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OT - SCOTUS rejects Republican whining over Ohio ACORN

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Newk Indofman

Oct 17, 2008, 9:42:32 PM10/17/08

Seon Ferguson

Oct 17, 2008, 10:39:02 PM10/17/08

"Newk Indofman" <> wrote in message
> --
> :-"
Why is it whining? its vote fraud. If Acorn was a right wing organisation
the left would be up in arms.
This is why I hate playing the right vs the left game. both sides are

Message has been deleted


Oct 17, 2008, 11:13:11 PM10/17/08

So let me get this straight: when rampant voter registration fraud is
uncovered, those who bring it to light are considered "whiners"?

Or is it only when rampant voter fraud that aids Democrats is exposed? I
mean, if they found some conservative group fraudulently registering
people who to vote Republican, would uncovering that be "whining" also?
Or, as is typical, would that be "different"?

Seon Ferguson

Oct 17, 2008, 11:35:33 PM10/17/08

"zob" <zob@> wrote in message
> No it's not. The Republican party tried to do exactly the same thing
> in the election four years ago. It's part of their normal campaign
> strategy to accuse the Democrats of voter registration fraud. (Just as
> "swiftboating, or character assassination, is a morally acceptable
> part of their campaign arsenal). This year the Democrats have been
> smart enough to fight back and to take the Pugs to court over the
> false accusations. The McCain campaign is now on the verge being
> investigated by the Department of Justice for attempting to undermine
> the voting system by making false voter fraud accusations against the
> Obama campaign.
> Organized voter fraud by either party has almost never been proven,
> and it's a always a last-minute tactic by the GOP to throw foundless
> accusations, knowing that just the negative publicity alone will get
> some of the mud to stick on their opponents. It's disgusting and
> sleazy, but happens every four years. This year the Obama camp
> surprised them and was ready, requesting the DOJ to investigate the
> GOP for possibly criminally intentional attempts to manipulate the
> election with false charges.
> I almost feel sorry for Sarah Palin; she's the one being used as the
> goat by the GOP to do all the dirty work with her ridiculous sh*t
> slinging lies and exaggerations about things like the alleged voter
> fraud, so that McCain can appear to keep his hands clean. The poor
> woman comes across as looking like a mean-spirited idiot when it's
> really the campaign managers pulling her strings who are the morons.

Well I think registing Micky Mouse as a voter is obvious proof of vote
fraud. But Maybe your right. Maybe I should wait and let the courts decide.
I feel sorry for Sarah Palin as well. She also abused her power when she was
govoner and the last thing America needs is a VP who abuses power....Again.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:33:50 AM10/18/08
On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 14:35:33 +1100, "Seon Ferguson" <>

Hey there, foreigner! He may have abused power, but let's remember
that he's the darling of Hollywood who gave him an Oscar, and he's
the recipient of the most prestigious anti-American award: the Nobel
Peace Prize.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:48:08 AM10/18/08
Seon Ferguson wrote:

I like it that Obama is, instead of laying back and taking it, is
attempting to get a special prosecutor to look into the swiftboating by
Republicans regarding Acorn.

The Republicans have fought tooth and nail to inhibit voter
registration. They see their salad days or power coming to a close as
more voters are registered.

A person noted "ACORN had voter registration fraud, not voter fraud,
Micky Mouse isn't going to actually vote."

The following comes from the Washington Post
"Stuart Katzenberg, head organizer for Maryland ACORN, said Republican
complaints about registration efforts have been overblown. He said the
group reviews new registrations turned in by its workers and has itself
reported to elections officials many of the problems Republicans have

Acorn seems to be a group with a good cause. If they review the
documents and flag the bad ones, why is this bad?...except for the
expected voter suppression carried on by Republican operatives.

This year will be a clean sweep of Democratic party wins; President,
Senators, and Representatives. In the film "O Brother Where Art Thou" a
midget was holding a broom along side the candidata, ready to sweep the
bums out. This year the bums are Republicans and their excesses are
being purged. Good riddance to bad rubbish. The Republicans resemble
the Bob Roberts tapping his toes at the end of the movie.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 1:22:54 AM10/18/08

"Seon Ferguson" <> wrote in message

Read about the recent history of vote fraud in the U.S. and the current

Charges of "vote fraud" have become a Republican campaign strategy, a tactic
used to try to suppress voters, particularly those likely voting for Obama.
The Supreme Court, to their credit, is seeing through the hyperbole. From
what I understand, ACORN hired people at low wages to register voters, and
instead of working hard to register real people, some of the workers just
filled out forms and handed them in. Voter registration fraud doesn't equate
to massive numbers of fraudulently registered people showing up at the polls
on Nov. 4. They may have used fake names and addresses to fill out forms
(just so they could get paid), but those "fake" people aren't going to turn
out on election day! Get real. There is no conspiracy. Since their candidate
is losing, the Republicans see it as a way to stall and manipulate the
election process.

McCain went way overboard in accusing ACORN of being "on the verge of maybe
perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history" and "may be
destroying the fabric of democracy." Totally scripted Republican propaganda.
McCain should save those words to describe the many realities that have
plagued Washington for the past eight years -- some of which McCain himself
has participated -- including government-sponsored torture, the "Bush
doctrine", going to war on false pretenses, and trying to shove a
trillion-dollar bailout down our throats with secrecy, immunity and lack of

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 1:24:47 AM10/18/08

"Seon Ferguson" <> wrote in message

So you would expect Mickey himself to show up at the polls on election day?

<whistling> "It's a small, small world..."

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 2:08:50 AM10/18/08

"X-Factor" <X_fact...@yahoocom.spam> wrote in message

The day dick wins the nobel peace price is the day hell freazes over.

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 2:12:23 AM10/18/08

"Newk Indofman" <> wrote in message
I wouldnt put that past them. I was outraged when Bush stole the election
because I believe the people have the right to elect their leaders in any
countries and I'll be just as outraged if Obama tries anything. So if this
is nothing to worry about then why are they doing this crap in the first

> McCain went way overboard in accusing ACORN of being "on the verge of
> maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history" and "may
> be destroying the fabric of democracy." Totally scripted Republican
> propaganda. McCain should save those words to describe the many realities
> that have plagued Washington for the past eight years -- some of which
> McCain himself has participated -- including government-sponsored
> torture, the "Bush doctrine", going to war on false pretenses, and trying
> to shove a trillion-dollar bailout down our throats with secrecy, immunity
> and lack of oversight.

Yes he did go overboard but its still a concern of mine.

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 2:10:27 AM10/18/08

"Newk Indofman" <> wrote in message
I'd expect goofy to. he already endorced McCain.

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 2:09:54 AM10/18/08

"Salad" <> wrote in message
Well dont you think its about time these matters are decided in court rather
than in the media?

Message has been deleted

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 4:31:29 AM10/18/08

"zob" <zob@> wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 17:10:27 +1100, "Seon Ferguson" <>
> As has Uncle Scrooge McDuck ...

And Pepé Le Pew


Oct 18, 2008, 5:02:39 AM10/18/08
On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 17:08:50 +1100, "Seon Ferguson" <>

I didn't want to mention it, but he can be that, too.

BTW, hell froze over 30 years ago. These days, it's hellish warming.
It's a carbon trading bonanza!

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 6:07:28 AM10/18/08

"X-Factor" <X_fact...@yahoocom.spam> wrote in message

I dont think Satan (ie the boogie man) would mind if hell got hooter. But We
would if the Earth did.


Oct 18, 2008, 9:53:58 AM10/18/08
Seon Ferguson wrote:

Who is "they"? Obama's team?

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 11:26:44 AM10/18/08

"Seon Ferguson" <> wrote in message

McCain would make a good Yosemite Sam.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 11:29:16 AM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

> So let me get this straight: when rampant voter registration fraud is
> uncovered, those who bring it to light are considered "whiners"?

It's not rampant, and yes.

> Or is it only when rampant voter fraud that aids Democrats is exposed? I
> mean, if they found some conservative group fraudulently registering
> people who to vote Republican, would uncovering that be "whining" also?
> Or, as is typical, would that be "different"?

The Republicans would definitely go that route, if only they could find
unregistered people who want to vote for their candidate. SO they go on the
attack from the other direction.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 11:31:00 AM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

Before you upchuck anymore, please review yesterday's SCOTUS decision on
"rampant voter fraud" in Ohio.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:23:21 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

Give me a link to the decision, and not a left-wing slant on it from the
Times, and I might.

Besides, it's not like Acorn's fraud is limited to just Ohio. They've
been caught red-handed doing it all over the nation and the Supreme
Court decision didn't reach any of that.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:25:30 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> >
> > So let me get this straight: when rampant voter registration
> > fraud is uncovered, those who bring it to light are
> > considered "whiners"?
> It's not rampant, and yes.

It's nationwide. That seems pretty rampant to me.

And why is it that exposing *any* voter registration fraud is "whining"?
Are you actually in favor of rigged elections?

> > Or is it only when rampant voter fraud that aids Democrats
> > is exposed? I mean, if they found some conservative group
> > fraudulently registering people who to vote Republican,
> > would uncovering that be "whining" also? Or, as is typical,
> > would that be "different"?
> The Republicans would definitely go that route, if only
> they could find unregistered people who want to vote for
> their candidate. SO they go on the attack from the other
> direction.

Well, that's nice and all, but you completely failed to answer the
question I asked.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:29:35 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

> Voter registration fraud doesn't equate to massive numbers
> of fraudulently registered people showing up at the polls
> on Nov. 4.

No, but coupled with Acorn (and other liberal groups') mostly-successful
opposition to any ID requirement at the polls, it certainly could result
in exactly that.

Why else would groups like Acorn be so vehemently opposed to laws which
require positive ID before voting is allowed? What possible reason could
there be other than an ID requirement makes it a lot harder for these
groups to rig elections in their favor-- to pay homeless people to vote
multiple times under different names at different precincts; to get
illegal aliens into the voting booth, etc.


Oct 18, 2008, 12:34:21 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

> "Seon Ferguson" <> wrote in message

> > Well I think registing Micky Mouse as a voter is obvious

> > proof of vote fraud.
> So you would expect Mickey himself to show up at the polls
> on election day?

Knowingly registering an ineligible voter is a CRIME. What part of that
don't you understand?

Bringing crimes to light is not whining. Apparently, according to you,
even though the FBI has clear evidence of criminal activity, they
shouldn't arrest anyone (that would be "whining", after all). They
should sit back and wait and see if any of these fake registrations is
actually used, and only then step in. Of course, by then it will be too
late in terms of election results, which is exactly the point, right?


Oct 18, 2008, 12:37:57 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
Salad <> wrote:

> I like it that Obama is, instead of laying back and taking it, is
> attempting to get a special prosecutor to look into the swiftboating by
> Republicans regarding Acorn.

LOL! The evidence of criminal activity is clear and incontrovertible but
Obama is apparently taking the position that certain crimes should be
ignored by law enforcement because investigating them might be
politically motivated.


Who gives a shit why the investigation was started? The fact is that it
resulted in exposing ACTUAL criminal activity by this group.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 2:18:09 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

Paranoia much? You'd rather work yourself into a lather than read about what
a non-issue this really is. And do I need to remind you that the Supreme
Court doesn't agree with you.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 2:20:16 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

This is the Republicans straining to suppress voting and steal another
election. It's totally overblown -- like most of the idiocy the Republicans
are bringing up.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 2:22:13 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> Salad <> wrote:
>> I like it that Obama is, instead of laying back and taking it, is
>> attempting to get a special prosecutor to look into the swiftboating by
>> Republicans regarding Acorn.
> LOL! The evidence of criminal activity is clear and incontrovertible

So far, not according to the Supreme Court. It's likely they'll conclude the
same elsewhere.


Oct 18, 2008, 2:40:58 PM10/18/08

So says the judge, jury, and executioner knows as Thantos the Acorn
Slayer. Your predudice is showing.

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 6:51:51 PM10/18/08

"Salad" <> wrote in message

Yeah his team and in Bush's case his supporters. Not "THEY"

Seon Ferguson

Oct 18, 2008, 6:50:49 PM10/18/08

"Newk Indofman" <> wrote in message
Yeah but the question is would he make a good President?
I guess that didnt stop people from voting for Bush.


Oct 18, 2008, 8:03:13 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
Salad <> wrote:

Wow, both a non-response and an ad hominem in two lines or less. You're


Oct 18, 2008, 8:07:04 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

No, the Court said that requiring the Ohio Secretary of State to verify
all registrations is too burdensome this close to the election. The
Court said nothing about the legality of purposeful voter registration

And more to the point, the U.S. Code itself clearly says that knowingly
registering an ineligible voter is a crime. As there's nothing remotely
unconstitutional about that law, the Supreme Court has neither the power
nor the authority to unilaterally repeal the statute by judicial fiat.


Oct 18, 2008, 8:11:42 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

Riiighhht. 'Cause the FBI has nothing better to do than figure out ways
to help political parties. Better fasten down that tinfoil, chief. The
rays are leaking through.

You can accuse and rant all you like. Doesn't change the fact that the
authorities have both a paper trail and dozens of witnesses-- what we in
the legal profession like to call hard evidence-- of systematic voter
registration fraud by Acorn. Apparently you feel that those crimes
should be ignored by law enforcement because they have the potential to
help your guy get elected.


Oct 18, 2008, 8:14:04 PM10/18/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Voter registration fraud doesn't equate to massive numbers
> >> of fraudulently registered people showing up at the polls
> >> on Nov. 4.
> >
> > No, but coupled with Acorn (and other liberal groups') mostly-successful
> > opposition to any ID requirement at the polls, it certainly could result
> > in exactly that.
> >
> > Why else would groups like Acorn be so vehemently opposed to laws which
> > require positive ID before voting is allowed? What possible reason could
> > there be other than an ID requirement makes it a lot harder for these
> > groups to rig elections in their favor-- to pay homeless people to vote
> > multiple times under different names at different precincts; to get
> > illegal aliens into the voting booth, etc.
> Paranoia much?

Nope. And you should really jettison the SoCal Valley Girl speak. It's
not working for you.

> And do I need to remind you that the Supreme
> Court doesn't agree with you.

Maybe you should actually read the decision instead of just what the
Times has to say about it. If you did, you'd see that the Court never
reached the question of criminal liability for purposeful voter
registration fraud. The Court's decision was focused only on the
question of remedy.

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 9:38:06 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>,
>> > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> "Seon Ferguson" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> > Well I think registing Micky Mouse as a voter is obvious
>> >> > proof of vote fraud.
>> >>
>> >> So you would expect Mickey himself to show up at the polls
>> >> on election day?
>> >
>> > Knowingly registering an ineligible voter is a CRIME. What part of that
>> > don't you understand?
>> >
>> > Bringing crimes to light is not whining. Apparently, according to you,
>> > even though the FBI has clear evidence of criminal activity, they
>> > shouldn't arrest anyone (that would be "whining", after all). They
>> > should sit back and wait and see if any of these fake registrations is
>> > actually used, and only then step in. Of course, by then it will be too
>> > late in terms of election results, which is exactly the point, right?
>> This is the Republicans straining to suppress voting and steal another
>> election.
> Riiighhht. 'Cause the FBI has

blah blah blah blah blah

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 9:39:06 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>,
>> > Salad <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> I like it that Obama is, instead of laying back and taking it, is
>> >> attempting to get a special prosecutor to look into the swiftboating
>> >> by
>> >> Republicans regarding Acorn.
>> >
>> > LOL! The evidence of criminal activity is clear and incontrovertible
>> So far, not according to the Supreme Court. It's likely they'll
>> conclude the same elsewhere.
> No, the Court said that requiring

[blah blah blah blah blah]

Newk Indofman

Oct 18, 2008, 9:40:21 PM10/18/08

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message

[blah blah blah blah blah]


Oct 19, 2008, 12:40:37 AM10/19/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

Yeah, I could tell from the beginning that the actual, you know, legal
ruling flew right over your head.

Why let facts get in the way of a good rant, eh?


Oct 19, 2008, 12:44:05 AM10/19/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

Wow, so this is your new strategy? Anytime anyone backs you into a
corner, you just snip their response and replace it with nonsense? Most
people aren't so blatantly lame. Kudos to you for not hiding the ball,
at least.

Well, fantastic. You've just conceded the argument. Too bad you didn't
do it sooner and save us all a lot of time.


Oct 19, 2008, 12:46:23 AM10/19/08
In article <>,
"Newk Indofman" <> wrote:

> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> >
> >> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <>,
> >> > Salad <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> I like it that Obama is, instead of laying back and
> >> >> taking it, is attempting to get a special prosecutor
> >> >> to look into the swiftboating by Republicans regarding
> >> >> Acorn.
> >> >
> >> > LOL! The evidence of criminal activity is clear
> >> > and incontrovertible

> >> So far, not according to the Supreme Court. It's likely
> >> they'll conclude the same elsewhere.

No, the Court said that requiring the Ohio Secretary of State to verify


Oct 19, 2008, 10:55:18 AM10/19/08
On Oct 18, 6:40 pm, "Newk Indofman" <>
> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> >> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article <>,

> >> > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> >> >> Voter registration fraud doesn't equate to massive numbers
> >> >> of fraudulently registered people showing up at the polls
> >> >> on Nov. 4.
> >> > No, but coupled with Acorn (and other liberal groups')
> >> > mostly-successful
> >> > opposition to any ID requirement at the polls, it certainly could
> >> > result
> >> > in exactly that.
> >> > Why else would groups like Acorn be so vehemently opposed to laws which
> >> > require positive ID before voting is allowed? What possible reason
> >> > could
> >> > there be other than an ID requirement makes it a lot harder for these
> >> > groups to rig elections in their favor-- to pay homeless people to vote
> >> > multiple times under different names at different precincts; to get
> >> > illegal aliens into the voting booth, etc.
> >> Paranoia much?
> > Nope. And you should really jettison the SoCal Valley Girl speak. It's
> > not working for you.
> >> And do I need to remind you that the Supreme
> >> Court doesn't agree with you.
> > Maybe you should actually read
> [blah blah blah blah blah]-

Yep, he's unraveling.


Oct 19, 2008, 10:56:14 AM10/19/08
On Oct 18, 9:44 pm, Thanatos <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>  "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> > "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > In article <>,
> > > "Newk Indofman" <> wrote:
> > >> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> > >>
> > >> > In article <>,
> do it sooner and save us all a lot of time.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You keep this up, Mister and he's gonna killfile ya!

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