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Political Rankings -- Season 8, Week 1

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Mar 7, 2009, 4:56:45 AM3/7/09
Well, it's finally time.

After the most useless set of national auditions ever (and barely less
useless of a semifinals), the Final THIRTEEN (!!!) have been set.

(God, I wish I had strike-through on my USENET posts...)

And, hence, it's time for the first edition of the Season Eight
Political Rankings.

(Newsgroup: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

I'll save a couple of you the bother. Anyway, for those few who might
need to be brought up to speed:

I do not believe the votes to matter one bit. The – show – is –
I believe that the order of finish (at least the relevant portion
thereof) is preset.
I believe that the order of finish (at least the relevant portion
thereof) is known to the field.
There can be changes in that order of finish, but it takes outside
forces to make that happen.

Let me begin by stating a few trends that I've observed in this year's

First, I believe this to be the weakest field, top to bottom, in the
history of American Idol. I don't know why they would continue to
embarrass themselves (or expose themselves as blatantly incompetent)
by watching the field stink up the joint like the first two weeks
basically did, although I would assert that, in a number of cases, it
was due to the fact that they knew already who was going to “win”, so
why even make the attempt?

(Forgetting, of course, that, if the show were legitimate, actually
making the attempt might make you stand out among this morass and get
you other opportunities elsewhere.)

Second, I believe this to be the wimpiest field in the history of the
show, and I truly believe there will be some embarrassingly bad
performances in much of the Finals before the chaff is finally put out
of the field and we get to the real “competition” around the first of
May or so.

Third, I believe that they're already on at least Plan B. I think
that the whole idea to de-emphasize the performances, as well as to
put out such a weak field, was a covering mechanism for Joanna
Pacitti, who clearly already had managerial ties within 19
Entertainment and was being groomed as the Eighth American Idol.

Which leads me to the fourth and final point before I get to the Final
Thirteen itself, and I believe this is the most important point of the
season, politically:

Who is in charge of this season? There were already statements that
FOX was taking more charge of the American Idol process this season
even before Joanna's exposition as an inside fraud, and I believe
that's even made more so now afterward. I'm not so sure that TPTB who
have selected this year's winner already are from 19 Entertainment or
the Simon Cowell camp. I believe they are from FOX this year, and, as
such, there will be quite some political ramification of that
selection, as I'll explain when I get to it.

So, with that, the first installment of the Season Eight Political
Rankings, a statement of where I believe those in control of the show
have placed the different “competitors”, at least as of right now:

(One caveat, especially for this season: Once you get beyond about #5
or so, there's going to be a lot of movement. It really doesn't
appear as if TPTB (whomever they are) care that much about the order
of finish after about #5.)

Below #5, I think you can put the “competitors” into two camps:

Outright Field Filler
Demographic/Racial “Necessities”

Although at least one of the top four could be viewed as the latter,
it's clear that they have pushed her to the top tier, the rest of this
field, bluntly, can be viewed as simple filler in one of those


Megan, Alexis, and Allison

I think this is the weakest gender of a field in the history of the
show. I've said, and, watching the Wild Card show as I begin to type
this out, reassert the very real possibility they could've put only
three women through (we ended up with five (and only because I think
they needed to expand the field to thirteen to get five women in)),
and these three are basically nothing short of field filler, because
they simply do not go out and represent much of anything, either in
the eyes of 19 or in the eyes of FOX. By this point, you had to have
brought something to the dance that was going to justify them taking a
look at you seriously, and they don't have it. They simply don't have
it. They're the best of a horrific lot of females this season.
(Spoken of the females in the field as a group here...)

The problem lies that the show probably has to advance at least one of
these three further than they deserve, and hope that they “get the
hint” and Kitty-Kat McPhee themselves to make themselves relevant.
The one who does probably goes the furthest, but I can't see more than
one making the back half of this tournament.

Matt, Michael, Kris

They're good enough to be in the field. But damned if I can find
anything that makes them much more than that. I could see the
requisite number of them muddle through a couple of “safe songs” and
make his way onto the tour with three survivals, but, other than



The “other token African-American female” in the competition.

And that's about it. Lil' Rounds basically has Jasmine locked out
here. Jasmine really has to take her spot in the Final Thirteen,
saying that she needs to work as hard as she can to go as far as she
can on the show before she is finally eliminated. She's going to be
part of a significant muddle in the Finals that could take two months
to fully shake out.

This is an opportunity for Jasmine to get heard, but, in her position,
she cannot afford to get lost in the shuffle.


I list Jorge separately because I think there's something important
here in his inclusion.

I don't think they've had a Hispanic Finalist of any real repute (I
think the one time they tried, the guy was busted for jacking off to
one of the staffers before the Finals began, and quietly
“disqualified”...) in all the years of American Idol, so that's why I
put him as kind of a “necessity”. Although I do not believe the votes
are really counted, I think, in Jorge's specific case, they may look
at the amount of support he is garnering (perhaps by ratings demos or
whatever) to determine how far into the “competition” he gets. I
think the people at 19 and FOX are both taking a look at the Hispanic
demographic here, and this could be an interesting call on their part.

And now, to the last five:

#5: Anoop

They're pushing Anoop. I think it's a question of how far they want
to push Anoop.

It's clear to me that tonight's “twist stunt” (which would still put
the Grand Final on May 26-27, within the sweeps period) was a Jordin
Sparks moment – they want people to have sympathy for Anoop, so that
the show can push the guy. He was seen as a Grand Final contender in
the early examinations.

The problem is that it's clear that something is missing here. How
many more chances, really, is Anoop going to get – this is probably
his third already?? (Loses the week, appears to lose the wild-card as

Anoop could be in the Final Five – he could go out next week... I'm
putting him here because I think it's obvious they want to push him.

#4: Scott

This is clearly exploitative. I don't think I need to tell you why.
I've believed that, whenever they can, American Idol openly exploits
the contestants for their own ends, especially if they can work that
exploitation into a “storyline” about the contestant, as they can

The thing about Scott is that I truly believe that they can do
something with him, and he can do something with what TPTB are doing.
I could definitely see a potential that Scott gets the opportunity
(for whatever purpose TPTB wish to give it to him), seizes it, and
actually makes enough of himself that someone actually takes a chance
on him (certainly not a major-label effort, but enough that can make
some degree of hay while the sun shines), and people will buy his
records (part for the storyline, part because he does have some nice
degree of talent).

The only problem with him not going higher is that I don't see how
TPTB can place him higher than any of the other three “competitors”
I'm about to list.

#3 Lil' Rounds

I get the impression that she's been around the block in the business
a couple of times already. She really sounds like she could almost
fall into this Salt 'n' Pepa mode and go rap and hard-R&B her way
through, but I'm not sure that TPTB of American Idol are going to
accept that.

The thing is that Lil' Rounds is the only woman in this season who
appears to have any real impetus behind her, both talent-wise and
politically. Though the show has had a number of Whitney-clones, I
think Lil' Rounds could go someplace that the show has not gone yet,
but is that a place where TPTB want to go?

I get the sense that Lil' Rounds could be a very relevant person in
today's music industry, but NOT in a way that a conservative group
like FOX want her to. She could probably fill a hole that 19
Entertainment have had over the course of time, but that's going to
come down to whether 19 gets the chance to get their hands on her.

#2 Adam Lambert

To be Simon's favorite at this point means a lot.

I think it comes down to a question as to whom is in control here. If
19 is in control, or if something happens to Danny, I think Adam can
be the winner of the show. However, I do not believe 19 is in control
here, and, save something coming out about Danny and/or his church, I
think Adam is looking a loss in the Grand Final in the face (if they
don't put someone like Lil' Rounds above Adam).

Most any other season, he probably enters the Finals at #1.

#1 Danny Gokey

... but I believe that this season belongs to FOX, not 19

In so doing, I think that one has to understand that FOX, as a media
company, is very conservative, (VERY hypocritical about it,) trying to
ram religion down our throats at almost any turn they can, and every
negative stereotype of the Religious Right (especially the hypocrisy).

I wish to make one thing clear: When I say “An American Idol for CHAY-
SUS!!!” (which is what I believe FOX wants for Gokey), I do NOT
believe that they wish to go truly for Jesus Christ. When I address a
matter of that a party wants to turn us to “CHAY-SUS!!!”, I believe it
to be the false-religious hypocritical tele-evangelist crap which has
corrupted most churches to the point where I don't set foot in a
church anymore. (That's why I don't say “An American Idol for
Jesus!”, because I don't think Jesus is in play here.)

And then we get to the issue of the specific church which is more than
happy to exploit Gokey as a meal ticket to this point. There is real
speculation that there is much more to this church than has met the
eye. There is reported speculation of cult-like tendencies.

However, in this economic day and age, I could definitely see a
conservative group like FOX going “Convert to CHAYSUS or Starve!!!”,
and an American Idol like Danny Gokey could go that route for FOX. I
don't think 19 Entertainment wants to go along for that ride, and I
think it comes down to whether they have a choice. I could definitely
see FOX telling 19 that they have abused their privilege for so long
that FOX, in the name of the appearance of propriety, has had to take
the reins of this season.

This is why I think Danny Gokey is this year's David Archuleta: He's
the winner IF something doesn't come out about him, the people around
him, or the church he represents. There's the very real chance, in
the same motion, that such could come out, because I believe such a
foil exists, much as it did for Archuleta last year.

Take-Home Points:

First, I would like to congratulate American Idol on one very
important point:

They have successfully Worst-Proofed the field.

I don't think they could've really done it, but I think it was clear
that they came out here with the intention of slapping Vote For the
Worst down significantly. I just watched The Final Breakdown of
Tatiana. (I can't think they didn't plan, on the fly, an extra
commercial break (and at least five minutes over), knowing it was

VFTW is not going to like this season at all. Their choices have been
summarily slapped in the face, they've been slapped in the face, and I
am quite surprised that someone hasn't come out and said that the show
is openly attempting to discredit the website to the point of
irrelevancy. This is not going to be an “entertaining” season for
American Idol, in the eyes of VFTW.

I say again: I believe the presence of VFTW, in the format being used
(that of that the lowest “vote-getter” in the Finals is eliminated),
is one of the proofs that the show is rigged. Given the elimination
of “favored” performers (in the eyes of the audience) week-by-week,
VFTW provides a sabotage platform which could be used (in a legitimate
vote) to advance their candidate (their voting base plus disgruntled
viewers of previous eliminated contestants)...

(I assert that what has happened this week could actually put together
a better format for the Finals too: A somewhat “tournament-like”
format where the Finalists perform for single spots to go forward,
kind of like American Juniors.)

But Idol has done it: They've rendered VFTW probably irrelevant for
this entire season now. I can't see any of the Thirteen being that
much of a relevant source of entertainment for these guys.

Second, Thirteen...

Bluntly, I think it was a matter that they needed a thirteenth slot to
put five women through. As I said on the top, I think the women in
this year's field are largely irrelevant anyway. This is a season for
the guys. The only woman who appears to have any relevance to make it
past about Final Six or Seven appears to be Lil' Rounds.

So, to get much of any women into the field at all, they had to expand
the field.

This should be an interesting season, but not a very entertaining one.



Mar 7, 2009, 10:15:09 AM3/7/09
On Mar 7, 1:56 am, wrote:
> Well, it's finally time.
> After the most useless set of national auditions ever (and barely less
> useless of a semifinals), the Final  THIRTEEN (!!!) have been set.
> (God, I wish I had strike-through on my USENET posts...)
> And, hence, it's time for the first edition of the Season Eight
> Political Rankings.
> (Newsgroup:  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
> I'll save a couple of you the bother.  Anyway, for those few who might
> need to be brought up to speed:
> I do not believe the votes to matter one bit.

do-do-do-this has been a recording.....

> The – show – is –
> rigged.

do-do-do-this has been a recording.....


Mar 7, 2009, 11:15:47 AM3/7/09

<> wrote in message

(Newsgroup: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)


ME: WOW! Do you think they will ever find the shooter from the Grassy Knoll?
Or release the secrets of Area 51?

Message has been deleted

Bob Rudd

Mar 8, 2009, 6:15:32 PM3/8/09
In article <d5b85181-dbb6-4626-909c-4c6908800fe9>, says...

snipping all the stuff where my DOPPLEGANGER believes AI is fixed in any
way. Attention all lawyers for: Fox, AI and the government....that's
his opinions and none of my own.

> Third, I believe that they're already on at least Plan B. I think
> that the whole idea to de-emphasize the performances, as well as to
> put out such a weak field, was a covering mechanism for Joanna
> Pacitti, who clearly already had managerial ties within 19
> Entertainment and was being groomed as the Eighth American Idol.

They did not do a very good job in vetting her, IMHO.

> Which leads me to the fourth and final point before I get to the Final
> Thirteen itself, and I believe this is the most important point of the
> season, politically:
> Who is in charge of this season? There were already statements that
> FOX was taking more charge of the American Idol process this season
> even before Joanna's exposition as an inside fraud, and I believe
> that's even made more so now afterward. I'm not so sure that TPTB who
> have selected this year's winner already are from 19 Entertainment or
> the Simon Cowell camp. I believe they are from FOX this year, and, as
> such, there will be quite some political ramification of that
> selection, as I'll explain when I get to it.

Until this year, there were two shows that Fox left alone.... AI and 24.
Now, there is one and it's 24. By "alone," I mean absolutely minimal
network interface ("hi, how are ya, ratings are solid, need anything,
any problems we should know about, see ya" in essence). That's not the
case with AI any longer. It's lost some (not a lot but some)
independence, IMHO, as both AI/TPTB realized that besides the inevitable
drop in ratings due to the show's age and the growth of cable..... the
show was rapidly skewing much older along with winners who didn't pay
off in either the short or long term. "Fine tuning" occurred and
continues to occur. Who would ever have thought Kanye West would be an
early guest on AI? That will remove a fair amount of the older viewers
when he's on, for example, as they push for a younger demo and
particularly younger voters.

> So, with that, the first installment of the Season Eight Political
> Rankings, a statement of where I believe those in control of the show

> have placed the different =3Fcompetitors=3F, at least as of right now:

> (One caveat, especially for this season: Once you get beyond about #5
> or so, there's going to be a lot of movement. It really doesn't
> appear as if TPTB (whomever they are) care that much about the order
> of finish after about #5.)

On the contrary, it's not until you get to the top six that they believe
one of that group will be the winner. Everyone else, unless they get
very lucky, are in it for a tour spot.
> Below #5, I think you can put the =3Fcompetitors=3F into two camps:
> Outright Field Filler
> Demographic/Racial =3FNecessities=3F

Ouch! I'm unwilling to describe it in those terms, Mike. They want a
diverse competition and that's a good thing.

> I think this is the weakest gender of a field in the history of the
> show. I've said, and, watching the Wild Card show as I begin to type
> this out, reassert the very real possibility they could've put only
> three women through (we ended up with five (and only because I think
> they needed to expand the field to thirteen to get five women in)),
> and these three are basically nothing short of field filler, because
> they simply do not go out and represent much of anything, either in
> the eyes of 19 or in the eyes of FOX. By this point, you had to have
> brought something to the dance that was going to justify them taking a
> look at you seriously, and they don't have it. They simply don't have
> it. They're the best of a horrific lot of females this season.
> (Spoken of the females in the field as a group here...)

I think had they have had real guts, they'd have gone with 4 women max.
However, doing that, would give those four strategical advantages IMHO
from purely a numbers game. Imagine if the first two voted out were
women. The remaining two would be almost automatic demographic locks
for the top six while the ratings would suffer from a lack of women.

> Matt, Michael, Kris
> They're good enough to be in the field. But damned if I can find
> anything that makes them much more than that. I could see the

> requisite number of them muddle through a couple of =3Fsafe songs=3F and

> make his way onto the tour with three survivals, but, other than
> that...

The blue collar guy (Michael?) brings something to the table with
country and blues, but the other two.....thanks for playing.

> Jasmine
> The =3Fother token African-American female=3F in the competition.

> And that's about it. Lil' Rounds basically has Jasmine locked out
> here. Jasmine really has to take her spot in the Final Thirteen,
> saying that she needs to work as hard as she can to go as far as she
> can on the show before she is finally eliminated. She's going to be
> part of a significant muddle in the Finals that could take two months
> to fully shake out.
> This is an opportunity for Jasmine to get heard, but, in her position,
> she cannot afford to get lost in the shuffle.

She protects Lil from an early, unexpected exit in addition to balancing
the racial mix.

> Jorge
> I list Jorge separately because I think there's something important
> here in his inclusion.
> I don't think they've had a Hispanic Finalist of any real repute (I
> think the one time they tried, the guy was busted for jacking off to
> one of the staffers before the Finals began, and quietly

> =3Fdisqualified=3F...) in all the years of American Idol, so that's why I
> put him as kind of a =3Fnecessity=3F. Although I do not believe the votes

> are really counted, I think, in Jorge's specific case, they may look
> at the amount of support he is garnering (perhaps by ratings demos or

> whatever) to determine how far into the =3Fcompetition=3F he gets. I

> think the people at 19 and FOX are both taking a look at the Hispanic
> demographic here, and this could be an interesting call on their part.

That's why they went to Puerto Rico. A hot, Latin AI winner was, I
think, their initial goal. Jorge doesn't fit that. However, the moment
he spoke Spanish, the game may well have changed in ways that we won't
fully understand until after the season. Notice Tat tried to copy it
the next night? Allison would be smart to work "Telemundo" in, asap.

> And now, to the last five:
> #5: Anoop
> They're pushing Anoop. I think it's a question of how far they want
> to push Anoop.

> It's clear to me that tonight's =3Ftwist stunt=3F (which would still put

> the Grand Final on May 26-27, within the sweeps period) was a Jordin

> Sparks moment =3F they want people to have sympathy for Anoop, so that

> the show can push the guy. He was seen as a Grand Final contender in
> the early examinations.
> The problem is that it's clear that something is missing here. How

> many more chances, really, is Anoop going to get =3F this is probably

> his third already?? (Loses the week, appears to lose the wild-card as
> well...)

Anoop is a demographic wonder. The Sparks analogy may be on to
something. However, in the "Slumdog Millionaire" year, an Indian who
favors hip-hop/rap and who has a Southern accent (when he wants it) may
well be gold in a Fort Knox sized bar.

> #4: Scott
> This is clearly exploitative. I don't think I need to tell you why.
> I've believed that, whenever they can, American Idol openly exploits
> the contestants for their own ends, especially if they can work that

> exploitation into a =3Fstoryline=3F about the contestant, as they can
> here.

It's television and business, of course they, and everyone, exploits the
contestants. That's not "fixed," that's just real life.

> The thing about Scott is that I truly believe that they can do
> something with him, and he can do something with what TPTB are doing.
> I could definitely see a potential that Scott gets the opportunity
> (for whatever purpose TPTB wish to give it to him), seizes it, and
> actually makes enough of himself that someone actually takes a chance
> on him (certainly not a major-label effort, but enough that can make
> some degree of hay while the sun shines), and people will buy his
> records (part for the storyline, part because he does have some nice
> degree of talent).
> The only problem with him not going higher is that I don't see how

> TPTB can place him higher than any of the other three =3Fcompetitors=3F

> I'm about to list.

He's the sleeper, the true sleeper to win the whole thing. Don't kid
yourself about this.

> #3 Lil' Rounds

> I get the impression that she's been around the block in the business
> a couple of times already. She really sounds like she could almost
> fall into this Salt 'n' Pepa mode and go rap and hard-R&B her way
> through, but I'm not sure that TPTB of American Idol are going to
> accept that.

> The thing is that Lil' Rounds is the only woman in this season who
> appears to have any real impetus behind her, both talent-wise and
> politically. Though the show has had a number of Whitney-clones, I
> think Lil' Rounds could go someplace that the show has not gone yet,
> but is that a place where TPTB want to go?

> I get the sense that Lil' Rounds could be a very relevant person in
> today's music industry, but NOT in a way that a conservative group
> like FOX want her to. She could probably fill a hole that 19
> Entertainment have had over the course of time, but that's going to
> come down to whether 19 gets the chance to get their hands on her.

The Brits have always been in love with the idea that they can
find/create the next Whitney. Problem is that they come up with Barrino
and Barrino-likes. Do not, however, underestimate, the power of Af-Am's
voting en masse, especially if they see a Hispanic with the potential to
go further.

BTW, Whitney is so 90's, why do the Brits want to go back there, I've
never understood?

> #2 Adam Lambert

> To be Simon's favorite at this point means a lot.

Don't bet the ranch, based on one report, that he is.

> I think it comes down to a question as to whom is in control here. If
> 19 is in control, or if something happens to Danny, I think Adam can
> be the winner of the show. However, I do not believe 19 is in control
> here, and, save something coming out about Danny and/or his church, I
> think Adam is looking a loss in the Grand Final in the face (if they
> don't put someone like Lil' Rounds above Adam).

> Most any other season, he probably enters the Finals at #1.

Adam may have a larger PR issue than his simply being an out gay. We're
a much more open and accepting society, even in our most conservative
areas. However, that drag kissing picture moves from simply being gay
(and who cares?) to, possibly, a different level of what many/most
consider a norm.

> #1 Danny Gokey

> ... but I believe that this season belongs to FOX, not 19
> Entertainment.

> In so doing, I think that one has to understand that FOX, as a media
> company, is very conservative, (VERY hypocritical about it,) trying to
> ram religion down our throats at almost any turn they can, and every
> negative stereotype of the Religious Right (especially the hypocrisy).

It's not the religious aspect. He's got the best backstory, etc. of
anyone going this year, short of possibly Scott.

> This is why I think Danny Gokey is this year's David Archuleta: He's
> the winner IF something doesn't come out about him, the people around
> him, or the church he represents. There's the very real chance, in
> the same motion, that such could come out, because I believe such a
> foil exists, much as it did for Archuleta last year.

I'll take ng heat, as the ng is largely a Cook crowd, but there are a
significant number of Archie fans who felt Cook exploited his brother to
win. Now, like the political hatred of Clinton/Bush people for each
other, a fair number of the Archie crowd, see someone like Archuleta
with a personal backstory that is stronger than Cook's and a guy who is
more like Archuleta in jondra etc..... and think that turnabout is fair
play. Already the strongest Cook fans are saying how Gokey is
exploiting his deceased wife. It's Bill vs. W. in terms of the most
rabid supporters in this regard. Remember who followed Bill Clinton
into office almost as the "anti-Clinton?"

> Take-Home Points:

> First, I would like to congratulate American Idol on one very
> important point:

> They have successfully Worst-Proofed the field.

No, but they have the biggest/largest/whatever discrepancy between the
haves and have nots, in terms of "can you win?" that they've ever had.
For half the field, it would take a miracle to be seriously considered
as a potential winner and that's never happened before right from the

> VFTW is not going to like this season at all. Their choices have been
> summarily slapped in the face, they've been slapped in the face, and I
> am quite surprised that someone hasn't come out and said that the show
> is openly attempting to discredit the website to the point of

> irrelevancy. This is not going to be an =3Fentertaining=3F season for

> American Idol, in the eyes of VFTW.

This goes hand in hand with what I said above. The first half of the
season (contestants) VFTW can have their pick of the litter. The second
half, they got nothing in terms of influence because in the top half,
everyone is viable and legit to win.

> This should be an interesting season, but not a very entertaining one.

> Mike

I think it might be the most interesting and entertaining that we've had
in a long time due to the way it has shaken out to a top 13 already.

Talent lovers may not like it, but those who view AI as beyond a talent
show.... are in for a season of true entertainment. :-)

I hope we can all be good neighbors online!

Mar 10, 2009, 9:10:42 AM3/10/09
On Mar 8, 3:15 pm, Bob Rudd <> wrote:
> In article <d5b85181-dbb6-4626-909c-4c6908800fe9
>>, says...

> snipping all the stuff where my DOPPLEGANGER believes AI is fixed in any
> way.  Attention all lawyers for: Fox, AI and the government....that's
> his opinions and none of my own.

I think they can figure that out for themselves.

> > Third, I believe that they're already on at least Plan B.  I think
> > that the whole idea to de-emphasize the performances, as well as to
> > put out such a weak field, was a covering mechanism for Joanna
> > Pacitti, who clearly already had managerial ties within 19
> > Entertainment and was being groomed as the Eighth American Idol.
> They did not do a very good job in vetting her, IMHO.

They didn't vet her. The whole point was to have it slide through and
let her win the season and deal with it all later if it came out.

With the effective nullification of "Prohibited Practices in Contests
of Skill and Chance", AI and 19 felt like they could do whatever they
wanted, including an inside fraud winner.

> > Which leads me to the fourth and final point before I get to the Final
> > Thirteen itself, and I believe this is the most important point of the
> > season, politically:
> > Who is in charge of this season?

> Until this year, there were two shows that Fox left alone.... AI and 24.  

> Now, there is one and it's 24.  By "alone," I mean absolutely minimal
> network interface ("hi, how are ya, ratings are solid, need anything,
> any problems we should know about, see ya" in essence).  That's not the
> case with AI any longer.  It's lost some (not a lot but some)
> independence, IMHO, as both AI/TPTB realized that besides the inevitable
> drop in ratings due to the show's age and the growth of cable..... the
> show was rapidly skewing much older along with winners who didn't pay
> off in either the short or long term.  "Fine tuning" occurred and
> continues to occur.  Who would ever have thought Kanye West would be an
> early guest on AI?  That will remove a fair amount of the older viewers
> when he's on, for example, as they push for a younger demo and
> particularly younger voters.

Make me barf, for one part.

Secondly, if that's the case, you'd figure they'd have two or three
more Af-Am hip-hoppers too.

> > (One caveat, especially for this season:  Once you get beyond about #5
> > or so, there's going to be a lot of movement.  It really doesn't
> > appear as if TPTB (whomever they are) care that much about the order
> > of finish after about #5.)
> On the contrary, it's not until you get to the top six that they believe
> one of that group will be the winner.  Everyone else, unless they get
> very lucky, are in it for a tour spot.

I believe the winner has already been selected -- it's a matter of
which group is in control.

> > Below #5, I think you can put the =3Fcompetitors=3F into two camps:
> > Outright Field Filler
> > Demographic/Racial =3FNecessities=3F
> Ouch!  I'm unwilling to describe it in those terms, Mike.  They want a
> diverse competition and that's a good thing.

That what makes it a "necessity". I don't like to be tolerant simply
to be politically correct. Call bullshit bullshit and be done with
it. They do it because it's a necessity for political correctness'

Of course, you believe the votes actually matter, so I can see our
difference of opinion there.

> I think had they have had real guts, they'd have gone with 4 women max.  
> However, doing that, would give those four strategical advantages IMHO
> from purely a numbers game. Imagine if the first two voted out were
> women.  The remaining two would be almost automatic demographic locks
> for the top six while the ratings would suffer from a lack of women.

Lil' Rounds is going to be around anyway -- one gets that.

The problem is: who else really deserves to go through? I could only
see the advantage if one of the other ladies went Kitty-Kat McPhee/
Haley Scarnato on the mess and became America's Fan Service.
Otherwise, who's really going to care?

> > Matt, Michael, Kris
> > They're good enough to be in the field.  But damned if I can find
> > anything that makes them much more than that.  I could see the
> > requisite number of them muddle through a couple of =3Fsafe songs=3F and
> > make his way onto the tour with three survivals, but, other than
> > that...
> The blue collar guy (Michael?) brings something to the table with
> country and blues, but the other two.....thanks for playing.

That might get Michael some love, but only a limited amount.

> > Jasmine

> She protects Lil from an early, unexpected exit in addition to balancing
> the racial mix.

How? It's clear that Lil has the skills to fit the bills...

Unless you figure that, with only Lil in the process, they'd stop

> > Jorge
> > I list Jorge separately because I think there's something important
> > here in his inclusion.

> That's why they went to Puerto Rico.  A hot, Latin AI winner was, I

> think, their initial goal.  Jorge doesn't fit that. However, the moment
> he spoke Spanish, the game may well have changed in ways that we won't
> fully understand until after the season.  Notice Tat tried to copy it
> the next night?  Allison would be smart to work "Telemundo" in, asap.

That'd expose Allison as the ringer she is.

As for Jorge, he's the best they've got in that regard. If they're
really looking for a Ricky Martin/Shakira, though, then...

> > #5:  Anoop

> Anoop is a demographic wonder.  The Sparks analogy may be on to
> something.  However, in the "Slumdog Millionaire" year, an Indian who
> favors hip-hop/rap and who has a Southern accent (when he wants it) may
> well be gold in a Fort Knox sized bar.

I think they're pushing him right now, and that's why I have him in
the numbered top five. I can't see anyone else really breaking this
top five without a shock situation or with people just telling AI
"Enough of Anoop..." It's clear that he's being pushed in that
sympathy manner that pushed Jordin Sparks to the title season six.

> > #4:  Scott

> It's television and business, of course they, and everyone, exploits the
> contestants.  That's not "fixed," that's just real life.

And it makes me freaking vomit.

Scott, for all his talent, would not be on this show if he weren't
blind and TPTB decided to try to exploit it for a few more bucks, in
one form or another.

> > The only problem with him not going higher is that I don't see how
> > TPTB can place him higher than any of the other three =3Fcompetitors=3F
> > I'm about to list.
> He's the sleeper, the true sleeper to win the whole thing. Don't kid
> yourself about this.

You think you could market a blind person _in this day and age_??
Even if you feel you could, do you believe he would have enough of a
level of talent to compare to a Stevie Wonder?

> > #3 Lil' Rounds

> The Brits have always been in love with the idea that they can
> find/create the next Whitney.  Problem is that they come up with Barrino
> and Barrino-likes.  Do not, however, underestimate, the power of Af-Am's
> voting en masse, especially if they see a Hispanic with the potential to
> go further.

Are you insinuating a race war on the AI vote lines?

> BTW, Whitney is so 90's, why do the Brits want to go back there, I've
> never understood?

Whiney Houston was a mistake to be foisted on the music industry, as
now everyone is either trying to copy her or Mariah.

> > #2 Adam Lambert

> > To be Simon's favorite at this point means a lot.
> Don't bet the ranch, based on one report, that he is.

I said "at this point". That can change. Simon hasn't said "He
should win.", but what he did say was important, and that's why he was
pressed for it.

> Adam may have a larger PR issue than his simply being an out gay.  We're
> a much more open and accepting society, even in our most conservative
> areas.  However, that drag kissing picture moves from simply being gay
> (and who cares?) to, possibly, a different level of what many/most
> consider a norm.

No. Don't freaking fool yourselves.

If he's an out gay, he's only on the show long enough to serve TPTB's
purposes, and is either the shock elimination or he's the losing Grand
Finalist. If the pictures come out on a national scale, he's
disqualified en masque the next week.

We are not a tolerant society vis-a-vis gays. No freaking way. If
most Americans had their way, they'd gas all the homosexuals and those
who support them. Don't fool yourself.

Clay Aiken should've been the winner of season two, and the fact that
Fox believed he was gay stopped that. Look at all the credibility
they lost when Aiken kicked Studdard's ample ass all over the sales

> > #1 Danny Gokey

> It's not the religious aspect.  He's got the best backstory, etc. of
> anyone going this year, short of possibly Scott.

That backstory IS the religious aspect. And that religious aspect is
exploitative too.

> I'll take ng heat, as the ng is largely a Cook crowd, but there are a
> significant number of Archie fans who felt Cook exploited his brother to
> win.

Sure there was an exploitative there too - but the thing is that it
wouldn't matter. TPTB were grooming Archuleta to be the Idol for

> Now, like the political hatred of Clinton/Bush people for each
> other, a fair number of the Archie crowd, see someone like Archuleta
> with a personal backstory that is stronger than Cook's and a guy who is
> more like Archuleta in jondra etc..... and think that turnabout is fair
> play.  Already the strongest Cook fans are saying how Gokey is
> exploiting his deceased wife.  It's Bill vs. W. in terms of the most
> rabid supporters in this regard.  Remember who followed Bill Clinton
> into office almost as the "anti-Clinton?"

*vomit* A fascist pig who should be tried on war crimes and hung once
he's found guilty.

> > Take-Home Points:
> > First, I would like to congratulate American Idol on one very
> > important point:
> > They have successfully Worst-Proofed the field.
> No, but they have the biggest/largest/whatever discrepancy between the
> haves and have nots, in terms of "can you win?" that they've ever had.  
> For half the field, it would take a miracle to be seriously considered
> as a potential winner and that's never happened before right from the
> start.

That's not the same thing. They basically took the field and
eliminated all the frauds and freaks and people who VFTW would find
entertaining. Unless someone just goes Sanjaya on the mess during the
Finals, VFTW isn't going to like this.

And that was the idea.

> > VFTW is not going to like this season at all.  Their choices have been
> > summarily slapped in the face, they've been slapped in the face, and I
> > am quite surprised that someone hasn't come out and said that the show
> > is openly attempting to discredit the website to the point of
> > irrelevancy.  This is not going to be an =3Fentertaining=3F season for
> > American Idol, in the eyes of VFTW.
> This goes hand in hand with what I said above.  The first half of the
> season (contestants) VFTW can have their pick of the litter. The second
> half, they got nothing in terms of influence because in the top half,
> everyone is viable and legit to win.

They're not that good, but are they entertainingly bad?


Bob Rudd

Mar 10, 2009, 12:44:44 PM3/10/09
In article <9f6d7c87-7b5f-4230-9003->,
> Subject: Re: Political Rankings -- Season 8, Week 1
> From: <>
> Newsgroups:

> On Mar 8, 3:15 pm, Bob Rudd <> wrote:
> > In article <d5b85181-dbb6-4626-909c-4c6908800fe9
> >>, says...
> >
> > snipping all the stuff where my DOPPLEGANGER believes AI is fixed in any
> > way.  Attention all lawyers for: Fox, AI and the government....that's
> > his opinions and none of my own.
> I think they can figure that out for themselves.

I just want them to be very clear where to drop off the legal papers.

> > > Third, I believe that they're already on at least Plan B.  I think
> > > that the whole idea to de-emphasize the performances, as well as to
> > > put out such a weak field, was a covering mechanism for Joanna
> > > Pacitti, who clearly already had managerial ties within 19
> > > Entertainment and was being groomed as the Eighth American Idol.
> >
> > They did not do a very good job in vetting her, IMHO.
> They didn't vet her. The whole point was to have it slide through and
> let her win the season and deal with it all later if it came out.

They vet everyone. Some though, poorly, fall through the cracks. She
was one.

> With the effective nullification of "Prohibited Practices in Contests
> of Skill and Chance", AI and 19 felt like they could do whatever they
> wanted, including an inside fraud winner.
> > > Which leads me to the fourth and final point before I get to the Final
> > > Thirteen itself, and I believe this is the most important point of the
> > > season, politically:
> >
> > > Who is in charge of this season?
> > Until this year, there were two shows that Fox left alone.... AI and 24.  
> > Now, there is one and it's 24.  By "alone," I mean absolutely minimal
> > network interface ("hi, how are ya, ratings are solid, need anything,
> > any problems we should know about, see ya" in essence).  That's not the
> > case with AI any longer.  It's lost some (not a lot but some)
> > independence, IMHO, as both AI/TPTB realized that besides the inevitable
> > drop in ratings due to the show's age and the growth of cable..... the
> > show was rapidly skewing much older along with winners who didn't pay
> > off in either the short or long term.  "Fine tuning" occurred and
> > continues to occur.  Who would ever have thought Kanye West would be an
> > early guest on AI?  That will remove a fair amount of the older viewers
> > when he's on, for example, as they push for a younger demo and
> > particularly younger voters.
> Make me barf, for one part.
> Secondly, if that's the case, you'd figure they'd have two or three
> more Af-Am hip-hoppers too.

Give them time.

> > I think had they have had real guts, they'd have gone with 4 women max.  
> > However, doing that, would give those four strategical advantages IMHO
> > from purely a numbers game. Imagine if the first two voted out were
> > women.  The remaining two would be almost automatic demographic locks
> > for the top six while the ratings would suffer from a lack of women.
> Lil' Rounds is going to be around anyway -- one gets that.
> The problem is: who else really deserves to go through? I could only
> see the advantage if one of the other ladies went Kitty-Kat McPhee/
> Haley Scarnato on the mess and became America's Fan Service.
> Otherwise, who's really going to care?
> > > Matt, Michael, Kris
> >
> > > They're good enough to be in the field.  But damned if I can find
> > > anything that makes them much more than that.  I could see the
> > > requisite number of them muddle through a couple of =3Fsafe songs=3F and
> > > make his way onto the tour with three survivals, but, other than
> > > that...
> >
> > The blue collar guy (Michael?) brings something to the table with
> > country and blues, but the other two.....thanks for playing.
> That might get Michael some love, but only a limited amount.

If Michael gets by the first week, he'll hang for a couple more.

> >
> > > Jasmine
> > She protects Lil from an early, unexpected exit in addition to balancing
> > the racial mix.
> How? It's clear that Lil has the skills to fit the bills...
> Unless you figure that, with only Lil in the process, they'd stop
> watching...

Early on that's possible and, whoops, there goes Lil.

> > > Jorge
> >
> > > I list Jorge separately because I think there's something important
> > > here in his inclusion.
> > That's why they went to Puerto Rico.  A hot, Latin AI winner was, I
> > think, their initial goal.  Jorge doesn't fit that. However, the moment
> > he spoke Spanish, the game may well have changed in ways that we won't
> > fully understand until after the season.  Notice Tat tried to copy it
> > the next night?  Allison would be smart to work "Telemundo" in, asap.
> That'd expose Allison as the ringer she is.

Everyone knows. She'll use it because first she has to knock out
Jorge and be the last Latin(o)(a) standing and then she goes after the
rest. She's pretty young though and that's a business knock against

> As for Jorge, he's the best they've got in that regard. If they're
> really looking for a Ricky Martin/Shakira, though, then...

Jorge just isn't hot enough to win, though he could go far. His English
could use some work as well. They wanted Ricky Martin and Jorge is a
couple of rungs lower on the ladder.

> > > #5:  Anoop
> > Anoop is a demographic wonder.  The Sparks analogy may be on to
> > something.  However, in the "Slumdog Millionaire" year, an Indian who
> > favors hip-hop/rap and who has a Southern accent (when he wants it) may
> > well be gold in a Fort Knox sized bar.
> I think they're pushing him right now, and that's why I have him in
> the numbered top five. I can't see anyone else really breaking this
> top five without a shock situation or with people just telling AI
> "Enough of Anoop..." It's clear that he's being pushed in that
> sympathy manner that pushed Jordin Sparks to the title season six.

Anoop is the safety valve and a serious competitor, two for the price of
one. They get top 40, not adult contemporary, with him and he can go
rap or hip-hop. That's a strong way to get the demos out of the over 40
group and back to what they want, 12-24 female.

> > > #4:  Scott
> > It's television and business, of course they, and everyone, exploits the
> > contestants.  That's not "fixed," that's just real life.
> And it makes me freaking vomit.
> Scott, for all his talent, would not be on this show if he weren't
> blind and TPTB decided to try to exploit it for a few more bucks, in
> one form or another.
> > > The only problem with him not going higher is that I don't see how
> > > TPTB can place him higher than any of the other three =3Fcompetitors=3F
> > > I'm about to list.
> >
> > He's the sleeper, the true sleeper to win the whole thing. Don't kid
> > yourself about this.
> You think you could market a blind person _in this day and age_??
> Even if you feel you could, do you believe he would have enough of a
> level of talent to compare to a Stevie Wonder?

Yeah, I think it could be done.

> > > #3 Lil' Rounds
> > The Brits have always been in love with the idea that they can
> > find/create the next Whitney.  Problem is that they come up with Barrino
> > and Barrino-likes.  Do not, however, underestimate, the power of Af-Am's
> > voting en masse, especially if they see a Hispanic with the potential to
> > go further.
> Are you insinuating a race war on the AI vote lines?

Race has always been a factor in AI. When Kim Locke beat Gracin out for
3rd, Studdard was guaranteed to win AI2. Had Gracin won 3rd, Aiken
would have been AI.

This is third rail, people don't like to say/talk/admit it but many vote
according to those who represent them. That might be race, socio-
economic background, religion, sexual orientation etc. but it does
happen and more than anyone cares to say.

Look at previous years with more than two black contestants, for
example. One goes down, another goes down and the final one standing
makes it pretty far. The votes transfer along the racial line in a
number of cases. Happens for other groups as well.

> > BTW, Whitney is so 90's, why do the Brits want to go back there, I've
> > never understood?
> Whiney Houston was a mistake to be foisted on the music industry, as
> now everyone is either trying to copy her or Mariah.

The Brits want to have another version here. They saw the same in Leona
Lewis and want an American clone, in their perfect world.

moves from simply being gay


Bob Rudd

Mar 10, 2009, 12:49:45 PM3/10/09
In article <9f6d7c87-7b5f-4230-9003->,
> > > #2 Adam Lambert
> > > To be Simon's favorite at this point means a lot.
> >
> > Don't bet the ranch, based on one report, that he is.
> I said "at this point". That can change. Simon hasn't said "He
> should win.", but what he did say was important, and that's why he was
> pressed for it.
> > Adam may have a larger PR issue than his simply being an out gay.  We're
> > a much more open and accepting society, even in our most conservative
> > areas.  However, that drag kissing picture moves from simply being gay
> > (and who cares?) to, possibly, a different level of what many/most
> > consider a norm.
> No. Don't freaking fool yourselves.
> If he's an out gay, he's only on the show long enough to serve TPTB's
> purposes, and is either the shock elimination or he's the losing Grand
> Finalist. If the pictures come out on a national scale, he's
> disqualified en masque the next week.

> We are not a tolerant society vis-a-vis gays. No freaking way. If
> most Americans had their way, they'd gas all the homosexuals and those
> who support them. Don't fool yourself.
> Clay Aiken should've been the winner of season two, and the fact that
> Fox believed he was gay stopped that. Look at all the credibility
> they lost when Aiken kicked Studdard's ample ass all over the sales
> figures.

Boy do we disagree here, especially on the physical harm to gays. I
totally divorce myself from your view on this, just so we are clear.

I will say that, depending on Adam's judgment, relative to a picture or
two, not all, and what I'm guessing is some deep digging by the tabloids
at the moment, being gay won't get him eliminated but his choices of
material posted on the net etc. might help in that regard.

> > > #1 Danny Gokey
> > It's not the religious aspect.  He's got the best backstory, etc. of
> > anyone going this year, short of possibly Scott.
> That backstory IS the religious aspect. And that religious aspect is
> exploitative too.
> > I'll take ng heat, as the ng is largely a Cook crowd, but there are a
> > significant number of Archie fans who felt Cook exploited his brother to
> > win.
> Sure there was an exploitative there too - but the thing is that it
> wouldn't matter. TPTB were grooming Archuleta to be the Idol for
> years.
> > Now, like the political hatred of Clinton/Bush people for each
> > other, a fair number of the Archie crowd, see someone like Archuleta
> > with a personal backstory that is stronger than Cook's and a guy who is
> > more like Archuleta in jondra etc..... and think that turnabout is fair
> > play.  Already the strongest Cook fans are saying how Gokey is
> > exploiting his deceased wife.  It's Bill vs. W. in terms of the most
> > rabid supporters in this regard.  Remember who followed Bill Clinton
> > into office almost as the "anti-Clinton?"
> *vomit* A fascist pig who should be tried on war crimes and hung once
> he's found guilty.

Total disagreement again. The Clinton-Bush camps analogy is close to
spot on with the strongest supporters of Cook-Archuleta. Danny is the
Archuleta's camp revenge.


Mar 10, 2009, 2:05:05 PM3/10/09
On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:49:45 -0400, Bob Rudd <> wrote:

| > > Now, like the political hatred of Clinton/Bush people for each
| > > other, a fair number of the Archie crowd, see someone like Archuleta
| > > with a personal backstory that is stronger than Cook's and a guy who is
| > > more like Archuleta in jondra etc..... and think that turnabout is fair
| > > play.  Already the strongest Cook fans are saying how Gokey is
| > > exploiting his deceased wife.  It's Bill vs. W. in terms of the most
| > > rabid supporters in this regard.  Remember who followed Bill Clinton
| > > into office almost as the "anti-Clinton?"
| >
| > *vomit* A fascist pig who should be tried on war crimes and hung once
| > he's found guilty.
| Total disagreement again. The Clinton-Bush camps analogy is close to
| spot on with the strongest supporters of Cook-Archuleta. Danny is the
| Archuleta's camp revenge.

I wish they were a little better armed. Danny isn't qualified to carry Archie's
jockstrap, IMO. <ducking and running>


Bob Rudd

Mar 10, 2009, 2:15:35 PM3/10/09
In article <>, says...

No need to duck and run. Danny not exploiting his deceased wife, in the
minds of many Archie fans, unlike, well, we know the story from last
year. There is a bit of revenge factor by some Archie fans for what was
seen as playing the pity card by Cook last year.

Micki Epstein

Mar 10, 2009, 2:51:42 PM3/10/09

I know you are going to come back with "of course Micki says this - she
was a Cook fan and isn't a Danny fan but I have to say it anyway. You have
it backwards. David didn't exploit his brother and Danny IS exploiting his
dead wife.


Bob Rudd

Mar 10, 2009, 4:20:21 PM3/10/09
In article <1euxw7oam5imh.6cadjgdz6his$>, says...

I wasn't going to name you, in fact truly I hadn't noticed that you fit
the bill, Micki.

We'll never agree, Cook exploited his brother and won, in no small part,
because of it. Danny is not doing so, and is likely to win because he
has not done so.

For the most stringent of Cookies, payback can be a you know what.
Nothing personal to you.

Micki Epstein

Mar 10, 2009, 4:57:16 PM3/10/09

See Bob, I knew that once I said it you'd come back with what you did :)
You're right - we'll never agree. Whoops, we just did ;)




Mar 10, 2009, 5:04:16 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 2:05 pm, Larc <> wrote:

Do you really think we've seen enough of what Danny can do yet?


Mar 10, 2009, 6:03:53 PM3/10/09
Bob Rudd wrote:

> We'll never agree, Cook exploited his brother and won, in no small part,
> because of it. Danny is not doing so, and is likely to win because he has
> not done so.

ROTFLMAO It's almost like a really a bad joke.

What a world, what a world.



Mar 10, 2009, 6:36:56 PM3/10/09

Maybe not, but I'm just not impressed so far. Of course I'll admit that could



Mar 10, 2009, 7:56:19 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 9:49 am, Bob Rudd <> wrote:
> In article <9f6d7c87-7b5f-4230-9003-

Wow, no kidding, that poster has shown himself to be a real whack job!

> I hope we can all be good neighbors online!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Mar 10, 2009, 7:57:01 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 11:05 am, Larc <> wrote:

Oh please, his pinkie could carry that!


Mar 10, 2009, 7:58:23 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 11:15 am, Bob Rudd <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> I hope we can all be good neighbors online!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


It never gets old, you incessantly repeating CRAP.


Mar 10, 2009, 7:58:53 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 11:51 am, Micki Epstein <> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:15:35 -0400, Bob Rudd wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> Micki- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

How is Danny, what has he done?


Mar 10, 2009, 7:59:36 PM3/10/09
On Mar 10, 1:20 pm, Bob Rudd <> wrote:
> In article <1euxw7oam5imh.6cadjgdz6his$>,
> says...

> > On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:15:35 -0400, Bob Rudd wrote:
> > > In article <>,
> > > says...
> I hope we can all be good neighbors online!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -


Bob Rudd

Mar 10, 2009, 8:49:37 PM3/10/09
In article <>, says...

The truth sometime, as in this case, hurts.


Mar 11, 2009, 1:26:50 AM3/11/09
On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 20:49:37 -0400, Bob Rudd <>

>In article <>,

Bob, put down the crack pipe. Danny exploited his dead wife more in
the audition rounds than Cook did in the entire season of the show.
He's already seen, and commented on the backlash from doing it. If
he's smart he'll keep her in her grave for the rest of the season, but
I'm betting she makes it on the air a few more times.

Bob Rudd

Mar 11, 2009, 1:32:40 AM3/11/09
In article <>,

Sorry BOH, Cook set the standard and Cokey's a more innocent game player
than Cook, who's the smartest game player that AI has ever had.


Mar 11, 2009, 1:42:44 AM3/11/09
On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 01:32:40 -0400, Bob Rudd <>

>In article <>,
>> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 20:49:37 -0400, Bob Rudd <>
>> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> > says...
>> >> Bob Rudd wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > We'll never agree, Cook exploited his brother and won, in no small part,
>> >> > because of it. Danny is not doing so, and is likely to win because he has
>> >> > not done so.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> It's almost like a really a bad joke.
>> >>
>> >> What a world, what a world.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >The truth sometime, as in this case, hurts.
>> Bob, put down the crack pipe. Danny exploited his dead wife more in
>> the audition rounds than Cook did in the entire season of the show.
>> He's already seen, and commented on the backlash from doing it. If
>> he's smart he'll keep her in her grave for the rest of the season, but
>> I'm betting she makes it on the air a few more times.
>Sorry BOH, Cook set the standard and Cokey's a more innocent game player
>than Cook, who's the smartest game player that AI has ever had.

He had his friend hold up a picture of him and his dead wife during
his overwraught inspirational song. My mouth is more innocent than he


Mar 11, 2009, 1:49:29 AM3/11/09
On Mar 10, 10:42 pm, Bigolhomo <> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 01:32:40 -0400, Bob Rudd <>
> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >says...
> >> On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 20:49:37 -0400, Bob Rudd <>
> >> wrote:
> >> >In article <>,
> >> > says...

> >> >> Bob Rudd wrote:
> >> >> > We'll never agree, Cook exploited his brother and won, in no small part,
> >> >> > because of it.  Danny is not doing so, and is likely to win because he has
> >> >> > not done so.
> >> >> ROTFLMAO
> >> >>    It's almost like a really a bad joke.
> >> >> What a world, what a world.
> >> >The truth sometime, as in this case, hurts.
> >> Bob, put down the crack pipe.  Danny exploited his dead wife more in
> >> the audition rounds than Cook did in the entire season of the show.
> >> He's already seen, and commented on the backlash from doing it.  If
> >> he's smart he'll keep her in her grave for the rest of the season, but
> >> I'm betting she makes it on the air a few more times.
> >Sorry BOH, Cook set the standard and Cokey's a more innocent game player
> >than Cook, who's the smartest game player that AI has ever had.
> He had his friend

HE did or the producers did?

> hold up a picture of him and his dead wife during
> his overwraught inspirational song.  My mouth is more innocent than he

> is.-

I dont even wanna go there. UGH!

Bob Rudd

Mar 11, 2009, 1:50:35 AM3/11/09
In article <>,

There is no proof that he had his friend do it. OTOH, Cook had his
brother's initials all around him, in addition to all the mentions he
"didn't want" in various publications but that he always spoke about.


Mar 11, 2009, 4:31:23 AM3/11/09

"Bob Rudd" <> wrote in message



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