fan myself (Victor, Victor Victor!) and I even went to
>see him when he appeared to answer fan questions at a mall! I asked him what
>other stuff he had acted in so I wouldn't seem like a fangirl. Worried about
>my image, even then. were a frothing groupie, admit it!

Nothing to be ashamed of...if DB were to ever cross my path, I would humiliate
myself on national television for the chance to speak to him. I have little

Krissy ;-)

The Senator

Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
>>4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>>answer to Luke and Laura?
>You lost me.

Luke & Laura: sorta good girl plus very bad boy equals Forbidden Love
(General Hospital, circa 1980)<<

Yeeee! No! Bad, bad, bad analogy. Luke raped Laura! Bad. Bad.

"Hey, FOX... if brains were alligators, you couldn't get one to bite you on the
ass!"--ME (w/a little Pinocchio).

"There's no humidity in Hell. Hell's a dry heat."--Frank, H: LotS.


Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
Ah, rose knows that she is not alone. Y'all keep her company quite well. Even
if Lily seems to think that she is out to lunch. At least it will have a fun
conversation. Angel food cake for desert perhaps?


pseu pseu pseudeo

Jennifer Dowling

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Captain Average wrote:

> Captain Average, The Superhero-Who-Has-Shaken-Off-His-CFS-Because-of-
> Rose's-Dilemma

Good, because I for one missed reading your posts!

Be well,

Jennifer Dowling

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Krissy wrote:

Can we make sure it goes on international tv, because I gotta see that! Stranger
things have happened, remember Krissy, be careful what you wish for...

Happy Turkey Day to all (whether you celebrate it or not--have a good day


Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Willynot wrote:

>if Lily seems to think that she is out to lunch. At least it will have a fun
>conversation. Angel food cake for desert >perhaps?

A favorite lunch of mine is a spikey artichoke for appetizer, a stake er steak
sandwich for lunch, and for dessert, a fruit basket filled with fruit buffed to
shiny perfection and of course, angel food cake served on a doylie er doiley.
It all tastes better if eaten under a willow tree in the land of Oz.

Rose, keeping a light in the window for Drusilla and Cool!Xander

"You commemorate a holiday every year by killing an animal. It's ritual
sacrifice with pie." --Anya, BtVS


Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Jennifer wrote:

They could make one of those cheesy FOX television shows about it..."America's
Most Humiliated Fans and the Celebs They Adore!" or something. A half-hour
collection of average American folk jumping into vats of egg whites and oatmeal
for the chance to spend five minutes with Pamela Anderson Lee's boobs. And
their bodyguard.

Krissy, who ate entirely too much of her mother's faboo cooking today. I'm
fasting for a week after this.


Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Rhapsodizing Rose replies,

"angel food cake served on a doylie er doiley"

Rose you made my day. Bw ah ha

David T. Anderson

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:03:37, fyl...@aol.comdrusilla (Rose) wrote:

> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...

> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

Well, they can't all be gems....

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

Character development can be messy, and sometimes dull. I think the
point was that Doyle is unexpectedly complex...this bodes well for
future plots.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?

I find her a bit of a battleaxe...not that there's anything wrong with
that. I'm sure she will be the centre of many interesting

> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?

Will and Spike certainly have an interesting chemistry, but I think it
could be easily overused. I say 'no' to any deep relationships...

David T. Anderson
Calgary, Alberta

Using ProNews/2 for OS/2 Warp

**NOSPAM** To email me, remove the 's' from my address...


Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99
Rose wrote:

> I was a Thaao Phenglis fan myself (Victor, Victor Victor!) and I even went to
> see him when he appeared to answer fan questions at a mall! I asked him what
> other stuff he had acted in so I wouldn't seem like a fangirl. Worried about
> my image, even then.

I remember him most from the 1988 revival of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE.


Dec 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/4/99
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I agree it was the worst. They left the villains still dangerous. These people
will commit murder if it suits their purposes. They should have been killed.

> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

I did not dislike him, but I think that they got the timeline wrong.

> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?

I dislike the person. I wouldn't want her as a teacher or an aquaintance. She may
make a good villain though.

4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'

> answer to Luke and Laura?

No! Willow is a good guy, Spike is a monster. It is a huge continuity error for
any contrivance that could put them together.

Someone reassure me. ;-)

May 6, 2020, 5:44:09 PM5/6/20
On Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, Rose wrote:
> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
> kindred spirits...
> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?
> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.
> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
> antagonist on the show?
> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
> answer to Luke and Laura?
> Someone reassure me. ;-)

Wouter Valentijn

May 9, 2020, 2:24:05 PM5/9/20
Op 6-5-2020 om 23:44 schreef
> On Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, Rose wrote:
>> I feel myself to be in a distinct minority...maybe even a minority of one...on
>> a few things and I wanted to sniff out the populace to see if I have any
>> kindred spirits...
>> 1. Am I the only one who thought that Bachelor Party was the worst episode of
>> the Angel season? Or who even thought it was poor?

I loved the episode. Very funny.

>> 2. Am I the only one who didn't like Doyle in Bachelor Party? I don't know if
>> it was the pining over Wifey, the haircut or the revelations that he taught
>> third grade and ran a soup kitchen but his character simply lost the magic.

Don't remember those details but I'd say it grounded him a character.
Made him more likeable.

>> 3. Am I the only one who thinks the Professor on BtVS is a great actress and a
>> cool character, and who is thrilled that we *finally* have a powerful female
>> antagonist on the show?

Like the actress. Was she an antagonist, well yeah, but she wasn't the
big bad. She was killed off too soon.
BTW, did you catch her in a similar role with that cyborg crocodile?

>> 4. Am I the only one who *doesn't* want Spike and Willow to become BtVS'
>> answer to Luke and Laura?

Who are Luke and Laura?
As for 'become', the show has been over for many years already. Are you
by chance referring to the reboot comic?

>> Someone reassure me. ;-)

Err... In part?

Wouter Valentijn

Kirk: "No beach to walk on..."
Star Trek (s01e07): The Naked Time

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