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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5 Times We Hated Wesley (& 5 Time We Felt Sorry For Him)

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Jul 18, 2020, 7:57:46 AM7/18/20

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5 Times We Hated Wesley (& 5 Times We Felt Sorry
For Him)

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce is one of Buffy and Angel's best characters, but he had
a lot of ups and downs throughout both shows.


Wesley Wyndam-Pryce made his debut in season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and proved to be one of the most annoying characters the series ever
produced. The bumbling buffoon was by no means a bad person, but his lack of
field experience meant he was completely unequipped to be a Watcher.

However, his appearance on the spin-off series Angel saw the character
transformed into a far more capable and darker character, due to his
experiences and personal tragedies. In the end, he was one of the best
characters to appear in either show. With this in mind here are 5 times we
hated Wesley, and 5 times we felt sorry for him.

Hated - When He Had Feelings For Cordelia

Cordelia gained Wesley's attention from the moment he laid eyes on her, and
while the pairing may seem odd they actually have a lot in common. Despite
proving to be nothing but an annoyance to everyone else, Cordelia actually
liked Wesley's uptight and refined personality.

Thankfully their chances at a relationship were quickly dashed after a kiss
on prom night left them both underwhelmed. While they were both consenting
adults, Wesley's affections for Cordelia can't help but come off a little
creepy due to their large age difference.

Felt Sorry - When Lilah Died

Lilah was a constant thorn in the side of Angel Investigations, and her
nefarious work for Wolfram & Hart brought untold destruction into the world.
However, after Wesley found himself abandoned and without anyone to count
on, it Lilah who was there for him.

Their dysfunctional relationship was one of the most unconventional and
shocking in the series. While it may not have been love, it was impossible
for Wesley to not develop feelings for Lilah and her death affected him
unlike anyone else.

Hated - When He Got In Buffy's Way

While Wesley may have been Buffy's Watcher, in reality, it was still Giles
that had the closest relationship with the Slayer and the one she confided
in. Her lack of faith in the new Watcher frequently saw Wesley kept out of
the loop on many occasions, much to his displeasure.

This then led to him complaining to the Watcher's Council, which only made
Buffy's life more difficult. When he was kept in the loop, his obsession
with protocols and procedures saw him get in the way and prevent Buffy from
doing her job.

Felt Sorry - When He Killed His Dad

Wesley's relationship with his father is complicated, as he is one of the
most respected members of the Watcher's Council, and Wesley has spent his
entire life trying to impress him. It was only when he abandoned this idea
that Wesley could unlock his potential and become a better person.

However, Wesley was forced to kill his father when he and other members of
the Council led an assault on Angel and his friends. Although he was
revealed to be a cyborg disguised to look like Wesley's father, the
psychological repercussions still weighed heavily on Wesley and he realized
how far he was willing to go to protect those he cared about.

Hated - When He Prevented Faith's Redemption

Buffy and Faith's friendship started well, however, their relationship was
changed forever when Faith killed a person. While he was a bad guy (or at
least worked for one), she crossed a line. This radically transformed Faith
and saw her embrace her dark side, as she continued down a sadistic path of
destruction. However, it didn't have to be this way.

Angel was the best person to show Faith the error of her ways, as he has
taken many lives and must now live with himself. He opened up to Faith and
helped her come to terms with what she had done, drawing her out of the dark
place she found herself in. All this was undone when Wesley burst in and
captured the pair, ultimately sending Faith on a dark path and preventing
her from redeeming herself.

Felt Sorry - When Angel Tried To Kill Him

After kidnapping Angel's son, Wesley's throat was slit and he was left for
dead. Close to death, he awoke in the hospital where Angel calmly explained
that he understood why he did it. However, this didn't detract from the fact
that Wesley betrayed him, and his son was now in an inaccessible hell
dimension with one of Angel's oldest enemies.

In a shocking twist, Angel tries to smother Wesley with his pillow, only to
be dragged away swearing vengeance and declaring his hatred of his former
friend. This saw Wesley left alone, without any of his former friends,
forced to survive by himself.

Hated - When He Kidnapped Angel's Son

Although he acted with the best of intentions, Wesley's kidnapping of
Angel's newborn son proved to be one of the biggest mistakes of his
demon-hunting career. His actions were motivated by an ancient prophecy that
foretold of Angel killing his son.

Although in reality this prophecy was false and had been manipulated by a
time-shifting demon, Wesley had come to believe that it was true. This
backfired and saw Wesley almost killed, and the child was taken away.

Felt Sorry - When Faith Tortured Him

Faith continued to spiral out of control when she made her debut on Angel.
This saw her teaming up with the evil law firm Wolfram & Hart to kill Angel,
but before she took down Angel she targeted his friends first.

This resulted in her kidnapping Wesley and sadistically beating him within
an inch of his life. However, even for Faith, this proved to be a step too
far and resulted in her breaking down and turning to Angel for help.

Hated - When He Was Introduced

When Giles came to blows the Watcher's Council, he stepped down due to their
barbaric test and outdated thinking. This then led to a new Watcher being
sent to Sunnydale to continue Buffy's training.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce was the man who stepped into Giles' shoes, and while
Giles may have been stuffy and out of touch, he was nothing compared to his
replacement. Fresh from the Watcher's Academy, Wesley lacked the experience
of his predecessor and had a combative relationship with Buffy.

Felt Sorry - When Fred Died

Wesley and Fred's will they won't they relationship was undoubtedly one of
the most compelling aspects of Angel, and the moment they ultimate came
together as a couple was immensely satisfying. But, their insanely short
relationship ended in tragedy when an ancient spirit was released and took
Fred's body as a host.

This led to Fred deteriorating, and the gang scrambling to remove the
demonic spirit. However, upon the realization that releasing the spirit
would kill thousands, they were forced to allow Fred to die. This resulted
in one of the most heartbreaking scenes featured in either series.


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